“Why is COVID19 spreading deeply and massively into the United States?” … Unfortunately, those who most need to hear the answer, will not.

The reason is very simple: The sin of white racism in the United States! Predominantly, of *white Christian male* racism and bigotry. … The 44th President, honorably elected by the People, put in place a federal response to this *expected* pandemic. But, white folk, in their unacknowledged racism and bigotry, elected – with Putin’s help – the most disastrous choice for President and Vice President in United States history. I will only tell you the social truth!

This white supremacist administration, Electoral College-elected *only* by swing state white folk, has deliberately erased all things instituted by *black* Barack Hussein Obama, our honorable 44th POTUS! This includes the federal pandemic response team. Now, because these rich and entitled white folk don’t know what to do without the colored “help”, don’t believe in science, and pray to a human imagined idol for salvation, the whole USA nation is now about to be the nation of Italy on steroids!

The sin of racism and bigotry by white Christian and corporate folk is the reason for this viral pandemic in the United States of America. There is no one else to blame! Seriously, no one else!!! Every day citizens, most of whom voted for Hillary Clinton, are having to cover down now for the utter stupidity being shown to us from the governmental top! And, even Mitch McConnell now knows what a stupid choice this was to inaugurate a presidential candidate rejected by the majority of the People, just so he can force unqualified federal judges into office and extort special privileges for the wealthy, his wife’s family, and his State. And, by doing so, prevent the civic youth (30’s and 40’s some in office, the youngest beneath them) from determining their own future!

Yes, we are talking about the downward spiral future of the United States! Thanks to Republicans and Democrats who have absolutely *no* progressive vision for the future. Even now, during the rise of the pandemic, the rich and politically powerful are trying to protect their own interests – at the expense of the people, in general! We are watching this happen before our very eyes on the daily news, folks. Yet, even in this pandemic, the blind and indoctrinated citizens do not wake up! They go running to their human-imagined false gods and self-justifying excuses, instead of taking correct and life-saving action on behalf of others, of all.

Sadly, this is just the reality of human nature. We are incapable, as a collective species, in seeing our fault in what is happening. And, now, for our national sin of racism, indifference, and greed: We, the United States of America, must now be punished as a nation with death and chaos, medical and economic collapse, so says uncontrollable life Herself! As if I haven’t already asked enough, a question please: Is it any wonder that we are about to experience nation-wide pandemic deaths and a collapsing economy?! The sin of white Christian racism is the reason this pandemic is upon us now! This was all – *literally* – preventable!!!

Christians, I have “a bone to pick” specifically with you – because your white Christian nationalism is the reason for the season! Read carefully below:

Jesus of Nazareth told you follow him, not to worship him! Jesus of Nazareth told you to observe the laws of Torah (even though he rejected the proto-Rabbinical ‘Oral Laws’ of the Pharisees). This is all in the Book of Matthew!!! I’m a Jew, and even I know this! How is it that you do not?! Again, how is it that you do not?!!! Matthew 5-7, read it – if you really want a future for this United States of America. Start following the teachings of Jesus – for once – please! Before you get all of us killed through your blindness!


Joseph T Farkasdi

I am a writer, a husband, a father, a working servant, a complex individual who very few will probably understand! I am actively involved in raising the awareness of social injustice in this world caused by religious idealism and intolerance and the rise of an economic destroying corporatocracy. Take a moment to explore and learn more about me. Thanks!

1 Comment

Joseph T Farkasdi · April 8, 2020 at 3:31 pm

My d’var Torah for Pesach 5780 (CE 2020) holiday:

Pesach פֶּסַח‎ (Pass-over) – a never more relevant Jewish holiday than now!

Pesach is an ancient Jewish holiday about a national Deity that brings disastrous plagues of death upon an obstinate human government and its people for their indifferent supremacy over an abused minority group. … The sins of white nationalism, white racist politics, corporate greed, and Evangelical idol worship are being called to account here in the United States.

And, like Pharaoh, the white Christian Republican rulers of today refuse to allow those they’ve repressed the right to freedom, to representation. So, the slaughterer moves among the people – Trump flu, aka Covid19 – taking lives indiscriminately, deliberately aided and abetted by self-serving Republican politicians and evangelists!

How many agonizing deaths will it take for Republicans to decide that deaths as a means to a 2020 election victory is just not worth it?! (I don’t think there is a high enough number!) … Unfortunately, blood on the doorposts is not enough for pass-over this time. This pandemic is our own making as a species, and it is solely up to us to work together on surviving.

Social distancing nation-wide is a must! Mask wearing in public establishments is a must! And flipping the U.S. Senate from corrupt Republican control in Nov 2020 is a must! If everyone could vote by absentee ballot, “no Republican would ever get elected again” in this country. They know this, that’s why they’ve brought the Trump flu plague upon everyone in the United States. Will we continue to allow this?!

חג פסח שמח!

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