“Though the British ran the Mandate through their Colonial Office, technically they were the appointed administrators for the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine, not colonizers.”

Ah, the privileged claim of white nation innocence: we were just “administrating” other peoples lands! Uh, dear sir, …

Every heard of the British Empire? Every heard of the American Empire? Every heard of the Rashidun-Umayyad-Abbasid Caliphate Empires? All Colonizers! … The British sought out the Arabian Hashemite family to ally with to chase the Ottomans out of what became “appointed” as the British Mandate. For this not so innocent alliance, Britain rewarded the Hashemites with authority over Jordan, Syria, Iraq, and Hejaz.

Now, has there ever been a Kurdish Empire? A Jewish Empire? A Hawaiian Empire? A Cherokee Empire? Have any of them ever been “administrators,” taken administrative control, of lands that they’re not indigenous to? … I’ll wait.

“What cities did the British establish on the former non-Arab Ottoman territory allocated for the eventual sovereignty of the resurrected Jewish state?”

A better question. Why did the Palestinian Jews feel the need to wage guerilla warfare against the British?


“Well, in 1775 my house was in the Empire of Great Britain, King George presiding. The Brits seem to have given up on reclaiming it, I’m happy to say.”

Ah, dear sir, now we come to the truth. The colonizer’s perspective of the world versus the indigenous’ perspective of the world. When was the last time that English folk prayed three times a day to have sovereignty again in their own ancestral homeland? Oh, wait, English folk still have it! To be a colonizer, you must take possession of a land that is *not* where your ancestors are from.

For example, white European Christians claiming First Nations lands as their own to inherit, and calling themselves “Americans.” For example, Arab Muslims claiming Zion lands as their own to inherit, and calling themselves “Palestinians.” Neither white Christians nor Arab Muslims are the indigenous of these lands. And no one with such “privilege” takes seriously the words of the indigenous – all because of established Christian/Muslim supremacy over this world.


Some comments (and my responses to) historically ignorant or racist colonizers of Palestine trying to justify their indigeneity in the land.

“Tsefan Josef, Big news for you: a) Many palestinians are descendants of Egyptians, as well as Canaanites. b) That land was part of … the New Kingdom of Egypt before the hebrews moved there. So yes, they are indigenous to the land.”

Yes! Correct. These non-Jewish Palestinians are *not* Arabs, did not speak Arabic and did not practice Islam (a 6th century religion created in Arabic speaking Arabia). These non-Jewish Palestinians are victims of Arab Islamic conquests to collonize all of the Middle East. They were brother and sister tribes to Jews. Thus, all non-Arab peoples that now call themselves “Arabs,” speak Arabic, and are Muslim, have had their ethno-religious ancestral identity, language, and religion usurped and robbed from them by Arab supremacy in others nations lands. …. The original Arabic tribes originated in what is now called Hejaz, Najd, and Yemen.

What you’re saying by attempting this argument has its parrallel in the USA. Mexicanos are ethnically indigenous to parts of USA territory. They were assimilated into the white Christian Colonizers culture, language, and religion. All Mexicanos that remain and are *not* resisting white Christian supremacy on the land, are part of the white Christian supremacy problem in the USA. The only indigenous still resisting this white Christian colonized supremacy over the land are the First Nations peoples who preseve their language, their religion, and their governing sovereignty on at least *a portion* of their ancestral land. Sounds a lot like Jews and Israel, no?

“Tsefan Josef However, unlike Palestinians in Israel, members of American Indian tribes have full voting rights in US elections and are US citizens who can settle wherever they wish.”

No. Like Palestinians (assuming you mean Israeli Arabs) in Israel, white folk do everything they can get away with to repress the vote of First Nation folk in Colonizer’s USA elections. Worse, First Nation peoples’ burial grounds are descrated by oil pipelines, and they are treated *no better* within the Colonizer’s USA States than formerly enslaved black people are treated (impoverished, imprisoned, and shot dead simply for not being white at the wrong time among whites). Honesty is the only way to peace.

“So your bullshit racist, nationalist, attempt at denying palestinians their ancient roots to that land is laid bare.”

I’m sorry, my friend, but… Like I have to tell Christian colonizers, so I now have to say here to Muslim colonizers: There is no such thing as reserve racism! Colonizers and all bought into colonizer beliefs and practices make their claims based on the need to maintain religious supremacy. Even if Israel existed on only one percent of historic Jewish lands (rather than the mere seven percent today), even one percent of Jews having self-sovereignty on ancestral land would be too much for Arab Muslim supremacy, and the nakba would still have occurred for the West Bank and Gaza – courtesy of Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. Honesty is the only way to peace!


“If religious people can opt out of secular laws they find sinful, then maybe the rest of us should be able to opt out of religious laws we find immoral.

That’s right: immoral. We act as if religious people are the only ones who follow a moral compass and the rest of us just wander around like sheep in search of avocado toast. But you don’t need to believe in God or particular religious tenets to have a strong sense of right and wrong.

Surely people should be able to opt out of a law that forces them to risk their health. … let’s call it a rational exemption.”

My Rational/Religious Exemption suggestion for exempting out of Christian State/Federal imposed religious civil laws *banning abortion*:

“I do not consent to bearing a child for my rapist. Pregnancy and childbirth lead to assorted health issues up to and including death, and I do not consent to bearing a child when its birth is likely to be my murder. Bearing a child under these conditions directly violates my religious obligations, for I am created in the image of God. I reserve my U.S. Constitutional right as a citizen to both the protection of my religious beliefs and obligations, and my right to be informed and guided by modern science in fulfilling these obligations that are based in reason and morality.”

My Rational/Religious Exemption suggestion for exempting out of Christian State/Federal imposed religious civil laws *banning mask/vaccine mandates*:

“My child is created in the image of God and, as a citizen of the U.S., is Constitutionally assured the “Blessings of Liberty” and the promotion of the “general Welfare.” Anti-mask and anti-vaccine mandates during public health epidemics directly violates these “unalienable Rights,” which include: the right to think for oneself, the right to life, and the right to self-defense. Masks and vaccines lead to the prevention of aerosol viral diseases within communities, and anti-mask/anti-vaccine mandates interfere with the religious commands to ensure the sanctity of human life, and to share God’s love with others. Such laws directly interfere with the moral social responsibilities to “care for your neighbor” in contravention of the Bible.”


If they’re going to keep passing religious laws, we’re going to need exemptions. Rational exemptions could be used for religion-based laws with which people strongly, sincerely disagree.

#prolife means taking care of the living and breathing outside of the womb, and it is a moral obligation! #prochoice is a Constitutional inalienable right!


Abdullah Al-Hadlaq, respected Kuwaiti writer: “When the State of Israel was established in 1948, there was no state called ‘Palestine.'”

Host: “So where did we get that name, which we have been defending for 60 years?” … Great question! Al-Hadlaq answered:

Abdullah Al-Hadlaq: “It didn’t exist.” … *Historically*, the correct answer. “Palestinian” has always referred to Jews, specifically, and to all ethnicities living in the land – ever since the Roman occupiers stripped Judea of its Israeli sovereignty in the 2nd century CE, and renamed the land as Palaestina (Palestine). Ever since then, Muslim colonizers, Christian crusaders, and Persian overseers have all occupied the land under their empires, until Palestinian Jews redeclared self-sovereignty in 1948 – on less than 7% of our Judean land.

77% of historic Israel is an Arab Palestinian nation-State now, known as Jordan. And, Jews voluntarily chose not to claim the West Bank and Gaza, even though these portions technically and legally belong to Israel, all to allow non-Jewish Palestinians the opportunity to create what occupying Jordan and Egypt prevented from 1948 to 1967 – nationhood. But, nationhood is not what the PA and Hamas want, rather that Jews return to being second-class citizens under Muslim dictatorship.

Kuwaiti writer Abdullah Al-Hadlaq said that Israel was an independent and legitimate sovereign state and that there was no occupation, but instead, “a people returning to its promised land.” “When the State of Israel was established in 1948, there was no state called ‘Palestine,'” said Al-Hadlaq. He recalled that he had once written: “I wished that we could be like the people of the State of Israel, who rallied, down to the very last one, to defend a single Israeli soldier.” In the interview, which was broadcast by the Kuwaiti Alrai TV channel on November 19, Al-Hadlaq further said that he believed in peaceful coexistence with Israel and envisioned a three-way alliance of Israel, the Arab Gulf states, and America “in order to annihilate Hizbullah beyond resurrection.” The interview caused an uproar in the Arab media and social networks.


Kuwaiti Writer Abdullah Al-Hadlaq: Israel Is a Legitimate State, Not an Occupier

Joseph T Farkasdi

I am a writer, a husband, a father, a working servant, a complex individual who very few will probably understand! I am actively involved in raising the awareness of social injustice in this world caused by religious idealism and intolerance and the rise of an economic destroying corporatocracy. Take a moment to explore and learn more about me. Thanks!


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