“How can I be a Nazi? Explain it to my grandfather, who went through the entire war in the infantry of the Soviet army, and died a colonel in an independent Ukraine.” – Volodymyr Zelensky – “The Ukraine on your news and Ukraine in real life are two completely different countries — and the main difference between them is: Ours is real. You are told we are Nazis. But could a people who lost more than 8 million lives in the battle against Nazism support Nazism?”

The Ukrainian president has said that three of his grandfather’s brothers were killed in the Holocaust. Zelenskiy called on Russians to consider the cost of war and debunked Putin’s talking points.” – Politico Europe.

Not one news broadcast in the USA has shared this. Putin has waged a war, because he is pissed at a Jew for not bowing to his righteous white Christian supremacy!

“Ukraine’s Jewish President Zelenskiy asks Putin: ‘How could I be a Nazi?’ Ukrainian president calls on Russians to consider the cost of war.” – https://www.politico.eu/article/ukraine-jewish-president-volodymyr-zelenskiy-how-could-i-be-a-nazi-vladimir-putin-war/amp/

Because I already know too many did not read the last post. So that my mind can rest tonight (what’s left of it)….


“Good Lord, what do you want? Leave our land. If you don’t want to leave now, sit down with me and talk. What are you afraid of? We’re no threat to anyone!” – Zelensky to Putin over webtv, 3 Mar 2022. Zalman Shazar to Arab League of nations (pp), 1 Sep 1967 (1)

As he did today and several times recently before, when Vladimir Putin goes on television and talks about the “Nazis” that have “brainwashed” the Ukrainian people and are controlling the “Ukrainian government,” Putin is talking about the Jews of Ukraine, full stop.

In Western news media, both so-called “Conservative” and “Liberal” media outlets, guests being interviewed are either dancing around sharing Putin’s anti-Jewish racism with “Americans” or not even trying to make clear his statements. I mean, why would we want to show the blind that they can actually see?

This is why newscasters like Ali Velshi and Joy Reid do not understand Israel and Jews. When Israel defends herself from Hamas, these “American” newscasters only see Israel as an aggressor – when, in fact, Israel is trying to protect and free both Israeli and Gazan civilians from further deadly terrorism directly solely at Jews, and Gazans are tortured by Hamas if they challenge Hamas.

So, as we come upon yet another Shabbat where saving of life will have to take precedence over Shabbat halacha, those in “America” who read our Jewish words about European and Arab blatantly open antisemiticism, *please* add your voice to teaching the Velshis and Reids and Richard Engels of this social/news media world what “Nazi” means when directed at a Jew – in this case, the duly elected President of Ukraine. Please, be a *real* ally of the Jewish people, and of the Ukrainian people!

Europe and the United States are mirror reflections of each other. Literally! Across Europe, the Jewish people are the most hated minority within the European nations, and Africans are the second most hated minority. Whereas, across the ocean in the skincolor obsessed United States, African people are the most hated minority, and Jews are the second most hated.

A Jew can only be a “President” of a European nation, if he is a comedian by trade, not to be taken seriously as an actual leader – thus, tolerated by other European nations, and expected to flee when threatened. If he gets in the way of a tyrant or if he pretends to be European, he is called a “Nazi” and assassin squads are sent out to murder the “Jew problem.” In the Arab colonized world, a Jew will *never* get to be president of an Arab nation, is deemed not rightfully entitled to self-sovereignty (especially on Jewish ancestral land), and will still be called a “Nazi” or “ZioNazi” for simply existing.

But, like in Russia’s media-controlled myopic social world, so it also is in the United States media-controlled myopic view of this human world! The whites are the good guys, the “natives,” and the minorities and indigenous, are the “thugs and rapists” who are trying to steal white Christian stolen and occupied land.

So, please, USA citizens, *step out of the socially bombarded disinformation campaigns*. Please, be a *real* ally of minority and indigenous peoples, of which European and Arab Colonizers are *not* among, yet daily *pretend* to be!

Jews and Africans should NEVER stand for the Russian, United States, and Arab nation flags of supremacy over others. Take a knee, and do more if in a social position that you can!

Yahoo News: Zelensky: ‘The end of the world has arrived’.

“Good Lord, what do you want? Leave our land. If you don’t want to leave now, sit down with me at the negotiating table. But not from 30 meters away, like with [French President Emmanuel] Macron and [German Chancellor Olaf] Scholz,” says Volodymyr Zelensky and every Jew being attacked/occupied by European/Arab Colonizers. “Sit down with me and talk. What are you afraid of? We’re no threat to anyone!”

To NATO Zelensky says, “If we are no more, then, God forbid, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia will be next! If you do not have the power to close the skies, then give me planes.”

(1) Khartoum Resolution, “The Three ‘No’s”: “no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with it,” paragraph 3, 1 September 1967. The PLO Charter made the same promise, with the additional promise of re-conquesting all of Judea-Samaria, and no accepting of a U.S. brokered peace treaty – ever (go read it!).


Vladimir Putin tried to rid himself of his Jew problem. Somebody in Russia remembers the last time Hitler’s SS went into countries to locate and kill off the Jews. Poor Putin, failing at his “denazification” Final Solution to acquire Ukraine. Worse, some Gypsies stole one of Putin’s tanks. The Jewish people of Judea-Samaria stand with the indigenous of Ukraine! The world must stop these Colonizers. Never again!

KOMO News: Ukraine: Plan to kill Zelenskyy foiled, attack squad ‘eliminated’.


To this day, both USA “Liberals” and “Conservatives” have been purposefully cultured by Russia *over many decades* with “feel righteous” disinformation campaigns directed at United States citizens. “Us” versus “them,” “Left” versus “Right.” And it has worked beautifully, because the racism, divisiveness, and fanatical-ism were already USA cultural trademarks!

You do know, don’t you, that the KGB created the following terrorist “liberation movements” to install Russian “puppet” govenments around this world, and destroy democractic nations?

In 1964, the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) was created by and it’s terrorist activities funded by the KGB. It was known within the Soviet Union as Operation “SIG” (Sionistskiye Gosudarstva, “Zionist Governments”).

The National Liberation Army of Bolivia was also created and funded by Russia in 1964, with Ernesto “Che” Guevara as head of its “army.”

In Operation Pandora in 1975, this was Russia’s first direct attempt to start a “race war” in the United States, by attempting to place explosives in the “Negro section” of New York to set it off, and have their U.S. operatives blame the Jewish Defense League. A preferred target was “one of the Negro colleges.” Sound familiar?

Russia has had quite a bit of success in installing “puppet” Communist governments in Eastern Europe, the People’s Republic of China, North Korea, and Afghanistan.

Honestly, now: How much history do you actually know?! Or are you a blind and willing “puppet” of Vladimir Putin and his Soviet Union? Of his KGB operative Mahmoud Abbas (trained in Russia, factually confirmed)? Of his KGB operative Donald J Trump (disgraced U.S. “puppet” President, allegedly but quite obviously!)?


According to KGB chairman Yuri Andropov:

“the Islamic world was a waiting petri dish in which we could nurture a virulent strain of America-hatred, grown from the bacterium of Marxist-Leninist thought. Islamic anti-Semitism ran deep… We had only to keep repeating our themes — that the United States and Israel were “fascist, imperial-Zionist countries” bankrolled by rich Jews. Islam was obsessed with preventing the infidels’ occupation of its territory, and it would be highly receptive to our characterization of the U.S. Congress as a rapacious Zionist body aiming to turn the world into a Jewish fiefdom.”

You DO know, don’t you, that once Arab Muslims colonize and occupy a land not formerly theirs, it is Islamic land in perpetuity? Exactly like Christian colonized lands. Hello?! Is anyone hearing the Indigenous People of *our* land?!

Joseph T Farkasdi

I am a writer, a husband, a father, a working servant, a complex individual who very few will probably understand! I am actively involved in raising the awareness of social injustice in this world caused by religious idealism and intolerance and the rise of an economic destroying corporatocracy. Take a moment to explore and learn more about me. Thanks!


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