Perceived voter fraud is not actual voter fraud. Just like a perceived immunity agreement is not an actual immunity agreement. The Supreme Courts of this nation are presently dismantling 56 years of USA democracy, so that the white 189 year old USA Republic is restored to its slave-owning glory and power.

Ensuring white supremacy by perceiving black and brown votes as fraudulent votes, thus needing restrictive “colorblind” voter restriction laws as a punishment for black votes that don’t validate white rule (the elections of Barrack Obama and Joe Biden) is the historic position of the United States. No surprises here!

Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema are true patriots to the white supremacist USA cause, hence why they are abbetting white coprorate folk and Justices like John Roberts in ensuring a future USA ruled by a white minority. Be not fooled by the faithful intent of these racists preserving a Republic created for white folk – at the enslaved expense of any and all colored folk.

I, personally, see no hope for this nation – the orginal sin of white people is as important to them to preserve as their enforcement of their idolic religion upon the masses. When racial demographics finally change beyond the ability for whites to be supreme, only then will a nation be created in this world that actually lives “liberty and justice for all” her citizens.

Learn your history, white folk! –

Voting Rights Act 1965


Blue Lives are a salaried job choice, with benefits, weapons, protective gear, and (still too often) with blind immunity from prosecution. Black Lives are an inherited skin trait, feared and undesired by White Lives, that cannot be avoided any second of every day if born black. Blue Lives, being a job, consist of White Lives (mostly) and Black Lives (rarely, nationally).

White Lives *never* *ever* have to worry about being shot to death by Blue Lives just for the color of their skin, in this USA nation. Unarmed non-threatening Black Lives are near daily being shot to death by Blue Lives in this nation, the USA, just because their inherited skin color is evidence they are inherently a threat to (White) Blue Lives.

Blue Lives, a job, means nothing if Blue Lives continue to perpetuate systemic racism in this here United States. Those with Blue Lives Matter stickers on your cars, please take a seat and address your racism!

#BLM #BlackLivesMatter before #BlueLivesMatter because the first is feared for being born black (especially by #whitelivesmatter) and the latter acts on that fear way too often (one time in this nation is too often!). #CRT #CriticalRaceTheory has nothing to do with this post – so, again, take a seat and address your racism!


Because there be Christians proselytizing their snake oil Jesus cure to PTSD affected veterans reaching out for help! <angering, this=”” insensitivity=””>:</angering,>

Dr. Bart Ehrman is exactly correct about the Jewish theistic view of this world, and that Christianity is a pagan Gentile religion’s 180 degree twist on Jewish writings that were meant to be understood Jewishly.

“The Bible portrays the human as a creation of God that is one unified entity: an animated body. The soul does not exist once the body dies. When God created Adam, he gathered “dust from the ground” and made it alive by breathing into it the “breath of life.” This “breath” did not exist as an independent entity (the “soul”) outside the body. It was simply what made the body alive. That is why in the Old Testament [TaNaKh] we are told that at “death,” or in the “grave,” the “pit,” or “Sheol” — all used as synonyms — no one can worship God and God no longer remembers them. Once the breath/soul left the body, the person did not and would not exist anymore.

Jews [of Roman occupied Israel, late BCE/early CE] ultimately concluded that there would be a bodily resurrection of the dead and eternal life would be lived here on Earth. Jesus based his preaching of the coming “kingdom of God” on this doctrine of bodily resurrection. This world had become wicked, but God was soon to bring salvation by intervening in history and destroying the forces of evil. God had originally designed a paradise for humans, a Garden of Eden. Humans had botched the arrangement, but God’s purposes would not be thwarted. Paradise would return to Earth and God’s people would inherit it — in their bodies, just as he originally planned.

Soon after Jesus’ death, his followers came to believe that his own body had been brought back to life. For them, that meant the resurrection he had anticipated had started. [Which means that YHWH god’s war against “the Beast,” the occupiers, the Roman Empire, had now begun and the victory would be seen in their lifetime!] God was soon to raise all people from the dead to be physically rewarded or punished. Only those who followed Jesus would be saved.” Note, Jesus – a devout follower and teacher of Jewish religious law – saw himself as preparing the way for this battle against Rome. The sons of darkness in battle with the son of light, in true Jewish apocalyptic literature style!

Leave it to Greco-Roman Gentile-created (Roman-) Christianity to appropriate and usurp our Jewish ethno-religious beliefs and turn them against Jews, thus starting the 1600 year pattern of blaming Jews for all the Gentile world’s problems. To this day, theistic believing Jews still believe that human bodies are a body-and-mind that is animated by the breath of life (soul of “God”) within us, and that the “World to Come” is here on earth by resurrection of one’s body-and-mind of this life (which is dust again by physical return to the ground).

Arguing with the historically ignorant only deepens their adherence to their stance. Teach, not to persuade the indoctrinated, but to reach those vulnerable to this harmful mental blindness.

Sometimes it is best to let a Christian biblical scholar teach the historical truth in a Christianity dominated society:

How Christians came to believe in heaven, hell and the immortal soul


“CRT is a powerful lens for understanding the racial dynamics of the current cultural situation. The campaign against CRT has spread so fast in large part because of how narrowly traditional civil rights approaches comprehended racial power. As the civil rights “revolution” of the 1960s was institutionalized in American cultural understanding, whites were taught to understand racism simplistically in terms of bad individuals who carry around racist ideas. The “redneck” Southern sheriff became the consensus villain for mainstream America.

But such a simplistic analysis of racial power meant that there was never a national reckoning with the subtle and systemic effects of American apartheid, as they marked schools and workplaces over multiple generations. And if racism means identifying bad actors, as the conventional image holds, then whites are understandably anxious that renewed attention to all these forms of institutionalized racial power means that they will be blamed and shamed.”

And rightly so! Why? Because whites vote overall in every USA election, in a white majority consensus, for white candidates that will maintain or intensify the status quo. The status quo is systemic white racial authority and power over all citizens of this nation, so established in 1776 with the founding of this white nation on stolen First Peoples’ lands. Equal representation between whites and non-whites still does not exist to this 2021 day! And if whites have their way, white fear of progressive equality and equal representation in society for all USA citizens will be denied, by laws ensuring furthered racist (and soon to be minority) white ensured rule over every State of this nation.

Learn what #CRT #CriticalRaceTheory actually is. The toxic politicized white fragility over this university level research is totally unnecessary. White people, you are being played for your vote by the very white politicians that give you nothing but furthered impoverished fear in return – all for their political power and profit!


Messianic Jews are Christians. Christianity is an idolic Gentile religion, that worships a demiGod as YHWH god. Christianity profanes the G-d of the Jews with this forbidden idolatry. Even Jewish Jesus of the Gospels warned his followers not to do this (follow him, *not* worship him – which Gentiles, in creating their Christian religion, started doing almost immediately – and got called the “synagogue of Satan” by Jewish followers of Jesus for this.)

Messianic Judaism is Gentile Christianity dressed in Jewish ethno-religious clothes and customs, and literally exists as a Christian movement for one purpose: To deceive Jews into thinking that they (Hebrew Christians, Messianic Christians) are Jews, just so they can proselytize their Christian idol to Jews. The yetzer hara in this is to deceive Jews into thinking that Christianity, created by Gentiles, is somehow validated as Jewish through clothed deception (the hubris!).

Now, Islam actually does worship YHWH god, unlike Christians. The Muslim religion is literally formed around the Jewish Shema, with the original mission of Islam to spread this message of a formless One god (not three-in-one god). So sadly, though, they have become followers of historic Christian hate for Jews, these days.

#messianicjudaism #messianicjew #messianic #jewish #judaism #religion #conversion #islam #christian #christianity

Joseph T Farkasdi

I am a writer, a husband, a father, a working servant, a complex individual who very few will probably understand! I am actively involved in raising the awareness of social injustice in this world caused by religious idealism and intolerance and the rise of an economic destroying corporatocracy. Take a moment to explore and learn more about me. Thanks!


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