Too many Christians think that they are allies of the Jewish people, and that somehow they are just as victimized in this world as Jews are regularly victimized. Both, untrue!

Christianity is the founding reason for why even a small synagogue in Texas (which was surrounded by 25 churches) was targeted by an Islam adherent. It was Christianity that taught Islam to hate Jews like Christians. Especially now that we fought off both religious Colonizers off of our land in the 1940’s.

Jews are the number one hate target for violence in the West by Christians, and the number one hate target in the East by Muslims. Sometimes, they share continents in this anti-Jewish hate targeting!

I will believe in a friendly Christian/Muslim ally, when both make enforceable legislation in their colonized countries that *punishes* Christians and Muslims for acts of hate directed at Jews – even an act of harrassment! This hate and violence by non-Jews has been happening for 1,600 years, now, unending.

There are 1.9 billion Arab Muslims and 2.4 billion Christians in this world, who are doing *nothing* to stop the violence against Jews, a minority people that only numbers 15.2 million worldwide, and half are in Israel (where we Jews can protect ourselves)! We minorities of this world can’t make these societal changes for the Christians and Muslims, *you all* have to end the hatred and violence towards us.


The United States is a nation established by European Christians on a violently stolen continent, through an insurrection by European Slaveowner/Landowners against the British government (the “American Revolution”), while holding dear to the egregious sin of Chattel slavery (the turning of humans into cattle to be bred) for an economy.

In the United States of today, out 329.5 million citizens, black descendents of kidnapped African slaves total in number to 42 million. An explicit minority! Jews total in number in the USA at 5.8 million. We are spoken for by the Christian majority, and we are not any better off legislatively than black citizens. The only advantage that we have had is that we present white (most of us) in skin color, until white Christians need to blame somebody for their white supremacist grievances. They target the Jews first and the blacks second.

Welcome to the United States of America! This is why blacks and Jews put their lives on the line and on the bridges in the 1960s for the sake of forcing white Christian society in the United States to give us some kind of Civil Rights Acts, which whites want to take away desperately now in the 21st century.

The only “agenda” we Jews have is *real* Civil Rights for the oppressed minorities suffering under Christianity and Islam! Hello. Welcome to my minority world.


It is not the Jewish people’s fault that non-Jewish Arab Islam and European Christianity based their colonizing religious identity and existence upon *our* Jewish ancestors’ origin myths.

It is not the Jewish people’s fault that non-Jewish Arabs had their own ancestors (not Jewish ancestors) and their own ethno-religion – until Mohammed invented Islam and usurped this Indigenous ancestral Arab identity with his religion that is based on Jewish ancestral myths and Jewish ancestors. Arabs then began conquesting the world for Allah and Caliphates.

It is not the Jewish people’s fault that non-Jewish European Christians had their own ancestors (not Jewish ancestors) and their own ethno-religions – until Marcion, Terullian, Irenaeus invented Christianity and usurped European Indigenous ancestral identities with their religion that is based on Jewish ancestral myths and Jewish ancestors. Europeans then began conquesting the world for Christ and Kings.

It is not the Jewish people’s fault that non-Jewish people do not *understand* the Jewish people’s Indigenous way of life upon *our* land! It is not the Jewish people’s fault that anti-Jewish racism (anti-Zionism) is a systemic hatred ingrained into non-Jewish cultures, and that non-Jews and many colonized by non-Jews are born into this cultural indoctrination.

Yes, Colonizer cultures – Islam, Christianity, and the counter political religion, Marxism! A three way Holy War for the minds of humans upon this planet Earth, that disregards *utterly* the Indigenous Peoples of this planet!

It’s not the 15.2 million Jewish people’s fault that over 4.3 billion *converts* to Christianity and Islam think that our Jewish ancestors are *their* ancestors, and that they have the supremacist majority right to appropriate *our* Jewish ancestral land and *our* Jewish identity for their *eschatological* purposes.

Not one European nor Arab would give a *damn* about Israel, about the Levant, were it not for their colonizing religions – designed to replace us, the Jewish people! Go ahead, and prove me wrong. Who resisted Jewish renewed sovereignty upon *our* ancestral land (a land that is the size of the USA State of New Jersey, over five times smaller than the State of New York)?! Christians and Muslims, of course!!!

We Jews had to fight *both* Colonizers in the 1930s and 1940s to regain our sovereignty upon *our* Jewish ancestral land, because *neither* Colonizer was willing to let it happen. Yes, neither! We’ve been, as the Jewish people, militarily fighting ever since for our sovereignty survival upon *our* ancestral land!

If Christianity and Islam are *truly* an “ally” of the Jewish people, they will put their religions aside and allow us Jews to live peacefully upon *every square inch* of our ancestral land. Arabs and Christians that wish to be Israeli citizens, please, join us! But stop with the anti-Jewish racist supremacist squatting upon our Jewish land to forcibly turn Israel into yet *another* Islamic state or Christian state!

Christians and Muslims are just pissed off that the natives, “the Jews,” the Jewish people, now rule the land again, and are no longer oppressed by Colonizers. If you are really an ally, *please*, stand against this religious Colonizer anti-Jewish racism, which started in this world with Christianity, full stop!

It’s not the Jewish people’s fault for all the questionable and bad choices that non-Jews have made and *are* making in this world. We are just trying to survive *you*, intact as an Indigenous People of Judea-Samaria – despite the “go to” blame that you all employ!


“Well the concern is misplaced, because if you look at the statistics, African American voters are voting in just as high a percentage as Americans,” Addison Mitchell McConnell III responded; with the full support and approval of Joseph Manchin III, Kyrsten Lea Sinema, Theophilus Eugene “Bull” Connor, and George Corley Wallace, Jr.

The problem for U.S. minorities is a demographic one – *numbers*! No matter how much you believe in the post-1960’s mythic idea of the USA now being a representative “democracy,” the simple fact remains that the United States has never been *anything other than a white Christian created and ruled nation*, where minorities are not really citizens.

Think from a white Christian perspective for a moment, for the following is what white Christian politicians are *seeing* in this U.S. Congressional moment:

Too many Jews and blacks have infiltrated the Democratic party – in a mad bid to force whites, white Christians, to share the United States with colored folk, non-whites, non-“Americans.” And, despite the misrepresentation of demographical numbers in Congress, blacks and Jews together make up less than 15 percent of the U.S. population, and Latinos are all over the place politically.

If real change is to happen to establish real democracy and Civil Rights in the USA, *it is the white Christians* – the ruling majority – *who must make it happen*! Sadly, they deserve little faith in moral decency at the legislative tables of the United States. It is painful to watch the United States slip back into a second Jim Crow era in this 21st century, rather than to progressively *end* its sin of systemic racism.

Joseph T Farkasdi

I am a writer, a husband, a father, a working servant, a complex individual who very few will probably understand! I am actively involved in raising the awareness of social injustice in this world caused by religious idealism and intolerance and the rise of an economic destroying corporatocracy. Take a moment to explore and learn more about me. Thanks!


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