A vintage representation of my The Original Myth of Man.

Here’s the original myth of man, shared orally many moons and generations before the invention of writing:

“In the time of the beginning of our peoples, in the time of the ancients, there were four sisters roaming the land, and each birthed a child that was unique from the others. Four different humans, living upon the land in peace and harmony. Then one day, one child ate a root that made him sick, and he became smarter and faster and more aggressive than the other children. In his newfound self-important haste to claim all the land as his own, he spilled the blood and brought the death of his siblings upon the earth. This is why we spill the blood of our own to this very day, and suffer the deathly wrath of Mother Nature, in turn.”

The geological record (history of the planet Earth) shows clearly that we human Sapiens were the *last* evolution of the human species on this planet – not the only, and not the first.

Why, just a mere 15,000 years ago, there were two distinct human species co-habitating this Earth together. Human Denisovans and human Sapiens. 40,000 years ago, there were three. Human Neanderthal, Denisovan, and Sapiens on this Earth. 50,000 years ago, there were four distinct human species. Human Flores, Neanderthal, Denisovan, and Sapiens.

All three non-Sapiens species of human went extinct, in their own time, directly after human Sapiens (“modern” humans) showed up in their areas of the planet. Yes, we human Sapiens killed off our brothers and sister species in our quest to dominion the planet!

The geological record does not give a damn what we human Sapiens wrote down – onto tablets and scrolls, a very mere 5,000 to less years ago – as our imagined histories of the Earth. We can believe in those adult-level fairy tales all we want, but it doesn’t change the actual history of the Earth to do so. No matter how much “faith” you have in your human Sapiens-centered stories, the ground does not lie about the truth of human Sapiens evolution upon this planet, and our displaced disruption to the natural order!

I like to think of human Sapiens as the human primate equivalent of a world-wide viral pandemic upon the planet Earth. We have done just as much, if not demonstrably more, ecological damage than any plague that has ever swept this Earth!

What does it mean to be human? Especially, now that we understand that we, human Sapiens, are just one of many human primate species that has evolved on this planet?

And, down deep, every human Sapiens knows this is the fundamental truth of our kind. For, to this very day, we divide ourselves – our *single* very varied and colorful species – into different races and cultures, in order to further continue this process of competing, warring, and killing off each other and other life on the planet. All for one species inherent purpose: to remain indifferently dominant over the planet Earth and all life upon it.

We see ourselves as great, masterfully and divinely “created” – aka, special. But, this species inherent blindness to our reality – because we confuse our human fictions with demonstrable reality – has historically made us, the “modern” humans, the ultimate natural plague upon this planet, that we call Earth!

As a sentient species, we are not capable of being, living, and remaining peaceful amongst each other, and staying sustainably in balance with the natural environment around us. And, our imagined gods, will not save us from ourselves – only *we* can do this!

If we don’t learn soon – meaning, evolve – we too will face our extinction as a species. And, there will be no human species replacement to remember us by. All our creations will return to the dust we created them from, and plant life will cover and bury what still remains until the ocean takes over. Think about this!

Here is a page on my favorite of the four recent human species: the 3 foot tall “Hobbit” people of Indonesia!

What Does It Mean To Be Human?

Homo floresiensis
Nickname: the Hobbit
Where Lived: Asia (Indonesia)
When Lived: About 100,000 – 50,000 years ago

We need some myths, I feel, based in evidential reality, to remind us of our historical place geologically in the history of the planet Earth. It would begin with something like this: See my quoted myth at top of this page!

Visual depiction of the chaotic watery formless world that existed before YHWH god’s reforming it into the earthly environment that we are familiar with, according to the Hebrew Torah.

Here is the Jewish-written human origin myth, as it is actually shared in the original ancient Hebrew scrolls. Note, which later modern Judaism and Christianity reinterpreted, to fit Greek ideals of the nature of physical reality. The original version, summarized here, goes as follows:

“When the creator YHWH god formed the land and sky from the already existent chaotic watery abyss – what we now call Earth – and, then, created life, all creatures including humans in general, and, then, formed a garden in the East to birth forth Levant specific creatures and the foreparents of the peoples of the Levant and, then, wiped out all the peoples and creatures on the land, save for one extended Jewish family and all creatures that rode the ark with them and, then, sowed language divisions among the humans to keep them from becoming as power as “God” and, then, divided the land between “He” and all the lower gods – each god their own nation – keeping the Levant to “Himself” and the Jewish people as “His” property, his subjects to rule over, and, then, personally guided them into nationhood as a covenanted “chosen” people and, then, the Jewish people became led by two human messiahs, anointed ones, a king and a priest … YHWH god, then, stopped being directly involved in the affairs of humans, preferring to visit Earth only through the Temple chamber and in non-coporeal form, and making “His” will now known through the words of selected prophets and prophetesses.”

The Jewish Biblical version of Earth, as described in the Torah, Genesis.

Human Sapiens, modern humans, having been alone for so long, tens of thousands of years since our killing off the other human species, have forgotten our actual biological origins and the myths we orally shared about them. Because, between our leaving Africa to explore the rest of the world to the advent of clay tablet and papyrus scroll hand-writing, the period of time was so long – thus, we forgot – it was easy for us, in our inherent self-centeredness as a sentient human primate species, to come to believe that we were special created by one of our human imagined gods and goddesses. And, thus, are somehow more important than all other life on this planet Earth, and that this world must have been created solely and specifically for us. This is nature of the modern human condition – self-conceitedness, and a failing to realize our natural evolved place in the ecosystem of this planet. Isn’t it about time – now, that we know better through science – that we returned to the original myths, and gave recognition to the other human primate species that had a part in our birth and development as modern human beings?

Let’s read the Original Myth of Man one more time:

“In the time of the beginning of our peoples, in the time of the ancients, there were four sisters roaming the land, and each birthed a child that was unique from the others. Four different humans, living upon the land in peace and harmony. Then one day, one child ate a root that made him sick, and he became smarter and faster and more aggressive than the other children. In his newfound self-important haste to claim all the land as his own, he spilled the blood and brought the death of his siblings upon the earth. This is why we spill the blood of our own to this very day, and suffer the deathly wrath of Mother Nature, in turn.”


Try spahk dis! I goin fo talk stori bout Da Befo Jesus book. Da Jew kine book, dat wen i mua da neks kine book. Try lisen. No mattah if you tink da stori unrealz! Try lisen!

Dea was dis watah dat no mo had shape, brah. An da Jew kine god ste movin ova da watah. Da watah no get light, no get land, notting fo see. So da Jew kine god wen make light fo see wat he like do.

Afta nau can see, da Jew kine god wen make da land poi kine out of da watah. Firs kine he wen make da aina an da mauna fo stand, an da air fo live, den wen make da makai and mauka side.

Aftas da Jew kine god wen make da limu an maile kine fo grind. Ste so ono, god say! Den da Jew kine god wen make da lights an trow om up in da air fo ste, fo be one huli to each ottah.

Aftas da Jew kine god wen make chok kine akule an honu fo swim in da watah. Den wen make da manu pae fo fly da air. Den da Jew kine god wen make da mo’o ka’ala kine an da puaʻa kine and da ‘ilio kine fo run on top da groun.

Aftas da Jew kine god wen make kanaka fo work da land, den wen take wun day off fo maha from all dis work. Aftas maha, da Jew kine god den wen make wun garden manaʻe, an make poi kine spesho kaʻu kanaka fo work da garden an fo be mō ‘ī ova. Dis da Jew kine peopos dat wen talk dese stories, den write em fo rememba.

[Note: This Hawaii Creole Language translation of the Genesis creation stories is more accurate to the original Hebrew language Torah than *any* non-Hebrew translation I’ve seen to date. An I’ve read pleny!!!]

Here is a very accurate English translation of this very accurate foreign language translation, above, that I made of the Jewish creation myths in the original Hebrew language:

Please look at this! I am going to tell you a story from the Torah. The Torah is the cherished book of myths and laws of the Jewish people. Please, listen to this story. It does not matter if you believe the Torah stories to be simply unbelievable! Please, still listen!

At the beginning of YHWH god’s creating the land and skies, there was this chaotic water-world abyss that had no definable shape. And the breath of YHWH god was moving over the water. The water had no light to see with, had no land to walk upon, and had nothing to see. So YHWH god created light in itself, light that had no definable source for its existence, in order to see what it is that he would like to do next.

Afterwards, now that he can see what he is doing, YHWH god formed the land and skies from out of the chaotic watery abyss. First, he separated the waters above from the waters below, and formed the land and mountains to stand on. Then, he formed the air for all life to breathe. And, after this, he gathered the waters below into one place, so that the land has a an ocean side and has a mountain side.

Afterwards, YHWH god formed the seaweed kind plants of the water and formed the vine kind growing plants of the land that produce fruit to eat upon. YHWH god found them delicious, and said that they are good to eat!

Afterwards, YHWH god formed the lights of the sky – the sun and moon and stars – and he threw them up into the air to stay within the firmament holding up the waters above. He made them rotate around each other, as signs for the seasons in the sky.

After this, YHWH god formed lots and lots of fish kind and sea turtle kind to swim in the water. Then, he formed the birds to fly in the air. Next, YHWH god formed the gecko kind and the pig kind and the dog kind to run around on top of the ground.

Afterwards, YHWH god formed the humans, male and female, to live and work upon the land. He made them very smart, in the image of the lower gods and goddesses. Then, YHWH god grew tired from all his creative work, and he took a day off, the seventh day, to rest from all his creating.

After resting for a day from all his creative work, YHWH god then formed a garden in the East of the land, and molded a special kind of servant human to till the garden for him, and that he, YHWH god, will rule over.

Afterwards, YHWH god saw how lonely this servant human was in the garden, so he made different kinds of animals for his garden, and had the human name each one of them. The human gladly named each animal friend of the garden, but he was still lonely. YHWH god felt bad, so he made the human fall asleep, and molded from his ribcage another servant human to be a helpmate in the garden. When the human awoke, he called her “woman,” for from “man,” as he now called himself, she was taken.

This is why males and females come together to make babies, and is how the indigenous first peoples of the Levant came to be. At least in our myths. It is the Jewish people who share these stories to our children, eventually writing them down so that we always remember. There are so many more stories after this, that it is worth every minute of time to study Torah!

[Note: This translation of the Hawaii Creole Language translation of the Genesis creation stories that I made is more accurate to the original Hebrew language Torah than *any* non-Hebrew translation I’ve seen to date. And I’ve read plenty translations!!!]


o kute …

ני לי טוקי עקץלץ נאנפא שאנ פי זאנ. טץנפו פיני פי מענ מעטץ מעטץ לא טץנפו פי סיטץלץנ אלא לא ני לץ טוקי קץפץ עטא. ו קעטץ ץ טוקי עקץלץ:

‘לונ טץנפו פי זאנ מאמא סינא מי לא לונ טץנפו פי מאמא פיני לא זאנ מץלי טע טע לץ נושא ץ מא. טץנפו קאמא לא מץלי אלץ לץ לונ ץ זאנ לילי. זאנ לילי אלץ ץ זאנ אנטץ. זאנ סעלי טע טע ני לץ אשץנ לונ ץ מא לונ ץ פונא. טץנפו סענו קאמא לא זאנ סעלי שאנ לץ מוקע ץ קאסי נוקא. ני לץ פאנא ץ יקץ זאקי טאשא ונא מיזץ. זאנ סעלי ני לץ קאמא אנטץ סעלי ץ סונא ץ שאשא. ונא מיזץ לץ שץלץ ץ מא אלץ טאשא ונא מיזץ ץ לאשא. ונא מיזץ לץ פאנא ץ טץלו סיזץלו לוזץ פי זאנ סעלי אלץ. זאנ סעלי ני לץ מולי ץ זאנ אלץ. ני לי טאנ סץמץ לא טץנפו ני לא קעלעפע זאנ לי פאנא ץ טץלו סיזץלו לוזץ סינא מי. ני לי טאנ סץמץ לא מא לי פאנא טאשא זאנ מעטץ ץ עטאלא פילינ ץ מולי.’

ni li toki ukele nanpa wan pi jan. tenpo pini pi mun mute mute la tenpo pi sitelen ala la ni le toki kepe uta. o kute e toki ukele:

‘lon tenpo pi jan mama sina mi la lon tenpo pi mama pini la jan meli tu tu le nowa e ma. tenpo kama la meli ale le lon e jan lili. jan lili ale e jan ante. jan suli tu tu ni le awen lon e ma lon e pona. tenpo suno kama la jan suli wan le moku e kasi noka. ni le pana e ike jaki tawa ona mije. jan suli ni le kama ante suli e sona e wawa. ona mije le wele e ma ale tawa ona mije e lawa. ona mije le pana e telo sijelo loje pi jan suli ale. jan suli ni le moli e jan ale. ni li tan seme la tenpo ni la kulupu jan li pana e telo sijelo loje sina mi. ni li tan seme la ma li pana tawa jan mute e utala pilin e moli.’

The Original Myth Of Man

1 Comment

Joseph T Farkasdi · April 26, 2020 at 2:49 pm

Goodness! Hey, “Liberal Left,” the Civil War South did NOT attempt to “overthrow” the government of the United States! Hey, “Conservative Right,” the Confederate Republic was NOT formed to establish “States rights”!

Tsefan Josef
59 mins ·

This is what happens when you white-wash history, white folk. Both the “Left” and “Right” arguing over whose ahistory (pseudohistory) is more authoritatively correct. News flash, you’re both wrong, as is the case too often!

The actual documented United States history: During the Civil War, the South did NOT attempt to “overthrow” the government of the United States! They left the Union and established their own sovereign nation, the Confederate Republic, south of the Union. They had their own constitution, president, government, and national army. And, the reason the Confederate Republic fought the Civil War with the Union North was to preserve their slavery-based economic way of life!

It angered the Southern generals, after the war, that white history book writers were trying to reimagine their war with the North as “defending States rights.” Read their handwritten letters and hear it from them, if you don’t believe me. The very constitution of the Confederate Republic enshrined the belief that black people, by “God’s” design, are not equal to white people, and it is the white person’s inalienable right to keep all black people of the South enslaved for “perpetuity”. …

Seriously, it doesn’t help to address history when both Left and Right are lying about history! White people, try learning United States history first, instead!

Abraham Lincoln was no hero, too. At best, he was a reluctant supporter of the abolitionist cause. This is why the Civil War lasted for years, and multiple thousands of people – white and black – died on the battlefields. Abraham Lincoln’s objective for most of the Civil War was to get the Southern States to concede defeat and rejoin the Northern States *without* the dismantling of chattel slavery. It would only be, in the latter year of the war, when Abraham Lincoln made freeing the slaves the *objective* of the war for the Northern States, that the North would succeed in defeating the South and ending its short-termed nationhood. Abraham Lincoln was, more than anything, a politician and was, at best, only a reluctant hero of the abolitionist cause.

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