Hey, black folk of the United States of “America,”… Your experience of racism is unique to the United States! Never in the history of humanity has there ever been racism like United States racism, full historical stop. Any displays like it anywhere else in this world was taught to the world by the Colonial Imperialist United States! This is why you feel safer even in Colonial Arab lands – the runner up in extreme racism upon this planet, who still have African and non-Arab slaves to this very day – because you are African “American” (let Eldridge Cleaver explain this distinction to you, for he knew from direct experience personally!). This is why you feel safer in Europe, even when copy-cat Europeans throw out USA racisms that they got from USA media. Just because your experience of racism is unique – as unique as your inherited USA myopic worldview – does not mean that the rest of the world’s first “negros” don’t understand racism in its fullness.

Yes, yes! Here comes the lament! The first to be enslaved and ghettoed as a targeted race by both Europeans and Arabs was the Jewish people! The word “Ghetto” and the blocks of segregated real estate for this were literally created for the Jewish people trapped in Europe. In the Arab world, Jews who were not slaves were shamed and victimized sub-class dhimmi. So long as we paid our humiliating “please, don’t kill us” taxes and endured public shaming, we were hopefully okay – but no guarantees, ever, on our future! It has never mattered how we physically present in this world, Europeans and Arabs near always somehow knew who was “Jew.” (And, this I know from firsthand experience in the Middle East!) But, we are not the only ones! South Africans, in general, know this racism experience by both Arabs and Europeans and, especially, those unfortunate to live around the Sahara. The Kurdish and Assyrian peoples of Southwest Asia know this racism experience by Arabs, Europeans, and Persians. The Chinese immigrants to Korea know this racism, too, and their descendants! This list of historic victims of racism goes on!

But, admittedly, no! None of us racial minorities around this world know the unique racism experience of the United States of “America” – the supreme masters of racism – not even we *Jews* in this world, with 1,600 years of direct experience with being racially targeted by Arabs, Europeans, and even Persians. The only reason that Hitler could pull off what he and his Christian base did in Europe was because of the teachings of the United States of “America,” the supreme masters of localized racism! But, just because racism is unique in the United States, this does not in any way lessen the impact of racism on all other racially marginalized and genocided groups upon this world. Just because we, admittedly, can’t share directly in the unique USA form of racism, doesn’t mean that our experiences with racism is any less valid or as traumatic. Racism is racism! And the two most racist peoples on this planet, still yet in this 21st century CE, are *white Americans* and *Arabs*, full historical stop. Next runner up, Persians, next runner up – *especially*, for Jews – is Europeans.

Allies against racism come in all colors, so long as we don’t marginalize each other’s experiences with racism! Even European, Arab, Persian, and Korean descended folks – the historically privileged folks – can be allies against racism! Embrace every ally, embrace every story of racism. The only way to end racism is to worldwide unite against racism! Racism is a mental disease, folks, not a skin color issue. Nevermind what the USA has to say on this evil! Racism in all its supremacist violence existed before the United States.


Post Note: 9 Nov 2022

As someone who looks upon the USA as an outsider, the very fact that the election of House Representatives and Senators are repeatedly “too close to call” in 2022, despite all the sufferings of all citizens of this nation, is a sign that white “America” will never truly embrace racial and gender injustice and the need for *change*. Even when this (so called) Republic “democracy” is “on the line” for survival! Too many will embrace tyranny, before thinking twice about it. Why? Because,… Racism, USA style, and white supremacy is always the must result of every single USA election on Indigenous stolen lands! When has it *ever* been different? …. What do I mean by “too many” will embrace tyranny?

The majority population of the United States is near identical to the majority population of Iran. Both, basically, are at 60 percent of the nation’s population. Then, you have the in-betweens, the (wannabe/almost) whites/Persians (yes, Hispanics, you are seen!), who want to be so privileged and they behave politically and accordingly in these internal nation politics. And neither “nations” of whites/Persians are willing to give up their hegemony! No matter how much *whites/Persians* are suffering, *too*, from hateful and divisive attitudes and beliefs. It’s all about racially owning “the libs,” whoever *they* are (aka, the disenfranchised in supremacist societies)! Both whites/Persians and their wannabes included will always ensure that *social justice* never makes the table of national elections. It’s disadvantageous to the majority to do so! *Equality*? Hell, no! Power and control, *always* and at *any* costs to our own!

So what that women are property of their husbands and their state. That is the Christian and Islam way! And their wombs should be thankful for this (even if it kills them) for male hubris! No matter who rapes them, and immorally so! And so what that blacks and Jews and First Nation folks face continued racism that leads to demonization and death in the majority’s land of “Liberty.” That is the Christian and Islam way! A belief in “democracy” must be the answer for all Indigenous folks, so please continue to participate in Colonial nation elections, yes? So what that LGBTQ folk are treated as an immoral disease within “normative” society. That is the Christian and Islam way! … I sense a pattern of hateful racism/bigotry going on for Colonial god dominionism upon human beings minds. But,… That is the Christian and Islam way upon this planet Earth!

So, “too close to call” as always, because elections have never been about decency, ethics, human needs and values. So says the Christian and Islamic way everywhere upon this planet Earth! We can report again and again how much Colonizers and their colonized want and feel the same things – even during “elections”, *if* they exist in your country – but… It’s always been about power and control, at all costs to human sufferings and souls! … I mean, at this point, ‘Stacey Abrams” should be a household Georgia name. But, even in Georgia (I honestly don’t know where this is on the map, just that it is within the USA!), she’s not an elected leader. Should I wonder why? That is the Christian and Islam way!

Joseph T Farkasdi

I am a writer, a husband, a father, a working servant, a complex individual who very few will probably understand! I am actively involved in raising the awareness of social injustice in this world caused by religious idealism and intolerance and the rise of an economic destroying corporatocracy. Take a moment to explore and learn more about me. Thanks!


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