Criminal conspiracy to extort a foreign nation for personal political gain – done by the #45th POTUS illegitimately-elected!

“Ambassador Sondland tried to explain to me that President Trump is a businessman. When a businessman is about to sign a check to someone who owes him something, he said, the businessman asks that person to pay up before signing the check. The explanation made no sense: the Ukrainians did not ‘owe’ President Trump anything, and holding up security assistance for domestic political gain was ‘crazy,’” – Ambassador William Taylor to Congress on 22 October 2019

Read it for yourself.


Just think about this for a moment …

The Vice President of the United States, Mike Pence, willingly participated in this *conspiracy* to get Donald J Trump illegitimately elected yet again as President in 2020. The Attorney General for the United States of America, William Barr, who is in charge of the DoJ, also willingly participated in this conspiracy. The Secretary of State of the United States, Mike Pompeo, our diplomatic arm to the world, willingly participated in this conspiracy, as well. All, save for narcissist Trump, are “Christian leaders” by their own admissions, and *all* have been working alongside criminal Donald J Trump to get him illegitimately elected *again*, while throwing the Ukrainians and the Kurdish peoples – as it is said in the USA – under the bus for personal gain and to the benefit of authoritarian governments of *other* nations.

Please tell me…. Why would *anyone* want to be associated with the word “Christian” at this point?! … Oh, yes, for self-enrichment purposes and because of racist beliefs, … Forgive me, I almost forgot!

There has been a *lot* of political corruption in the United States, but *this* level of corruption has never happened before! Do you all realize how *close* we’ve come to turning into Turkey, Russia, Saudi Arabia, the Philippines government-wise?!

This is what #MAGA is all about?


The facts might be a problem. May even be terribly uncomfortable. But, they are the facts, none the less! … Disbelieving does not change the facts. Nor does fabricating alternative stories about them.

Donald John Trump is illegitimately elected as POTUS, and was trying to get re-illegitimately elected for a second term. Donald J Trump and family and associates are criminals, even if they are not in jail yet for all their many crimes against the United States of America. Conspiracies to defraud, to break emolument laws, to evade taxation, to witness tamper and interfere in lawful investigations, and so forth. They believe they are innocent and above the law. And, they have a lot of compromised and corrupt Republican (GOP) enablers in positions of power protecting them – from Christian leaders to politicians.

These are simply the facts, all in the open before us. … When will these criminals be charged, tried, and thrown in jail for their numerous crimes against the people of the United States of America?”


They know their Criminal-in-Chief, the illegitimately-elected 45th POTUS, whose coattails they’ve been holding and whose ass they’ve been kneeling down to kiss – for votes and PAC money – is going to be impeached. So, they demonstrate to the public that their oath to the Constitution is as hollow as their Supreme Court-ordained “secular” Cross. It’s all about maintaining the sanctity of systemic “white” Christian “nationalism” in the United States of America! Ain’t nothing new here, folks.

“Many of the Republicans involved in the stunt are not members of the House Intelligence, Judiciary, and Foreign Affairs Committees and were therefore not authorized to enter the hearing room.

“Let’s see if we can get in,” Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), the leader of the group, said at a press conference Wednesday.”

‘Physically Obstructing Justice,’ Dozens of Republicans Storm Closed-Door Impeachment Hearing
The Republican stunt “essentially shut down the impeachment inquiry for a time,” said the Washington Post’s Rachel Bade.


A white man named John Brown got lynched by white men for setting slaves free, by stirring up slave rebellions and shooting white slave owners in the USA. I can assure you that history will show that Donald John Trump is no John Brown! The moral compass swings the wrong way. He is no George Washington, either, except for his shared indifference to the plight of people of color in this racist nation. Shame on the USA for allowing him to hold the Office of the President, a position he did not legitimately earn!

Until we address white racism towards people of color and social discrimination towards those who are challenged and towards those who don’t meet Christian theological standards,… the United States of America will continue to be a beacon of suffering, separation, murder, and shameful immorality in this world!

Believing your religion justifies your rightness does not change this.

If you are “white” you have an obligation to actively repent and enact legislations to change this.


The truth is that U.S. will never change, until its fundamental systems of governing are reinvented towards social justice. … From Son of Baldwin:

“Initially, I believed that Congressperson Elijah Cummings’s passing was some sort of covert attack from his enemies. That they poisoned him, or intentionally exposed him to some pathogens in an effort to take him off the board so that the ruling sinister forces could continue their horrors unabated.

Whatever the cause, his death legitimately makes me sad.

It makes me sad because, by all accounts, Cummings was a good person. Not in the theoretical, saying it because it’s the nice thing to say way, but because he was actually, genuinely a person of principle, of empathy, of righteousness, of compassion, of love.

It makes me sad because he had taken on the evils of this country in the hopes that his actions would be an example, that he could, from inside the belly of the beast, until his body just gave out.

He was an optimist, even though the United States has never given him–or any Black person–a single reason to be one–not even when a portion of it elected him into his seat.

Down to his very last breath, he worked to take on and defeat the Grand Dragon. What makes me saddest of all is in my realization that it was a battle he never could have won because it’s unwinnable (if the goal is to get America to recognize the inherent humanity of the marginalized). The system isn’t rigged; evil is how it’s *supposed* to function. The Grand Dragon is not a *person*; it’s the ethos, pathos, and existential and intrinsic character of the country.

I don’t want to reduce Congressperson Cummings’s life work to a kind of Quixotic quest, but I don’t believe you can rid America of bigotry, not without killing America.

This nation was built atop of the bones of its vanquished–ON PURPOSE. Remove those bones and the entire castle crumbles. For the castle to exist, there must be bones at its foundation. This is fundamental to any understanding of the United States.

But Congressperson Cummings had a dream that maybe this was a cynical rendering of reality, and he dedicated his life to proving that.

I didn’t agree with him, but I understood him. I respected him. I loved him.

His work was not done, but he so earned his rest.

Thank you for your efforts, Elder.”

Image description: Congressman Elijah Cummings seen seated behind his desk, stacks of papers atop them. He’s reading a paper that he’s holding in his hand. Window behind him.

“We can disagree and still love each other unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist.” – Son of Baldwin … Amen!

Joseph T Farkasdi

I am a writer, a husband, a father, a working servant, a complex individual who very few will probably understand! I am actively involved in raising the awareness of social injustice in this world caused by religious idealism and intolerance and the rise of an economic destroying corporatocracy. Take a moment to explore and learn more about me. Thanks!

1 Comment

Joseph T Farkasdi · December 4, 2019 at 6:44 pm

The People show their *interest* in a candidate when they vote. The Electoral College gets to make the *actual* vote for the People. But, it is the Senate that ultimately *decides* who they will inaugurate as President in 2020! And, they *do not have to listen* to the voted will of the People of the United States. This is how this representative Republic is set up, folks!

… *LISTEN!* …

Whoever controls the U.S. Senate, controls the nation – who is President, who becomes our Judges, and what laws that are passed by the people’s House of Representatives will become the law of the land. (Remember, it was only in the *mid-20th century (1900’s!)* that “the People” got, at least, the right to vote for who will be their Senators to the U.S. Congress! Think very carefully about this!)

This is why illegitimately-elected criminal Donald J Trump is still in that office, folks! And, why this impeachment hearing and future trial is just *political fucking theater* to entertain the masses, until 2020 rolls around and whoever controls the Senate decides who our nation’s next President will be. So far, it’s looking like criminal Trump yet again!

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