“It is not the facts about the vulnerable but the feelings of the powerful that are to be protected. The language used to attain this goal is very carefully chosen.” – Timothy Snyder, Professor of History

Fact: Both white Christians and Arab Muslims understand this, and wield their revisionist histories like a knife. Such history has an extreme purpose! To paint a distorted or backwards picture by social narrative – thus, proving in the minds of others that the minority is the true existential threat, and that the religious majority is being threaten and abused by this structurally oppressed minority.

White Christianity distorts and erases history to protect the future white supremacy of Christians – for if your children knew the honest historical truths, they might “feel bad” and do something Constitutionally about structured racism in the nation. Likewise, Arab Marxist and Islamic causes distort and erase history to force “every inch” of the Middle East to be under Arab rule, preferably under Islamic rule, and willingly embrace the rhettoric of Nazism and armed terrorism to achieve this goal – for if your children knew the honest historical truths, they might choose to hate “Jews” *less* and actually demand *democractic governments* for their Arab nations.

Even the United States was not a democratic nation until very recently, since the Civil Rights Act of 1968 to be precise. Before this, it was a black, brown, and indigenous oppressing white Christian Republic. And there has never been a democratic nation in the Middle East, until Jews fought the occupying British – who were pitting Palestinian Jews and Arabs against each other (yes, that white supremacy method of control!) – that resulted in Jews declaring Israeli sovereignty and democratic independence (1948, which led to aspirations for Arab nationalism in the 1950’s).

Israel, the world’s only nation comprised of a minority of indigenous and immigrant Palestinian Jews and a majority of refugee Jews who were violently expelled by host nations from across the Middle East, North Africa, and Europe. The world’s only nation comprised of primarily *refugees* (U.N. recognized) and the Middle East’s only democracy, that guarantees by law representation of its Arab Israeli population (the other half of Palestinian Arabs that stayed in Israel, after the British instigated civil war in Palestine, the “nakba”). For this boldness of the Judean indigenous, the PLO (a terrorist group founded in 1964) arose, funded by Egypt and the Arab League (since 1993, funded by the Palestinian Authority); and Hamas (a terrorist group founded in 2007 by the PA) arose, funded by Iran, two years after Israel mandating Gaza to be entirely Jew-free for the first time in its history.

Whether it is the white supremacist West or the Islamic supremacist Middle East, *both* do not call their terrorist groups terrorists but “good people.” White Christians who are feeling victimized and defending white liberty and respect for their white Christian demiGod idol (white nationalists and Evangelical Christians, descendants of the heyday years of the Klu Klux Klan). And, likewise, Arab sons and daughters who are martyrs for the Islamic cause of Muslim conquest, prepared in their violent hate to establish Sharia law wherever Allah does not yet fully rule (Hezbollah, Al Qaeda, Islamic Jihad, Hamas, PLO, ISIS).

Thus, the historic oppressers – Christianity and Islam – become in narrative, yet again, the truly victimized who need to reestablish rule upon those weaker by way of their forms of structural racism. They plan and coordinate the social narratives with expert precision, portraying themselves as the innocent non-violent victims just defending themselves, and their oppressed minorities and sympathizers as the thugs, terrorists, sub-humans, and invaders from “shithole” countries. And they need an ultimate bogeyman (“monsters used to scare/indoctrinate children”) to hate – this would be “the Jews,” then followed by “blacks,” … eventually leading to the demonizing of undesirables of their own supremacist clans.

This is why we need professors such as Timothy Snyder publicly writing and teaching. Because to avoid social national falls into tyranny, we *must* understand the tools most often applied by dictatorships and religious extremists. Revisionist history that always restates and ensures the Christian-white/Muslim innocence and exceptionalism, even to the point of declaring victimhood from the very peoples who are oppressed under their social structures of supremacy. “Memory Laws” are the go to method of fundamentalist religions and autocrats, whatever doesn’t support the narrative is criminalized. Targeted marginalization and murder soon follows to ensure the order.

This is what is happening to the Palestinians being victimized by the PA and Hamas terror group dictatorships (only because these groups have failed to successfully infiltrate Israeli defenses to commit genocide, thus ethnically cleansing “From the River to the Sea”). And this is what is reemerging, yet again, in the United States – where armed and violent white Christian thugs can mount an insurrection on the nation’s Capitol and, in sympathetic response, States across the nation quickly enact racially restrictive voter laws that harken back to the Jim Crow era in order to pacify their white grievance.

A war on history *is* a war on democracy, and the cruelty *is* the point! The United States experiment with actual democracy is only *53 years old*, and whites, overall, now want their pre-1968 USA back. We who study history and learn from history *MUST* be the louder voices to the masses, or even more suffering is upon us!

The War on History Is a War on Democracy


“Part of what makes settler colonialism so resilient, and so hard to end, is the depth of its embeddedness in the colonized land.”

You’re so right that the colonizers claim that they are the indigenous. Yasser Arafat and his PLO terrorist organization planted the seeds for this lie about Arab Palestinians. There is a reason this area Palestine is called so. The Roman Empire violently ended the sovereignty of Judea-Israel and renamed it Syria Palaestina. Jews, the indigenous of the land, that were not murdered, sold into slavery, or fled to other parts of the Middle East and Europe, the ones that remained were now called Palestinian Jews – and there has always been Jewish presence in Palestine.

During the Ottoman Empire, Jews became again, like of Roman occupation era, the majority ethnicity of Palestine. Check the census records. The majority of the Arabs in Palestine immigrated during the late Ottoman and British occupation periods. This is why they have darker skin than Iranians and Jews (Persians/Levantines), for they are families from places like Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Colonization requires that it is a land that is *not* your parent land that you are settling. Palestine is former Judea-Israel.

One more historical point, the reason for “nakba” (catastrophe) of Arab Palestinians is directly the results of the British starting a Civil War in Palestine between Arabs and Jews (to maintain control of the region). The Palestinian Jews also fought the British, and ultimately won – declaring national Independence. The very next day, Egypt, Transjordan, Syria, and expeditionary forces from Iraq invaded Palestine, taking control of the West Bank and Gaza, and attacked Israel. In 1967, Arab nations again waged war against Israel – Syria, Jordan, Egypt, and supported by Iraq – which resulted in Jordan losing occupational control over the West Bank, having lost it through warfare to Israel. But, before the 1948 “catastrophe,” Arab nations across the Middle East were already taking up the Nazi cause, and violently expelling Jewish communities from their Muslim-controlled nations. Even prior to the 1948 declaration of Israel as a sovereign nation, yet again, indigenous Jews were being targeted by Muslims who were being radicalized by the Nazis. Over 850,000 Jews whose roots are solely and only in the Middle East were forced into refugee status by these nations, and most had to settle in the nation-State of Israel. This is why the majority of the Israeli population is Mizrachi-Sephardi and not Ashkenazi.

So, please, do as Rachel Maddow does (research), and study the history of the land. Hamas is an Islamic terrorist organization that was created by the PLO two years after all Jews were forcibly removed and banned from Gaza, for the first time in our 3,500 year history as a people. It is Hamas in Gaza and the PLO in the West Bank that is impoverishing and forcibly indoctrinating Arab Palestinian hate for Jews, so that U.N. aid money can be spent on terrorist activities – and they kill the Arabs they rule who try to let the world know what they’re doing.

Further study if you’re willing: https://www.jimena.org/about-jimena/

“More over, revisionist history of the Middle East excludes the fact that over half of Israel’s Jewish population live there not because European atrocities during World War II, but because of Anti-Semitic Arab governments who, under the color of law, dispossessed and displaced their native Jewish populations following the creation of the state of Israel in 1948. Adopted narratives of the Arab-Israeli conflict fail to address the fact that Israel was the largest refugee camp in the Middle East, providing safe haven to some 650,000 Middle Eastern and North African Jewish refugees whose ancestors had a continuous presence in the region for over 3,000 years.”

“Arab Nationalism is an ideology which rose to prominence in the 1950s as Arab Nations began to gain independence from former colonial powers. The premise of Arab Nationalism is that there should be political, cultural, religious, and historical unity among the people of Arab nations….” And here is the reason for the terrorist organizations such as the PLO (West Bank, now PA) and Hamas (Gaza), who both take oaths to never agree to a two-state solution and that Israel *must* be conquested even by genocide for there to be any peace. Don’t take my word for it, read their charters for yourself!


Had Israel not been attack in 1948 by Egypt, Transjordan, and Syria, there would have been no “nakba” (catastrophe) for half the Arab population of Palestine. The West Bank would not have been occupied by Jordan, and Gaza would not have been occupied by Egypt – both authoritarian governments. The West Bank and Gaza would have been free to form their own national sovereignties. And Israel would have had almost double the number of Israeli Arab citizens.

Had Israel not been attack in 1967 by Egypt, Jordan, and Syria, the West Bank and Gaza would not have become part of Israeli controlled territory. And the West Bank would not have seen Jordan’s funded PLO terrorist organization replaced by the Palestinian Authority, and Gaza would still to this day be under the benevolent rule of Egypt, funding terrorism in their ways towards Israel.

Think about this for a moment. Egypt and Jordan has submitted to peace with Israel, and Syria is commiting genocide on her own citizens. But, to this day Islamic Jihad, the PA funded PLO, and Iran funded Hamas – all terrorist organizations – are attacking Israel from the West Bank and Gaza. They have only one purpose, to remove Jewish sovereign democracy from this small part of Palestine for the glory of Islamic conquest – by any means necessary.

“What Palestinian Arabs do want is equal rights. They want to be able work hard to achieve their dreams without being discriminated against. They want to be able to live where they choose without being told they can’t because of their ethnicity or religion. They want to be able to choose the leaders who control their lives. In other words, they want freedom. And they want that freedom throughout their historic homeland, not just on the 22% that comprise the West Bank and Gaza Strip.” – Maha Nassar, Palestinian American

And this is fair! So a Confederation of two nations, then, on one land? The war on history is a war on democracy, folks!


Why is it that news and social outlets in the West have no interest in elevating the plight of Palestinian Arabs? Palestinian activists speaking out against the lawlessness of the PA, and dying for Arab freedom from the PA in the West Bank!

“There is one striking horrific reality: those who killed Nizar Banat are free. No one was arrested. No one is investigated. The killers who committed the murder are just around their homes, families. They just killed him and went to the mosque to catch the dawn prayer and then had breakfast with the family. … We are all Nizar for as long as we continue to remain silent about this oppression, injustice and tyranny. …

It’s interesting and disturbing that the Palestinian Authority’s unprecedented crackdown began immediately after U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken’s visit to Ramallah last month.” – Nadia Harhash, Palestinian writer and Human Rights activist and a lawyer

Issa Amro, like Banat a high-profile Palestinian critic of the PA, and also from Hebron, told CNN, “We are afraid of being killed by the lawless Palestinian security forces. It is clear there is a decision to get rid of the opposition and activists at any price.”

The family of Nizar Banat said 20 armed Palestinian soldiers stormed the family home in Hebron at 3:30 a.m. Thursday, “brutally beating him and arresting him.”


The international community is also responsible for the murder of Nizar Banat by not Boycotting, Divesting, and Sanctioning the PA.. instead, it is business as usual: The Japanese government agreement with the PM

In response to violations of journalists’ freedom to cover the rallies, the Palestinian journalists’ union submitted a letter of protest to the United Nations, which called on the UN to take “necessary and immediate measures” to protect local journalists.


“If blacks had killed their white enslavers in their sleep, would they have been morally justified in doing so?” The answer should be instant, no flinching!

This is a Ten Commandments question:

לֹא תִגְנֹב. (lò tig’nòv.)
Do not kidnap.

There is also:

לֹא תִרְצָח. (lò tir’tsàkh.)
Do not murder.

לֹא תַחְמֹד בֵּית רֵעֶךָ. (lò takh’mòd bèit re’èkha.)
Do not theive property.

לֹא-תַעֲנֶה בְרֵעֲךָ עֵד שָׁקֶר. (lò ta’anèh b’re’akhà èd shakèr.)
Do not testify falsely.

Hence, my instant response of “yes!” – “fully justified.” Those who live by the law, understand morality. Those bought into the idea of being “freed from the law” (through a human blood sacrifice), only know immoral supremacist privilege.

Kidnapping, theft, and murder has always been the white Christian colonizers way – from Byzantine Christianity (Roman) to the Crusades to the creation of the chattel slave-owning nation of the United States of America and the Apartheid of South Africa. Same with the social lie of white innocence and black guilt for white actions in the Colonies and in the USA.


Do You Really Think Black Lives Matter as Much as White Ones?

And, who fails this test?

“And not just the right-wing types who most detest BLM, but even many white liberals who proclaim their belief in the value of Black life loudly and proudly. I doubt seriously that even most of them genuinely believe in the equal worth of Black humanity.”

Joseph T Farkasdi

I am a writer, a husband, a father, a working servant, a complex individual who very few will probably understand! I am actively involved in raising the awareness of social injustice in this world caused by religious idealism and intolerance and the rise of an economic destroying corporatocracy. Take a moment to explore and learn more about me. Thanks!

1 Comment

Joseph T Farkasdi · July 12, 2021 at 1:41 am

“Born in the West Bank city of Ramallah, Mosab Yousef – son of Hamas founder Hassan Yousef – was once groomed by his father to be a leader in the Palestinian terror movement.

Mosab Yousef said he saw the light after a stint with his dad’s comrades in an Israeli jail during the mid-1990s. At Megiddo Prison, he witnessed Hamas inmates leading a brutal year-long campaign to weed out supposed Israeli collaborators.

“During that time, Hamas tortured and killed hundreds of prisoners,” he said, recalling vivid memories of needles being inserted under finger nails and bodies charred with burning plastics. “Many, if not all, had nothing to do with Israeli intelligence.

“I will never forget their screams,” he continued. “I started asking myself a question. What if Hamas succeeded in destroying Israel and building a state. Will they destroy our people in this way?”

“The silence of the majority of Gaza is not because they support Hamas, but because they are afraid of Hamas,” he said. “The people live in fear. Hamas rules over them by the sword. If you oppose Hamas they will shoot you or hang you immediately. You and your family are finished.”

Another brother, Suheib Youself, defected from Hamas in 2019, telling Israeli media he had become fed up with corruption and called the group a “racist terror organization that is dangerous for the Palestinian people.” ”


Hamas founder’s son says Israel should kill terror group’s leaders after ceasefire.

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