Putin has now claimed that Ukraine is under “Nazi influence,” because the Ukrainians elected a Jew to be their President. Putin has now claimed that Ukraine doesn’t actually exist, and is a “made up country” in the 20th century. Two ways to look at this:

Either, Putin is utilizing “Palestinian” racist propaganda about Israel against Ukraine, or Putin has bought into the Cult of Trump racist propaganda against Jews and BLM!!! Either way, this is not good for Ukraine, and not good for Taiwan, seeing how China is watching.

Putin came from the Soviet Union era, he was a USSR intelligence officer. He remembers the Soviet Union helping Yasser Arafat to prop up a fictional “indigenous Palestinian people” to undermine Israel for siding with the United States. Putin helped create the downfall of nascent post-Cold War Russian democracy – to get in power himself. His goal is too reestablish the Soviet Union, with him at the Top.


Yes, yes! You see, grassroots activities *do* work! Once communication happens, peace will follow. The Egyptian terrorist organization Hamas will never treat Gazan Arabs as anything more than a “Palestinian” to use as collateral damage for war. Where were *their* jobs … that didn’t involve shooting rockets and hot air balloons at Israel? Folks, grassroots is the only solution. Jews know Arabic, Arabs need to know Hebrew! Let’s work together, and enough with the demonizing of others.

GAZA, Feb 23 (Reuters) – In a brightly lit classroom in Gaza, a teacher spells out Hebrew words on a whiteboard, followed attentively by Maher Al-Farra and dozens of other Palestinians hoping to take advantage of an opening up of employment opportunities in Israel.

Increased demand for the classes at the Nafha languages centre follows a new offer of work permits by Israel as it has moved to calm border tensions following an 11-day war in May with Hamas, the Islamist group which rules the Gaza Strip.

It now offers 10,000 permits allowing Gaza residents to cross the border to work in Israel – a new source of income to a region where 64% of the population is estimated to live in poverty and unemployment runs at 50%.


How the Russian people and Palestinian people are the same:

Both peoples have had their resources/economy stolen from them by their government officials, to wage wars against their neighbor and to make billionaires out of the President and their chosen few. Both peoples are prevented the right to vote for NEW leadership and are tortured when they speak against their government.

How the Russian people and Pueblo people are the same:

Both peoples live on land so large that most of it has no human beings living upon it. Boths peoples have an economy that is so poor, they make the United Nations monetary handouts to the Palestinians look like the rich handing their offspring a daily golden spoon.

How the Israeli people and Ukrainian people are the same:

Both peoples have been fighting to retain their ancestral land well before the modern empires have sought to bring them to oppressed submission and obedience upon their lands. Both peoples presently have functioning democracies where an Arab/Jew can be a legitimate government official.

How the Putin government and USA Republican party are the same:

Putin came from the Soviet Union era (think Jim Crow to Reagan era), he was a USSR intelligence officer. He remembers the Soviet Union helping Yasser Arafat to prop up a fictional “indigenous Palestinian people,” to undermine Israel for siding with the United States, after winning our war for Independence against the British occupier of our ancestral land.

The USA Russia-loving neo-Nazi white-nationalist Black-and-Jew hating Evangelical Christian Republican political base is praising Putin’s “genius” right now! Anti-Jewish racism is literally ingrained in the cultures of non-Jews, the Arab Colonizer culture and the European Colonizer culture, full stop!

Why do I say this? Because, Putin embraced Palestinian anti-Indigenous racist propaganda to justify invading Ukraine. Putin has now claimed that Ukraine is under “Nazi influence,” because the Ukrainians elected a Jew to be their President. Putin has now claimed that Ukraine doesn’t actually exist, and is a “made up country” in the 20th century.

China is watching! To see if they are free to do the same to Taiwan. If NATO is scared by Putin’s threat of nuclear war, if he is interfered with in his land-grabbing, then NATO does not deserve to exist! And, then, yet AGAIN, NATO has lied to all of us Indigenous Peoples of this world about protecting the Indigenous Rights of Indigenous Peoples!

You all are going to get ALL of us killed, if you don’t grow up and share the damn planet!

“The term “Palestinian People” as a description of Arabs in Palestine appeared for the first time in the preamble of the 1964 PLO Charter, drafted in Moscow. The Charter was affirmed by the first 422 members of the “Palestinian” National Council, handpicked by the KGB. This term was formally used by newspapers around the world after 1967.

The Arabs who lived in the region became “Palestinians” only after the war of 1967. Before that, Judea and Samaria, together with Jerusalem, were occupied by Jordan, and Gaza was occupied by Egypt — but not a single Arab thought of himself as a “Palestinian”. Moreover, to call an Arab a “Palestinian” would mean to insult him. “We are not Jews, we are Arabs”, they used to say in answer.”” – ScreamToASigh

Joseph T Farkasdi

I am a writer, a husband, a father, a working servant, a complex individual who very few will probably understand! I am actively involved in raising the awareness of social injustice in this world caused by religious idealism and intolerance and the rise of an economic destroying corporatocracy. Take a moment to explore and learn more about me. Thanks!


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