Indeed, in full agreeance, my personal stake in a multiracial America, as well:

“Don’t ever underestimate White supremacy’s ability to adapt.

The assumption that more racial diversity equals more racial equality is a dangerous myth. Racial diversity can function as a cloaking device, concealing the most powerful forms of White supremacy while giving the appearance of racial progress.

Racism will likely be just as entrenched in a browner America as it is now. It will still be White supremacy, with a tan.

My family is a symbol of these demographic changes.

My mother is Irish; my father was Black. My wife is an immigrant from Central America with a biracial mother and a White “Ladino” father who was Jewish and Castilian. My stepmother is Chilean, and half of my siblings are Afro-Latino.

I have one relative with blonde hair and blue eyes who moves through the world as a young White man, but he’s really Afro-Latino. And I have another Black relative who went to court to argue that he was White (he lost). The 2020 Census could have used my family portrait for a poster.”

I have a dream that white Christian and Arab Muslim supremacy over the world finally comes to an end! That Jew-hating racism and brown-skin fearing racism becomes overwhelmed by a recognition of admixturing and a focus on nationalism – in place of Empire expanding nation-building! And, through embracing nationalism, we dismantle the social and governing structural systems of racial classification of human beings into heirarchies of have and have not. …

But, this dream of hope for humanity won’t be lived, so long as people like supremacists Rashida Tlaib and Marjorie Taylor Greene insist on playing the minority victims in this world, while demonizing the *historically* repressed as the oppressors upon *their* freedoms and liberties!

Both Arab Islam and white Christianity use and play their supremacy privilege cards very well, to keep the narrative always in their favor and to keep the ever vulnerable always on the defensive. The more a minority reacts to this, the more *right* about them the supremacists of this world claim!

“There is a yearning embedded in my DNA that a demographic tide will overtake White supremacy — the belief that White people are superior and they should maintain political, social and economic power over other races.

This yearning is not driven by some wish that people of color will someday rule over Whites. It’s a hope for a more just America, a hope that we can somehow escape the tribalism that tore other countries apart.”

Well said, John Blake! White supremacy with a tan is just as real as white supremacy original, and seeks the same privileged goals. Wherever supremacy exists in this world, we who believe in the ending of religious/racial supremacy must stand against the religious empires that have taken theocratic rule over all humans of this world!

My personal stake in a multiracial America

“There has long been a debate in the multiracial community, though, about how we express ourselves. Some say we shouldn’t confine our choice to the Black box but should instead select “some other race” — or even White.

That debate erupted at the dinner table with my father one day. When I told him that I define myself as Black, he dropped his fork in anger and raised his voice.

“When you say you’re Black, you deny your mother,” he said.

I didn’t know how to explain to my father that if more multiracial people with a Black parent checked the “some other race” box, it could make it easier for institutions to conceal racism.

How we check the box, though, can shield White supremacy instead of dismantling its power.

Racial classification numbers are a great tool for uncovering the hidden hand of White supremacy: systemic racism.

These numbers are used to enforce civil rights laws, track discrimination and protect voting rights.

“The Census is not an invitation to express yourself. That race data is central to enforcing our civil rights laws,” Hernandez says.”


When Omar Khalifah, an Associate professor of *Arabic* literature and culture at Georgetown University, Qatar, who is a *Jordanian* Palestinian and has an *Israeli*-issued ID Card, says: “Gaza is not a state. The West Bank is not a state either. In fact, there is no Palestinian state. The conflict between Israelis and Palestinians is not one between two sovereign states. Rather, it is a conflict between a colonised people and their coloniser.”

What Omar Khalifah means to say is that he is a victim of “colonization* himself (thus, blind to his own reality!), being *victim* of the Arabian Islamic colonization of the *entire* Middle East and North Africa. He is like a black Republican in the present day USA, speaking against his ethno-religious people, bought fully into the revisionist lie of white meritocracy.

What Omar Khalifah means to say to all of us – both Jew and gentile, but *especially* gentile – is that he intends not to tell you folks *how many* peoples throughout the Middle East reject the colonizer’s identity of “Arab,” even though they are *not* Jews. What Omar Khalifah means to do is to appeal to the white and black binary mindset of *European* cultured minds.

What Omar Khalifah means to say with his use of the word “foreigner” is those damn dirty resilient unassimilating *native born* Jewish Palestinians, whose parents have always lived on the land – despite the endless colonizations – who literally *live* religious Zionism day in and day out. Those unassimilating Jewish natives of Palestine, who embraced whole heartedly the political Zionist ideal, brought to them by immigrating Jews well prior to WWII – the idea of a Jewish homeland restored again to actual self-sovereignty, yet again!

What Omar Khalifah means by the word “native” is the Arab culture, language, and Islamic religion *only* – which originates from *Arabia* – by *any* ruling means necessary, and upon the *entire* land of Palestine, the Middle East, and Africa. What Omar Khalifah means to say is that Jews in our parent land with national sovereignty is an evil like Islamic and Christian colonization of the *entire* damn world!

What Omar Khalifah means to say by the word “colonialism” is that he and other Arab Islamists are pissed that they cannot defeat Jews living in our homeland – whether by military might or by slanderous propaganda and history revisionism. What Omar Khalifah means in his article is that Arab/Islamic supremacy in the Middle East feels as threatened by Jewish sovereignty in just *a portion* of our ancestral lands, as Evangelicals/White supremacists feel threatened by the black and brown freedoms granted – also, against *their* will – through the 1960’s Civil Rights Acts in the USA!

What Omar Khalifah means to say is that the objective is clear in the Middle East: At no time in the near future will Arab Islamic extremists *allow* Israel to drop the checkpoints and open Her gates to the world around her. What Omar Khalifah wants and hopes for you and the world is that the world *would* be misguided and actually think and *believe* that the land’s indigenous are actually the “colonizers.”

An honest question here: When was the last time that white Christians colonized Byzantine Rome? When was the last time that Arab Islamists colonized Arabia? … Don’t worry, I’ll wait!

What Omar Khalifah means is that he’s pissed that in 1948, Palestinian Jews with immigrant returning Jews successfully forced Britain out of Palestine and all 630,000 of Jewish them declared national sovereignty – in a land that has *only* known “occupation” since the Roman *occupation* of Judea and their renaming it “Palaestina.”

What Omar Khalifah means to say is that he’s saddened that Germany’s Hitler couldn’t conquer the world and end the world-wide gentile “Jew” problem. What Omar Khalifah means to say is that he laments that the Arab nations and decades of terrorist organizations, supported by outside Arab nations, in Palestine cannot end the presence of Israel reborn in the land – a non-Islamic nation, in the Middle East!

What Omar Khalifah means to say is that he is determined to make *in appearance* to the entire world the idea that 140,000 Jewish refugees to established Israel from Europe and 650,000 Jewish refugees to established Israel from the Middle East and North Africa – *and* their combined Palestinian-European-Arab-African Jewish descendants – *who had nowhere to go but into Israel*, are *all* somehow white colonizers from Europe who are magically enslaving the so-called “natives.”

This doctrine of misinformation is *so* insistently said by the world’s two *colonizers* upon this planet! Do whites not claim that *they” are the rightful natives of the USA? Do not “Arabs” claim that *they* are the rightful natives of all the Middle East?

What Omar Khalifah means to say in his opinion piece within a *colonizer* forum is that he cannot or will not recognize how *native* Jewish culture and language is to this Middle Eastern land, and within the buried ruins of this ancient land, and *how much* relationship our language and ways have with those who are still living un-Arabized/un-Islamized in the *entire* Middle Eastern land! Yes, those who are *not* Jews and are, still yet, resisting assimilation into “Arab” and “Islam,” like Jews!

For example: Bedouins, Druze, Kurds, “Arab Christians,” Samaritans, ethnic Iranians still practicing Zoroastrianism, certain Turkish communities, and *many* Afghani tribes, etc, etc, etc!

Hello?! Omar Khalifah *wants* you to believe the same lie that terrorist Yasser Arafat popularized through the U.N. into this world. That somehow colonialism survives in Palestine, when it is actually Jewish “nationalism” just *trying* to survive in a hostile world of “Jew”-hate. Even 4% of Palestine for a Jewish state, with rest of the 96% of Palestine for Arab Communist/Islamic peoples was *too* much for “Arabs,” both in and *outside* of Palestine (Peel Commission, which Palestinian Jews agreed fully to!).

A bit of historical knowledge here: Like within European lands, Jews have *always* been second-class citizens under *their* Christian and Islamic sovereign rule! For in *all* Islam’s conquesting years of Palestine (along with Crusaders, and Turks), Jews have mostly been fine, so long as they remain an oppressed people – under Arab and Christian rule.

What colonizers *fear* the most to their supremacy over the world is that the *indigenous* will exert *nationalism* against their constant attempt at subjugation and/or outright assimilation of all peoples. (In the Jewish case, this is known as Jewish Zionism.) But, we who are born from the blood of natives will always resist. Whether it be Jew, “black,” “native American,” India “Indian,” Polynesian, south “African,” etc, etc, etc!

Gaza is not a State, because of the Islamic terrorist organization called Hamas. Their only goal, by their own words, is to “kill” every Jew in Palestine for the “conquest” of Islam. The West Bank is not a State, because their corrupt self-enriching leadership does not want *elections* to happen ever again (after the first and only), because it would mean recognizing a Jewish nation literally next door.

Tell me, historically and honestly, *how many peace negotiations* have Palestianian “Arab” leadership ever agreed to, and the Israeli leadership rejected? Even though most of these agreements did not favor Israel’s future? … Don’t worry, I’ll keep waiting!

Who created the Nakba (catastrophe) in Palestine? Was it Israel as Arab colonizers keep claiming? Or was it the three Arab nations surrounding Palestine (the West Bank, Israel, and Gaza) that laid a 10 month seige upon Palestine to conquest newly re-established Israel?

You do know that it was Transjordan that robbed the West Bank of a chance at nationhood in 1948, by *occupying* them until the 1967 second attempted Arab conquest of Israel, yes? You do know that it was Egypt that robbed Gaza of a chance at nationhood in 1948, by *occupying* them until the 1967 second attempted Arab conquest of Israel, yes?

Demonstrable history be damned in the late 20th-21st century. We have reached as a planetary species *another* human intellectual “Dark Ages.” So much so, that I’m now truly wondering, “Should we survive? There’s gotta be much smarter creatures than us human primates on this land, yes?”

“The Zionist movement, which would form Israel and result in the destruction of Palestinian society and the ethnic cleansing of Palestine (a series of events known in Palestinian historiography as the Nakba, or Catastrophe), has successfully managed to halt the linear progression of Palestinians’ path to self-determination,” writes Omar.

Of course, blame the Jews for what Syria, Egypt, Transjordan with the help of Iraqi military caused. Palestine could have been free in 1948, but were it not for these “Arab” nations laying seige to the West Bank, Gaza, and Israel for 10 months – the very next day after Jews declared sovereign independence. Jordan was West Bank’s merciless occupiers until 1967, when Israel liberated the West Bank. Egypt ruled Gaza as occupier until 1967, when Israel liberated Gaza. In return, Israel was demonized *as* the reason for the Nakba and constantly forced by terrorists to reoccupy the West Bank and Gaza.

But, this factual history does *not* make for good propaganda for the two colonizing supremacist religions of the world. It’s either Arab Allah or White Jesus, take your damn pick – because, if you don’t, you are the problem in society and in this world. For 1,600 years, now, Jews have been paying the deadly price for this colonizing justification. And, even if you do pick Allah or Christ, you’re still somehow part of the problem – okay, at least, your kind is! Is this not what history daily teaches?

Who claims that Muhammad is “the last Prophet” of the Jewish national YHWH god of the BCE period? Only Muslims, followers of a 6th century CE created Arabian religion that purposefully colonizes. Who claims that Jesus Christ is the incarnate version of the Jewish national YHWH god of the BCE period? Only Christians, followers of a 4th century CE created Roman religion that purposefully colonizes. Both are gentile religions that have appropriated the ancient literatures of Jews, and now presume to speak for Jews or be the replacement of Jews, while oppressing Jews (or expelling Jews) in (from) every nation of this world.

Until we can address the history of this world honestly, the Psalmist’s vision of a world of peace among nations *cannot* come to fruition!

Note: “Khalifah” ( خليفة ) is a name or title which means “successor”, “ruler” or “leader”. Aka, the leader of an Islamic Caliphate. It is also used as a title among various Islamic religious groups and others. In other words, like the European continent, Arabia was a polytheistic nation along with most of the Middle East. *Until*, like Europe, Arabia and the entire Middle East and North Africa became *colonized* by 6th century CE born conquesting Islam.

Joseph T Farkasdi

I am a writer, a husband, a father, a working servant, a complex individual who very few will probably understand! I am actively involved in raising the awareness of social injustice in this world caused by religious idealism and intolerance and the rise of an economic destroying corporatocracy. Take a moment to explore and learn more about me. Thanks!


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