I love education! By definition, “colonizing” is the act of taking over of a land that is not your parent land (aka, “someone’s elses). Every census from BCE time period to present day CE, by every occupier of Judea-Israel (aka, historic Palestine), has recorded Jews in the land. Explain to me how the indigenous is the “colonizer” of the parent land?! And, how are the conquesting immigrants to this land the indigenous?! … To question ahistorical beliefs further, it was Palestinian Jews that fought the British (militarily), to force the occupier out, allowing both Arabs and Jews to establish states of independence in 1948.

But, for Jews simply declaring Jewish Independence on a small portion of Judea (historic Palestine), the three nations of Syria, Jordan, and Egypt began a 10 month siege *the very next day* of the West Bank, Israel, and Gaza – to conquest Israel. This Muslim conquest, near one year long, directly caused the “nakba” – that is blamed, after the fact, on Israel. Jordan took occupying possession of the Arab Palestinians in the West Bank and oppressed them, and Egypt took occupying possesion of Gaza. These Arab nations failed to win the war against newly re-established Israel (the 3rd sovereign iteration of Israel in Judea/Palestine). Jordan, the West Bank occupier from 1948 to 1967, set up the PLO terrorist group in the West Bank to terrorize Israel (think Yasser Arafat), and Egypt allowed Islamic terrorists free access to their Gaza occupied territory.

In 1967, all three Arab nations attempted again to conquest Israel, and lost again – but worse. Jordan lost occupying possession of the West Bank, and Egypt lost ocuppying possession of Gaza, because Israel fully won this second attack upon her self-sovereignty. To protect itself from constant terrorism, Israel maintained occupation of the West Bank with the intent for West Bank Arab and Jewish Palestinians to develop a nation-State, and the same for Gaza. The Arab Palestinian majority tried to create a sovereign nation, but has ended up with a militant dictatorship, instead, that has been and still is oppressing Palestinians so that they can continue terrorism of Israel – funded by U.N. funds for the Palestinian people and by surrounding Arab nations. These terror dictatorships regularly kill their own to achieve their anti-Jewish agendas and, if you studied the West Bank and Gaza, you’d know this!

In 2005, all Jews were forcibly removed from Gaza by the IDF, making Gaza Jew-free for the first time in 3,500 years of history. Two years later, the PA/PLO West Bank dictatorship created the Hamas Islamic terrorist group in Gaza, drawing from the 1987 Egyptian created Hamas terrorist group founded by Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood movement. To this day, the numbers of Jews and Arabs in historic Palestine are equal in portion 7 million to 7 million. All Jews are now only within Israel and select spots of the West Bank, and Palestinian Arabs are in the West Bank, Gaza, and also Israel. In Israel, Israeli Arabs are active in all aspects of Israeli society, except for synagogue attendance, having equal societal rights. …. Demonstrable verifiable historical facts matter! …

There is no genocide of Palestinians by Israel, but there has been racial problems between Jews and Arabs – brown on brown conflict. Most Jews in Israel are Middle Eastern and North African only in ancestry (having never emigrated to Europe, but were forcibly expelled from their ancestral homes by Muslim governments and forced to settle in Israel). There has been no ethnic cleansing of the West Bank and Gaza by Israel, only rightfully questionable displacements by Likud party policies outside Israeli borders. Arabs in Israel have equal rights in society, even though the racial tensions. And, half of the Palestianian Arabs are Egyptian in origin, having settled in Palestine from the Egyptian-Ottoman wars of conquest over who occupies and controls historic Palestine. Egyptians are a Semetic people who were forcibly turned Arab in ethnicity and Muslim in religion by the conquesting Islamic caliphates of Arabia. The same with the Jordanian and Palestinian peoples, which includes forcibly converted Jewish Palestinian families in historic Palestine. …

Caricature history is the liar’s history, to maintain Christian/Islamic supremacy over the world. The victim is somehow the oppressor, and the oppressor is somehow the indigenous. We see this in the Christian ruled United States and in the Islamic ruled Middle East. Ask the Kurds, the Druze, the Hawaiians, the First People of this continent if this is true! And, Jews are the only ethno-religious minority in this world to manage some degree of sovereign self-autonomy after the violent rise and colonial conquests of the world by Christianity and Islam. …

Yes, #palestinelivesmatter ! #BDS Hamas and the PA/PLO, and free Palestinians from terror dictatorships! And #PalestineWillBeFree !


Both Jeremy Corbyn and Donald J Trump don’t give a “F” about Israel. The only difference between them is that Corbyn shows his Jew-hate openly, and Donald J Trump hides it or uses others to reveal it. Trump did not give a damn about Israel when he moved the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, he gave a damn about the Evangelical Qanon base that he was manipulating to overthrow the U.S. government – and preserve him as a lifelong presidential dictator. Trump is as evil as Corbyn and Hamas! And Jews who sided with this evil have forgotten the lesson of Nazi Germany, having too much access to “white” privilege in the last fifty years! Wake up!

Hitler claimed Nazism to be socialism, but it was actually white Christian supremacist racism towards Jews (which led to 6 million Jewish deaths) – no different from the white Christian supremacist racism in the USA against Blacks, Jews, Latinos, Asians, and First Peoples. In fact, Hitler got his racist idealism and eugenics programs directly from the white USA writers of his time that were oppressing the continent of “America” (and still are to this day).

There is a difference between presenting facts as is, and presenting facts that support an agenda. I am neither Democrat nor Republican, because both show their hate for democracy in favor of party tyranny. … Further, D’varim itself demands socialism of Jews and of Israel. For the oppressions of top down Capitalism and Communism are an abomination to YHWH god. Suggest, if you’re Jewish and you voted for Trump or Biden, you carefully read D’varim in the Hebrew. … Neither USA political party supports antisemitism and antiracism. Both USA political parties are guilty of both, and don’t even see it! Especially, white so-called ‘woke’ and ‘active’ citizens.

If the USA was woke on either political side, someone would have legislated the end of systemic racism by now. If the USA was woke on either political side, the actual history of historic Palestine would be taught in every school without bias and, likewise, for all the historical ways within the USA that maintains its racist white supremacy over the land. … Unbiased honesty is too hard for the comfortable, who don’t actually want to change their way of life in favor of justice and peace. Ignorance only continues the injustices of this world!


A war on history is a war on honesty and truth. No one has been better at this, except for maybe anti-vaxxers, at distorting historical truths in the minds of the West, to serve there ahistorical purposes, than the PA/PLO and Hamas.

Hamas recently claimed (again) that Jerusalem, located in the Levant, Judea (now called Palestine, courtesy of Rome), has an “Arab Islamic identity” and that Israel is committing “forgery and theft of the history of the holy city” as a plan to “Judaize Jerusalem and obliterate” its Muslim history. All because archaologists recently found a section of the BCE 1st Temple period wall that surrounded Jerusalem. But, Jerusalem was not built in Arabia, and Islam is only a 1400 year old religion out of Arabia who could never maintain hold over Jerusalem, every time they tried to conquest it. Outside of Jews, no other peoples have managed to hold Jerusalem for a long period as their territory.

Jerusalem was built 3800 years ago (1800 BCE), back when Arabs of Arabia were still worshipping their pantheon of gods and goddesses. The first mention of Jerusalem was in 1400 BCE, in the Cuneiform Amarna Letters. By 1200 BCE, the Canaanites, from which Israel and Judea originated from, took possession of Jerusalem. ANE Egypt, Assyria, and Babylon all recognize Judea-Israel’s existence as the kingdom-nation of Jerusalem in their writings. The later occupying Greeks, Romans, and Byzantine Christians all recognize the Judaic history of Jerusalem.

From 7th century CE onward, the newly invented Islam within Arabia successfully usurped the Arab polytheistic ethno-religion of Arabia. And the Islamic Caliphates that sought to conquer and hold Israel as Arab territory were never able to hold on to it for long. Yet, they too recognized it as the Jewish city that it is. And Jews have always been in Judea/Palestine throughout the last 3,500 years, refusing to abandon presence in Jerusalem. These are just historical facts.

But, in today’s war on history, facts are a lie, the lie is the truth! Because, ignorance and hatred are more important than peace and justice upon the land! That sad state of humanity in today’s 21st century CE. … Let’s read the ahistorical lie that terrorists who are oppressing Palestinians want everyone to believe about Israel, for the lie must always be exposed as the lie that it is.

In response to this new section of ANE Jerusalem wall discovered by archaelogists:

“Hamas spokesman Muhammad Hamadeh dismissed the announcement and accused Israel of “falsifying and stealing history.” He said that the announcement was “a continuation of previous announcements related to the alleged Temple.” The announcement, Hamadeh said, represents a “continuation of the [Israeli] approach based on the forgery and theft of the history of the holy city.” He also claimed that the announcement was part of Israel’s “plans to Judaize Jerusalem and obliterate its Arab Islamic identity.”
He added: “The aggression of the occupation did not stop at the limits of falsifying history. Rather, it seeks to change the reality. The announcement of these alleged discoveries comes in conjunction with the normalization agreements [between Israel and four Arab countries] that gave it an international cover.” ”

Historical Fact: Out of Jerusalem’s 3,800 year history of existence, the longest period of control that Muslim Arabs have had over this city is only 461 years, CE Middle Ages. Now compare this to 471 years for the BCE 1st kingdom of Israel, and 651 years for the BCE to CE 2nd kingdom of Israel – with Judea being on the Levant map from 1000 BCE to 135 CE, before the Roman Empire forcibly renamed Judea (the Jewish parent land) as “Syria Palaestina.”

I pitty the political/social left and right that are bought into their conspiratorial lies, all because it’s emotionally satisfying to create enemies and boost yourself as righteous in stance. Whether left or right, if your stance is based in an evidential historical lie, then you are a liar – period! A lie never truly becomes a truth, so long as there are those willing to teach the demonstrable factual history of the ground.

Israel of today is the 4th Israel that was created by the people that were already upon the land, the indigenous of Judea/Palestine. It is a sad historical fact that Israel has had to build a wall around itself to protect its citizens from Islamic terrorism. And that all this left vs right “ego”-boosting ahistorical talk is the reason that peace is so unattainable among humans. Most humans don’t want justice and peace, they want to be right and to have the other as wrong.

Both Christianity and Islam are the very definition of “privilege” sowing chaos in the world for proselytizing conquesting religious gain. There are so few ethno-religious communities left in this world, and Jews are so far the only ethno-religious community to regain a bit of self-autonomy on ancestral land after the rise of Christianity and Islam in this world. I so hope the Kurds, Hawaiians, and First Peoples of this continent one day achieve this, too. I so hope that Iran finally kicks out their Muslims oppressors, and are free to return to their Zoroastrianism ethno-religion and democratic government. I long to see white supremacy of the USA fold to the historical truths of this nation’s origins.

I so hope for peace in this world, but peace will only come by recognizing the right of all humans to be culturally unique and free of absolutist ideologies/religions. Free of conquests that seek to rewrite history into a revisionist caricature of history that only glorifies the religious conquester for capitalistic/corrupt gain. I long to see social media pseudohistory and racist tropes and conspiracy theories come to an end, replaced by demonstrable unbiased facts embraced by all – but, in this, I hope for too much from our human primate species, for we haven’t evolved enough yet.

#BDS Hamas and the PA/PLO, and free Palestinians from terror dictatorships! For, yes, #palestinelivesmatter and #PalestineWillBeFree


A taste of a new post on my kahal project, only a typos hunt away from full completion.

D’varim 23:8-9 “You will not despise an Edomite/Idumean, for he is your brother. You will not despise an Egyptian, for you lived in his land. In the third generation of Judean-Israeli kingdom sovereignty, they may marry into Jewish families.” … Why is this law in Torah?

The ANE Edomites/Idumeans were a Levantine Semitic people of what is now Jordan today. They were *literally* a brother people of the Jewish people, Judean kingdom, during the ANE and early CE periods. But having been fully conquested, during the Middle Ages CE period, by Islamic caliphates of Arabia, they are now known as “Arabs” today, albeit with the Jewish lighter skin color. Prior to the Semitic Idumean forced assimiliation into the Jewish people during the Greek-Roman occupation of Judea-Israel period, they were the Semitic people who continued to worship all the gods and goddesses of the Canāanite pantheon (El/Elohim, Asherah, Baal, Yahweh, and their national god was Qaus (קוס)) up until the Hasmonean rebellions, while Judea-Israel had settled long ago onto henotheistic worship of one particular god (YHWH god, who usurp the position of Elohim in Torah myths, courtesy of scribal redactions). A modern day equivalent to the ANE Judean/Edomean (Jewish/not-Jewish) family ties are today’s Levantine Jews (aka, Palestinian Jews) and the Samaritans who also never left Judea-Israel/Palestine.

The Egyptians, too, were a Levantine Semetic people that migrated down to more fertile grounds between the Arabian and Cush empires (Cush is known as Ethiopia, South Africa, today) and these Levantines produced the mighty Egyptian dynasties of North and South Egypt. After the Roman Empire’s occupation, during the CE period, Egyptians admixed enough with South Africans that they developed a skin color as dark as many Arabs. The Egyptian Semites were also conquested by Islam, and were forcibly turned Arab and Muslim in ethnic and religious identities, respectively.

The Model Society – D’varim’s Jewish Israel

The Model Society – D’varim’s Jewish Israel


Most people these days don’t want to hear the truth – the demonstrable, factual, and historical truths. No! Most people these days want to hear the divisive emotionally-satisfying lie – the imagined truth, revisionist history, that appeals to their chosen beliefs and biases.

Our technological advancements – especially social media – are leading us worldwide as a human primate species back into the European “Dark Age,” the historical period of utter intellectual ignorance and religious extremism.

I feel so sorry for the next generations to come, who are about to be direct witnesses to another world-wide planetary extinction event! An environmental collapse, that maybe only a handful of humans might survive, if they’re rich enough to dome within the ocean and/or capable of reaching a far off habital planet to survive on.


As a child, I loved watching Star Trek on our 13″ black and white television, not realizing until many many years later that Star Trek TOS was actually filmed in color. I was a true Trekkie at heart! So, I was so disappointed with the William Crusher Show (Star Trek TNG), featuring regularly Q. The worst Star Trek series ever made and, of course, the longest running, because it was so crap television! But, then came Star Trek DS9, and … oh my! I was back in love with Star Trek again. TOS and DS9 were the best Star Trek franchises! Star Trek Voyager only began to be ‘okay’ watchable after the first three seasons (it took that long just for the actors to get the characters to work together), but then there was that idiotic Q character popping in and out again, weakening the series with each Q episode. Still, STV was not anywhere as bad as TNG William Crusher show. When Star Trek Enterprise came out, I was back to feeling like the franchise had returned to its TOS roots! But, they had their writers’ affliction, by having way too many episodes focused on the same plot and species, which the other series had thoroughly worn out by then. With TOS, every episode was a new and different unique episode. So, it’s still my number 1, followed by DS9. Star Trek Discovery I hated on the first episode for being too much Game Trek, and I haven’t watched it since!

When Star Trek TMP and TWoK came out, both movies I loved (immensely!). But, the movies to follow wore thin on me, for the weakness of their stories. And the new movies, featuring the young versions of the original cast in a new timeline was just too much video Game Trek for me – all action with no story! They’re not even trying anymore! So, count me out.

But, luckily for all of us, there is an independent fan-made version of The Original Series on Vimeo that is blessedly as good as the original series, and adds one more needed season to the original Trek! Star Trek Continues is my number 3 favorite of all the Star Trek series.


What We Left Behind: Looking Back at Deep Space Nine


The Democrats are proving themselves to have no more actual empathy than the Republicans! Why am I NOT surprised by this.

Too busy trying to strike 1970’s-style bipartisan political deals with the Qanon Evangelical political party, than doing what the voters demanded of them in 2020 – social and judicial action NOW! Stop the evictions of the poor NOW! Enact the Voter Protection Act NOW! Enact a $15/hr national minimum wage NOW! Enact the FULL Infastructure Bill AFTER the Voter Protection Act! End the filibuster NOW! Justice! Justice! Justice!

If all this does not happen – if at the very least – the John Lewis voter act is not enacted in 2021, then it no longer matters who goes to the polls to vote in 2022 – only white votes, rich folks votes, and Trump’s political party votes will count for generations to come. Please, stop being the fool and listen to history, to this warning!

Joseph T Farkasdi

I am a writer, a husband, a father, a working servant, a complex individual who very few will probably understand! I am actively involved in raising the awareness of social injustice in this world caused by religious idealism and intolerance and the rise of an economic destroying corporatocracy. Take a moment to explore and learn more about me. Thanks!


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