For the record, I do not hate the British, nor any other Europeans nor, even, the Arabs. I stand *resolutely* against United (Arab-European Colonial) Nations’ antisemitism, Colonialism upon Indigenous Peoples’ lands, and self-righteous self-entitled world supremacy – with impunity, no real accountability – in the names of Allah-Christ-Marx and caliphates-kings-communism!

So, I say the above and below as תוכחות מגולה מאהבה מוסתרת – public reprimands revealed from hidden love.

I’m with Native Lives Matter on this one. The British didn’t do anything good for our people, either – even after we forced our Israel decolonization in 1948 from their Arab-European Mandate occupational rule of our indigenous Judean land.


A lot of people think that we should be focused on a Colonial queen this weekend. I say that we should be focused on our Indigenous children this weekend. Queen (you know) lived her life in royal luxury, all her life. Surrounded by the best protection that religion and money can buy.

… while just down south…

Our Kurdish, Jewish, and Assyrian children do not know if they will be the next dead victims of Colonial Arab, Turkish, and Islamic Iranian anti-Indigenous armies and terrorists. No Indigenous parent here can promise a long life for any family member! But, it is for the children, that Kurdish, Jewish, and Assyrian mothers and fathers of our children walk around with semi-automatic weapons strapped to our bodies.

You never know when religious Colonialism for Allah-Christ-Marx and caliphates-kings-communism is going to strike, and where next – claiming that we are “terrorists” and outsiders to our lands. Even though armed, we keep losing our children to anti-Indigenous targeted hatred!


Here’s a perfect opportunity to talk about implicit white supremacy, even within “woke” European/white folk. If you, as a European/white person, have been offended today by most of the world’s deeply disrespectful thoughts and opinions on the day of a Queen’s death – “too soon,” “we know you hate the British,” etc – you do not know what it means to be an “ally” of Indigenous and formerly enslaved peoples!

To be an ally as a European/white person, especially on this particular day, is to be able to hear these non-European/white voices of truth and anger/hate and genuinely feel this pain – being able to say, “You are right! She was a living symbol of our Colonial Christian flaws, our racist sins of aggression upon other human beings.” And, still be able to mourn your Queen’s death, at the same time!

The reason so many Brits, Europeans, and white Americans are so offended today by the world’s lack of respect for a Colonial royalty’s death is because of systemic Colonial Christian supremacism. To insult the Queen/King is to insult the Pope/Christ directly, by systemic indoctrination. Same as on the Colonial Arab side of the house – only, to insult Mohammed and, thus, Allah, is to deserve a death sentence declared upon you.

Most of this world – from Jews and Kurds to Africans and Native “Americans” – know firsthand the horrors and atrocities and overt and implicit racism of European-Arab Colonialism for Christ-Allah and kings-caliphates! The British empire *still* has not let go of all the lands they occupied and stole. And, their child nation, the United States of “America” empire, is worse in its self-entitled supremacist hubris for Christ and U.S. Senate! … Today, have respect for the *victims’ voices* this day and the days to come, because the last 70 years you have not actually listened. Too privileged to be a real ally!


Archived records in the USA show clearly that after the settler-occupying European “Americans” lost their Civil War to continue violently oppressing minorities upon Indigenous Peoples’ lands, being the supremacist majority, they rewrote their history to glorify their benevolence and to erase the real reason that they lost control of their colonized world – the rebellious enslaved blacks and their few northern white allies.

Likewise, archived records in the Middle East show clearly that after the settler-occupying Arab “Palestinians” lost their “Civil War” to continue violently oppressing the minority of the Levant land, the indigenous Jewish families of the Levant and Southwest Asia, being formerly the supremacist majority, they rewrote their history to glorify their Arab benevolence and to erase the real reason that they lost control of their colonized world – the rebellious anti-Colonial Jewish dhimmi (sub-class “infidels”), who spent decades restoring our land and waters sovereignty upon Judea-Samaria, our ancestral land, in preparation for Zionism (restored self-sovereignty).

The lesson in both of these historical accounts is this: After losing control of their world, in fear of retribution for their sins against minority/indigenous humanity and in hatred for history’s decision that they must change, the leaders of both the European “American” and the Arab “Palestinian” peoples decided to outright lie to themselves as to what this regional history actually is. This is why *both* white “Americans” and Arab “Palestinians” are raised generation after generation, since their failed supremacy, to believe in a fictional history about themselves. And no amount of factual contrary evidence is enough for most of them, for they cannot be wrong!

To this day, both celebrate publicly their fictitious accounts of history and wave their supremacist flags proudly. But, thankfully, there is hope for the minority/Indigenous in these European-Arab colonized worlds! There are “American” land-squatters who do understand their tragic racist history upon the land, and try to teach it to other “Americans.” And, likewise, there are “Palestinian” land-squatters who do understand their tragic racist history upon the land, and try to teach it to other “Palestinians.” Sadly, because of cultural differences between these two Colonizers of Indigenous Peoples’ lands for Christ-Allah and kings-caliphates, the threat of violent danger to openly and publicly teaching the historical truth is far more deadlier for the “Palestinian,” than for the “American.”


“Any identity that is rooted in the sense of victimhood, in the final analysis, is an unhealthy identity. If Judaism, [Judea-people-ism,] is not a life, as our sages, as indeed our [sacred literatures] describe it, of a tree of life, a living, vital, vibrant, dynamic, beautiful, exciting, wonderful way of life to live, then why the hell should [the Jewish] people have that cross to bear? If you’ll excuse me, I’m mixing my metaphors. So, [our decolonized since 1948] Israel is the most mind boggling transformation in the [historic] condition of the Jewish people. And the amazing thing about it is, in terms of it’s [recent forcibly decolonized] history, Zionism [Israeli self-sovereignty upon our land of Israel] was opposed on both poles, by the most liberal segments in the Jewish community and by the most ultra orthodox. Today, I believe it’s fair to say that there is not one single component in Jewish life that defines *itself, despite Israel*….

Peace for Israel is not only an imperative for the survival of it’s own society, it’s not only an imperative for the [1964 KGB-PLO invented “Palestinian people”s] dignity and national aspirations of the Palestinians, it’s not only an imperative to be able to break through the hostility in the Muslim world [who were directly targeted by the USSR with *continued* Nazi rhetoric about the Jewish people for decades after WWII] towards Israel and the Jewish people, it’s not only essential in order to address the Islamic-West relationship, it not only has ramifications with regards to global security but, ultimately, it has critical ramifications with regards to Judaism [Judea-people-ism] itself. Because, if Judaism itself is ultimately defined or influenced by a society that is in conflict and at war and has to be a fortress that by definition becomes insular and self-protective and loses its universal and its global responsibility, [our indigenous Judean] message, then the whole relationship of Jews everywhere gets distorted [as has been happening between colonized USA Jews, who want Israel to be a mini-USA nation, and the rest of the Arab-European antisemitically-targeted Jewish communities of this world]….

And, once again, this tiny little people that is so insignificant numerically, is forced to the very pivot, to the center, to the belly button, of global conflict and interaction. Once upon a time, it was geographical, because all the nations, all the global empires had to cross this little piece of land [the size of Taiwan, six times smaller than the USA State of New York] if they wanted to access one Empire or one continent to another [the African-Arabian south, or the Aegean-European north]. Now it is because we [the Jewish people] are at the cutting edge of the interaction between civilizations [due to Arab and European appropriations of Jewish ancestral literatures for worldwide Colonial religious dominion purposes]. And whether we like it or not [or want to be in this precarious place for our Indigenous People’s survival], we’re right at the center. And what we do has ramifications way beyond our understanding of how it pertains to us…. So, the bottom line is, finding a way to resolve this conflict [even though we are both the existential target and the very historic daily victim], breaking out of the cycle of violence in the Middle East is of critical consequence in determining who we are [as the indigenous people of Judea-Samaria], and who we will be [as the Jewish people in the future].” – Rabbi David Rosen

We are an Indigenous People that refuses to forever be repeatedly colonized by Arab Islam and European Christianity and their created anti-Islamic/Christian Marxist Communists. And we, the Jewish people, must refuse to be the dhimmi and ghettoed forever victimized sub-class of Colonial Arab-European societies (for equal class status is only an illusion that’s being provided to some Jews in the Colonial European’s USA). And we, the Jewish people, must resolutely continue to refuse their Arab-European desire for re-occupying our 1948 decolonized land of Israel. And the only way to achieve this desired result for the People of Israel, our desire to live in demilitarized peace upon our ancestral land, is to get this point across to the historic racist European-Arab Colonizers of Indigenous Peoples’ lands for Allah-Christ-Marx and caliphates-kings-communism:

There is no equivalency between Colonizers and Indigenous Peoples – period, never ever as social equals! We actual Indigenous folk only want to be heard in the worldwide Colonial Arab-European social medias. We already know that arguing facts with racist Colonials that don’t care about inconvenient facts is a waste of time. Daily reminding the Colonial Arabs-Europeans that they are settler-occupiers for Allah-Christ and caliphates-kings upon our Indigenous Jewish and Kurdish (and etc, etc, etc) lands is what is needed daily and repeatedly in mainstream discourse! An honest easily verifiable historical reality check!

And no matter how much you try to spread and push 1960s-80s KGB-PLO created “Palestinian people” anti-Zionist propaganda, this changes absolutely nothing about historical reality! Neither does laughing emoji-ing. (Don’t get me wrong, every time one of those appears, we Jews know that someone has received in them the seed of anti-Colonialism – anti-Arab-European occupational supremacy on other peoples’ lands – and the laugh emoji is like water for this germinating seed.)

We Jews were the first IP to be colonized and we are the first IP to decolonize from Arab-European Colonial occupational rule! The only kind of history that Colonial Arabs-Europeans have upon and within our land is this settler-occupying history – this appropriating, land and identity claiming, for Allah-Christ and caliphates-kings history. So, every single day,… Colonial Europeans publicly support Colonial “Palestinian” Arabs with their flags of racist anti-Indigenous supremacy in the names of Allah Christ and caliphates kings. And for having obeyed Allah-Christ and caliphates-kings, this does not make you Arabs-Europeans now equal “indigenous” upon the land with the *actual* Indigenous Peoples of the land!

Again, there is no equivalency between the Jewish people who are indigenous to the land of Israel and Colonial “Palestinian” settler-occupying Arabs for Allah-Christ-Marx and caliphates-kings-communism! We Jews Indigenous to Judea-Samaria will survive your 1964 KGB-PLO created “Palestinian people” long-term settler-occupation force upon our 1948 decolonized Jewish ancestral land, Colonial Arabs-Europeans! The Jewish people will *no longer* be your victimized dhimmi, no matter how many antisemitic resolutions you enact at the United (Arab-European Colonial) Nations and no matter how many lies you spread about us on social media.

May the Kurdish people be next to decolonize from “Syrian” and “Iraqi” Arab occupational rule of Kurdistan! The days of Allah Christ and caliphates kings suppression, oppression, and outright erasure of surviving Indigenous Peoples, while settler-occupying upon our Indigenous Peoples’ lands, is coming to an end, Arabs-Europeans! We will *not* prostitute ourselves to your Colonial gods, cultures, and determinations that we give up our identities-lands and lose our self-determining futures.

Jewish communities in the Western Diasporas who are struggling with their Jewish youth not fully understanding the need to be *proud* of the nation-State of Israel, please have your sons and daughters listen closely to what Rabbi David Rosen is saying in this video:
Do Jews Even Know?

Conversations which look beyond our present understanding of the realities we experience are rare, causing many to avoid studying or understanding their past, which is one of the most important elements necessary for building one’s future.

Rav David Rosen issues a powerful cry out to the Jewish People to wake up and understand their history, identity, purpose, and collective aspirations.

The conversations our generation must have is the same one previous ones had. What is the next chapter of Jewish history and what must we do to write the pages of the future we would like to see?

Edited by Kavana Films
Rabbi David Rosen

Snapshots: Rudy Rochman is a young Jew who fully understands how necessary it is for the Jewish people to fully decolonize our minds. The days of hiding under the coattails of Colonial Arab-European supremacists are no longer necessary for our continued Judean survival in this world.


The Israeli-Palestinian regional conflict in one family discussion:

I purchased a home for my *human* family (we decolonized our land, establishing self-sovereignty), and I said “no” to any furry “pets” larger than a cageable rodent in our home (we said “no” to Arabs who fought us to prevent our decolonization upon our land). Despite my “no,” because I knew that I would be the one who would have to take care of them, I found our human home colonized one after another with a furry eternal child-like pet (despite our decolonization, we became occupied by Arabs intending to settler-occupy against our sovereign rule, with no intentions on contributing to the success of our decolonized nation). … Now, I am being admonished for being the one who refuses to neuter these pet-children occupiers of our human home, to control their wild natural behavior, so that they can roam anywhere in our home without causing us clean-up work (now we are being daily accused of “evil” for not neutering their anti-Indigenous behaviors within their occupied parts of our decolonized land, because we can’t *trust* them to actually care about the rest of our land – learn the Arab history regarding their lack of care for the land of Israel and her citizens!). … They, these (originally) undesired house guests are just being wild *inside* the house, and I did say not to bring them in, if you’re not willing to deal with the consequences of this!!! Now, I am expected to turn them in eunuchs? So that I can allow them full run of the *human* place?! Knowing full well that they *already* know how to mark up the place, and force us to have to clean up after them?!

Before you say that this comparison is some kind of dehumanization of “Palestinians,” remember that they are not actually “Palestinians,” but settler-occupying Arabs for Allah-Marx and caliphates-communism and the ocassional European for Christ-Marx and kings-communism upon a decolonized *Indigenous refugee nation* land, who are not citizens and do not ever want to be this! They are correctly wild, from a sovereign status perspective. We love them (like I’ve learned to love the pets that I originally said “no” to!), but many now want them neutered – so that we can live in peace upon our land. *Too late for that!* They are here to stay as is, and we need to learn to live with them, instead.

I wonder if this is the heart behind the Jewish prohibition of not neutering animals (human or any other kind)? I’ll have to reflect further on this.


A fake “Jewish orthodox Rabbi (from New York)” of the Hebrew Israelites persuasion, first snapshot, made the the following claim: “Tsefan Josef, Jews have been building and creating in Africa before the temple was destroyed[,] and sold into slavery[,] afterwards by the Romans[,] millions of Israelites [“original Hebrews”]. Most of which ended up on the west coast of Africa.”

I really do appreciate this Hebrew Israelite’s response. For it is so antisemitic, and I’ll explain why. It is pure racist skin-color based antisemitism, taught to them by European Christian Colonial enslavers of African peoples. All because most Jews are Levant-Persian “white” presenting in this world – whether Mizrahi, Sephardi, or Ashkenazi. And, now, shared to me by an *appropriator* of Jewish ancestral identity, full stop! How should we respond to such a blatant racist antisemitic lie from a non-Jew (but “of color”)? … With the historical truth, of course, always! That ahistorical accusation about the Jewish people of the land of Israel, that’s not Canaanite Jewish – but, it is a very *popular* antisemitic trope among some!

That “history” presented in his/her comment is Christians seeing themselves in Christian-appropriated Jewish ancestral myths, and re-making the origins of our Levant Indigenous People about their historic past, full stop. The people of Israel became so in Moab (southern part of Jordan today) and not before, so says our (Christian-appropriated and poorly translated) Torah. From Moab origination, we became an ethno-religious nationality north of Moab and throughout Judea and Samaria. We are the living descendants of the Canaanite people of the Levant. We Jews are the speakers of Canaanite Hebrew and storytelling worldview. Africans enslaved by Colonial Arabs and Europeans had their own uniquely African ethno-religions, until their forced assimilation. So, no need to appropriate our northern Levant-Persian Indigenous culture.

Hebrew Israelites are *not* Jews, full stop, no matter how much they appropriate Canaanite Judean culture to remake it into “ancient” African culture, for Baptist-originating reasons, and to call it true or original Judaism/Israelite-ism/Hebrew-ism. This very same self-declared “Cohen,” here, second snapshot, has called a Jew Indigenous to Judea-Samaria an “indecent” human being for pointing out Judean cultural appropriation of our numerically challenged halacha-based people – 15 million total worldwide by mitzvot/halachot, which is our indigenous Judean law system that defines and informs the people of Israel – after this very same “Cohen” went to my profile photo and laugh emoji-ed at my factual and accurate explanation of who is legally and authentically Jewish/Israelite in this world by halacha, and who is not.

Both of these adherents to the Hebrew Israelite (USA-orginating) religion, who are speaking *for* the Jewish people in online social media platforms – about who and what we are, the Canaanite-descended Jewish people – are displaying their supremacist European Christian appropriator’s racism towards the Jewish people. An Indigenous people of the Levant, who have not one halachic law that defines Jews based on “skin color” presentation to this world, and they are targeting Jews based upon this 3rd century CE European Christian invented skin-color racism categorization of human beings. We the Jewish people simply lack the numbers to be the world’s anti-racism police! We struggle just to keep self-sovereignty upon the Levant soil from which our Indigenous people were born from.

First, it was the white Baptists that came for us, trying to proselytize their white Jesus upon us. Then, it was the black Baptists that came for us, trying to proselytize their black Jesus upon us. Both white and black Baptists, since the 20th century, have been trying rigorously to replace our Judean people in the Colonial European social media world. The white Baptists now play dress up as Jews, have translated their Greek Aegean-created Bible into Hebrew, and are calling themselves Jews while worshipping their human messiah – and they try regularly to infiltrate and get acknowledged as one the people of Israel. The black Baptists, too, dress up as Jews, and regularly walk the European’s Colonial streets with their Bibles, while preaching antisemitic racist tropes about Jews who present “white” in European skin-color terminology (most Jews present this way!), and are calling themselves Israelites/Jews while worshipping their human messiah – and they regularly try to infiltrate and get acknowledged as one the people of Israel.

Identity theft is a sin against Eloah, a direct chillul ha’Shem – a desecration of the name of our Levant land’s god-King, who vassal treatied his “people of Israel” after creating us from the Levant soil (to tend his garden) – Christians and Muslims who do this to us! This is why we call you out. For outside of your historic racist supremacy, in numbers and in social power, you have *NO* right to speak for our Indigenous Judean people – especially, when you know *nothing* about us, as you keep showing when we Jews of Judea-Samaria engage with you! *You need to be listening to us, and learning from us.* But, we are the “indecent” human beings for being protective of how our Indigenous minority is being perceived in this world – because of non-Jews in this world, who feel that they have the supremacist right to speak *for* us.

There are 1.9 billion converts to Arab Islam in this world (includes the wannabe Nation of Islam) and there are 2.4 billion converts to European Christianity in this world (includes the wannabe Hebrew Israelites). There are only 15.2 million Jews worldwide by the halachot of our Judean-Samarian people. Being here in this world as an extreme minority is very difficult – hence, why USA Jews often publicly pretend to be just a religion, to avoid antisemitic violence against Jewish communities. In comparison to our worldwide Jewish 15 million, the African-American community of the USA are 42 million strong. You do not need to appropriate our Judean identity! Jews already present in *all* skin colors and human shapes.

Again, as I have done so many times before, I regularly encourage African-Americans to re-embrace their original African ethno-religious traditions, for they are beautiful traditions to engage in! We Jews admire *all* Indigenous Peoples’ traditions, again, full stop!

Joseph T Farkasdi

I am a writer, a husband, a father, a working servant, a complex individual who very few will probably understand! I am actively involved in raising the awareness of social injustice in this world caused by religious idealism and intolerance and the rise of an economic destroying corporatocracy. Take a moment to explore and learn more about me. Thanks!


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