This snapshot of a post here – one of *many* that I’ve seen – is an act of racializing the Jewish people. Racializing Jews as being – somehow – “white” people. Thus – meaning – as somehow the modern evil within this world. Sadly, and worse, it was posted by someone claiming to be Jewish, but clearly anti-Zionist. I’ll tell you why this is SO offensive to Jewish people.

First, there is no such thing as the “white” race, nor the “black” race. These are institutionalized social categories to ensure social and legal “white” citizen “supremacy” over “non-whites” and oppression of “non-whites” economically, educationally, politically, and judicially. It’s meant to *reward* anyone who identifies with and supports *white Christian supremacy* in this world – anywhere/everywhere in this world. Whites that deny this do NOT understand their social white privilege and, clearly, are participating in the perpetuation of racist lifestyle (whether knowingly or unknowingly)!

Second, Jews are NOT actually “white” people. So says the colonizing “white” people of Europe! And, this is demonstrably true – undisputedly historically true, despite most Jews having the physical characteristics associated with “whiteness.” And, in the USA, this is still true for most Jews these days who are (presently) experiencing the *full* benefits of white privilege, in the post 1968 Civil Rights Act social world of the USA.

Third, Jews are SO “white” that, in Europe, we were denied citizenship and protection under the laws of nations, and we were put into ghettos. “Ghettos” were created in Europe – yes, Europe – to separate Jews from “white” European societies. And, this proved SO successful, that ghettos were imported into the USA during the Nadir Era – post-Civil War period – to deal with the freed “black” slaves in the USA. We were demonized as the root of *all* social problems in Europe! We were SO “white” that we Jews were regularly terrorized with violence and murder by colonizing “white” people, whole Jewish villages burned at the stake in Europe, and declared by Europe as a “*race*” to be *exterminated* completely from this planet Earth (using *USA “Eugenics”* techniques to accomplish this)!

Please, people, learn your world history!!! PLEASE, JEWS who *now* have white privileges, LEARN YOUR JEWISH HISTORY! To look at an *Israeli Jewish female* who happens to have *Persian-originating* reddish-blonde to red hair and blue-green eyes and call her a “*white* woman” spreading her “*white* femininity and *white* sexuality” as a way to *”spread Zionist propaganda”* and *”murder Palestinian people”*?!!!! This is RACISM, full stop!!!!

When you DO this, you erase the *entire* history of our Jewish ethno-religious people! You *racialize* a world-wide persecuted Jewish people, who come in all human colors and physical features from around this planet! A minority people that has *firsthand* experience at being the target for world-wide genocide by “*white*” people, no less! … To be most *historically* honest, “white” Christian folk who *applauded* and *supported* the rampaging Nazi solution.

Yes, #palestinelivesmatter ! #BDS Hamas and the PA/PLO, and free Palestinians from terror dictatorships! And #PalestineWillBeFree !

#Zionism is a religious concept that ALL religious Jews support, whether theistic or non-theistic. Learn what it actually means – religious Zionism.


Only six percent of the world’s population has melanin-less skin, bluish-greenish eyes (depends on lighting and/or dress – I personally know!), and red hair – either above or below or somewhat above *and* below. In the West, we are called “Gingers.” We don’t tan in sunlight, we just become more red skinned – until sun exposure is removed from us.

One might ask the following: How did we minority “Gingers,” who are NOT white folk (ask the Irish!), come about as a human looks type? The truth is, it didn’t start with the Gaelic people. “Ginger”-ness is WAY much older than these world travellers, who settled an island off of Europe mainland-proper (after a temporary settling in nothern Spain)!

No! The earliest that I know of when it comes to human “Gingers” living upon this planet – like me(!) – is the Chalcolithic peoples of what is now the present day Iran and Israel. BEFORE THE EXISTENCE OF BOTH JEWS AND PERSIANS. Even, then, our red-haired-ness melanin-less was a minority among so many humans on this planet! And, this environmental evolution may likely *proceed* us “Gingers” in this world, “historically” and evolutionary!

Why am I sharing this?! Because, we “Gingers” are looked upon by some as somehow the red heifer of human perfection. And, because, we born “Gingers,” *too often*, wish that we looked like *everyone* else around us (it can *obsess* us, at times!)! (Lifelong shame be damned!) We show up in WAY more many societies than *most* humans on this planet realize. From Iran to Israel to Palestine to Syria to Turkey to Spain to – yes – even Afghanistan, we the “Ginger” minority represent both the Middle East and Europe in our presence *and* our social culturing.

Bless the “Ginger”s that represents my Szatmar descended melanin-less buttocks! I don’t know how to reach a world that is not listening. I only know how to speak up, and hope that we HUMANS actually listen!

(iioktc?) ask me


Is Zionism a form of settler colonialism? Is Zionism nationalism? Is Nationalism a form of racism? Are you a racist for being a Zionist? What is colonialism, if not the historical conquesting of the world by Christianity and Islam?

This right here – the entire five hour debate in very short summary. –


An Egyptian-Iraqi Jew’s perspective on Zionism:

“We are fed terrible lies and double standards when it comes to Israel. Particularly the “Zionism is Racism” lie.

Arafat’s cunningly manipulative “Zionism is Racism” pronouncement adopted by the United Nations in 1975 that the Israel-resenting Left embraced, is now embedded into Ethnic Studies courses that fail to mention how half of Israeli Jews are not Western, and until very recently from Arab lands.

Of course, Arafat knew what he was doing, lying and achieving his goal. He was there in the Middle East. He was there when it was (except for Israel) emptied of Jews. He saw. He also understood the world’s ambivalence about Jews having a country.

Arafat’s lie has not stopped spreading. I have heard too many intelligent people, Jew and non-Jew in the Left say; “If one Palestinian has to die for Israel to exist it has to go.” It’s insanity, that’s what antisemitism is, anti-Jewish racist insanity. And then of course how we Jews are White racists oppressing Brown people. That lie Arafat popularized.

Racism, regarding skin color? Jews come in exactly the same shades as Arabs, especially Arabic Jews, Mizrahi Jews, Jews from Arab lands. Many Ashkenazi Jews retain those same Middle Eastern skin tones and colors. Many Palestinians, Christian or Muslim, are much lighter skinned than me or my family or many Ashkenazi Jews. We look alike because we originate in the same place.

It wasn’t so long ago, in 1950 through the 1960s when Jews had no future left in their ancient Jewish communities all over the Middle East and North Africa. 850,000 Jews were kicked out or forced to flee. 650,000 Jews, refugees from Arab lands, settled in transit camps, the maabarot, dirt poor, struggling to survive Israel, haunted by the Holocaust and hate.” – Rachel Wahba

Anti-Jewish Racism, Self Esteem, and Israel

Joseph T Farkasdi

I am a writer, a husband, a father, a working servant, a complex individual who very few will probably understand! I am actively involved in raising the awareness of social injustice in this world caused by religious idealism and intolerance and the rise of an economic destroying corporatocracy. Take a moment to explore and learn more about me. Thanks!


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