Facebook coddles and protects their majority white Christian racist members from deserved criticism – labeling minority comments as “Hate” speech against “whites”/Christians. And, we actual minorities *all* know this to be true!

Mark Zuckerberg is a colonized Jew – who, by his very actions, demonstrates that he only gives a fuck about Colonizers’ money, and not the safety and welfare of minority communities. “Colorblind” policies are a white Christian’s tool to maintain racist white supremacy over disenfranchised and disgruntled minorities. The purpose of colorblind policies, like Facebook’s community policies, is to treat whites/Christians as being no different and equal in number and no more privileged than any other social minority on Mark’s social platform. Facebook protects the white Christian individuals from legitimate rebuke and criticism, even though white Christians – USA society’s majority population – have never allowed non-whites this freedom to be an individual. Instead, tropes and stereotypes are automatically applied on sight. Hence, why white Christian racists can use a platform like Facebook to mount an insurection against the U.S. government, all to enforce the very racist mindset that “liberal” white Christians won’t admit to – until you hurt their *fragile majority “individual” feelings*, and this racist mindset comes spewing out after that, with impunity.

So, today, Facebook again protects a white Christian majority class of citizens with supremacist national privileges as a *vulnerable class of people to “hate” speech*. Nevermind this minority here being rebuked by Facebook for a joke I made in *a comment* on one of *my posts* – and nevermind, by my skin color, I pass as “white” myself in the USA.

If you make a joke about white Christian folks that hurts white Christian folks feelings, you are engaged in “Hate” speech against whites/Christians according to Facebook. If you quote from a movie a joke about white people, you are engaged in “Hate” speech against whites/Christians according to Facebook. … Absolutely, no! I’m not done with this one.

Last I checked only 42 million African Americans (you know, “black” folk) and 6.4 million Jews (of all skin colors, we’re not white!) vulnerable to the supremacist and emotionally weak whims of the *majority population* around us, hardly vulnerable. You know, white ‘semi-automatic weapon toting’ ‘Bible and white revolts flags toting’ Christians, who are the remaining 281.1 million citizens in the United States of “America,” and literally control everything?!!

This, *again*, all because Facebook protects the fragile feelings of white citizens from non-white jokes that *might make them feel bad* and, then, have to learn something about *white privilege* in the USA! … Historical note, if this were still the Middle Ages, I am very likely to have been one of the Jews that white Christians burnt to death at the stake – for not bowing down and coddling white supremacist feelings about themselves.

All because I made a paraphrased reference to the popular movie Chasing Amy on a Facebook post, *my post*, that you are about to read next. What did I paraphrase, a *spoken truth* about white Christian people that I stand upon from experienced knowledge of white Christian folk, regardless their political stance or words expressed at the social surface:

You see that white Christian over there? Under the surface, he the Devil. Never take your eye off the Man!


Summary of discussion: Most Christians are not our allies, any more than most Muslims. This one was SDA. Christians are racists under the surface, too many of them, full stop. They don’t hear Indigenous voices at all! They only know self-righteousness and self-serving revisionist history. The only reason Christians support Israel and the Jewish people is for their *own* colonizing agenda and revisionist history!

It was Christians that stood against our re-independence, the Jewish people, in Judea-Samaria and, like is so white, then took the credit for *our* victory of sovereign independence against them! Too many are historically ignorant and, when called on this, their white supremacist racism gets in the way of self-reflection. They are our allies only because they are in a Holy War with Islam!

I’ve repeated this kind of discussion too many times with white Christians of all types to ever think that they are an actual ally of the Jewish people. They are not! Read for yourself. It’s too easy to expose what is actually under the surface.

Believe me, it’s worth the tortured read! Know thy real enemies, and keep them close to you. You see that white Christian over there? Under the surface, he was raised to be the Devil. Never ever take your eye off the man! For near all white Christians are duplicitous, self-justifying, and incapable of understanding, because of their privileged white-washed status in life.

Now, in the quoted words of yet another black minority, Bernie Mac (RIP), “You don’t understand. I ain’t scared of you motherfuckers!” Your Colonizer narratives for us and about us, the Jewish people, changes nothing about the reality of life. Your white Christian attempts to silence my/our voice/s will *not* succeed. Why waste the time?!


It’s worth saying again, even more direct and clear this time:

Facebook coddles and protects their majority white Christian racist members from deserved criticism – labeling minority comments as “Hate” speech against “whites”/Christians. And, we actual minorities *all* know this to be true! Mark Zuckerberg is a colonized Jew – who, by his very actions, demonstrates that he only has an interest in Colonizers’ money, and not the safety and welfare of minority communities.

“Colorblind” policies are a white Christian’s tool to maintain racist white supremacy over disenfranchised and disgruntled minorities. The purpose of colorblind policies, like Facebook’s community standards, is to treat whites/Christians as being no different and equal in number and no more privileged than any other social minority on Mark’s social platform. Facebook protects the white Christian individuals from legitimate rebuke and criticism, even though white Christians – USA society’s majority population – have never allowed non-whites this freedom to be an individual. Instead, tropes and stereotypes are automatically applied on sight. Everytime a white’s feelings get hurt, they find ways to report you – to re-establish their importance, righteousness, and superiority.

Hence, why white Christian racists can use a platform like Facebook to mount an insurection against the U.S. government, all to enforce the very racist mindset that “liberal” white Christians won’t admit to – until you hurt their *fragile majority “individual” feelings*, and this racist mindset comes spewing out after that, with impunity.

All because I made a paraphrased reference to the popular movie Chasing Amy on a Facebook post, *my post*, I get told by Facebook that I’m spreading “Hate” against the social majority, white Christians. Simply for paraphrasing a *spoken truth* in a popular movie about white Christian people – that near all white Christians beneath the surface, from their socially privileged and entitled upbringing, are the deviled-eggs this black minority’s joke says they are from a legitimate minority’s experience.

They are duplicitous, self-justifying, and incapable of understanding, because of their privileged white-washed mythically benevolent and innocent status in life. Washed clean and pure by the blood of their Christian idol, no matter what they do nor why they do it. ‘It’s the victims fault, they should have been right with “God,” for we are the true peace lovers.’ Everytime I get them to open up about their true feelings underneath that “woke” white ally public stance, it’s always the same. So, yes, I stand on what I said, and include colonized Jews within it.


That very last snapshot above: He is an Israel supporting USA white Christian, who thinks that Jews are just white people, too. He thinks that Muslims “worship the [deviled-eggs]” (I can’t say it on FB, but he can, with impunity, so I have to censor says FB). Worse, because I challenged him on his racism towards Arabs – and how this threatens vulnerable Jews in this world – he convinced himself that I’m actually a “Muslim” trying stop his support of Jews. How nice it must be to be *so white Christian privileged* in this world!!!

Christians are *not* allies of the Jewish people, anymore than Muslims are. At least Muslims are upfront and *honest* about it towards Jews. Now, all these privileged entitled white Christians, *you got to keep an eye on them, always*, for they are duplicitous! They hide their true beliefs and feelings from Jews and all other minority groups – especially, if they think they’re now socially “woke.” They see Israel as a pawn to support in their Holy War with Muslims, *hampering Jewish efforts to achieve peace with Arabs/Muslims*. Try it – question and correct them, and you consistently get snapshots like attached here. Never take your eye off the deviled-eggs (the one raised as a Devil)!

Joseph T Farkasdi

I am a writer, a husband, a father, a working servant, a complex individual who very few will probably understand! I am actively involved in raising the awareness of social injustice in this world caused by religious idealism and intolerance and the rise of an economic destroying corporatocracy. Take a moment to explore and learn more about me. Thanks!


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