This is AmeriKKKa 2018. The Un-united States of America! Kidnapping and racist oppression is our long historical legacy! Texas! Where kids have been stolen from mothers, and these mothers then deported. And white men are in the streets – with their guns out – threatening protestors, because they believe in Trump and Pence – their white evangelical messiahs – and don’t believe the internment camps are real. Even though these camps are before their eyes! This is AmeriKKKa 2018! The land of #maga and white-ly #inhisimage.

If you don’t believe this Trump Party is coming for your rights next, then you are truly an effing fool! The last Nazi Party gave us a second World War. The last Confederacy gave us the Civil War. Never Again! Vote in November and take back the government for the sake of “the People”! #resist


“Racists, misogynists, homophobes, bigots, fascists, and every single one of their enablers should feel the sting of shame and ridicule. When their behavior is not challenged, it is encouraged.” – Josh Berthume

Now is not the time for civility! If we don’t shame these Trump supporters and enablers now – and do it *publicly* – this white American Nazism will take it’s full root in our U.S. government. Never Again! Protest! Call Senators! Vote Republicans out of office in November! And, any abetting Democrats, too!

#resist the separatist hateful ideology that is #maga and #inhisimage for the sake of our constitutional way of life!

“Now is not the time for civility. I don’t want to hear about how you think your “Trump supporting friend” and I have more in common than I might guess. If you voted for Trump, it’s a non-starter. We might find ourselves on the same side of an issue or two, but we will never be friends. You didn’t care about me or mine when you voted for a virulent bigot.” – Tuere Randall

What ‘Never Again’ Holocaust educators would say now about civility and fascism
Like the Van Thyns, many of the most famous Holocaust educators and Nazi hunters have died in recent years. Simon Wiesenthal, the most famous Nazi hunter, died in 2005. Elliot Welles, who the New York Times called an “indefatigable Nazi hunter,” died in 2006. Tuviah Friedman, who helped track down Adolf Eichmann, died in 2011. Elie Wiesel, the author of “Night,” died in 2016.
I bring this up because we’re in the midst of a national discussion about “civility” in the face of authoritarianism. And in all this talk about civility in America’s political discourse, it occurred to me that the passing of Rose’s generation has left us extraordinarily vulnerable. In fact, I don’t think today’s resurgent fascism — and the dark enthusiasm that animates it across America — is coincidence.


Abraham Lincoln said, “Let reverence for the laws, be breathed by every American mother, to the lisping babe, that prattles on her lap – let it be taught in schools, in seminaries, and in colleges; let it be written in Primers, spelling books, and in Almanacs; – let it be preached from the pulpit, proclaimed in legislative halls, and enforced in courts of justice. And, in short, let it become the political religion of the nation; and let the old and the young, the rich and the poor, the grave and the gay, of all sexes and tongues, and colors and conditions, sacrifice unceasingly upon its altars… Passion has helped us; but can do so no more. It will in future be our enemy. Reason, cold, calculating, unimpassioned reason, must furnish all the materials for our future support and defence. – Let those materials be moulded into general intelligence, sound morality, and in particular, a reverence for the constitution and laws” – in a speech to the Young Men’s Lyceum of Springfield, Illinois, January 27, 1838.

If we really want to #maga, then we need to re-embrace the civil secularist reverence for the rule of constitutional law, as the political religion of the nation that we all uphold! #inhisimage does not belong in government, it is antithetical to the intentions of our nation’s founders!

Thomas Jefferson and Virginia said, “That our civil rights have no dependence on our religious opinions any more than our opinions in physics or geometry,… Be it enacted by General Assembly that… no man shall be compelled… nor shall otherwise suffer on account of his religious opinions or belief,… and that the same shall in no wise diminish, enlarge or affect their civil capacities.” – Virginia Statue for Religious Freedom, precursor to the Establishment and Free Exercise clauses of the United States Constitution, 1786.

United States Senate said, “As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen (Muslims); and as the said States never entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mahometan (Mohammedan) nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.” – unanimously without debate, Treaty of Tripoli, 1797


The United States of America was not founded on (modern mythical) Judeo-Christian values and principles. The United States of America was founded as a *response* to Christian/monarchical rule, to religious persecution, and to unfair taxation of Colonial British America. The Founders of this nation, almost all of them college graduates with powerful after-college elitist positions within society, *invented* the United States of America as a secularist nation of *constitutional law*, unbridled by religious theology and laws. A United States of America that was begun by and maintained by the People, the citizens, of this new nation, through their constitutional rule of law and representative government – regardless of their personal or communal religious beliefs or the lack thereof. The Founders of the United States constitutionally enshrined a complete separation between religion and civil governance, that the two should never be mixed together for the sake of our nation’s survival. And, putting a Ten Commandments statue or an “In God We Trust” plaque on governmental grounds, is a violation of the United States Constitution!


“One Nation, under God”? To this I simply must ask: Which “God”, exactly? The Deist “God” of the 18th century United States Founders? Or the Theist “God” of 20th century Christianity? In the 18th-19th centuries, it was “E Pluribus, Unum” (From Many, One). In the 20th century, this was changed to “In God We Trust”. But, which “God” do we trust? The natural “God” of Deism? Or of more recently, the imagined “God” of Theism?

Let us #maga by awakening minds with truth and honesty, because we are not all created white-ly #inhisimage, as the majority religion would like for us to believe.

Apologetic politicians would have us believe it is the “God” of any religious “faith”, and this is how it has been defended so far successfully in the courts. But, theistic Christians and evangelical Dominionists would have it be clear that it refers to their religion’s “God”, their god of human flesh. This would exclude the “God” of Jews, Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, and other religions, then. And, further, it clearly ignores the position of Deists and Atheists who also have always resided in this *once* truly secularist nation of ours.

“Judeo-Christian values” are an ahistorical modern myth of politically active theism, and this threatens the very survival of our U.S. Constitution-based secularist representative republic.


You know that English was not the first European language spoken in North America, don’t you? You know that Spanish was spoken here before English, right? You know that the United States has no specific single national language, yes?

Random Trivia Question: Which language has the most number of speakers, out of all the languages in the world?

Answer: If you thought English, then you are very wrong! If you thought Spanish, you’re closer, but still wrong! The language with the most speakers throughout the world is Mandarin Chinese. Yes, Mandarin Chinese (with over 955 million speakers)! The second most spoken language is Spanish (with 405 million speakers). The third most spoken language is English (with 360 million speakers world wide).

But, if you live the United States (meaning, grew up speaking American English), you’re taught to think that the whole world speaks English. Whereas, the truth is that only less than 6% of the world’s population speaks English.

#maga by insisting on the need to teach U.S. children two or more languages fluently, before they graduate High School! Most of the world is not white-ly #inhisimage, like so many U.S. Americans wrongly believe.


Ripping babies and toddlers from their mothers is the historical legacy of white Christian citizens of the United States of America. Just ask any black citizen, whose family was once slaves of the white man and woman! Trump is immoral and continuing the legacy of hate taught to him by his KKK father. The Republican party is immoral for aiding and abetting this illegitimately-elected wann-a-be Despot they made 45th. Pence and white evangelical Christianity is immoral for worshipping Trump as “God”‘s ordained, the white American messiah paving the way for their theocracy. Listen, citizens …

The United States of America is still committing crimes against humanity, and shames the founders who fought to create a nation that stands against monarchical and theocratic rule of law. Shame on the United States! Even ISIS doesn’t have a history of taking babies and toddlers from mothers and, then, mass incarcerating them in internment camps! But, white America does! But, Nazi Germany does! …

This is why anyone of conscience, anyone who understands the sanctity of life, has only rebuke for #maga nationalism and #inhisimage Christianity. In the words of Thomas Paine, “HE THAT BELIEVES IN THE STORY OF CHRIST IS AN INFIDEL TO GOD… My own opinion is, that those whose lives have been spent in doing good, and endeavoring to make their fellow-mortals happy, for this is the only way in which we can serve God, will be happy hereafter.” – in Age of Reason, 1794-95, 1807

As a person of conscience, I have only REBUKE for this MAGA nationalism and IN HIS IMAGE Christianity! Forcibly separating parents from children has a history; it is our United States history!

Joseph T Farkasdi

I am a writer, a husband, a father, a working servant, a complex individual who very few will probably understand! I am actively involved in raising the awareness of social injustice in this world caused by religious idealism and intolerance and the rise of an economic destroying corporatocracy. Take a moment to explore and learn more about me. Thanks!


Joseph T Farkasdi · June 28, 2018 at 2:38 pm

Read every word of her post. *She has no reason to lie.* This is AmeriKKKa 2018! Ruled by Trump Party American Nazism! But, #maga and white-ly #inhisimage, right?

“This isn’t about politics. This isn’t about Democrats and Republicans. This is about human beings.” Literally being treated like wild animals in kennels in the USA – SHAME on us! (And, sadly not the first time in our American white supremacist history.)

“Before we could get in, CBP insisted we had to watch a government propaganda video. There’s no other way to describe it … The warehouse is enormous, with a solid concrete floor and a high roof. It is filled with cages. Cages for men. Cages for women. Cages for mamas with babies. Cages for girls. Cages for boys. The stench – body odor and fear – hits the second the door is opened. … One man kept shouting, “A shower, please. Just a shower.” … I asked them how long they had been there – and the answers were all over the map, from a few days to nearly two weeks (72 hours max?). The CBP agents rushed to correct the detained men, claiming that their answers couldn’t be right. … Cage after cage. Same questions, same answers. … The children were quiet. Early afternoon, and they just sat. Some were on thin mats with foil blankets pulled over their heads. They had nothing – no books, no toys, no games. They looked shell shocked. … One thing you won’t see much of in the CBP processing center? Fathers caged with their children. After pressing the CBP agents, they explained that men traveling with children are automatically released from the facility. They just don’t have the cages there to hold them. Women with small children, on the other hand, could be detained indefinitely. I pressed them on this again and again. The only answer: they claimed to be protecting “the safety of the mother and children.” – Elizabeth Warren, about her visit to the McAllen Customs and Border Protection (CBP) processing center, June 26, 2018

This is Nazi Germany, Hitler’s party, all over again! This is pre-Civil War United States of America, on the boats and at the docks, holding human slaves to be sold and ripping families apart. This is an immoral outrage! This is in the moment Crimes Against Humanity being committed by our United States government!

Joseph T Farkasdi · June 29, 2018 at 3:17 am

If you have to have “faith” in it, your belief is a human imagined fiction. No amount of faith from self-indoctrination changes this. It’s still fiction, which you happen to believe is real. That’s okay, I guess, as long as nobody gets hurt from your heartfelt beliefs and actions.

This “to do no harm” is where #maga and #inhisimage consistently and unrelentingly fail, to the disgraced shame of our nation! May “the People” repudiate this shame with their votes in November 2018!

November 6, 2018: 33 Senate seats, 435 seats in the House of Representatives, and 14 governorships will be up for re-election. Prepare for this!

Joseph T Farkasdi · July 12, 2018 at 12:50 am

Jag skäms över att vara en medborgare i Förenta staterna! #maga och #inhisimage vansinne bringar skam oss alla! #AmeriKKKa2018

I am ashamed to be a United States citizen! #maga and #inhisimage insanity shames/sickens all of us!

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