Leave Europe alone, newscasters looking for ratings, no one does racism better than the United States!

Because I’ve experienced firsthand the isolated racially *myopic world-view* of the United States, too well now, I have to ask – as USA black and white newscasters fish for United States-style systemic racism in Europe – are these few isolated events of being prevented from leaving Ukraine because of these African students having African passports, rather than EU passports, or is it really because of their skin color alone?

We would think, if we have any empathy as humans, that refugee passports *wouldn’t matter* in a time of war as people flee to neighboring countries. But, remember Europe is the mirror reflection of the United States!

Europe is anti-Jewish, first, (hence why it is *Jewish/Israeli organizations* who are saving fleeing Ukrainian Jews, not Europeans) and anti-African/Arab immigrant, second. Places like Holocaust denying Poland, are ruled by notorious anti-minority governments. They are not an exception in Europe!

No form of racism is good! But, Europe is not like the United States, for the United States is born in the racist sins of Colonizer land-grabbing of Indigenous Peoples’ lands and the egregious racist sin of Chattel slavery economy through the kidnapping and forced domestication of Africans.

*NOBODY in this world does racism like the United States of “America”!* Not even Koreans, who are deeply ethno-centric racial puritans. But, the USA disinformation campaigns are as virulent as Russia’s. Got to keep the citizen indoctrinations going!

I seriously hope that this is not a made up story by the “Left,” because of all the interviewed African Ukrainian citizens, including one in the Ukrainian government, who have rejected on camera any issues with racism, with traveling as a refugee, and declaring their intent to return to Ukraine when the war is over.


Yuri Andropov, KGB chairman, would like to share an admission with you (quote below). Russia, the former mighty USSR, has had considerable success around this world with it’s “disinformation campaigns,” which was started back in 1923 as a *military* objective. The spill over into the population of the intended targets were testimony to Russia’s skills. But, the only two places in this world this effort has failed dramatically is the two nations with a Jewish President, Israel and Ukraine. Coincidence?

Yuri Andropov, KGB chairman, “The Islamic world was a waiting petri dish in which we could nurture a virulent strain of America-hatred, grown from the bacterium of Marxist-Leninist thought. Islamic anti-Semitism ran deep. The Muslims had a taste for nationalism, jingoism, and victimology. Their illiterate, oppressed mobs could be whipped up to a fever pitch… We had only to keep repeating our themes — that the United States and Israel were “fascist, imperial-Zionist countries” bankrolled by rich Jews. Islam was obsessed with preventing the infidels’ occupation of its territory, and it would be highly receptive to our characterization of the U.S. Congress as a rapacious Zionist body aiming to turn the world into a Jewish fiefdom… We [the USSR] needed to instill a Nazi-style hatred for the Jews throughout the Islamic world [starting in 1972], and to turn this weapon of the emotions into a terrorist bloodbath against Israel and its main supporter, the United States. No one within the American/Zionist sphere of influence should any longer feel safe.” – Yuri Andropov, KGB chairman, 1972, reported in Russian Footprints, Ion Mihai Pacepa, former Chief of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Romania, 2006

Not only were the Soviet Union the main source of funds for Middle Eastern terrorism, including “airplane hijackings,” the USSR propagated Nazi trigger words to describe Israel/Jews as “practitioners of genocide”, “racists”, forming “concentration camps” among European and Arab nations in response to the Israeli defeat of the Arabs in the 1967 Six Day War, and this has now metastasized to include “Nazi(s)” and “ZioNazi(s)” among social media disinformed Europeans and Arabs.

So, when Vladimir Putin call a Ukrainian Jew a “Nazi,” he literally means this racist slur, as a former KGB operative himself. Remember it was the USSR who drafted and got enacted in the United Nations the Resolution 3379 in 1975, condemning Zionism, Jewish self-sovereignty on our ancestral land, as “a form of racism and racial discrimination.” The United Nations has always been open to anti-Jewish racism and Russian propaganda, despite the white-washing of European and Arab anti-Jewish terrorism as “self-defense.” And, as well, it is the Soviet Union that was the architect behind “Israeli Apartheid,” by comparing Israel and South Africa as the same in its news and media services.


Yes, we need “Truth and Reconciliation” in this world! Not all Indigenous Peoples are brown skinned. That lie is racist European and Arab propaganda, full stop!

*All* Indigenous Peoples share the same history from the two world Colonizers – Arab Muslims and European Christians! The Kurds, Jews, Sámi, Wampanoag, Pueblo, Lakota, Cree, Māori, Lāhui, etc (etc, etc.)!

Israel cannot occupy land areas that were Israel, *before* surrounding Arab nations engaged in a 10 month five-militaries siege of Judea-Samaria to conquest *all* of it for Arabs alone – the Arab created “nakba” of 1948-49. They only managed to take the “West Bank” and Gaza away from the re-sovereigned Indigenous Jewish people. In 1967, Israel re-acquired our stolen and “occupied territories,” but didn’t kick out the Jordanian and Egyptian land squatters created by Egypt-born terrorist Yasser Arafat, with USSR help. Our big mistake!

The “Palestinians” are not citizens of Israel. So, they are not “second class citizens,” rather Jordanian and Egyptian squatters upon Jewish ancestral land. They are not “refugees,” either! There is no such thing as eternal refugees through the generations. As well, since they do not want to be Israeli citizens (at all!), unlike their Israeli Arab brothers and sisters who *choose* to be citizens, they are free to return to their lands of origin at any time.

Israel is not responsible for this Arab created nakba and subsequent occupation, that led to the 1964 PLO-KGB creation of a “Palestinian people,” invented to delegitimize Jewish Indigenous Right of self-sovereignty upon Jewish ancestral land.

Facts matter! Putin is former USSR KGB, and the KGB created and financed the PLO and its fictitious “Palestinian people” in 1964. Putin is a tyrant, just like his KGB recruited replacement for Egyptian terrorist Yasser Arafat, PA eternal president Mahmoud Abbas. Putin is an anti-Jewish racist, just like most “Palestinians,” Arabs, and Europeans.

Ukraine has a Jewish President (which Putin calls a “Nazi,” like racist Arabs and Europeans), and Israel has a Jewish President. Ukraine has a democracy of citizens, like Israel has a democracy of citizens. Ukraine fights – women and men together – for self-sovereignty upon their ancestral land free from Colonizer occupation and rule, just like Israel fights – women and men together (Jews, Arabs, and Druze together) – for self-sovereignty upon our ancestral land free from Colonizer occupation and rule. Facts matter!

Modern צִיּוֹנוּת Zionism, “return to self-sovereignty” on Jewish ancestral land, began in 1882 with Arab persecution of اليهود اليمنيون Yemeni Jews. This persecution of ME Jews resulted in mass immigration by sea and on foot back to Judea-Samaria (“Palestine”), and this Zionism spread to Europe, where “political” Zionism was born in 1897 (Herzl’s Zionism). Both Arabs/Muslims and Europeans/Christians *forced* MENA Jews and European Jews (same continent!) to engage in this modern Zionism to reestablish Israel, successful “return to self-sovereignty” upon our ancestral land – free from the rule of colonizing religious occupiers.

شهد عام 1882 أول موجة من الهجرة اليهودية إلى فلسطين عندما بدأت ظروف اليهود اليمنيين تزداد سوءاً. وفي عام 1918 بدأ الانتداب البريطاني على العراق الذي لعب فيه اليهود دورًا مركزيًا من خلال مساعدتهم في تطوير النظام القضائي والخدمة البريدية. وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، شغل اليهود مناصب في البرلمان مما أدى إلى استياء بعض المواطنين العراقيين من غير اليهود. وفي منتصف عام 1941 تعرض اليهود في العراق إلى عملية قتل ونهب للممتلكات، وعرفت هذه العمليات باسم (الفرهود) حيث قتل فيها الكثير من اليهود ونهبت ممتلكاتهم.

يعدُّ يهود منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا جزءاً لا ينفصلُ بأيّ حالٍ من الأحوال من كيان المُجتمع الكُليّ للمنطقة، كما أنّهم مُكوّنٌ رئيسي للمجتمع قبل تهجيرهم، وقد شغلوا أدواراً مهمّةً، وفاعلةً ونَشيطةً لا يمكن إغفالها،على كافة الأصعدة الفكرية والعلمية والإقتصادية والسياسية والإجتماعية والثقافية والفنية. بل تشهد سيرتهم عبر العصور أنهم تعدّوا تلكم الأدوار، وكانوا الأهمّ بين كل المكوّنات المجتمعية ،في مجالات الصناعة والتجارة، وتفوقوا في تسيير حركة الحياة السياسيّة والأقتصادية في بلدانهم.

Photo: Sámi of Sápmi, Europe, the Raindeer people.


To this day, both USA “Liberals” and “Conservatives” have been purposefully cultured by Russia *over many decades* with “feel righteous” disinformation campaigns directed at the United States citizens. “Us” versus “them,” “Left” versus “Right.” And it has worked beautifully, because the racism, divisiveness, and fanatical-ism were already USA cultural trademarks!

You do know, don’t you, that the KGB created the following terrorist “liberation movements” to install Russian “puppet” govenments around this world, and destroy democractic nations?

In 1964, the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) was created by and it’s terrorist activities funded by the KGB. It was known within the Soviet Union as Operation “SIG” (Sionistskiye Gosudarstva, “Zionist Governments”).

The National Liberation Army of Bolivia was also created and funded by Russia in 1964, with Ernesto “Che” Guevara as head of its “army.”

In Operation Pandora in 1975, this was Russia’s first direct attempt to start a “race war” in the United States, by attempting to place explosives in the “Negro section” of New York to set it off, and have their U.S. operatives blame the Jewish Defense League. A preferred target was “one of the Negro colleges.” Sound familiar?

Russia has had quite a bit of success in installing “puppet” Communist governments in Eastern Europe, the People’s Republic of China, North Korea, and Afghanistan.

Honestly, now: How much history do you actually know?! Or are you a blind and willing “puppet” of Vladimir Putin and his Soviet Union? Of his KGB operative Mahmoud Abbas (trained in Russia, factually confirmed)? Of his KGB operative Donald J Trump (disgraced U.S. “puppet” President, allegedly but quite obviously!)?


According to KGB chairman Yuri Andropov:

“the Islamic world was a waiting petri dish in which we could nurture a virulent strain of America-hatred, grown from the bacterium of Marxist-Leninist thought. Islamic anti-Semitism ran deep… We had only to keep repeating our themes — that the United States and Israel were “fascist, imperial-Zionist countries” bankrolled by rich Jews. Islam was obsessed with preventing the infidels’ occupation of its territory, and it would be highly receptive to our characterization of the U.S. Congress as a rapacious Zionist body aiming to turn the world into a Jewish fiefdom.”

You DO know, don’t you, that once Arab Muslims colonize and occupy a land not formerly theirs, it is Islamic land in perpetuity? Exactly like Christian colonized lands. Hello?! Is anyone hearing the Indigenous People of *our* land?!


Aloha lā hānau e Hōkūle’a! Wherever Hōkūle’a goes, she brings Hawai’i and all those who love her with her! Mālama da wa’a, understand? All Indigenous refuse to replace the simple act of ritual to maintain our Indigenous identity! Eh, haf da be won fo undastand won, ke?!

“Aloha lā hānau e Hōkūle’a! Today, we celebrate 47 years since Hōkūle’a’s first launch at Hakipu’u, O’ahu.

We’d like to extend our deepest, most heartfelt mahalo to all the hardworking and dedicated volunteers, staff, crew members, and countless community members who have allowed us to keep voyaging. Wherever Hōkūle’a goes, she brings Hawai’i and all those who love her with her!

As we continue to work hard to mālama the wa’a, to support voyaging, and to encourage educational efforts, we invite you to continue supporting Hōkūle’a!

Hokulea, Moananuiakea, PolynesianVoyagingSociety”

Joseph T Farkasdi

I am a writer, a husband, a father, a working servant, a complex individual who very few will probably understand! I am actively involved in raising the awareness of social injustice in this world caused by religious idealism and intolerance and the rise of an economic destroying corporatocracy. Take a moment to explore and learn more about me. Thanks!


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