Yes, Nakba Day and Naksa Day! My two favorite days to celebrate Jewish survival from Arab and European genocidal occupiers! What are they?!

Nakba Day: Where 5 Arab nations’ armies waged a 10 month siege to conquest and occupy every inch of Judea-Samaria (what only foreigners, non-indigenous, call “Palestine”), and utterly failed to slaughter the rest of the Jewish people that Adolph Hitler had failed to get to during his conquest to rid the planet of Jews.

Of course, it is a nakba! A “catastrophe” for the historic Arab and European Colonizers of Indigenous Peoples’ lands who fought *so hard* before and after 1948 to prevent the Jewish people, the Indigenous Judean people of Judea-Samaria, from forcing our decolonization and re-sovereigned Independence as the only successfully decolonized Indigenous nation upon this planet!

Naksa Day: Where the same 5 Arab armies tried again to conquest Judea-Samaria for Arab rule, and Jordan and Egypt lost the parts of Israel that they were *occupying* for 18 years after their first Nakba Day (Gaza, and the part of Israel that Jordan named the “West Bank” during its occupation).

Of course, it is a “naksa” kind of nakba! A “catastrophe” for the historic Arab and European Colonizers of Indigenous Peoples’ lands who fought *so hard* before and after 1948 to prevent the Jewish people, the Indigenous Judean people of Judea-Samaria, from forcing our decolonization and re-sovereigned Independence as the only successfully decolonized Indigenous nation upon this planet!

So, as Arab and European Colonizers of Indigenous Peoples’ lands have been doing for 1,400 years now, blame the Jews for all the Arab and European Colonizers world’s problems and failings! It’s what you all do best to Indigenous Peoples all around this world. Besides politically land-squatting in large numbers upon Indigenous Peoples’ lands to force Indigenous Peoples’ assimilation!

#NakbaDay #Nakba74 #Naksa


Because this so deserves a second reading! Folks, listen…. Indigenous colors are *not* pan-Arab red, black, white, and green, *nor* European red, white, and blue. Know who is “indigenous” and who is *not* in this world!

Why is it so frustratingly hard to talk with today’s living descendants of European Christian and Arab Muslim colonizers of Indigenous Peoples’ lands (lands not European nor Arab, but occupied by them, in too many ways)? Consider this, please:

The Jewish people of Judea-Samaria are very much like the Igbo people of Nigeria. Both have a theocratic ethno-religious way of life that defines our ethno-national identity and requires our continuing presence upon our ancestral land. (1)

Colonizers are, by systemic design, culturally raised to believe in Colonizer revisionist history – a history that validates the Colonizers’ history of conquests (land grabbing) and that erases the historical presence and history of the Indigenous Peoples (whose lands were occupied or outright taken). Thus, those raised as the colonized and the livng descendants of the Colonizers honestly *cannot* hear you nor understand you, as occupied minority peoples, because European and Arab Colonizers’ racial/religious supremacy over Indigenous Peoples’ lands must ultimately and always be right. So say the Colonizers!

The Jewish people are the only Indigenous People in this world who have been propped up by the world’s two Colonizer religions to be a “World Religion” (a “European” world religion, so says both Colonizers, though we are always the minority people of the Middle Eastern Levant), in order to justify the existence of the conquesting and proselytizing Christian and Muslim gentile religions (2.4 billion converts to Aegean-created Christianity and 1.9 billion converts to Arabia-created Islam) that base their legitimacy upon *our* Jewish ancestors and our people’s origin myths (all 15 million of us Jews), rather than obsessing over their own ancestors and (now replaced) ethno-religious traditions.

So, even if/when speaking, we Indigenous Jews of Judea-Samaria are repeatedly and constantly *erased* in the social narratives (unheard in person) along with our history. Europeans and Arabs and their dutiful colonized *must* be right – less they face accounting for their violent, even genocidal, histories towards Indigenous Peoples upon this planet. Thus, we Indigenous Peoples clinging to and fighting for our land and our Indigenous Rights simply can’t be right in their minds! And they overwhelming outnumber us, and *must* speak for us!

When online, know a colonized troll when you see one, call that colonized troll out with accurate, factual, demonstrable real world history, then move on (don’t feed the troll with meaningless arguments!). We Indigenous Peoples and, especially, *we the Jewish people* need to own our own narrative and guide conversations with historical truth, for the sake of the silent readers/listeners (yes, they are out there!).

Want to be a friend and ally of the Jewish people? Then, put your religion aside, and be a public active supporter of all Indigenous Peoples Indigenous Rights to unthreatened *peaceful* self-sovereignty upon *our* ancestral land! Indigeneity does not mean primative. Indigeneity does not mean poor. Indigeneity does not mean brown skin! Again, not all indigenous peoples are brown skinned, nor poor, nor unsophisticated, nor out of touch with modernity! Please, look up the U.N definition of what an Indigenous People are, for knowledge is power!

(1) – Geographically, the Igbo homeland and the Israeli (Jewish) homeland are mirror images of each other. The Igbo homeland is divided into two unequal sections by the Niger river – an eastern side (which is the larger of the two) and a western side. The Jewish homeland is divided into two unequal sections by the Jordan river – an eastern side (which is the smaller of the two) and a western side (Judea-Samaria).

For both Igbo and Jewish indigenous peoples, both theocratic in nature, spirituality has always played a defining role in their everyday lives. Odinani is a pantheistic and polytheistic ethno-religion, having a strong central deity at its head. Judaism started out as a Canāanite polytheistic religion, with a strong central deity at its head – then, centered on henotheism (exclusive devotion to only the Landlord deity) from the 2nd Temple period into the European “Middle Ages” period of the history of human civilizations (wherein Rabbinic Judaism established a new religious devotion, now called *monotheism*!).


There is a very big difference between being an Arab Colonizer and occupier of Indigenous Peoples’ lands who is using social media optics to portray your collective-self as the victimized indigenous of the land and being the actual Indigenous People of the land that you occupied. For Arab Colonizers, Islam demands that Arab Muslims be deemed the “indigenous” of conquered lands and that the Indigenous Peoples refusing to assimilate be declared “infidels.” Arab Islam also makes the Colonizer’s claim that once an Indigenous land not theirs is conquested for Allah and caliphates (settler-occupation), then it is always Arab Colonizer’s land from then on.

This is very much the same concept that the European Colonizer and occupier makes to justify their settler-occupying of Indigenous Peoples’ lands. In the European Christian claims for right of ownership over the lands that they have colonized, they claim the land for white Christian folk in the name of their Christ and kings! Allah/Christ and caliphates/kings, there is no difference here between these two for we Indigenous Peoples who are just trying to survive the historic Colonizers, occupiers, and appropriaters of Indigenous lands and culture!

“Land Day” is an Arab Colonizer appropriation of Indigenous Jewish struggle to keep our land for we actual Indigenous Judeans! By deceiving Arabs and Europeans and their colonized through social media optics, which deliberately makes the politically land-squatting Arab occupiers appear to be the “indigenous” and the actual Jews of Judea-Samaria appear to be the Colonial occupiers from overseas, this is specifically designed to bring the world to hatred for the *only* successfully decolonized Indigenous refugee nation upon this entire colonized planet, the nation of Israel! Because, we Indigenous Peoples are so few, the Arab and European Colonizers’ social media optics reach way *too many* people unchallenged for way too long – creating daily a plethora of new up-and-coming anti-Indigenous racists worldwide.

We Indigenous Peoples must unite together worldwide to decolonize safely and securely from the historic Arab and European Colonizers and occupiers of Indigenous Peoples’ lands! One honest look at Israel’s struggle for survival makes this need apparently clear. Radical honesty is the only best path that I know of to achieving this path of Indigenous freedom, self-sovereignty, and future security for our Indigenous Peoples (worldwide). … If “Palestinian” *Arabs* don’t want to be “occupied” while living/squatting on Judea-Samaria, our Indigenous Judean land, they could choose to become productive members as Israeli citizens. Apply for citizenship into our Jewish nation, Israel. (Ah, but this is not their goal – they don’t want to be part of an Indigenous nation. Rather, to return the Jewish Indigenous back to Arab ruled vulnerable and oppressed dhimmi status!)

If being a citizen of an Indigenous nation is too much, these “Palestinian” *Arabs* – a people created by the KGB and PLO in Moscow in 1964 for a Marxist long-term disinformation campaign against Israel, the nation-State of the Jews of Judea-Samaria – they are free to immigrate back to the lands their ancestors came from. The Jewish people are *not* trying to keep them Arab occupiers upon our land, this would be insane to do for our people’s survival! So, Arab land-squatters, you can’t complain about your “occupation” and be taken seriously, when *you are the foreigners*, the non-indigenous, who “rolled in” (the meaning of “Palestini”/Felishti) and are doing the occupying of Jewish ancestral land!

Snapshot: Scholarship on the Israeli–Palestinian conflict that recognizes Land Day, which began in 1976, view it as a pivotal event in the struggle over land between Arabs and Jews in Arab occupied parts of Judea-Samaria. Arabs already rule over 22 nations in the Middle East and Africa, but this half continent size of land is not enough land for Arab Colonizers. They must have Taiwan-size Israel as well, because *they once conquered it* and they declared the Jews Indigenous to Judea-Samaria who refused to assimilate as the “infidels” upon the land! So, they claim victimhood on social media, when we Indigenous Peoples fight for our Indigenous land Rights and obligations upon our ancestral lands! It’s so unfair to the historic land-grabbing Arab and European Colonizers and occupiers of Indigenous Peoples’ lands!

#landday #shavuot


As the vassaled people obligated to the land of Judea-Samaria, agricultural sovereignty is a Jewish mandate! The settler-occupiers destroy and we Jews rebuild, generation after generation!

You do know, don’t you, that it was the ruling Arab occupiers of Judea-Samaria (what non-indigenous call “Palestine”) who turned our Jewish ancestral land into lifeless desert and our waters into malaria filled swamps?

Then, the northern Ottomans conquested our Jewish land to occupy it, like the anti-Indigenous conquesting Arabs had done, and they forced the Arabs back south to where they came from.

You do know, don’t you, that it was the Jewish people, Indigenous to Judea-Samaria, who restored our Arab-created barren land, who drained and cleaned the Arab-created malaria filled swamps, who revitalized over 600 acres of our ancestral land to Jewish agriculture sovereignty?

We Jews did all of this in the 1800’s, *before* the British military and their Egyptian army rode into our Jewish land to occupy it and rule it, now that the Ottomans had retreated from Judea-Samaria – like the chased out Arab occupiers before them.

Jewish activists have been rebuilding our occupied Indigenous nation’s land ever since the first non-indigenous occupier rolled in to claim our land as theirs. Yes! They destroy and we Jews rebuild! So, when Arab and European Colonizers invade and occupy, we Jews Indigenous to Judea-Samaria restore our land, generation after generation.

You do know, don’t you, that modern Zionism began with my Middle Eastern North African Jewish families in 1882? Why? Because Arabs wouldn’t stop violently oppressing us in the countries they colonized with the British! Learn some history, please. Not Russian-PLO propaganda!

#nativefoodsovereignty #foodsovereignty


This is exactly why it is so difficult to find free fluency level Yehudí language programs (Jewish), whether it is the main Ivrít Cená’anit or communal Sefaradhí, Yídish, or Yehudíc (etc) languages in countries that were colonized/created by European and Arab occupiers of Indigenous Peoples’ lands. As Taken Alive teaches, the language is ours to speak, and our stories spoken in the language is ours! Any preservation, any language programs, need to benefit us – the Indigenous Peoples – first and always!

““No matter how it was collected, where it was collected, when it was collected, our language belongs to us. Our stories belong to us. Our songs belong to us,” Ray Taken Alive, who teaches Lakota to elementary school students, told the tribal council in April 2022.

Joseph T Farkasdi

I am a writer, a husband, a father, a working servant, a complex individual who very few will probably understand! I am actively involved in raising the awareness of social injustice in this world caused by religious idealism and intolerance and the rise of an economic destroying corporatocracy. Take a moment to explore and learn more about me. Thanks!


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