The Jewish people are never at fault for our victimization as an Indigenous Judean people! Repeat this with me: The Jewish people are never at fault for our victimization as an Indigenous Judean people! To the right is a snapshot of the correct response to today’s bus bombing in Jerusalem. An evil Colonial Arab attack upon Jews, that was praised by both Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

Meanwhile, in USA Modern Orthodox communities, the spread of antisemitic racism is showing its ugly head, by coming from the mouths of halachic USA Jews. Since the rabbi isn’t correcting this anti-Jewish racism, I will do so here (see attached snapshot and my shared thoughts that follow):


Ah, the USA Jew’cano hubris, complete with myopic self-gratifying revisionist history! To even have the *freedom* to compare Jews to Colonial terrorists, and be a Jew by halacha yourself!?! Assimilated self-hating “holier than” European Christian “thou” *American Jews* have zero say in Israeli efforts to survive a Middle East that still wants Jews back into dhimmi (enslaved/ghettoed worker class) status, under their Colonial Arab-European rule. You “American” Jews did *not* make Israel. We MENA Jews, who were *ethnically-cleansed* by nine Arab occupied and ruled nations, made Israel. We made Israel a *surviving* decolonized Indigenous Judean nation in the Middle East! USA “American” Jews virtue signalling just how “American” self-righteous they are now in mindset, if allowed in Israel, would be the death of our Taiwan size (six times smaller than New York) nation.

USA “American” Jews have forgotten what it means to be ethnically Jewish, Indigenously Jewish, and this ignorance reaches from secular Jews into the Modern Orthodox communities of Jews in the United States. Israel “would be nothing,” would be *extinct, with* the “American” Jewish mindset. And the USA would have helped this to happen! Look what you all did to Iraq and Afghanistan trying to build mini-versions of the USA! Has it ever occurred to you that the world rejects the Colonial European USA way of life? But, you all Jew’canos know what is best for all Jews everywhere in this world, because you live in a privileged “not quite black, though not quite white, but freedom to pass” USA lifestyle as Jews. In the Middle East, all Jews are still *”infidels”* to this very day, slavery is still practiced by Islamic nations to this very day, and our tiny piece of real estate – that is still being politically settler-occupied by Arabs pretending to be the new “indigenous” us – is surrounded by 22 of those Islamic nations. Only less than a handful have peace treaties and trade relations with Israel, because Israel’s very existence defies the Arab Colonial belief: that once a land is occupied for Allah and caliphates, it is *always* Arab land from hence on!

To have the white privilege hubris to demonize the Jewish people of Israel, for doing whatever it takes to survive a landmass that hates our surviving presence upon our ancestral land, oh you great and mighty in virtue “American” Jewish class!?! If you are such saviors, why hasn’t your “American” democracy brought peace to this world yet? Perhaps you don’t have an actual “democracy” yourselves? You can’t even bring peace to your own streets! But you have the privilege to compare Israelis to Colonial terrorists of this region – and call us Jews “pigs” on top of this! Look in the mirror, MO community of the United States! The Kurdish people of Arab-Persian occupied Kurdistan look up to the Jewish people of Israel, because we *Israelis* are a “light unto” their Indigenous Kurdish “nation”! Thus, the nation of Israel is everyday fulfilling our TaNaKh’s hope and demand for Israel. What are you all USA Jew’canos achieving, *anywhere* in this world?

Worse yet, the rabbi of this community – a community that I normally appreciate deeply – said nothing to counter this overt display of anti-Jewish/Israeli racism. He only added fuel to this racist fire, with his response! And, very sadly, it was a Jewish woman with grandchildren who spat at MENA Jews online, for doing everything that we can daily to prevent these racist Arab-European terrorist attacks upon our Israeli citizens. … Folks antisemitic racism is a disease, that has no known cure. When we allow such racist comments to go unaddressed, we allow this disease to spread into the minds of others!


Unfortunately, I am a witness for those who are unseen! Shared here, because Arabs and Europeans don’t want you to know and understand this… The Jewish decolonization secret! And I wish my Kurdish brothers and sisters had learned this sooner!

Out of all the Indigenous Peoples still surviving upon this planet Earth, how is it that the Jewish people are the first to successfully decolonize? Against the demands of the Arab and European Colonizers of this world! Despite all odds! What is the Jewish people’s lesson for all other Indigenous Peoples? All Indigenous Peoples want to decolonize! No Indigenous Peoples want to be Arab or European clones!

Here is the Jewish people’s secret: We reject all other peoples’ religion as a religion for us. We have a law system that ensures this! No matter how universal we make our beliefs, we never forget that we are Jews. We are the Jewish people of the land of Israel. All Jews speak Canaanite Hebrew! All Jews are legally defined by our Indigenous Judean mitzvot/halachot! If you are not Jewish this way, then you are not Jewish. And this prevents our assimilation into Colonial Arab-European – aka, Muslim-Christian – culture. We will not be divided as a people!

All Jews know that Christianity and Islam are European north and Arab south, respectively. They are not the “Covenanted” people of Israel, who are designated so in order to fulfill YHWH’s obligations upon the land of Israel, formerly known as the land of Canaan. “Graft” yourselves after the fact all you want – aka, identity thieve our ancestors and ancestral literatures – and you’re still not. These Colonizers do not even know what it *means* to be “Covenanted” – aka, “chosen” (an often used antisemitic trope to demonize Jews) – because they do not speak, read, and write Canaanite Hebrew as a mother tongue. My mother taught me my first Hebrew words to speak in this world. Did yours?

The Canaanite Hebrew worldview is *not* the Colonial Arabic nor Colonial English nor Colonial Spanish, … nor, formerly, the Colonial Latin nor Colonial Koine, … etc (etc, etc!) worldview. Hebrew is unique to the land of Judea and Samaria. Which is in today’s Colonial divisions of Indigenous Peoples’ lands: the lands of present day Israel, forced upon them by the Jewish people again in 1948; “Palestine,” forced upon us by both Arabs and Europeans after 1948-1967; and the northern half of Jordan, which was given to the royal Hashemite Arab family by the British as a gift after WWI.

The lesson that we, the Jewish people, offer this world is this: If we Indigenous Peoples who are still surviving in this colonized world do NOT unite *worldwide*, we will *always* be the Colonials’ victim. Even when we are sort of heard by Colonials, … still yet, we become just a false equivalency, somehow, that justifies their unending Colonialism. The only answer for all other occupied Indigenous Nations is to do what the Jewish people have done. This is literally what our TaNaKh means when it speaks of us as a “light unto the nations”! To be so, we must continue to fight for the liberation of our ancestral land of Israel from the present day Colonial occupiers, Arabs and Europeans – whether they are religious occupiers or not.


The Jewish way of life is a battle over how to perform mitzvot/halachot correctly, our Indigenous Judean laws governing civil and ritual life. The more *religious* Jews are about this, the more we argue over the minute details of Jewish law – just to perform a civil or ritual correctly! This shared example below – a marriage ceremony jeopardized in its completion over whether it is “legal” to perform a set of brachot (blessings) during this marriage ceremony or not – is a perfect example of how Jews *worship* our deity. We don’t go and ask “God” for “spiritual” guidance, we consult our books of legal rulings and argue ourselves to a consensus! It is the place of humans – in our case, the obligation upon the Jewish people – to determine how to correctly fulfill our deity’s demands over us, by determining the correct legal path of action for this. The hallels, recited praises to our Jewish “G-d,” is secondary to this fundamental way of Jewish life.

This is why – listen now, no matter how non-observant to fanatically observant the Jewish people are about our mitzvot/halachot – you will never see the Jewish people ever behaving like European Christians and their worship service way of *religious* life. We will never need to baby talk before our deity (speak in “tongues”), nor gather for the purpose of singing praises together to “receive” the spirit of “God” within us. That is religion, and the Jewish people are not a religion! Any so-called “Jewish” group doing this – for example “Messianic Jews” or “Jews for (Christian) Jesus” – are *not* Jews, but Christians engaging in identity theft of an Indigenous Judean people’s look, rituals, and names (which was invented as another means to proselytize us into assimilation).

We also, as the Jewish people, will never accept Arab Muslim and European Christian Colonialism upon our land of Israel. We will never accept the Jordanian-UN Muslim Apartheid, that is still imposed upon us to this day – the forced denial of Jews our right to be physically present upon our Judean Temple Mount, all because a Colonial Mosque is there, that was placed upon it during a Caliphate occupation of our land. We are devoutly as an Indigenous Judean people *anti-Colonial*, and we will one day fully liberate our land from Arab-European Colonial Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism upon the land of Israel. Our “prophets” did not fortell an Israel that is occupied and ruled by Christians, Muslims, and Marxists! Our prophets foretold a self-sovereign nation of Israel that no longer struggles with non-Jewish occupations of and aggressions upon the land of YHWH.

The words of our Jewish prophets speak of a day where all peoples of this world will lay down their hatred for Jews and their weapons, and come visit the Temple of YHWH that is, once again, standing upon our Temple Mount within the self-determining land of Israel. Don’t worry haters, it will be a *new* kind of Temple of mitzvot/halachot Jewish consensus! So, in preparation for this “messianic* age to come, the Jewish people – whether in Diaspora or upon the land of Israel – battle to consensus daily, in every act and event, on how to perform our Jewish mitzvot/halachot correctly! Every case is unique, for Torah demands always tzedek (“justice”) upon the land of Israel!

The Jewish people are categorized by (Western imposed) labels – charedi, dati, chiloni. Some commonly known examples of these labels are: Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, Reconstructing, Humanistic, Cultural, etc. Just like the Kurdish people are categorize-able by religions. Kurds are practitioners of: Islam, Christianity, native Yazidism (sun worshipping), even Zoroastrianism and Judaism through intermarriage, etc. Yet, with the Jewish people, every label describes the *same* ethno-religion, Judaism (Judea-people-ism). Anything else is an assimilation into Colonial culture, a way for Christians and Muslims (and Marxists) to divide our Indigenous Judean people, and this is *utterly unacceptable*.

If you thought the Jewish people are a religion, like Christianity or Islam, then you are very wrong! Say it with me: Judaism is not a religion. But Jews are religious! Hence why, chiloni to dati, Mizrahi and Sephardi Jews have only one label: “Jews.” We are the Jewish people, all who are born Jewish or ruled Jewish by the laws of our Indigenous Judean people. Labels – like Ashkenazi, Sephardi, Mizrahi, Beta Israel, etc. – be a Colonials’ divisive damnation!


Of course, the response from too many USA Jews is too familiar to Jews who are still, to this day, racially categorized around this world…

We MENA Jews know, you all Westerners ain’t listening. The silence says everything! In the non-USA Jewish world, this comment would not have been replaced by a new post, made 1hr ago. Rather, we would have seen a flood of comments in response to our position.

Apparently, half the Jewish people still do not exist in the privileged USA Jewish world. … Not surprising, ever.


Just Colonial English this time! No Colonial Arabic. No native Canaanite Hebrew. Just a message to uppity European raised Jews!

Maybe this is what I need to share: Most European Jews have never lived outside of a European social environment. So, to experience the worldview of Jews who know, firsthand, the entire world of Jewish experience is an utterly perplexing and unbelievable phenomenon. We keep, repeatedly, being called “racists” and “stupid” for trying to bring European-raised Jewry into an awareness of the the rest of this world. You know, the rest of this planet Earth! That is assuming that we can *manage* to get a response from Jews who are raised European! And, sadly, this achievement is too rare. Jews tied to Europe are basically “white people” at this point, like Hispanics and Latinos. Unable to see beyond their colonized myopic worldview! It is both maddening and saddening for the rest of us Jews, who are just trying to save our Jewish Indigenous people from *both* Arab and European assimilation. You know, the historic CE Colonizers of all Indigenous Peoples’ lands for Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism upon planet Earth!

You all are, literally, our Jewish “Achilles Heel,” by definition – a weakness in spite of our overall strength, which can lead to our Jewish downfall. You are too privileged to see *all* of us Jews born under halacha around this world! So, when we minority Jews speak, there is silence or we are “racists,” according to socially privileged Jews (aka, European descended Jews). You literally give *definition* to the racist antisemitic tropes about the Jewish people of planet Earth – which is constantly pushed by the antisemitic Arab, European, and Marxist historic Colonizers of planet Earth! Hello?! Can you not hear us at all? Or, are we just a Rudy Rochman case of European Jewish benevolence? In case you haven’t realized this, we don’t *need* your recognition to be Jews by traditional Jewish halacha! Thank ha’Shem for the modern nation of Israel, for Israel *sees* us in this world (being on ground zero of antisemitic targeting)!

If European and “American” Jews do not want to be rejected by the rest of Judaism, Judea-people-ism (only 15 and a half million of us out of 8 *billion* human beings), then open your eyes, hearts, and minds to our experience of this planet Earth. We other half of the Jewish people upon this planet Earth are tired of being ignored or called “racists” for questioning and/or disagreeing with you all uppity socially privileged Jews of the European West. We do have legitimate lived questions *and* experiences to offer! Assuming you ever actually have the time for us less-than European halachic Jews in this world. Just saying! You all have the greatest access to the Colonials’ social media platforms, *their* worldwide megaphones, and you could mention us a few times at least, and our views of this human world. But, we experience silence or are called racists, all for standing *against* both Arab and European Colonialism in this world! We wonder daily, whose side are you really on?!

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החכם יוסף Chacham Yosef

Chacham Yosef is Joseph T Farkasdi, an accidental sage from too much studying. I am just a simple Jew who got his Jewish education in the most Jewishly inclusive esnoga probably on the planet. This kahal project is an effort to recreate this community experience here in the USA!


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