As a military veteran with honorable service, I refused – and still refuse(!) – to commit idolatry by pledging allegiance to a flag or to a republic of a people. That is like pledging faith in the demiGod idol of the white people’s Christian religion. As a Jew, I cannot compromise my people nor myself to pacify idolic absolutism, bigotry, and racism.

So, I pledged – and still pledge(!) – allegiance to the *people* that the USA flag and Republic represents. Everyone one of our USA’s citizens – regardless of race, religion, ancestry, gender, sexual orientation, political affiliation, or lack there of on any of these divisive categories. Hence, I propose a new Pledge of Allegiance for the United States of America:

“I pledge allegiance to the people represented by the flag of the United States of America. And to participating in the Republic of the People for which democracy must stand. One nation, the USA, indivisible with equal liberty and justice for all – regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual and political orientation. A nation that guarantees every citizen’s right to vote without legislative restrictions.”

We need to get right as a nation – historically honest, ethically/morally right, and end the ghettoization of non-white citizens by State legislations in the USA! Happy #4thofJuly


Why should we be “grateful” for waking up?! … Honestly, this is already in the past by the time we realize it (for most of us, after morning coffee). So, what difference does that make? … It feels like a self-evident insight, as a second sentence, is missing from this meme – aka, a lack of purpose.

Why not be grateful for the breath within us that sustains us through sleep, and allows for our next wake up? This repetitious breath that allows us to yet again return to the consciousness of this world around us?

Why not just take advantage every morning of the additional opportunity to live life, every time we recover from sleep? And to be thankful for the unperceived healing that *occurs* during each sleep, while we slept? …

Why not be thankful/grateful that we have another conscious opportunity to be more aware of and more active in life within this additional day that we are experiencing? Whether we achieve any goals or not?!

Instead of looking backwards (hey, we “woke up”!), why not make a blessing after our first morning breath (or coffee) that encourages us to take a bold step forward today (personally, socially), because we *did* awaken again?!

And, if we’re not quite ready to do this for real – or even to be grateful this day – at least, consider the possibility that *tomorrow* we actually might have a reason to smile and be actively bold?!

This is resiliency training that is often not taught, unfortunately. For it is experientially learned through daily living. Such living doesn’t necessary fix anything. But, it gives each day personal purpose to life!

No religious faith can ever compare to a personal determination of purpose. Where has life shown me wrong on this?! … If not today, then hang in there for tomorrow. Let nature take you out, not your own mind!

(This is probably my most important life lesson as a veteran to #veteran .)

#ptsd #veteran #usa


Oh I’m so destined to cellular hell (where we always have cellular connection, at a fraction of the cost!)! LOL!

“Team iPhone sometimes be like them fundamentalist religious folks:

Team iPhone: You know you chose the wrong team right?

Droidheads: I like where I am.

Team iPhone: You know we are the way, the truth, and the life right?

Droidheads: OK. But Imma go this way soooo…

Team iPhone: So that green chat bubble is worth your whole soul?

Droidheads: Wait what? What’s wrong with my green bubble?

Team iPhone: You know that green bubble is the mark of the beast right? It’s the devil. We living in the last days of the current model, but you still got time to choose the right path.You still got time to be forgiven for your foolish transgressions. I’m just trying to help you stay ready so you ain’t gotta get ready.

Droidheads: 👀👀👀👀 I CHOOSE HELL!”

Joseph T Farkasdi

I am a writer, a husband, a father, a working servant, a complex individual who very few will probably understand! I am actively involved in raising the awareness of social injustice in this world caused by religious idealism and intolerance and the rise of an economic destroying corporatocracy. Take a moment to explore and learn more about me. Thanks!


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