Here is one thing that both the USA and Israel can actually agree upon: Not all men “are created equal” when it comes to establishing “nationalism.” Let me explain!

Neither the United States Declaration of Independence nor the Israeli Declaration of Independence declared that its end goal is the formation of a “Democratic” nation of citizen equals. But, this here is the *end* to this similarity!

The United States Declaration of Independence states clearly that “all men are created equal.” But, what this meant in their time is: All white Anglo Saxon men from Europe who have Colonially taken forced possession of the First Nations’ continent that Europeans named “America” and have now committed insurrection against England to form their own government upon this colonized and stolen land that is used for the slavery of brown-skinned human beings kidnapped from Africa, these men are all created equal – to the exclusion of white women, and all inferior forms of human beings. They declared this United States as a representative Republic of white men! And, ensured this to be so, perpetually, by the creation of a Senate to rule over the “people’s” House of Representatives. To this day, 245 years later, not even a “white” woman has held the highest office of the land! Now, let’s compare this atrocity upon “democracy” to another nation.

The Israeli Declaration of Independence states clearly that: “Eretz-Israel (the Land of Israel, aka Palestine) was the birthplace of the Jewish people…. After being forcibly exiled from their land, the people kept faith with it throughout their Dispersion and never ceased to pray and hope for their return to it and for the restoration in it of their political freedom.” What this meant in their time is: All Jewish men and women who haved continuously lived in or returned to our ancestral land, our birthplace as an ethno-religious nationality, are compelled to “re-establish themselves in their ancient homeland.” After 21 short years, Golda Meir (a woman!) was elected as Prime Minister of Israel (and, yes, she was a fierce defender of “Zionism”!)

To further put a fine point on this: Like the United States Declaration, the Israeli Declaration of Independence never speaks of “democracy” and never once uses the word “democratic.” But, it does define that Israel has a “natural right of the Jews to be masters of their own fate” and the “right of the Jewish people to a national rebirth” and the “right of the Jewish people to rebuild its national home” *on our ancestral land*. Further, this declaration has a paragraph devoted to the *“complete equality of all its inhabitants,”* Arabs and Jews as Israelis, and it says that the nation-State will provide all inhabitants freedom “as envisioned by the prophets of Israel.” Anyone who is actually knowledgeable in Torah knows what this means!

The United States Declaration of Independence and Constitution *SUCKS* in comparison to the *honesty* of the Jewish indigenous people’s Declaration for our “Palestine” Levant! At the very least, not only do Jews recognize non-Jews as equal and as “rights” deserving human beings within this life, we recognize that genders and orientations must be pushed towards sanctity, as well.

To this day, 165 years later, the United States of America hasn’t decided who won the damn Civil War! The South says they did, and the North claims they did, and STILL yet – in the 21st century “A.D.” – blacks and browns are still fighting for *voting rights*, for *judicial equality*, for *equal prosperity and pay* – and First Peoples/Nations (like Jews) are *ignored completely* or *spoken for*, according to colonizer narrative. Women, to this day are still having their Suffrage rights threatened, limited, and/or outright taken away from them. And those who love differently are still being denied the white Anglo Saxon males’ rights to “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”

If you ain’t got what I’m tryin’ to tell you at this point(?), den no can I fo help yo ignant supremacism! The time of history will eventually come for your governing ways. And, yo, you all colonized who be *preachin’* ’bout “democracy”?! Wake the eff up!!! Israel, a Jewish nation-State for Jews, is more loyal to *democracy* than the United States of “America” has *ever* been and likely ever will be!


Someone claimed that the Trans Saharan Slave Trade was no different than Chattel slavery in the USA, and that Colonizers were not any different in their slavery practices, compared to other ethnic groups around the world. THIS IS OBVIOUSLY BULLPUCKY!

The 2,500 years of Trans Saharan Slave Trade went both ways, not just one way only. Men were sold for their labors. Women were sold for their looks. By the time that Christianized Romans got fully into the commerce, 5th century CE, Semetic and European women were sold to Arabs and Nubians, and Arab and Nubian women were being sold to Romans. The same for Semetic and European men and Arab and Nubian men, in both directions. This is nothing like Chattel slavery!

Chattel slavery was the *devotedly* racist European Christian act of defining black and brown folk as inferior human beings. Inferior enough to treat them as no different than livestock. In order to have a thriving Trans Atlantic Slave labor lifestock in Colonial “America,” both African males and females together needed to be kidnapped, sold, and bred on plantations like livestock to keep the southen States plantations running and provide slave labor to the northern States. Chattel slavery violently dehumanized slaves into non-humans, full stop!

Sadly, thanks to Islamic fundamentalist beliefs, the Trans Saharan Slave Trade still exists to this day – courtesy of the Libyan nation. For most participating nations in Africa, the Middle East, and Europe this slave trade did not end until the 1890’s CE. After this, buying slaves in the early 20th century CE cost slave owners up to 8 times the price of slaves before outlawing of the trade routes. Libya and Mauritania continued with the slave trade, even while outlawed. Mauritania abolished slavery in 1981. Slave auctions, human trafficking, ransoming familes and torturing slaves, sexual abuse of women and children all still exists in Libya into this 21st century CE. And there are other places that are just as guilty on the continent Colonizers called “America.”

As evil as all this modern CE slavery is, STILL it does not compare to the immorality and inhumanity of European Colonial Christian Chattel Slavery in the United States of America. And this is why white citizens are SO fearful of actual Colonial and USA history being taught! USA whites want to believe that the Emancipation Proclamation ended slavery in the USA, though slavery of blacks and latinos continued unprosecuted up until 1927 – wherein white citizens in Texas were finally prosecuted and convicted for possessing slaves used for hard labor. The children of USA’s white citizens need to *learn* this history, to end the white Christian structural supremacism still levied into this 21st century upon the non-white citizens of this land!


Yes, yes! This writer is correct that ancient slavery was *nothing* like modern racist Colonial Chattel slavery! Allow me to explain.

In the BCE Middle East, North Africa, and Southwest Asia Semetic areas, slaves were not acquired from warfare. So, you might ask, then where did slaves come from? This time period in human history is one that is devoid of banks to establish credit with, in order to pay debts or to get a loan of money. Thus, family members from families in temporary need were at times acquired as slaves for these purposes.

It is also true that slaves did the same manual labor that paid workers were doing throughout the greater Middle East. In every Semetic nation, including Israel, there were very strict laws on the humane treatment of both male and female slaves, with the intention of returning freed slaves back into society through sponsorship of the owning family.

In Jewish BCE literatures alone, known as the redacted Torah scrolls, we see three different stages of evolving national enforced laws governing ethical treatment of slaves. Then, creeps in the modern CE era, with its two new purely theological religions seeking to establish supremacy within this human planetary world.

With the creation of European Christian Chattel slavery, Jews formally and legally made Torah-permissible slavery impossible to act upon, because slavery became evident within this world in a cruel, evil, racist, and utterly immoral historical way. Even worse, a few white-passing Jews were complicit in this behavior (specifically, for social, political, or financial profit). All the more reason, for the Jewish indigenous people, as a whole, to declare all forms of slavery immoral! Sadly, faithful Muslims still think some forms of slavery are still somehow moral.

Note, for historical clarity sake, whoever wrote this post is confusing a North African Semetic people, the Arabian-olive-brown Egyptians, for the South African Cushite nations, who admired and emulated Semetic Egyptian culture. Egyptians and South Africans only started admixturing together significantly *after* Rome conquered and established itself in the area (think early CE period, not BCE period). The genetic evidence from ancient BCE mummies conclusively confirms this, adding further evidence to the Torah’s Table of Nations (aka, the myth of the “Sons of Noah”).

For African history sake, would it not be better to avoid usurping Semetic history, and focusing *directly* on the amazing purely African BCE civilizations, some of whom were mighty civilizations before the rise of Egypt? Yes, Cushites are found in the “Bible,” and Moses – an Egyptian Jew – married a Nubian Princess as a second wife! But, some of Jewish family stock is directly intermixed with Egyptians. Remember, one of the three historical temples to the Jewish national YHWH god was *in Egypt*, next to an Egyptian temple to Egyptian gods – until an Egyptian dynasty turned against this Jewish community.

Joseph T Farkasdi

I am a writer, a husband, a father, a working servant, a complex individual who very few will probably understand! I am actively involved in raising the awareness of social injustice in this world caused by religious idealism and intolerance and the rise of an economic destroying corporatocracy. Take a moment to explore and learn more about me. Thanks!


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