Rachel Maddow and MSNBC friends, hello?

First of all, stop with that USA “left” versus “right” rhetoric – this doesn’t help! For, both the USA and Israel, legislation does NOT care about political opinion “left” and “right”! Second, because the Supreme Court of the USA is that anti-democratic powerful, being *Senate* majority chosen justices (not democratically elected Supreme Court Justices *by the people*), the Supreme Court has sided against the people numerous times in USA history. In the few times that the U.S. Supreme Court has sided “with the people,” never has the *Congress of the U.S.* backed these decisions! Hence, the present Supreme Court decisions in the USA to decide against previous Supreme Court precedence. Hello?!!!

Whether in the United States or in Israel, the problem is the same! A failure of the people’s elected government to *govern* and establish legal precedence according to the *majority* of the citizens needs! A democracy is based in “the people,” not in the selected few chosen for positions of power! By far, Israel’s approach to governance is far better than the USA’s approach. BUT only if the elected government of the land of Israel listens and follows the will of Israeli citizens.

The USA has only won its semblance of a “people’s democracy” by court of Supreme Court precedence in the most present post-Prohibition Era cases (even the U.S. Senate and their chosen Supreme Court Justices admit that “I love beer!”). In the USA, legal precedence is established by a majority of states ratifying an Amendment to the United States Constitution! This is why the citizens of the United States of “America” will never have to worry about their alcohol intake! But,…

Women’s rights over their own bodies and their medical decisions, an end to antisemitism and skin-color/geography-based racism, guaranteed right for every citizen to vote unimpeded for who steps into the positions of governmental power … these are still not ratified by a United States Amendment to the United States Constitution. So, who wants fckg beer? Hello?!!! I guarantee to you that the United States Supreme Court will not be coming for anyone’s alcohol!

But the human desired “right,” everywhere upon this planet Earth, to go to school *at any age* without being shot to death by military grade weapons, because someone has decided to no longer participate in a fair “democratic” society,…. The elected government of Israel, fully elected by a majority of Israeli citizens, has a people’s “democratic” right to put wayward institutions of power over the people into their proper *subservient* place!!!

A “democracy” can *only* exist when the majority of the people have the power – through elected leaders, as presently envisioned – to establish the laws of the land for the people!!! There is NO left and right -ism, only a failure to govern for the people! … Why do I always feel like I’m talking to just myself?!!!


Oh, Rachel TRMS! It is UNFAIR to compare a democratically majority elected government of Israel to the totalitarian government of Hungary! Why didn’t you do your homework first (so unbelievably unusual of you!)? … ISRAEL is not the USA and seeing Israel through “American” political governance eyes leads you straight into anti-democratic anti-Israel propaganda – tailored for a USA audience!

In the USA, citizens vote for individual political figures, and has an Electoral College system in place for Presidential party elections – that allows for a political party to be elected that only a MINORITY of citizens voted for! Further, in the USA, there are only two official political parties that keep battling it out. Israel NEVER votes for individual politicians, nor for a single or binary political party rule of government!

In ISRAEL, every elected government is elected by the majority votes of the citizens of Israel! Then, if this elected government can’t successfully form itself, the President of Israel starts another public election. … Listen CLOSELY, unlike as is common in the USA, Israel has never had a minority political group take over the government of Israel, because Israel does not vote through an unfair Electoral College process. Every Israeli government was elected by the MAJORITY vote of Israel’s citizens! … The protests are by a minority of citizens that seek to turn Israel into a miniature USA! Hence, the propaganda that a far-right majority has taken over Israel’s government to turn Israel into a totalitarian government. Untrue!

Learn more about Israel’s election process…

“In Israel, you vote for parties, not specific people. Since there are 120 seats available, each party must submit a list of 120 potential candidates; thus, you know which candidates each party will potentially put in the Knesset. The candidates selected to fill the list are either selected by a primary that each party holds, or they are selected by the party elite. Of course, a party will not get 120 seats, so the names toward the end of the list are of little significance. For example, if a party receives 30 seats, then the top 30 people on their list will be in the Knesset, and the last 90 will not.

Israelis then go and vote for these parties with their given candidate lists. The number of seats that a certain party gets is dependent on the percentage of votes that they get. A party must get at least 3.25% of the total votes (which equals four seats) to be let into the Knesset. Thus, parties have to reach this “threshold” of 3.25% of votes/four seats, or they are not allowed into the Knesset.

Here is where it gets interesting. It is not just enough to win the most seats. A party must also be able to form a coalition (61 seats total) in order to lead the government. To form a coalition, the party that wins tries to join with other parties to reach the threshold of 61 seats. The party that wins the most seats in the election gets the first crack at forming the coalition, however, if they are unable to form a coalition (which happened in 2009 with Tzipi Livni), then the party with the next most votes gets to try and form a coalition. It all comes down to whether certain parties are willing to be in a coalition with other parties. For example, a Jewish religious party may not want to be in a coalition with another party that supports public transportation on Shabbat.

So, let the games begin…” – https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/israel-election-process-a-basic-overview/

Allow me to say it this way: History books may compare Benjamin Netanyahu to the United States’ Richard Nixon. But, Bibi is NO Viktor Orbán, NO Vladimir Putin, NO Mahmoud Abbas (nor Yasser Arafat), and NO Donald J Trump! Israel’s election system prevents rule by totalitarianism!


The sad thing is … I expect a possible “Like” or two on this post. But, I expect, as usual, zero or maybe, if lucky, a share of this post! … I don’t know what to say, but I wish “social media” did not occur in my time. … It frustrates to see that 1+1 always equals 2, and too many around me can’t comprehend this!

I’m still trying to make peace with Professor Rachel Maddow not doing her basic homework this time! For slipping and slandering Israel needlessly! In the way that a Mehdi Hassan, Joy Reid, Ali Velshi, Ayman Mohyeldin do deliberately. Like known antisemites who portray Israel as a failed miniature version of the USA or an evil oppressor of human dignity and natural rights!


North Africans, Europeans, and Arabs have been occupying the extremely small land of Israel for 3,800 years now!

The Egyptians, Assyrians, and Babylonians were brief localized regional empires, limited to the northern African, the Levant, and the Southwest Asia regions only – hardly “worldwide”! The Canaan Levant, where the land of the people of Israel is located, was the stomping grounds between these regional empires.

The first multi-continent Colonial empires that would set the stage for a worldwide take over of planet Earth began with the Greeks and Romans. And *not* before!

Then, after the northern Aegeans created Christianity and the southern Arabians created Islam – both universalist pure “religions” that are fundamentally designed for the conquesting of all human beings to their theology and Colonial way of life – the Arabs of formerly insignificant Arabia joined the Europeans in their quest to conquer and exploit all the Indigenous Peoples’ lands worldwide for Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism and ruling supremacy upon planet Earth!

Since the Egyptians, the first Indigenous People to be colonized by Colonial empires was the peoples of Canaan (includes the indigenous Judean people known as “Jews” today). To this very day, the only Indigenous People to successfully forcibly partially decolonize upon our Colonial Arab-European occupied land is the Jewish people of Israel! … So, may the Kurdish people of neighboring Southwest Asia be the next Indigenous People to successfully forcibly partially decolonize upon their ancestral land, and may this decolonization of Indigenous Peoples’ lands from Colonial Arab-European settler-occupations continue worldwide!

There is room on this planet for Indigenous Peoples sovereign nations *and* Colonial nations for Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism and ruling supremacy upon planet Earth. Arabs-Europeans – the historic Christian-Muslim-Marxist Colonizers – don’t need to rule all of planet Earth. Just saying!

Joseph T Farkasdi

I am a writer, a husband, a father, a working servant, a complex individual who very few will probably understand! I am actively involved in raising the awareness of social injustice in this world caused by religious idealism and intolerance and the rise of an economic destroying corporatocracy. Take a moment to explore and learn more about me. Thanks!


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