Tokyo, Japan Olympics, July 23, 2021. Hanna Knyazyeva-Minenko of Israel and Yakov Toumarkin of Israel present during the opening ceremony wherein, *after 49 years*, finally a moment of silence granted by the International Olympic Committee for the massacre of 1972’s Israeli athletes.

On Sept. 5, 1972, in Munich, Germany, members of the Israeli Olympic team were taken hostage at the poorly secured athletes’ village by Palestinian gunmen from the Black September group. Within 24 hours, 11 Israelis, five Palestinians and a German policeman were dead after a standoff and subsequent rescue effort erupted into gunfire. The IOC at the time decided not to stop or interrupt the Games.

Munich Olympic Games Massacre 1972


“Imagine if billionaires were competing to eradicate world hunger instead of racing to space. Honestly, I would settle for them just paying taxes before building spaceships.”

But such righteousness is anathema to the Capitalist and Communist way! It would require seeing all humans as deserving life, liberty, and justice. It would require believing and ensuring that all humans have a home, good food, medical, education, and a living wage as a basic birthright within society – as an inheritance just for being alive! It would require seeing the earth as a paradise, needing to be protected from harm – for ALL humans, not just for the rich. … As I said, anathema to the way of Capitalism and Communism – they’d rather build spaceships and nuclear weapons. Nothing new here!


White Christians in the USA strive to deny the non-white citizens a vote, in the same supremacist manner as the PA/PLO and Hamas deny the Palestinians a vote. Meaning, peace is only – and must be maintained – by white-Christian/Muslim dominance.

The Muslim invader and the Christian crusader share the same mindset: They must conquest/colonize for the glory of their religion’s god. They must oppress those who defy and resist them. They make victims of their own impoverished classes, to support their oppressions. They indoctrinate children and distort history to enhance their image. They claim to be the indigenous of lands outside of their homeland (their parent land), and they call the indigenous the invaders and an exetential threat to Christian/Muslim sovereignty and supremacy – thus, they (the dominant) are (somehow) the real “victims.” They don’t want you to see history factually but, rather, emotionally. They want to design the narrative, and have you believing that the violent ones are the innocent ones.

Some conflate opposites, having you believe that one continent with their Muslim/Marxist subjugated victims – Arabs – are equivalent to a people who truly have always been oppressed on another continent (without any opportunity to be the oppressor themselves) – blacks – (and who have yet to be equally as violent, though morally fully in the right to do so in the face of U.S. white supremacy!). And some would have you believe that Israel, formed by Jews on small portion of our parents’ land, is equivalent to the violent colonizing land theft and enslavement of the “American” and “South African” continents by white Christian nations.*

In the USA, whites firmly believe that their ancestors settled (rather than colonized and stole by violent force) the land of “America.” A land which they believe was given to them by their white demiGod idol, JC, thus they “righteously” supplanted the “savages” of the land
with guns and brutal chattel enslavement, while claiming every subsequent generation to their children in their school myths that the indigenous and Europeans “shared” the land peacefully for the Europeanized benefit of this continent. Thus, since whites dominate and rule, the white Christians are now the natives/indigenous of the land, and all others (non-white) are trying to take this inheritance away from the historic liars who believe in their original colonizing sin.

It’s not easy to see through these social media deceptions, but it is necessary to bring real peace and justice into this world! Seeking this requires learning facts, while suspending biases, and avoiding well-established hate tropes and pseudohistory (the tools of the Christian/Muslim oppressors). It is time for peace and justice for all in this world!

* – Near half of the Palestinian Arabs claiming to have lived in family continuity in Palestine for 1300 years actually arrived, by immigrating, between the years of 1920 to 1947 – because Jews made the land fertile again though innovative terraforming of malaria-infested desert land – thus, Palestine could now agriculturally support a doubling of Jewish and Arab settlements in the land. (UNSCOP, pp. 12-13) The majority of the more established Palestinian Arabs arrived between the 16th century to 19th century, depending upon when and where Arab conflicts were depopulating Arabs from actual ancestral parent lands (nations), and Jews have always had a continual uninterrupted presence (no matter how small at times) in Judea/Palestine for 3500 years.

Joseph T Farkasdi

I am a writer, a husband, a father, a working servant, a complex individual who very few will probably understand! I am actively involved in raising the awareness of social injustice in this world caused by religious idealism and intolerance and the rise of an economic destroying corporatocracy. Take a moment to explore and learn more about me. Thanks!


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