We Indigenous Peoples in this world who are on the front lines of Colonizer aggressions keep thinking that, if we only educated the non-indigenous enough, they would finally respect us and stop trying to colonize our lands. But, this never happens, because they severely outnumber us! So, history repeats itself, again and again. For, how dare the supremacist colonizing cultures of this world question their aggressive and appropriating and violent behavior?! And when are the surviving Indigenous Peoples of this world going to learn that *outreach* to a majority supremacist people – whether European/Christian or Arab/Muslim – is never going to work out in the Indigenous Peoples’ favor, regardless who they are?! With this I share my thoughts tonight, knowing full well that they are not likely to be heard – except maybe by a family member.

*Putin has waged a war, because he is pissed at a Jew for not bowing to his righteous white Christian supremacy!*

“How can I be a Nazi? Explain it to my grandfather, who went through the entire war in the infantry of the Soviet army, and died a colonel in an independent Ukraine.” … “The Ukraine on your news and Ukraine in real life are two completely different countries — and the main difference between them is: Ours is real. You are told we are Nazis. But could a people who lost more than 8 million lives in the battle against Nazism support Nazism?” … “What are you fighting for and with whom? Many of you have been to Ukraine. Many of you have family in Ukraine. Some have studied in Ukrainian universities. Some have been friends with Ukrainians. You know our character. You know our people. You know our principles. You know what we value. So listen to yourselves. Listen to reason.” – 24 Feb 2022, in response to Vladimir Putin’s declaration to engage in “de-Nazification” of the Ukrainian government.

Not one news broadcast in the United States of “America” has shared this. Just like they don’t share the truth of Israel’s attempts to keep the peace in the West Bank and Gaza. Instead, they’re doing mental gymnastics to avoid saying it. The historic Colonizers – Europeans and Arabs – want to fight, and to blame Jews for this desire to fight. The very existence of the Jewish people is enough.

“Good Lord, what do you want? Leave our land. If you don’t want to leave now, sit down with me and talk. What are you afraid of? We’re no threat to anyone!” – Zelensky to Putin over webtv, 3 Mar 2022. Zalman Shazar to Arab League of nations (pp), 1 Sep 1967


My heart cries tonight with the Life-Givers, the “Eves,” of Ukraine – who are carrying and shooting weapons upon their ancestral land, with their children, as the Palmah Jewish women did and still do for the Jewish people upon our ancestral land! What did she say?!!! “I just want to live in our country, and that’s all.” They have never held a weapon before, but Putin’s modern SS is determined to be just like the British occupier of Judea-Samaria of the early 1900’s. May they, *the women*, win this war against men!!!


If you are surprised that Vladimir Putin called the Ukraine government a “Nazi regime,” then you have no understanding of Jewish history, because you’ve been taught European/Arab lies about the Jews. You do not know that racist Arabs and Europeans call Jews “Nazis,” “ZioNazis” – a directly racist slur – on a daily basis. By that slur from Putin’s mouth, President Volodymr Zelensky knew *at that moment* that he has a yellow star of David on his chest, and that Putin’s SS is looking for him. Hence, his statement, “this might be the last time you see me alive.”

When the Jewish people fought the foreign occupiers off of enough of our ancestral land and reestablished Jewish sovereignty in 1948, it was Europeans/Christians and Arabs/Muslims that began to equate Jews with Nazis for having saved our indigenous people from a *worldwide* genocide of “the Jew problem.” Vladimir Putin’s words are deliberate!

(Shabbat is upon us, the night and day of resting, but tonight many traditional Jews have left key devices and lights powered on. We will not turn them off for this Shabbat, in support of all of Ukraine – not just Jews trapped in Ukraine. It’s a Jewish mitzvah to violate halacha in times of war to save a life from *evil doers*, like Vladimir Putin and Donald J Trump! … This is an attempt to wake whoever will *read and listen and respond*, because innocent lives are being murdered on this Shabbat.)


The Kurdish people, the Jewish people, the Pueblo people, and the Ukrainian people all share the same history of choice: humiliate ourselves under oppression of the European and Arab Colonizers of *other* peoples and their lands, or fight woman and man and children for our Indigenous Right to be as a people upon our ancestral land.

The Jewish people, despite the blockades by the British and the United States and other indifferent Europeans, managed to wage a war for Independence – outnumbered 100 troops to every 5 freedom fighters, utilizing every underground “black market” resource we could establish to weaponize ourselves.

We the Jewish people got luckly, were blessed by the national god-King of the land – who we are vassaled to l’dor v’dor! But, I fear that Himdad Mustafa may be right here, in his post. Especially, seeing that NATO fears Vladimir Putin, more than the subjugation of an Independent nation.

Will the Ukrainians be as blessed in warfare to defend one’s ancestral land as the Jewish people have been? Only Putin’s war and its outcome will provide the answer to this question! We Indigenous Peoples both hope for Ukraine’s success, but equally know how slim the chances are when the supremacist Colonizers exert their hands upon the Indigenous and their land. It’s never over, though!

“In Southern Kurdistan we learned a lesson:
Humiliating compromises with your more powerful neighbors, in order to protect yourself, are better than fighting a war that you’ve already lost it. And wait for the right time to retaliate.

We as Kurds can’t fight the Iranian and Turkish regimes. We don’t have fighter jets. We don’t have advanced weapons. We can’t fight drones, we can’t fight F16 fighter jets with the Russian AK47. Therefore in Southern Kurdistan the KRG developed good relations with these two regimes. KRG (Kurdish government of Southern Kurdistan) deals with both regimes in a suzerain-vassal state. We are their enemies. They don’t like us, and know quite well that we can’t stand them either. Although we don’t give them any pretexts to attack us, they still keep threatening our region, but KRG doesn’t respond.

The Kurds of Western Kurdistan unfortunately did a grave political mistake, they waved PKK flags and displayed PKK symbols, believing that America will protect them against Turkey, thus they gave the genocidal regime of Turkey what they were looking for: an excuse for invasion.

Ukraine did the same mistake. They knew Russia is a powerful, destructive enemy. They knew they can’t fight Russia. But they trusted the US and their typical American empty promises until they were abandoned and left alone to confront Russia all alone. Same as Kurds in Rojava in 2018 and 2019.

I wish the Ukrainians have made some agreements with Russia and humiliated themsleves and waited for the right time to retaliate, rather than giving Russia an excuse to destroy their country.”


כן כן!!! ברכה לך ולקהילה שלך!
Just saying we Indigenous Jews need to decolonize and stick together in all our differences. Then, a walking prayer actually means something!

“To all the Jewish communities and Rabbis around the world posting and giving out statements about solidarity, opening our hearts for the suffering of the Ukrainians, prayers for peace etc. that is all really nice, but maybe, you should start off by showing an example in your own area and stop fighting with the “other” Jewish community you so much love to hate.
#hypocrisy #peace” – Rabbi Akiva Weingarten, an insular Hasidic Jew (from birth to death, thank you!)


(This update to this page inserted here:)

תקשיבו יהודים והקשיבו לא יהודים!
How does this relate to Russian soldiers in Ukraine? How does this relate to Arabs in Israel/Judea-Samaria?

Ysoscher Katz, March 4 , 2022:

“In Sotah Daf 11a the Talmud expounds on Pharaoh’s meeting with his advisors. Three wise men, Pharaoh’s confidants, Bilaam , Iyov and Yitro, met together to discuss the “Jewish problem.” Bilaam suggested that Pharaoh order the execution of all the Jews, instead, years later Bilaam himself was killed. lyov, who kept silent, was punished by Hashem with intolerable pain. Yitro ran away and was granted the reward that his grandchildren would sit in the Lishkat HaGazit.

It seems clear from this Chazal that the solution to the Jewish problem had already been sealed. This is indicated by the fact that Yitro was not punished for his flight. Why, then, was Iyov punished so harshly? What other options had been open to him?

The Rav from Brisk derives a profound lesson from this concept. Iyov was truly judged middah k’neged middah, measure for measure. The nature of a human being is such that when he feels intense pain, he cries out, even if his screams will not relieve his pain. Iyov was reproved for sitting in silence while Klal Yisrael was being sent to a ruthless death.

How could a sensitive person witness boundless suffering and not cry out for justice? If Iyov had empathized with Klal Yisrael, he would have articulated his feelings, even if they were to fall on deaf ears.

That’s what my teachers hammered into us again and again: אז עס טוט ויי שרייט מען; when we are hurting, we scream out! Let the whole world know that we are suffering; that the world is in pain.”


Wen grow up Kalihi O’ahu! Mai Kalihi a Waipahu a Waiʻanae hele au. Wen grad “lower Kamehameha” high school. Kanaka Iudaio, fo realz.

Try lisen! Bradah goin talk stori bout da hanahbatah dayz en ‘ōlelo Hawai’i. Daswhy get subtitle.

“Continuation of “Kulāiwi Uluwehiwehi”

For the last stop on our journey, we’re visiting the valleys of Kalihi. “Pōpōkapa” is the name for the unexpected, sudden rains that fall there. Although this name is commonly used in many other parts of the island, they are typically tricky to predict and arrive abruptly.

“‘Ano’ai e ka Pōpōkapa, e iho mai
Hō’elo’elo ana i Kalihi, e iho mai
E iho mai, e iho mai”

#Mahina’ŌleloHawai’i #EOlaMauKa’ŌleloHawai’i”


היטלר לא הבחין בין סוגים שונים של יהודים. גם יהודים שונאי ישראל ישלמו את המחיר. أنا يهودي أصلي وأنت عنصري. سلام! الأوروبيون العنصريون غير مرحب بهم في إسرائيل. العرب العنصريون غير مرحب بهم في إسرائيل. اليهود يريدون أن يعيشوا على أرضنا بسلام!

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The Colonizer trolls that tell me that I don’t exist may now have the last word…. Comment section is open, I’m listening!


החכם יוסף Chacham Yosef

Chacham Yosef is Joseph T Farkasdi, an accidental sage from too much studying. I am just a simple Jew who got his Jewish education in the most Jewishly inclusive esnoga probably on the planet. This kahal project is an effort to recreate this community experience here in the USA!


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