mi wile mute e ni: tenpo suno ali la mi toki mute e toki pona. mi kama sona ali e toki Epelanto. mi kama sona ali e toki Iwisi.

toki pona li toki nanpa wan mi. toki Epelanto en toki Iwisi li toki nanpa tu.

tenpo suno ali la mi toki en sitelen e toki pona. tenpo suno mute la mi toki e toki Epelanto en toki Iwisi. mi toki e toki Inli lili mute.

mi olin e toki pona!


Do not seek an outcome. Ask what personal habits are needed for such an outcome, and resolve to daily engage in this. In a year, do not ask if you achieved an outcome. Ask yourself how you have changed because of your new habits. Developing habits is the goal to focus on, and the outcome will reveal itself.

Help For New Year’s Resolutions


“שוויון אמיתי בין בני אדם אין פירושו ש’כולנו נהיה אותו דבר’. להיפך. שוויון אמיתי פירושו: זכותו השווה של כל אדם להיות שונה. זכותה השווה של כל קבוצה להיות שונה.” – עמוס עוז, סופר ישראלי

“True equality between people does not mean that we are all the same.” On the contrary, true equality means: the equal right of every person to be different, the equal right of each group to be different. – Amos Oz, Israeli writer

Study on non-Jews in Latin America finds a quarter with Jewish ancestry
Some 23 percent of the 6,589 people sampled showed some genes — or more than 5 percent of their ancestry — associated with Sephardic, East Mediterranean or South Mediterranean ancestry

“Geneticist Juan-Camilo Chacón-Duque and his colleagues published their findings last week in Nature Communications magazine, in an article titled “Latin Americans show wide-spread Converso ancestry and imprint of local Native ancestry on physical appearance.” Converso is the Spanish-language word for people who converted from Judaism to Christianity during the Inquisition in Spain and Portugal. Many conversos, or anusim in Hebrew, fled to Latin America. Overall, converso genes account for only a small part of the ancestries of the study populations from each country, ranging from 1 percent in Brazil to 4 percent in Chile. The researchers used a set of DNA variations, or haplotypes, observed to be common among Jews with roots in the Iberian Peninsula.”


It’s called schizophrenia and false god worship. The result of mistranslating ancient myths to reflect more modern theological cult beliefs. Charles Darwin was both a religious man and a scientist. Reason out weighed superstition for him.

“Once I heard the federal government intends to undermine our religious rights as well as our state right to remain a Christian community, God spoke directly to my heart and told me to write this bill,” said State Representative from Bald Knob, Isham Harris. Representative Harris then quoted from the part of the law explicitly targeting youth.

Bill SB 234 was written in response to the furor caused by Representative Rush Holt’s (D- NJ) proposal to nationally recognize Charles Darwin’s contribution to society by naming February 12th Darwin Day.

Kentucky Passes ‘Don’t Say Darwin’ Bill
Frankfort, Kentucky – Bill SB 234, otherwise known as’ Don’t Say Darwin’ bill passed late last night and signed into law by Governor Andrew Canard (R). The new law prohibits Charles Darwin’s name from being said, written, or communicated via sign language within state limits. The bill needed to be amended at the last minute in order to include Morse code, just in case the unscrupulous segment of the population attempts to get around the new regulation.

“Not everyone is pleased with the ‘Don’t Say Darwin’ law. The Australian embassy has sent a strongly worded letter to the Governor’s office pointing out that under a strict interpretation of the law speaking the capital of Australia’s Northern Territory, Darwin, is now a felony in Kentucky. Governor Canard responded that the Australian city could always change its name on its own accord. If the municipality chooses not to do so, then the city will be referred to as Kirk Cameronville.”

Joseph T Farkasdi

I am a writer, a husband, a father, a working servant, a complex individual who very few will probably understand! I am actively involved in raising the awareness of social injustice in this world caused by religious idealism and intolerance and the rise of an economic destroying corporatocracy. Take a moment to explore and learn more about me. Thanks!


Joseph T Farkasdi · February 13, 2019 at 1:19 pm

“I think it’s important to … find people who, again, bring us together. Not look at people who draw some sort of vitriol from either side.” – Robin Vos, Wisconsin Assembly Speaker

This is the very reason that white racism persists so strongly in the U.S. today! This nation was born on protest. ON MAKING THE PEOPLE IN ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL POWER *UNCOMFORTABLE*! So, if you are uncomfortable with Colin Kaepernick’s protest, ask yourself: Am I the English tyrant that is oppressing the people of this land? White systemic racism is so historically European American that protests of this racism – which the “Stars and Stripes” and national anthem also embody – are seen as a direct protest of the USA itself. In other words, white feelings have been hurt by these *uncomfortable* peaceful protests for the end of racism and injustice in the United States of America – thus, recognition of those who righteously protest should be avoided. It’s time to grow up as a nation, and let the racism go!

Wisconsin GOP Throws Successful Tantrum To Remove Colin Kaepernick From Black History Month Resolution
The Wisconsin Legislature voted on Tuesday to approve a resolution to honor key historical figures for Black History Month. The catch is that the original resolution—drafted by the Legislature’s Black Caucus, which is composed exclusively of Democrats—featured Milwaukee-born football player Colin Kaepernick, an inclusion that immediately drew the ire of the Republican lawmakers.
The original resolution was proposed to honor various black men and women who had positively impacted the state of Wisconsin. Other figures chosen by the Black Caucus include former Indianapolis Colts head coach Jim Caldwell, Baseball Hall of Famer Satchel Paige, and Milwaukee Pastor Greg Lewis (who also was removed from the GOP’s counter-proposal, due to critiques of Republican-backed voter ID laws in the state; he was eventually added back in for the final, approved version).

“Representative LaKeshia Myers, a Democrat in the Black Caucus, said Kaepernick embodied the spirit of the resolution for both his work nationally and his connection to the state; aside from being born in Milwaukee, Kaepernick also donated $25,000 for Milwaukee non-profit Urban Underground. Myers acknowledged that the inclusion of Kaepernick could be a sticking point, but she believed, as many do, that the quarterback’s police brutality protests are part of the process for progress in the United States.”

Joseph T Farkasdi · March 12, 2019 at 12:06 pm

tenpo kama la mi wile pana e olin tawa sina. sina lo pana e unpa tawa mi. mi lo kama e mije tan ni. tan e ni: sina meli pi olin ale tawa mi. pona mi la sina pali tenpo ale e tenpo tawa mi.

Soon, I want to give love to you. You will give intimate love to me. I will become a man from this. Because of this, you are a woman of abundant love towards me. Fortunately for me, you are always making time for me.

practicing my tp today

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