Yes, we Jews are the last surviving tribe of the Levant Canaanite peoples. We have been repeatedly colonized (occupied and re-occupied) by Europeans up north and Arabs down south for Allah-Christ-(now)Marx and caliphates-kings-(now)communism for over 1,400 years. We have been ethnically cleansed from our lands repeatedly by these Colonial Arabs-Europeans, have had multiple genocides inflicted upon our communities (leading to the European-Arab attempted Holocaust to outright exterminate our entire race from the planet), and – because we Jews *refuse* to “stop speaking” our Canaanite Jewish language and to “stop fulfilling” our land obligations and rituals, just be “Christian/Muslim” – we have lived constantly in victimized dhimmi (sub-class) status and repeatedly ghettoed into cities to work and pay our “Please, Arabs/Muslims and Europeans/Christians, don’t kill us today” special Jew taxes.

Yes, the jizyah tax in the Arab colonized world, Quran demanded upon non-Muslim ahl al-kitāb (“people of the book,” aka Jews) from which Christianity and Islam appropriated for their Colonizer religions, as a plea by Jews to be protected from Arab antisemitism. The European versions of this were the Fiscus Judaicus tax, Jewish tax, Guldenpfennig (Opferfennig) tax, Leibzoll (Judengeleit) tax, “Tolerance tax” (Toleranzgebührer) tax, and korobka tax. Despite all of this – the occupations of our lands, the ethnic cleansings and expulsions, the enslavements and murders, the stealing of our properties, the repeated genocides, the endless attempted forced conversions, the taxations for refusing at pain of death to convert, the constant antisemitic tropes and propaganda that blame the Jewish people for the world’s problems (simply for still existing) by Europeans and Arabs – we have kept our Jewish families upon our land of Israel throughout and, even, managed to forcibly successfully decolonize from Arab-European Colonial occupational rule in 1948 (our people’s 4th attempted decolonization from Colonial occupation and rule!).

When I engage in dialogues with Indigenous Peoples on the continent that Europeans named “America,” I am not trying to compare the Jewish people to First Nations of Turtle Island (only Colonizers call them “Native Americans”). Rather, I am opening a dialogue between the two continents of Indigenous Peoples who have suffered the same fates and sufferings at the hands of Colonial Arabs-Europeans for Allah-Christ-Marx and caliphates-kings-communism. The future of the 2nd colonized continent is dependent upon whether the 1st colonized continent can successfully decolonize from Colonial Arab-European rule. The Jewish people have decolonized some of our ancestral land (at a great daily price!). The Kurdish people have been war-fighting for decades now for their decolonization. The Assyrian people have joined the Kurdish in their fight, as a means to be free themselves. Dialogue makes allies of Indigenous Peoples around this world, and this weakens the supremacy of Colonial Arabs-Europeans who occupy *all of our lands* to this very day. Neither Colonials want Indigenous nations talking to each other!

Snapshot: Kurdish Jew, armed mentally and physically (left), and Acoma Pueblo warrior (right). This dialogue between Jews and Pueblos has been happening since the 1880’s, when the Acomas petitioned the United States government to appoint Solomon Bibo as the tribe’s governor, because of his staunch alliance with the Pueblo peoples.


“Cultural appropriation is identity theft, a form of Colonial racism, no matter who is doing this.”

The “Palestinian” Arabs are colonizing Ireland now, in their stolen “indigenous” dress wear. LOL! Nice Jewish sudra these Colonial Arab appropriators are wearing. What else have you Colonial Arabs appropriated from the Jewish and Kurdish peoples as “Arab” cultural items? Seriously, let’s discuss! “Palestinian” Arabs, identity theft is a sin against Allah. It is no different than stealing land, food, and clothes from your Arab neighbors! What is the Sharia law penalty for theft, Arab settler-occupiers of Indigenous Peoples’ lands?

We Jews Indigenous to Judea-Samaria will survive your 1964 KGB-PLO created “Palestinian people” long-term settler-occupation force upon our 1948 decolonized Jewish ancestral land, Colonial Arabs-Europeans! The Jewish people will *no longer* be your victimized dhimmi, no matter how many antisemitic resolutions you enact at the United (Arab-European Colonial) Nations and no matter how many lies you spread about us on social media.

May the Kurdish people be next to decolonize from “Syrian” and “Iraqi” Arab occupational rule of Kurdistan! The days of Allah-Christ-Marx and caliphates-kings-communism suppression, oppression, and outright erasure of surviving Indigenous Peoples, while settler-occupying upon our Indigenous Peoples’ lands, is coming to an end, Arabs-Europeans! We will *not* prostitute ourselves to your Colonial gods, cultures, and determinations that we give up our identities-lands and lose our self-determining futures.

Snapshots: When all you know about yourself is based in a political terrorism lie, then how do you know that you were taught a lie? The “Palestinian” Arabs are the occupiers of Judea-Samaria, since the Jordanian-Egyptian 18+ year occupation of decolonized Israel (the Arab-created “nakba” to “naksa” period). These non-citizen Arabs are claiming to be indigenous to Judea and Samaria, though only the Jewish people have lived non-stop in the land and speak the Canaanite Hebrew. They are lying to themselves and everyone, trying desperately to paint themselves as victims of Colonial racism! They want the Jewish Indigenous nation to leave, but our colonization is over now.

يعرف الكثير من الفلسطينيين أن الشعب اليهودي هم السكان الأصليون في يهودا والسامرة. لكن المجتمع الفلسطيني يجبرهم على التزام الصمت. يجب على الفلسطينيين الشرفاء أن يستمروا في الأكاذيب العنصرية عن الشعب اليهودي. ذنبهم في الكذب خطيئة في حق الله! لماذا يجب أن يخطئوا؟ بدلاً من احتلال يهودا والسامرة ، كونوا مواطنين صالحين في إسرائيل! كلنا نريد السلام والحرية. على اليهود أن يتعلموا العربية! يجب أن يتعلم العرب العبرية!ריאליסט מאמין בניסים! שלום בין ערבים ליהודים אפשרי! זה בא עם דיבור בשפה של זה ולמידה אחד מהשני לאורך הדרך

I am a realist and I believe in miracles! Peace between Arabs and Jews is possible! It comes with speaking each other’s language and learning from each other along the way. … Many Palestinian Arabs do know that the Jewish people are indigenous to Judea-Samaria. But Palestinian Arab society forces them to remain silent. Honest Palestinians must continue the racist lies about the Jewish people. Their guilt in lying is a sin against Allah/Eloah. Why must they sin? Instead of occupying Judea-Samaria, be good citizens of Israel! We all want peace and freedom. Jews must learn Arabic! Arabs must learn Ivrit (Hebrew)! And, instead of appropriating Indigenous cultures, give credit where credit is due!


Why are we the most hated, demonized, scandalized, and outright lied about Indigenous people upon the face of this planet? Why is there so much hatred towards Jews, throughout time and across borders? How does it function? Why does it grow? Are Jews bound to just always being rejected and scapegoated? How do we defend ourselves *effectively*, despite being severely outnumbered and usually unheard? How do we heal the generational traumas that cause some Jews to turn against the survival of their very own people?

Rudy Rochman knows the answers to these questions. He speaks with the Jewish people! And we are speaking loudly *together* to the colonized world that is echoing the Colonial Arab-European antisemitic racisms and xenophobias used to keep Indigenous Peoples weak and colonized! “Never Again” is *not* a slogan, but a call to action for every Jew to stand publicly together against *anti-Indigenous racism*, *Colonial supremacy*, and *settler-occupation of Indigenous Peoples’ lands* around this world! If the Jewish people can successfully decolonize upon *our* ancestral land, then all Indigenous Peoples can do so, as well. But, only if the Jewish people stand up and fight together for *our* Zionism!

In simpler terms, if the human species were a single body, the Jewish people – by the words of our Indigenous Covenant – is the immune system. If we are weak as a people, the world targets *us* and blames us for their ills, for not standing up to the racism and xenophobia established in this world to oppress and victimize minorities, refugees, and Indigenous Peoples. We are the anti-Colonial response, the לאור גוים light unto the peoples/nations (Yeshayahu 42.6)!

יְשַׁעְיָהוּ‎ מב ו אֲנִ֧י יְהֹוָ֛ה קְרָאתִ֥יךָ בְצֶ֖דֶק וְאַחְזֵ֣ק בְּיָדֶ֑ךָ וְאֶצָּרְךָ֗ וְאֶתֶּנְךָ֛ לִבְרִ֥ית עָ֖ם לְא֥וֹר גּוֹיִֽם:

I am the Name; I called you with rightness and I will strengthen your hand; and I formed you, and I made you for a people’s covenant, for a light to nations.

The Purpose of Antisemitism


So bad that the NYT had to drop this in both English and Yiddish! … As a result of over a millennia of Colonial Arab-European ghettoization of Jews in the Middle East and Europe, leading to Jewish survival cultures that internalize ghettoization, the affects of history are so deeply felt among some. What are hasidic and other insular Jewish communities trying to preserve?

“For centuries, Hasidic leaders have relied on schools to shield the community from the outside world. In 19th-century Eastern Europe, some Hasidic leaders banished secular languages from yeshivas.
Almost all of New York’s Hasidic Jews live in a few Brooklyn neighborhoods and a handful of towns in Rockland and Orange Counties. In those areas, storefronts are emblazoned with Yiddish, roads are packed with yellow school buses and sidewalks bustle with families. People distinguish themselves through volunteering, and the community looks out for its own, sharing meals to ensure no one goes hungry.

Hasidic people follow strict rules aimed at recreating a way of life that was nearly wiped out in the Holocaust…. Hasidic rabbis have relied on religious schools to propel the community’s growth and maintain its continuity. Amid growing antisemitic violence, the Hasidim have been particularly vulnerable to attacks and harassment…. As the internet has become more widely available, many schools have grown more restrictive, even barring students whose parents are caught with smartphones. At least one U.T.A. campus has established a “committee of responsible parents” to enforce rules; some other schools now prohibit students from speaking English at home.

In some respects, the U.T.A. and others have rigorous curriculums, teaching students to parse complicated texts and legal principles in Yiddish, Hebrew and Aramaic. Some community members said that religious lessons can incorporate elements of math, history and other subjects. But even some who are committed to the community said they wished Hasidic schools taught more secular subjects.

“They could have education and still have the [Jewish ethno-]religion. But they don’t, and the people are suffering so much,” said Hilly Rubin, 28, who attended a Hasidic yeshiva in Borough Park…. In other parts of the world with large Hasidic populations, including in Britain, Australia and Israel, officials have moved to crack down on the lack of secular education in Hasidic schools. But that has not happened in New York, despite a state law requiring private schools to offer an education comparable to the one provided in public schools.”

Even though these particular Jewish communities, a minority among the Jewish people, want to keep the ghettoed pre-WWII European look, they would still benefit greatly from decolonizing their minds! Most Indigenous Jews are insular, whether we look like Yemeni Jews (Middle Eastern) or like Satmar Jews (European), and this insular nature does provide the best kind of Indigenous Judean education. But, it is not *necessary* for the survival of insular Judaism, Judea-people-ism, to forgo sufficient knowledge of the non-Jewish world, thus allowing all members of these Jewish communities a chance to prosper for the sake of the community! Just my thoughts on this.


From an Indigenous perspective, a Torah perspective, what does it mean to “love your neighbor as yourself”?

הריני מקבל עלי מצות עשה של ואהבת לרעך כמוך (ויקרא יט יח)

Hereby I take upon myself to fulfill the mitzvah: Love your neighbor as yourself.

This passage from Torah is often used by non-Jews to castigate the Jewish people, by creating a double standard for us, that we should be treating non-citizen Arab “Palestinians” as equals to Israelis upon the land of Israel. But what does it really mean legally “to love others as yourself”?

Do you know the answer to this question? This mitzvat Torah means to abide faithfully, as a citizen of our Judean nation, by the mitzvot (the laws) of the land of Israel. The laws that are specifically connected to this mitzvah are:

You will not hate your indigenous brothers and sisters. Yet you will reprimand your fellow Jews and non-Jewish citizens for their erring (privately or publicly), and you will not bear a crime on their behalf. You will not mindlessly gossip about your Indigenous people. You will not stand by while fellow citizens are being maimed or murdered. You will not favor a poor person nor respect a rich person in your legal judgements at the expense of the other. You will not set up the ignorant among you, the mentally “deaf” and “blind,” for a legal fall. You will not oppress your neighbors, nor rob them (whether Jewish or non-Jewish citizens). You will pay your workers in a timely manner. You will not kidnap others. You will not lie for legal gain in a court of law. You will feed the poor citizens, and feed the non-citizens who are squatting upon the land of Israel. And you will show respect towards your parents.

When “Palestinian” Arabs occupy the land of Israel to end this Indigenous nation rule of law upon the land, in favor of Arab governance over the land, the laws of Israel do not apply to them, full stop. To be equal under the law, they need to apply for citizenship/residency within our Indigenous Judean nation. To occupy a land for Allah-Marx and caliphates-communism is to reject our Indigenous right to self-sovereignty upon our ancestral land. 2.5 million Arabs, Druze, and Bedouins *do* understand this, and they are *citizens* of Israel. They live under the same laws and enjoy the same benefits as the Jewish people. Hence why they shed blood with us to protect our Jewish nation from Arab-European Colonial occupation and terrorism upon our Judean land.

It is said among Jews who take our mitzvot/halachot seriously, that we should remind ourselves daily of these land obligations, these Torah laws, by chanting the harèini mekabèl alày mitzvàt chant above and the àch tzadikìm yodù lish’mechà chant below *daily*. Why? Because, דרך ארץ קדמה לתורה (the path of the land – meaning courteous acts – precedes Torah).

אך צדיקים יודו לשמך ישבו ישרים את פניך (תהילים ק”מ יד)

Indeed the righteous will extol your name; the upright will dwell in your presence.

“Antisemitism is not our creation, but it’s our responsibility to prevent its fruition of Jewish annihilation.” – Rudy Rochman

Snapshot: Major Bar Falah ע״ה, murdered by Abdul Rahman Abed (Palestinian Authority security services) and Ahmed Abed (terrorist), who open fired at IDF troops, killing Bar Falah, and were killed themselves in the subsequent firefight on September 14, 2022. The name Falāḥ (فلاح) is the Arabic word for salvation through self-improvement, happiness, and well-being. Listen to Bar Falah’s personal poem about his IDF service and the European-Arab attempted Shoah upon our people. May his memory be a blessing!

Bar Falah (RIP, BDE) reading his poem on his service and the Holocaust


Wow! The entire article is a fascinating historical read. Now I know how a few members of the BPP infiltrated the Israeli Black Panthers movement (Mizrahi-Sephardi Jews, trying to help all Jews to decolonize from Colonial Arab-European racist mindsets, and establish Indigenous Judean social justice for all Jews). It was through contact in Algeria, a formed alliance between the Arab PLO and the African American BPP.

Eldridge Cleaver, 1976 & 1986 interviews:

“It’s one thing to study Marxism on paper, living in a capitalistic country where you have individual freedoms and so forth — you don’t really see the relationship between the ideology and the form of government that comes out of that ideology. Now, when I had a chance to go and live in Communist countries, this individualism came into conflict with the state apparatus, and that’s when I recoiled against it…. I saw [African] slaves in Algeria. They have slaves in Mauritania. They have slaves in all those countries…. If I had gone only on the basis of how the governments treated me [as an African American], I would have continued praising them, because really they did treat me well. They gave me a red-carpet treatment in those countries. But when you get off the red carpet and step down in the mud where the people are, you get a chance to talk to them and hear the stories that they have to tell, over and over again.

Two aspects of the recent UN resolution labeling Zionism as racist both shocked and surprised me. Shocked because, of all the people in the world, the Jews have not only suffered particularly from racist persecution, they have done more than any other people in history to expose and condemn racism. Generations of Jewish social scientists and scholars have labored long and hard in every field of knowledge, from anthropology to psychology, to lay bare and refute all claims of racial inferiority and superiority.

To condemn the Jewish survival doctrine of Zionism as racism is a travesty upon the truth…. [I personally met Yasser Arafat, and when Arabs began using] oil as a weapon, one could foresee if that trend continued, the American government was capable of sacrificing Israel….

Secondly, I am surprised that the Arabs would choose to establish a precedent condemning racism because it can so easily and righteously be turned against them. Having lived intimately for several years among the Arabs, I know them to be among the most racist people on earth.”

– Eldridge Cleaver, former member of the El Fatah-Black Panther alliance, author of Soul on Ice

For full article:

Black Panther Eldridge Cleaver Became a Zionist, From Communist Revolutionary to Defender of Israel and Democracy

For further reading on Israel’s Black Panthers (that was formed independently from the African American Black Panther movement, but was inspired by the name as a call for social justice):

From Israel’s Black Panthers’ Protest to a Transnational MENA Jewish Solidarity

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החכם יוסף Chacham Yosef

Chacham Yosef is Joseph T Farkasdi, an accidental sage from too much studying. I am just a simple Jew who got his Jewish education in the most Jewishly inclusive esnoga probably on the planet. This kahal project is an effort to recreate this community experience here in the USA!


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