I luv me some Dave Chappelle! But I LUV me some Chris Rock even MORE! Because Chris Rock is HONEST in a way that Dave Chappelle needs to *respond* to! What do I mean?

In October 2022, Dave Chappelle made “selective outrage” jokes – antisemitic jokes based on old “white” people antisemitic tropes! In this Chappelle selective outrage, Dave tried to present himself as still this poor n-word from the Hood and, *somehow* all Jews are filthy rich and controlling the USA media. Dave Chappelle is now one of the filthiest of rich, along with the filthiest of rich “white” folk (and a select few “Jews”) – and they ALL be neighbors in the same richass real estate block. And Dave should be as *proud about this* as Chris Rock!

I watched Chris Rock’s Netflix special, “Selective Outrage.” Chris Rock is back on top and in his BEST as a comedian, right now! And in his special, he talks about his poor n-word roots history, but ALSO admits that he has spoiled his children (to the point of needing to unspoil them!) with his filthiest of “white”-style richness. Yes, he spoiled them. He didn’t do a Dave Chappelle, and pretend he still lives on the block while blaming Jews for societies’ problems.

HEAR me again, I *LUV* me some Dave Chappelle and I *LUV* me some Chris Rock. Both are brilliant and socially observant comedians. I *LUV* me some Will Smith, too! Except when “Suge Smith” engaged in “selective outrage” and b-slapped a Prince-size man on national “white” people’s television a year ago. Don’t ever say that I don’t pay attention to costume details, recent Netflix special!

The details of historical understanding are both in this meme and in their shows! If only Dave Chappelle could realize that he has become a Jew (a “white” person with “n”-person roots), just saying.


*Stop with the lies*, Joy Reid and Mehdi Hassan! Antisemites like Joy Reid and Mehdi Hassan be comparing a Jew to “white” European strongmen! Because that’s what antisemites do.

History books may compare Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu to the United States’ Richard Nixon. And a *fair* comparison this is! … But, Bibi is NO Viktor Orbán, NO Vladimir Putin, NO Mahmoud Abbas (nor Yasser Arafat), and NO Donald J Trump!

Israel’s election system prevents rule by totalitarianism – unlike the United States corrupt rule by Electoral College that rejects the majority citizen vote!

USA antisemitism on full display! MSNBC is barely better than that creep show Fox News!

#MSNBC #JoyReid the #Reidout #MehdiHasan

Israel, since 1993 Judicial takeover of the nation, is the only nation upon this entire planet where it is the Judges who select the Judges – and *not* the people! These Judicial reforms in Israel is to *return* “small d” democracy back to the citizens – who in majority numbers voted for this in the last Israeli election!

“It is absolutely essential for Israel to be a true democracy which it currently is not and no other democracy on the planet has the system we have and it is only geared this way so the minority left can always have control but that is what fascism is not democracy.

The man in the pic is Nobel Prize winner for Economics & Game Theory, Prof. Yisrael Aumann, who wrote many amazing articles on the voting system.

The reform is not only 100% democratic, it is literally making Israel truly democratic and that is the irony of all this. This reform was started in 2015 and many left wing leaders signed in agreement with it but once they saw they were losing power they changed their minds. So do not believe the leftist lies!”

Full article:

Via Uri Gobey


Update 7 Mar 2023: BUT, Israeli citizens in a 2022 majority vote for the present Israel government to reign in a rogue Israeli Supreme Court is a “Right wing” “totalitarian” take over!

Imagine, the USA being forced by a rogue USA Supreme Court to accept nationally the marriages of USA citizens that were officiated online by the courts of the city of Cancun, *Mexico*. This just happened in Israel! The Israeli people were *not* consulted by the Israeli Supreme Court, the Israeli Knesset (government) was *not* consulted by the Israeli Supreme Court. But, now the U.S. State of Utah is conducting marriages *for* Israel under United States’ law, *authorized* by the Israeli Supreme Court – a Court that selects its own judges!


And for the 3rd week in a row, Rachel Maddow is spouting this antisemitic distortions about Israel that is designed for corrupt USA consumption! Comparing Benjamin Netanyahu to Viktor Orbán and Vladimir Putin, failing to do her most basic of non-antisemitic research into what the Israeli Judicial reforms are actually for. … Will someone PLEASE educate Rachel Maddow BEFORE she is permanently damaged by this false equivalency antisemitic USA Left-Right political racism!!!

“But, but the people’s rights will be trampled if the High Court has some of its powers stripped.”

But since you and I know that in reality, the vast majority of Israeli Jews favor the right (the political “left” won only 47 seats in the current Knesset – that’s 1,669,596 legal votes, compared with 2,304,964 “right-wing” votes). This means that those Israelis screaming against the “revolution” and the “totalitarian” “illegal government” trying to “take over” the Judicial courts of Israel aren’t even close to standing for *half* the Jews in Israel.

The reality is the Israeli people’s rights are presently trampled by a High Court neutering the legislative and executive branches of our government – based not on the law, but their own whims and wants.

Israel is not the corrupt United States of Colonial “America”!

It is the USA that regularly has a minority political party in governance over the voted will *against* them by the majority of the people, that has an Electoral College to ensure this, and that has a Senate to ensure a corrupt United States Supreme Court that is systemically biased towards “white” racism grievances and “white” privileges over their disenfranchised social victims!

The only thing Israel has in common with the USA is a corrupt Israeli Supreme Court – corrupt by their minority opinion rule and by their abuse of power over the citizens of Israel. The propaganda of a “far right” “theocratic” “totalitarian” take-over being piped into the USA is designed to further alienate successfully colonized USA Jews from relationship with the only successfully forced, since 1948, and partially decolonized Indigenous Judean refugee nation upon this planet Earth!

#RachelMaddow #TRMS

Joseph T Farkasdi

I am a writer, a husband, a father, a working servant, a complex individual who very few will probably understand! I am actively involved in raising the awareness of social injustice in this world caused by religious idealism and intolerance and the rise of an economic destroying corporatocracy. Take a moment to explore and learn more about me. Thanks!


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