“Jews for Jesus,” aka Christians appropriating Jewishness, would like to know why Jews cannot be and refuse to be “Jews for Jesus”? Let’s answer this question absolutely clearly, shall we?

There are only 15.2 million Jews in this world, halachically legitimate Jews. Beyond this, there are gentiles who’ve decided on a whim to call themselves Jews to proselytize their Christianity to our remaining few. Their appropriation of Jewishness is insulting to Jews. Anyone can be Christian or Muslim on a whim, by just a declaration of religious faith and allegiance. Not everyone gets to be a Jew, or a Kurd, or a Cherokee, or a Hawaiian – indigeneity and ethno-religious inclusions (adoptions/conversions) don’t work in the world Colonizers’ way.

Why, yes, Jews turned Christian, every Jew that gives up their inheritance, their indigenous people’s ethno-religion, at the idol-worshipping alter of colonizer Christianity – the largest of two historical usurpers of indigenous cultures – remains a Jew, but has halachically and communally cut off his/her children from the Jewish people. We have paid too high a price under Christinianity to think otherwise, to not think insular survival!

Even Jewish Jesus warned the gentile followers of his Jewish sect not to break even one stroke of Torah law, or he does not know them. Worshipping a demigod as YHWH god violates the most sensitive YHWH law in Torah: “you will not put another god before my face!” Jews have never worshipped any of our demigods – not Noah, not Isaac, not Samson, and not Jesus.

Let’s keep it this way! So that we remain on YHWH’s land, as our ancestral literatures promised will happen, if we refrain from “whoring,” as Torah says, ourselves to other nation’s/people’s idolic ways. This is why in Jewish ethno-religious culture, we’d rather members of the Jewish people to be atheists, than to be choosers of a non-Jewish path.

There are only 15.2 million legitimate Jews in this world, surrounded by 1.9 billion converts to Islam and 2.4 billion converts to Christianity (includes Christians who are costumed as Jews) – who, too many in both religious Colonizer camps, want to colonize our Jewish ethno-religion out of us, because they think that they know us better than ourselves.

Remember these two universalist theological religions are both gentile interpretations upon our Jewish ancestral literatures, full stop.


Who are the colonizer of lands, and who are the indigenous of lands? Let’s answer this clearly!

First, skin color has nothing to do with indigeneity, for indigenous come in all colors of human. Second, European Christianity and Arab Islam are Colonizer religions that destroy and/or usurp ethno-religious indigenous identity. Third, it was this very non-indigenous behavior that gave rise to Marxism in this world, which is also not an indigenous way-of-life, like Christianity and Islam.

Just to name a few “people”s that meet the U.N. definition of an “indigenous,” consider: Kurds and Jews (Levant) , Sami (European), Cherokee (North America), Amazigh (North Africa), Guarani (Amazon), Maori (New Zealand), and Kānaka (Hawaiians) are *all* legitimate indigenous peoples, and this is just a start.

Why are Arabs not listed here? Because, most Arabs were colonized into this supremacist ethnicity, just like Mexicanos were colonized into the supremacist European ethnicity. Those colonized who lose their ethno-religious identity become part of the colonizer problem in this world.

If Mexicanos demanded that the Pueblos, Cheyenne, Cherokee, and Navajo nations must give up their nations’ self-sovereignty and allow Mexicanos equal access and rule on their reservations, would you support this? And, these Mexicanos also get to keep all of Mexico for themselves, not allowing this equality and shared rule for these First Nations in Mexico?

Jews and Samaritans who were forcibly turned Arab ethnically and, worse, let Islam usurp their ancestral ethno-religion, are the direct equivalent of Mexicanos. They are no longer the indigenous, and have no right to claim that Jews and Samaritans – who have kept the ancient indigenous ways faithfully – must give up their self-sovereignty to an equally shared government of indigenous and colonizer together – on our ancestral land, so that there be peace between Arabs and Jews.

So, do the Middle East Mexicanos (Levantine Arabs) deserve to force a First Nation (Jews) to share our extremely small in physical size refugee reservation (aka, our nation-State) in equal numbers with the historic colonizers of the Levant, and be forced to call this a non-Jewish nation (aka, “democratic”) because Arabs don’t want a Jewish nation in the Middle East? Is this fair? Or, socially just?

The regional conflict in what non-Jews call Palestine is not about religions, but about “Indigenous Rights” – the right of the indigenous to self-sovereingty on our ancestral Jewish land.

Muslim colonizers already possess 12 of the 15 nations of the Middle East for themselves. But, no, this is not enough! 1 billion+ Arabs insist that 7 million Jews submit in the Middle East to living life landless and sovereign-less, like 36 million Kurds have to do under Arab occupation just down the geographical block.


By the way, because Black Lives Matter, and Jews must be on the frontlines of *social justice* and *ending racism* in this world, are you aware that out of 329.5 million citizens in the USA, there are only 42 million African Americans in the USA? Further, are you aware that there are only 8+ million First Nations and 7.93 million Jews in the USA, Canada, and Alaska *combined*? For every 2 Jews in this world, there is 1+ First Peoples in the USA, Canada, and Alaska.

Across the sea, are you aware that the Arab Israeli population in Israel has only grown in population numbers since 1948, that courtesy of Jordan and Egypt the population of the West Bank and Gaza exploded in size after 1948 to match the number of Jewish refugees coming to Israel from the Middle East after being expelled from their homes by Muslim nations and, lastly, that after Islam’s second war of 1967 to end the sovereignty of Jews upon our ancestral land the population of the West Bank and Gaza have grown proportionately with Israel’s population?

No, you probably have not learned *any* of these facts, because the religious Colonizers of the world, European Christianity and Arab Islam, with their revisionist histories do *not* want you to know this! The world’s Colonizers want you to think that the world’s minorities are the greatest threat to humankind upon this planet! That, for surviving colonization, we are – somehow – committing genocide and ethnic cleansing upon the “true inheritors” of all conquered lands. When did we get such numbers to achieve this?!


Yes!!! The first step to understanding is to realize that you don’t understand!

Learn from the indigenous, with an open heart, and adjust your world-view by “decolonizing” your mind!

The *only* reason that the “Holy Land” is such a prize to *more* than just Jews, is because Christianity and Islam – world colonizers – say so to justify their religions, which is based off of ANE Jewish literatures.

Without the creation of Christianity and Islam, the world would still be like Jews – a world of ethno-religious peoples from polytheistic to henotheistic to possibly monotheistic. Think carefully about this!

In Jewish inherited literatures, the TaNaKH clearly prophesizes that in the future – regardless the religion or gods/goddesses that other nations/peoples believe in – *all* nations are welcome to worship at YHWH’s temple in Zion (Israel). And this was true in the past and is true even in this present.

Meaning, that Christians and Muslims *do not* have to usurp the world, much less possess Judea-Samaria (what Romans re-named Palestine)!

You all were *always* welcome at Jerusalem’s temple. So why do Christians and Muslims so persecute Jews world-wide for keeping Judea-Samaria Jewish?! A land mass that is 98 times *smaller* than the land mass of Saudi Arabia?! Hello?!

The nation of Israel, a *Jewish* nation devoted to YHWH’s land, is about 448 times smaller than United States of European-colonized “America.” I kid you not! … So! How did we become the center of the Christian and Muslim dominated world? … Please, Christians and Muslims, care to answer?


This section’s snapshot, size comparison between the nation of Israel and the State of Texas. I kid you not!

If black people in the USA were equally represented in their achievements in the history within the United States, there would be no need for Black Lives Matter (BLM). Skin color very much matters, especially in the USA! The very act of whitening society into a “colorblind” society is just the attempted *preservation* of racial supremacy, full stop.

Equally as well, if Jews were represented proportionately accurately in this world, both in geographic and number of members size, there would be no need for an Anti-Defamation League nor a modern nation-State of Israel, full stop.

Racism is racism is racism! Seriously! Whether it is by the ghettos of white Christians or the equally humiliating dhimmi of Arab Muslims – all instituted upon the world for the assured supremacy of “world” religious Colonizers’ benefits.

Minorities are dying daily, folks, for the sake of European and Arab privileges, and this is not “righteous”!

(For record keeping: Only 15.2 million of us Jews, like David versus the Goliaths, trying to survive intact as an ethno-religious people in a 7.885 billion world population (who think in too many places that we are, somehow, the world ruling majority!) And, only 42 million African Americans in the USA, whose culture is a direct result of racist white supremacy in this world!)


Utter proof that USA Jews are questionably Jewish at best these days. Too much “white card” priviliges, too much Ashkenormative-ism, too much identifying with a political party ahistorical extreme – whether it’s swinging Left or missionary Right – to know who and what Jews actually are throughout this world. Too many USA Jews think they be one of the colonizers!

*Both* European Christianity and Arab Islam is no real friend to Israel, anywhere in this world! Because these religious Colonizers of the world, that have propped our indigenous minority people up as the focus of world politics, while always trying to beat us down into oppression, have their own baked in theological agendas for our land and for all remaining indigenous lands.

There are 2.4 billion Christian converts in this world, and 1.9 billion Muslim converts in this world. Looking beyond the colonizer bubble, the 1.2 billion Hindus are not interested in influencing world politics, the way the two colonizer religions do. Further, the 104 million Marxist members, all 99 percent of them live in China, Vietnam, Cuba, … you know, Communist ruled nations. The USA has *always* been a white Christian Capitalist controlled Colonizer nation, formed in racist slavery of kidnapped Africans upon stolen First Nations lands. To this day “America” is a white Christian primarily Republican controlled nation.

There are less Jews living in the U.S., Canada, and Alaska, than there are First Peoples/Nations. Worldwide, there are only 15.2 million Jews on this planet, most living outside the idiotic Left – Right extreme politics of the U.S. Thus, most Jews, even many in the USA, do *not* share these bickering ahistorical political perspectives that we see here.

Were too busy just trying to survive being propped up by the colonizer religions as a “world religion” – to justify their CE-created religious existence, which is based on Jewish ANE literatures. Were too busy just trying to survive in this world – as an ethno-religious indigenous people!

Joseph T Farkasdi

I am a writer, a husband, a father, a working servant, a complex individual who very few will probably understand! I am actively involved in raising the awareness of social injustice in this world caused by religious idealism and intolerance and the rise of an economic destroying corporatocracy. Take a moment to explore and learn more about me. Thanks!


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