Tsefan Josef
3 hrs ·
I will say it again, folks. And I’ll keep saying these things, until white folk actually listen!

White is a culture of automatic entitlement and privilege based on skin color. Individually, white is an ignorant indifference and inability to see people of color, especially, as systemic deserving equals in society. White is a culture of believing you are entitled to speak for blacks, to know for blacks, to explain for blacks, and to decide for blacks. And those who challenge white ignorance and behavior, especially if white themselves, is the fool, the ignorant, the delusional – for white can do no wrong, that is the privilege of being white!

… The opposite of white is black. …

Black is a culture forged out white indifference, inability to see people of color as truly humans, and the hellish historical conditions suffered under white oppression of blacks. These oppressions include family separations, rape of women, starvation, chains and beatings, hangings just because, shootings just because, and loss of native languages, religions, and social identities. Individually, black is the inability to be not automatically judged based on the color of one’s skin, because of white intolerance and preconceptions of blacks as a whole.

The sad reality is this folks: White people are nowhere close to acknowledging systemic racism and white privilege. Christians and Muslims are nowhere close to acknowledging inherent fundamentalist anti-Semitism. And Trump is about to get illegitimately elected again, for a second term, because the sheep will not wake up to the presence of the wolves herding them to the booths. … There is a bright side, though: Climate change. Nature is due for a species start-over.


Tsefan Josef
17 hrs ·
I hear white people talking, judging. How many of you *white folk* commenting know the community? How many of you are *from* this black community? … How dare you comment! Shut the fuck up!

Tsefan Josef But, racism doesn’t exist in the United States.

Tsefan Josef But, racism doesn’t exist in the United States.

Tsefan Josef The simple fucking truth is: I don’t need to be black to know that I need to be on the right fucking side of history! Yes, I guess atheists can be racists, too.

Tsefan Josef But, I’m the racist. Of course.

Tsefan Josef But, I’m delusional! (LOL! I haven’t had this much fun in years!!!)

Tsefan Josef The question was “if” church thievery did occur, is this right – yes or no? So, shut the fuck up?

Tsefan Josef And, now, everyone’s been on the side of the black community.

Tsefan Josef It’s like talking to a brick. … Of, and there it comes … The favorite line of white folk: “Not every white person is a racist”. But, people of color are still struggling for seat at the table of white opportunity in this Western world. When this happens, then I’ll shut up. … It will take actual listen by white folk, for this to occur. The white man is an individual and judged accordingly. The person of color is judged by their skin first, in relation to judgement of them as a people.

Tsefan Josef Wow. I’m done. … Er, almost!

Tsefan Josef I don’t need to be a black people’s “Savior” to be having a conversation with white folk about white racism. Having this conversation is what white people need to be having with other white people! (For the record, the whole conversation is viewable on Atheist Republic, where it occurred.

This conversation can be found here – https://m.facebook.com/comment/replies/?ctoken=2827206170699557_2827269930693181&ft_ent_identifier=2827206170699557&gfid=AQDQ0MpQFyHucaUC¬if_t=feed_comment_reply¬if_id=1575354120271363&ref=m_notif&hc_location=ufi)

There is a reason I snapshot some conversations! Black people do not need “white Saviors” speaking for them. Black people need white people to start having the long overdue conversation about “white racism” in Europe and the United States! White people having this confrontational conversation with white people is what white people need to be doing!

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Let’s Have A Talk About White Racism, White Folks!

Joseph T Farkasdi

I am a writer, a husband, a father, a working servant, a complex individual who very few will probably understand! I am actively involved in raising the awareness of social injustice in this world caused by religious idealism and intolerance and the rise of an economic destroying corporatocracy. Take a moment to explore and learn more about me. Thanks!


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