To those who say “Vote” is the answer to the racism and inequality problems of this nation, the USA, I have a serious question for you:

Right now, what is it that the rulers of this nation are trying desperately to do to address SARS-CoV-2?

The answer is: Forcibly restart the economy, at the expense of peoples’ health and lives. Why? Because, a shut down of the economy will force the rulers of this nation – the mercantile family monarchies backed by the evangelical Church – to have to make changes on behalf of the common people. You know, the ones who work and pay taxes for the benefit of the elite few, while having to accept what benefits for this indentured service that the mercantile elite’s political lackeys will allow the people to have in exchange.

How do you avoid addressing the needs of the populous, needs that would affect the bottom line? The answer is: If you convince them, the People, that the economy is more important than health, livable wages, and genuine opportunities, and distract them with work and entertainment, the people will behave as herded sheep, once again as they always have in every economic crisis!

Nothing will change, even with “voting” into office decent and moral folk during elections. Why? Because the Senate represents the elites, and the House represents the people. The Senate holds near all the governmental power in this nation.

It is the Senate that decides who to inaugurate *or not* as President. It is the Senate that decides who will be our judges, regardless their qualifications or *lack thereof*. It is the Senate that decides to take up House legislation or leave it on the Senate Majority’s desk *untouched*. But, near everyone is worried about Trump, and thinking Biden is the answer to this nation’s racism problem.

The blunt, obvious, and demonstrable truth is: The societal structure itself – the Constitution and Amendments that *allow* for this ongoing and systemic abuse of the populous – must be changed. And, then, these changes actually enforced!

The United States Constitution needs to be rewritten in such a way that includes all citizens at the table of wealth and opportunity, and codifies, with stiff penalties for violating, actions that are racist and monopolistic. Until this happens, all who buy into “Vote” as a solution to this nation’s problems – whether Republican or Democrats – you’re buying political snake oil and foolishly believing that it’ll work!


What needs to happen in the United States is the following, codified in and enforced by law:

“Any white man guilty of knowing overt racism in this United States of America shall have his rights as a citizen stripped, and he will be sold in chains to a black family of the United States for pennies on a dollar to serve as a domestic slave. All complaints of the unfairness of this by white slaves guilty of racism and of their family members will be addressed only after 450 years have passed after the enactment of this federally legislated Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. A jury of his black peers is in order.”

I guarantee you that, not only is this appropriate for addressing the history of the United States, this will end white racism, privilege, and feelings of entitlement and racial supremacy very fast. This is what it will take to root out the founding sin of white Christian America on this continent!

Joseph T Farkasdi

I am a writer, a husband, a father, a working servant, a complex individual who very few will probably understand! I am actively involved in raising the awareness of social injustice in this world caused by religious idealism and intolerance and the rise of an economic destroying corporatocracy. Take a moment to explore and learn more about me. Thanks!


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