Here are members of the 21st century iteration of the treasonous Confederate Republic:

Donald J Trump’s sole desire is to be worshipped by humans, and fill his coffers with their monetary tributes.

Mike Pence believes that Jesus Christ put Donald Trump into the White House, to rule this nation in the manner his version of white Jesus has planned for us.

William Barr believes the President of the United States is above all laws, and nothing he does is a crime against the citizens or this nation. He deliberately protects Trump and those who stay faithfully loyal to him.

Stephen Miller has embraced the curse of gentile Christianity upon this world, inflicting policies of white Christian supremacy and hate upon blacks, brown immigrants, Jews, and the elderly with impunity. Stephen likes having this nation kidnap non-white children, and is utterly indifferent to them being abused in cages by U.S. law enforcement.

Mike Pompeo worships white Christian ideology and supremacy – ensuring its influence over, not just this nation, but over this world. He enjoys tailoring the propaganda necessary for this, and removing patriot citizen servants who speak out against this 45th Administration’s tyranny over this nation.

Mitch McConnell prides himself on being the real seat of power over this nation and its future. He controls the U.S. Senate, and it is he that installed – by inauguration against the voted will of the People – criminal and openly racist Donald J Trump, as a punishment for this nation’s black presidency – the honorably elected 44th POTUS, Barack Hussein Obama. He gloats in his belief that he is the “grim reaper,” and will do whatever it takes to ensure wealthy white supremacy over the needs and desires of the People, the citizens of this nation.

Millions of citizens are unemployed. A fully preventable viral epidemic is ravaging communities across this nation. An unidentified federal paramilitary force is inflicting violence upon the citizens of this nation – citizens of all colors, including whites, and even veterans of this nation.

This is now the price levied upon this nation for its racist revenge presidency in the illegitimate election of Donald J Trump. You have seceded power over this nation to the Confederacy that has never accepted its Civil War defeat. And, in doing so, you have opened the governmental doors to a fascist takeover, disguised as patriotism.

Fascism gains its power one step at a time, by breaking norms, acting on legal loopholes, and sowing divisions among the populace. Citizens who resist injustice become enemies of the State – violent anarchists – simply for exercising their U.S. Constitutional rights to assemble and protest. Victims of social injustices are declared the perpetrators of injustice and chaos, an imminent threat to the lifestyles of the well armed white majority.

The Donald J Trump Camoshirts paramilitary, commanded by William Barr, is an exercise in this fascist takeover of this nation. Adolf Hitler used these same tactics, consolidating his power over years, and it resulted eventually in the creation of the infamous SS. Benito Mussolini used these Trump-Barr tactics. Vladimir Putin, who regularly converses by phone directly with Donald J Trump, uses these same tactics against his citizens to maintain his power in Russia.

3rd century Christians introduced the ideology of racism towards non-whites in white society. Merchant Europe introduced white supremacy upon this world. The United States introduced chattel slavery and Eugenics pseudoscience. These original sins were also perpetuated by the Founders of this nation, the USA. But, this nation was also established on the right to protest perceived injustices, and the Founders themselves led the armed violent resistance against European tyranny over the American colonies.

This led to the U.S. Constitution that enshrines the inalienable right of citizens to peacefully assemble and express grievances. The right to own weapons and to have State militias is to ensure the U.S. Constitution is enforced in this nation – against tyranny and attempts at tyranny by foreign nations and by the U.S. federal government.

Where are the 2nd Amendment activists defending the citizens lawfully protesting in the streets from the kidnappings and attacks by these deployed Trump-Barr paramilitary troops? Where is your patriotism and loyalty to the U.S. Constitution in this time of national need? Do you realize what is really at stake here?!

The very future of this citizen Republic is destined to be determined this November. Literally. Think very carefully who you want in the U.S. Senate in 2021!


Tsefan Josef updated his profile picture.

I have been on Facebook for ten years now. And I have witnessed the dumbing down and divisioning of the USA firsthand. My next post will be my thoughts on this. … For this post, I have an observation on the effect of being real on Facebook.

When I joined FB, I was making self-oriented posts, like most people. Those who’ve remained around this long know just how self-oriented my posts have been (the rest of you have missed out)! Back then, I used to get a lot of comments to my posts, especially when I made them public. Zero trolls!

But, as I transitioned to more socially oriented posts, due to the ever more open immorality of white society in this nation around me, I began to refocus my posts on sharing accurate history, science, and (non-Christian) religious commentary. Naturally, I pissed off ‘friends’ with my posts, and drew the attention of trolls looking to report me.

I don’t know if any of you who read my posts (if you even do, these days) realize just how quiet my Timeline has become in the last five years. It is likely that algorithms are deliberately stacked against me, a lessening of my chances to reach (and this is why I maintain my personal web site, just in case).

In the past, I used to have a lot of ‘friends’, but have learned that real online friends are actually very rare. So, now, I have very few ‘friends,’ deliberately. But, in the past, I used to have zero silent followers. I now have 30 of those, for now (hope it keeps increasing!).

A few of these followers I know, but feel it best not to add them as ‘friends’ because I respect their positions in life. I am a little too honest and blunt at times in my commentaries about life, a little to determined to share fact after fact, and I do not want to create doubt with those who do not need to doubt their beliefs (because their behaviors are honorable).

Yet, these days, most need to be challenged, because the dumbing down of the United States has been so successfully severe! We are on the edge of becoming a fascist nation, because way too many people cannot tell the difference between demonstrable fact and feel-good fictions based on pseudoscience and identity politics.

So, I post, not necessarily to reach those who are ‘friends’ or ‘followers,’ but reach those who stumble upon my public posts somehow someway. If I can awaken one mind to this reality we are all playing a part in then, maybe, that one will be the one who starts a revolution towards justice and peace among humans.


Just a public service reminder (as this USA nation teeters on fascism), for we all need to understand where Facebook stands on social issues that will define our very near future:

Facebook is invested into being a platform of the #colorblind ideology: of treating all peoples as equals, having the same opportunities, and facing the same social disadvantages in this world. But, this is an ignorant to the reality lie. If you are colorblind, then you are racist – because you cannot see the suffering of those victimized by inherent racist social white supremacy. And the very existence of Facebook is based, literally, on the white supremacists’ model of economics that oppresses so many in this world (thus, FB aims to protect this white privilege)!

If you are Facebook, you “remove” (as FB has done so many times!) the legitimate voice of challenge to this real life socially inherent racist white supremacy. You remove the criticism, while allowing white racists to troll minority Timelines – seeking to start arguments and seeking to report posts that will get their victims in trouble (due to colorblind FB Community Standards!). And you allow the likes of fascist Trump to have an open platform to incite racist acts by the majority against the minorities with fully impunity.

And if you, as a user of the platform, make an honest commentary about the indifferent self-oriented behavior of white citizens and you happen to call this population majority what they are (for example, “racist self-oriented fucking* white folk systemically indifferent to the suffering of others”) you will be censored, sanctioned, and threatened by Facebook – which treats this oppressive population majority as if they are a “marginalized” minority group (see Facebook’s Community Standards, and ask those who’ve been directly affected).
*- On Facebook, this word has been pre-censored by me to ‘eF√k!g’, because FB will protect the sensitivities of the majority over the suffering of the minority (experientially, I know firsthand and wrote a post about it!).

Beware, when you post! If you are genuinely a minority or are truly anti-racist, then you better know your place and comment cautiously (something the white majority does not have to do!) in your social commenting on Facebook. If you don’t and someone white gets offended, first will come censorship. If this doesn’t remind you of your place, next will come denial of commenting and posting. If this doesn’t shut you up (you minority addressing grievances to the majority in honest and real language!), you’ll be permanently removed from FB.

If you truly want to understand and know the effects of colorblind ideology supporting identity politics, you need look no further than at amoral Facebook’s protection of immoral people. Facebook has literally been the platform of creating the pandemics ridden world we now live in! This is not hyperbole, but demonstrable fact. The GOP controlled U.S. Senate has understood this (early), and so have foreign nations actively seeking the downfall of the United States – as a nation and as a global power. To be moral is to stand on the side of righteousness for victimized minorities (by the majority) in this world. And being colorblind to this is evilly immoral!…/with-facebook-we-are-already-…

“In 2016, a hostile foreign government used Facebook to systematically undermine and subvert an American election. With no consequences.

Zuckerberg says Black Lives Matter and yet we know Donald Trump used Facebook’s tools to deliberately suppress and deny black and Latino people the vote. With no consequences.

We have already been through the equivalent of a social media pandemic – an unstoppable contagion that has sickened our information space, infected our public discourse, silently and invisibly subverted our electoral systems. It’s no longer about if this will happen all over again. Of course, it will. It hasn’t stopped. The question is whether our political systems, society, democracy, will survive – can survive – the age of Facebook….

Will Facebook be used to subvert the 2020 US presidential election? Yes. Will Facebook be held to account? No. Are we looking at a system shock that will change America for ever? Yes…. America, the idea of America, is on the brink. And at the cold, dead heart of the suicide mission it has set itself on, is Facebook. Facebook and America are now indivisible. Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, these are now the bloodstream of American life and politics. A bloodstream that is sick.

And so the world is sick, because American capitalism has been the vector that has brought this infection across the globe. Algorithmically amplified “free speech” with no consequences. Lies spread at speed. Hate freely expressed, freely shared. Ethnic hatred, white supremacy, resurgent Nazism all spreading invisibly, by stealth beyond the naked eye.

And Trump is testing his limits. Can he place ads that feature Nazi symbols? Yes. (Taken down but only after accruing millions of views.) Can he spread lies about mail-in fraud? Yes. Can he threaten Black Lives Matter protesters with violence? Yes. Will be he be able to use Facebook to dispute the election? Watch this space…. In a world without consequences, the bad man will be king. And an aggressive multinational company whose business model is threatened by the bad man’s opponent is, at best, conflicted; at worst, complicit.”

Joseph T Farkasdi

I am a writer, a husband, a father, a working servant, a complex individual who very few will probably understand! I am actively involved in raising the awareness of social injustice in this world caused by religious idealism and intolerance and the rise of an economic destroying corporatocracy. Take a moment to explore and learn more about me. Thanks!

1 Comment

Joseph T Farkasdi · August 27, 2020 at 11:21 pm

Tsefan Josef
27 August 2020 23:15 ·

The White House is the People’s House. What happened tonight on the South Lawn of this house is a literal CRIME – a blatant violation of the HATCH Act!
It was a lying proganda-filled display of Castro-like occupation of the nation’s government by a wanna-be monarch Trump and family. Illegitimately-elected in 2016, an unindicted criminal, pathological con-artist, whose been impeached and is under multiple criminal investigations.
This final night of the RNC gives the clear message that “America,” that the “United States,” is only for those who attended – white Christian citizens (and their house servants), who believe that anyone not bowing to them and embracing their fantasy myths of American exceptionalism and “if you work hard” opportunity are the terrorists destroying their white nation.
Trump is right! This 2020 is the most important national election since the Civil War. If Trump and Mitch McConnell are not repudiated strongly at the polls in November, then Castro Trump will not leave the People’s House until he dies. He is Putin in the making, and the USA is Russia in the making.
The U.S. Senate must be flipped in 2020! If not, this Republic will continue this insane self-harming political decline. The Executive Branch needs Kamala Harris in the White House, and I’m not a Democrat – who is saying this!

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