If he wanted to be Jew-like, he could of joined a “Messianic” community. I’m sure they would have welcomed him with open arms!

“While living in Texas, Ali Hassan Hawila wanted to become Jewish, but got rejected by a Reform community. So, he then decided to just start saying he was Jewish, and named himself Eliyah Hawila. He learned enough Hebrew to recite Jewish prayers, studied the Torah at a local Chabad and concocted an elaborate backstory to his false Jewish roots. All, so that he could marry a Jewish woman of Syrian descent from Brooklyn, New York, that he met online. Two weeks after they married in New York, the bride’s family discovered a Lebanese passport under his actual name. The marriage was annulled, and she was taken from him.”

Looks do not make you a member of the Jewish people. Dressing in our cultural clothing and using our ritual items only makes you possibly ger toshav (a legal term for an observant non-Jew living in a Jewish community). Language use doesn’t make you a member of the Jewish people. Speaking Hebrew fluently and any other Jewish language just makes you possibly ger toshav. It is our Jewish halacha alone that defines who is legitimately Jewish and who is not a Jew. Jews are born Jewish or, rarely, chosen by a Jewish community to be a member of the Jewish people (by ethno-religious “conversion” or adoption).

As an indigenous people, if we were to just abandon our Jewish halacha – and embrace the radical idea that “identifying as a Jew” is enough for someone to be Jewish – this would be all that is needed to assimilate us into the Colonizer way of life. Once indigeneity is lost, we cease to be a people by inherited Jewish law.

If we didn’t have halacha to define who is Jewish and who is not – who is legitimately of the people of Israel and who is not – then any non-Jew could decide on a whim to start calling him/herself a Jew, redress his/her foreign ways as Jewish-looking, and create a so-called “Jewish” or “Hebrew” or “Israel” community that was not started by an actual legally legitimate Jew. Or, even worse, cause halachic problems for a Jewish family by deceptively infiltrating a Jewish community (that observes Jewish halacha!).

It is the Jewish halacha that saves us as a people from assimilation, and keep us uniquely a separate people with indigeneity practices and aspirations. Judaism (Judāh-ism) has always been about the continuity and future of our indigenous ancestral language, literatures, ethno-religion, rituals, and halachot that tie us לדור ודור ledor vador – for all generations – to the land of our ancestors, Judea-Samaria. As such, a Jew is a recognized member of a Jewish community, as defined by this Jewish community’s halacha.

An imposter that is pretending to be Jewish to redefine our ethno-religious identity into their non-Jewish identity or to appropriate our ethno-religious identity as a people is a sheigetz or a shikse person, “disgustingly blemmished” by their deceptive cultural appropriation for the purpose of proselytizing or avoiding Jewish halacha. These non-Jews that are pretending to be Jews are no different than the Christian and Muslim colonizer shgatzim that harrass and torment Jewish youth and elderly!

If we didn’t have Jewish halacha to legally define us as an indigenous people – who is Jewish and who is not a member – then what argument or justification would we have to make clear to the world that so-called “Messianic Jews” and “Jews for Jesus” and “Hebrew Israelites” are idol worshipping Christians who are pretending to be Jews, and are *not* legitimately Jewish *in any way* per our indigenous people’s Jewish halachot? I’m glad that Judaism is not a religion, I really am!

“Hawila was investigated by the FBI amid growing concerns that he could be working for a terror group trying to infiltrate the Jewish community. Hezbollah has its headquarters in southern Lebanon. The FBI has yet to find evidence of Hawila’s involvement in any terrorist organizations.”

“I just want to convert and I want to live a Jewish life,” Hawila said. Then, do it the halachic way! Prove yourself halachically Jewish to a community, and when they accept you as halachically Jewish – *then*, you can marry one of their daughters (albeit, so long as it’s not “ultra-orthodox” community).


All Indigenous Peoples have origin stories that give us identity as a people. The Jewish indigenous story is the following (as this Rabbi so eloquently shared it in such simple words, so please listen!):

“When God created Adam and Eve, God gave them a religion. The religion was seven commandments to live by. But, when the world was destroyed [by the curse of drought and the Levant flood], because the world wasn’t living by these seven [instructions], God came to Abraham and says “I’m choosing you and your children [meaning, all descendants] to do *613 commandments*.”

This is how the Jewish people became the “chosen” people of YHWH god, Landowner of the Levant. “So what does it mean to be chosen? [It means,] I’ve got a bigger job for you [to do in life, every Jew while having the breath of life within us.]” – Rabbi Chaim in the video.

The struggle is real for Jews, and those who best meet the struggle often are the least heard in human societies. Not saying that I’m one of them! Just saying that it’s hard to shout out the Indigenous Voice in this day and age of human history. Whether “religious” or “secular,” some Jews are born “oozing and schmoozing” Jewishness, full stop!

Is this worth the multiple listening? I’ve got another story for you, if you’re interested?


Can secular and religious Jews see eye to eye?

“We have no say about being Jewish,” anymore than one has a say over their skin color! Two quick thoughts:

The Jew with the long white beard, he’s lived his whole life in the ghetto – so, of course, he has no idea about redlining laws of the USA to keep blacks and Jews in the ghetto (too many Jews have financially made it in white “America,” already!). It is the Jewish African woman who has to enlighten him about the USA, and not easily.

And, this video really shows the struggle of younger more Hellenized USA Jews in understanding world *history* and why Jews should *never* apologize for re-establishing sovereignty upon our ancestral land, Judea-Samaria (only foreigners/non-indigenous to our land call it “Palestine” – this includes the descendants of Arab war refugees and Arab political squatters from Jordan and Egypt). But, don’t let me tell you! Let the older Jews schooling the younger Jews (on video!) tell you what actually happened. Enjoy!

Note on Redlining laws: Though “banned” for fifty years now, redlining continues to be socially-economically applied *to this very day* in the USA, to keep most of the “undesirables” still segregated into the “have not” camps of society. Learn what Attorney General Merrick B Garland is attempting to do about this deliberate racism towards non-whites in USA “American” so-called “democratic” society.


Justice Department Announces New Initiative to Combat Redlining


And, we have arrived, an infringement upon both the U.S. Constitution *and* religious law – of course, by Christianity, the supremacist religion of the land (who else!).

Christians protect the lives of unviable unborn potential babies, but do not give a damn about the actual living and breathing impoverished ones who are outside the womb. Further, Christians do not respect the sanctity of a mother’s life, by trying to force all mothers to always conceive – even if it *kills* them. This is immoral, according to Judaism, and YHWH god does not prohibit necessary abortions in order to save a woman’s life. Yes, you heard correctly, YHWH god approves!

But, I hear that the Christian god condemns *as a murderer* a mother who chooses her life, at the expense of a unborn that will surely *murder her*, if allowed to be born.

Why is Christianity this way? Because, Christianity values an imaginary afterlife over this real life here, so the sooner people die, apparently, the better for them. It’s a fast-track to that afterlife! Judaism rejects that ideology, full stop.

Why? For the purpose and reason for living is in *doing mitzvot* “the good deeds” that we do in the *here and now* for others. Many atheists share the same view, realizing that this is our one chance to live by ethics that support and help others! To me, they kind of sound like us Jews.

“If the legislatures of the several states may, at will, annul the judgments of the courts of the United States, and destroy the rights acquired under those judgments, the Constitution itself becomes a solemn mockery,” Chief Justice John Roberts said, quoting the 1809 U.S. v. Peters case, which found that state legislatures can’t overrule federal courts. “The nature of the federal right infringed does not matter; it is the role of the Supreme Court in our constitutional system that is at stake.”

#prochoiceisprolife for #prolife requires #prochoice #texas does not value breathing human lives, unless they are white and privileged from their *fortunate* whiteness. Ah, the United States of AmeriKKKa stands strong into the 21st century CE!


For two decades as a youth, when I was allowed to watch Star Trek (the Original Series) on my Dad’s black and white 13 inch television, I used to dream near daily of traveling in space – of it being, like Star Trek, our collective future as a humanity.

Now a days, in this dystopian human world that near all the planet lives in, I am insulted that white men Man of the Year (Elon Musk) and T.J Hooker (William Shatner) are launching their rich assets into space while the majority of humankind are falling deeper into poverty and lack of representation!

What a let down of childhood dreams. All for the sake of white mens’ Colonizer privileges in the 21st century CE! … Want a true hero? Here!

Joseph T Farkasdi

I am a writer, a husband, a father, a working servant, a complex individual who very few will probably understand! I am actively involved in raising the awareness of social injustice in this world caused by religious idealism and intolerance and the rise of an economic destroying corporatocracy. Take a moment to explore and learn more about me. Thanks!


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