So says the 2020 U.S. Census, the United States is overwhelmingly comprised of white citizens – aka, *flag-waving bible-waving Christian folk* with lots of guns and ammo. They make 61.6 percent of the total U.S. population. They control the U.S. government, and they are born into a privilege that they *don’t* understand, nor want to understand (except for the ruling few whites, who *DO* fully understand)!

Yet, what they – the white privileged citizens of the USA – racially *FEAR* the most is that *their* white established government is about to be taken over by the 18.7 percent Latinos, the 12.4 percent African Americans, the 6 percent Asians – AND THE WORST OF ALL – the devious and conniving 1.7 percent of the U.S. population known as Jews (1), which they insist is running the whole black-brown (38.8 percent) coup upon the struggling poor majority white (61.6 percent) folks of “America.”

The awareness of First Nation Indigenous, 2.9 percent, and Native Pacific Islander, 0.2 percent, is essentially erased from the U.S. social narrative. Hence, why white citizens *claim* openly and publicly, without a second thought, to be the “native” people of “America” – in all their systemic legislated colorblind deliberately uneducated racist hearts!

(1) – You do know, don’t you, that 38 percent of Jews (an ethnic minority that is only 1.7 percent of the U.S. population) were living in *poverty* in 2020, almost double the 17.7 percent in Israel for the same year? You do know, don’t you, that only 23 percent of Jews in the USA were higher income earners (200k or above) in 2020?

You do know, *don’t you*, that it is U.S. “white” billionaire citizens and China’s billionaire citizens that make up the overwhelming majority of the 2,750 billionaires worldwide?! You do know, don’t you, that, out of 15.2 million Jews worldwide, only 166 Jews are billionaires (0.00001 percent of the Jewish population, and 0.06 of the world’s billionaires)?

It is the billionaires that rule the world, right?! And they are U.S. *white* folk (meaning European descended Christians, whether believing/practicing or, now, atheist) and Chinese folk – both, the overwhelming world majority! But, because of systemic 1,600 years of Christian and Muslim *Jew-hate* (antisemiticism), we Jews are somehow controlling this world – the money, the industries – according to the indoctrinated *ignorant* colonized citizens and your all’s Christian and Muslim handlers who are encouraging this anti-Jewish racism – to keep you distracted, passive, politically divided, and poor!

Until the world’s two Colonizers, Christianity and Islam, and their counter political religion, Marxism, are brought to historical account, the *real* threatened minorities will always be suffering! That is, until united we *minorities* stand!!! Remaining Indigenous and deprived/oppressed folk, please consider this, and let us all unite *together*, appreciating our diversity!


One last thought. Like African American U.S. *citizens*, we Jews are presently *OVER REPRESENTED* in the federal U.S. Congress, and desperately *under-represented* in U.S. State governments – by white folks’ *gerrymandered design*, of course, and by *demographic* lack of physical body numbers!

If you look at the United States House of Representatives and United States Senate of today – you’d *understandably* think that black and Jewish minority needs are represented in the USA. And that we – the United States – are this *mythic* representative *”democracy”* that our televised over-represented Jewish and black federal Congressional members keep talking about! But, we are actually *NOT*!!! And, *this is the systemic problem* that we must address now, in our lifetime.


This is why vaxx and holocaust equivalency is so offensive:

Unvaccinated people *are* a threat to other people, a deadly threat once they pass that virus on. The Jewish people are not a threat, but the unending *target* of deadly threats. Coronavirus is a *virus*, and it doesn’t give a damn what your politics, race, religion, etc are. Capitalism and Communism are flipsides of the same *extremist* coin, a few at the top living off of the ever struggling working class below. Jews and blacks, though both extreme minorities, are present in both political parties! And vaccines save the lives of white Christian oppressed minorities in the USA. Vaccines are not a form of slavery, and vaccine mandates are not Nazi oppression and genocide! No, we *don’t* see the similarities, for such equivalency *is* egregiously wrong.


Sadly, “American” Jews are *so* colonized that we don’t know how to make effective arguments on *why* these false equivalency comparisons are egregiously wrong. Let me explain, by showing what we Jews *need* to be pointing out to non-Jews – especially those that have been successfully colonized into European-ish Christianity and Arab Islam:

Jews are a minority Indigenous People of Judea-Samaria *with* an ethno-religion – that you do not have to follow or believe in to be born Jewish. There are only 15.2 million Jews worldwide, with half of us in Israel to have enough numbers in one place to ensure our Indigenous survival, and both Christianity and Islam speak for us in the Colonized world, with theological/eschatological intent.

The only reason both Christians and Muslims have an invested interest in Judea-Samaria, the Jewish people’s ancestral land, is because their religion tells them so! Mohammed for Arabs and Marcion, Terullian, and Irenaeus for Christianity usurped Arab and European ancestral identities for Jewish ones, by basing their religions upon *our* Jewish myths about our ancestors.

Neither Arabs not Europeans as peoples have an ancestor in their histories by the names of Abraham, Issac, Esau, Joseph, Jacob, etc, etc, etc. – except within the Islam invented conquesting and proselytizing religion of Arabia and within the Christianity invented conquesting and proselytizing religion of the Aegean north.

1.9 billion converts to conquering and colonizing Arab Islam and 2.4 billion converts to conquering and colonizing European Christianity, both obsessed with the *Jewish people’s* ancestral land (Judea-Samaria, which is six times smaller than the U.S. State of New York; and Arabia being 98 times larger than Israel) does NOT make a 15.2 million Indigenous Jewish people still clinging and fighting for Judea-Samaria – in order to continue our Indigenous halachic way of life upon this land, so that we may sustain it for *future* Jewish families!

Everywhere the Jewish people reside, we are terribly out numbered by our non-Jewish neighbors who are not yet proactively allies of the Jewish people, even if they are friendly non-Jews. And the Jewish people will not know peace in this world, until we make allies of Christians and Muslims!

How do we do this? With radical honesty, as being demonstrated here. Being the majority, Christian and Muslims don’t have to listen to Jews, and most don’t! lf they listen, they do as their religions have taught – take what they hear and reinterpret it into a Christian/Muslim friendly form, where they do not have to reckon with the honesty part.

Colonizers and their oppressed or assimilated Colonized are *not* real allies of the Jewish people! If Christians and Muslims were *real* allies, then they would put their religions *aside* and support *all* Indigenous Peoples’ inherent Indigenous Right to unfettered and unthreatened self-sovereignty upon Indigenous ancestral land.

Not just for the sake of Jews (because your religion says so, for blatant non-Jewish benefit), but for Kurds, Pueblos, Navajo, Sami, Hawaiians, and all other Indigenous Peoples trying to survive in a world that delegitimizes, erases, demonizes, and terrorizes the vulnerable minorities among them.


“Another terrorist glorified. Stern and Irgun did pretty much the same things as Hamas and Islamic Jihad recently, but on a much larger scale.”

Making comparisons like this, without historical and moral context, creates only a false equivalency between freedom fighters and terrorists – rather than encouraging a recognition of history to achieve a path towards peace. Facts do matter!

Jewish guerilla warfare in the 1930s and 1940s on our ancestral land was deliberately directed at getting the British occupier off of our Jewish land. It worked, and this allowed the Jewish people to save themselves from the actively occuring worldwide Colonizers’ genocide of our minority Indigenous People!

With the re-establishment our Jewish self-sovereignty upon our ancestral land, Judea-Samaria (only foreigners, non-indigenous, call it “Palestine”), we once again had enough body numbers to protect us from European Christianity and their white terrorism of Indigenous Peoples and from Arab Islam and their Caliphate supremacy and oppressive occupations of Indigenous Peoples.

One hell is no better than another hell for Indigenous Peoples, it is oppression by a colonizing/supremacist religion, whether Islam or Christianity, regardless – whether it is the Kurds, the Jews, the Pueblos, the Navajo, the Sami, the Hawaiians, the Maori (and list goes on!) experiencing this!

There are 2.4 billion converts to European-ish Christianity in this world (created by three gentiles in the Aegean north, by appropriating Jewish ancestral myths) and 1.9 billion converts to Arab Islam in this world (created by one gentile down south in Arabia, by appropriating Jewish ancestral myths). In comparison, there are only 15.2 million Jews in this world by our Indigenous People’s halachot. Anyone can be a convert to a religion, not everyone gets to be a member of an Indigenous people forever attached to our ancestral land.

Jews have always resided in Judea-Samaria (only foreigners, non-indigenous, call it “Palestine”), even without self-sovereignty. It was the Diaspora colonizers, Arab Islam and European Christianity, that ethnically cleansed us from their nations and forced our return to our ancestral land. This time we will remain decolonized! Israel is the world’s only refugee nation, the only successful return of an Indigenous People to real self-sovereignty upon our ancestral land. Of course, the two Colonizers – Christians and Muslims – hate this (the natives are now ruling us)!

“Palestinians” are not squatting on Jewish ancestral land for a two state solution. They are not squatting on Jewish ancestral land to be citizens of Israel. These self-named “Palestinians” (which literally means “invaders”) are a mixture of Jordanian and Egyptian citizens and *descendants* of former Arab 3-nation-caused war refugees (think “nakba”, the failed 10 month Arab military siege to conquest and re-occupy all of Judea-Samaria) are squatting to occupy and terrorize Judea-Samaria, until they can force the end of Israeli sovereignty – to place a non-indigenous Islamic government in rule over all of our Jewish ancestral land. It’s not going to happen again, for either Colonizer!

Want to be a friend of the Jewish people? A real ally? Then, put your religion aside, and be an active supporter of Indigenous Peoples’ Indigenous Rights everywhere upon the lands of this planet. This, and legislating as the ruling majority people mandatory enforceable punishment for white/Christian and Arab/Muslim supremacist acts of anti-Jewish and anti-black racism!


Hitler got a lot of his Eugenics and racist ideas directly from the writings of United States white scientists and politicians. The white Christians of the U.S. approved of Hitler’s German Christian-backed Nazism – even held rallies with Nazi salutes. It was Russia that first discovered the camps, and were shocked and appalled. U.S. soldiers were also shocked and appalled, but the United States government did not want to accept Jewish refugees and Nazi camp survivors. Like Britian, they insisted that Jewish survivors resettle in the nations that tried to exterminate them! So, it’s no surprise that white “Americans” are on our Jewish web sites today, declaring how good “America,” the USA, was towards Jews during and directly after WWII.

While, at the same time, declaring Jews are committing the same genocide in “Palestine” (Judea-Samaria). There is no genocide occurring in Judea-Samaria, the ancestral land of the indigenous Jewish people! Why even entertain such a lie – unless you are an anti-Jewish racist?! Seriously! Only foreigners, non-indigenous, the European Christian and Arab Muslim colonizers of Judea-Samaria call it “Palestine.” The so-called 1960’s created “Palestinians” in the West Bank and Gaza are *descendants* of Arab-created war refugees (nakba) and Jordanian and Egyptian citizens – who are squatting on our Jewish ancestral land to try to end Jewish sovereignty upon our land, so they can prop up an Islamic state and rule the natives again, like true supremacists.

If you’re just unaware and lacking knowledge, I hope this helps. If you know these factual things, shame on you!

Never Forget!

The Jewish people, the Indigenous People of Judea-Samaria, was near extinction after WWII because of Christianity-created anti-Jewish racism. If we had not fought the British occupier off of our ancestral land to reestablish self-sovereignty, we’d still be just as vulnerable today.

The United States of America, born in the sin of human slaveownership, through an insurrection against the British government (the American Revolution), was an inspiration for Adolf Hitler! He incorporated white Christian USA Eugenics science into his “final solution” for the “Jew” problem. While Nazism was rampaging Europe and North Africa, white Christian “Americans” were assembling together in support of Nazism, giving the Nazi salute. After WWII, the United States hid Nazi war criminals on U.S. soil, and refused entry into the United States Holocaust camp survivors and Jewish war refugees.

Joseph T Farkasdi

I am a writer, a husband, a father, a working servant, a complex individual who very few will probably understand! I am actively involved in raising the awareness of social injustice in this world caused by religious idealism and intolerance and the rise of an economic destroying corporatocracy. Take a moment to explore and learn more about me. Thanks!


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