Folks, the original post written by Yohanatan is about the act, intentional or not, of racially categorizing people to rob them of their identity as human beings. In the last few comments relating to Herod, we have exactly that. Herod was a born *Jew*, not an Edomite. Herod married a literal Jewish princess. Who his ancestors were does not change the reality that Herod was a born *Jew*, not an Edomite. To call him an Edomite is to erase his Jewishness, and this is blatant antisemitism, full stop! Beware those that pretend, in order to divide. Historical facts really do matter, though, so:

The Jewish/Israelite people were one of four Canaanite peoples living upon the land of Canaan, and not always in harmony. BCE Jews had struggles with all three other tribal nations, the Canaanites/Phoenicians, Moabites, and Edomites. Eventually both the Canaanites and Moabites went extinct through their assimilations into conquering empires. To avoid assimilation and loss of Indigenous People identity, the Edomites fled into the borders of Judea, turned away from polytheism and embraced Jewish henotheism, and we Judahites accepted them as members of our Judean people. Thus, the Torah command “not to forget your brother, Edom” became fulfilled.

This all happened multiple centuries before the Nazarenes became a thing and, way more importantly, before proto-rabbis began to write midrashim upon Torah stories. Our Jewish stories – whether Torah or Talmud – are never meant to be treated as historical facts, but as a people’s presentation of those demonstrable facts in a way that both teaches us about ourselves as a people and chases away empire invasions by the “tall tale” nature of our stories. Our Torah stories happened simply because our Torah says they happened and, for our Indigenous Judean people, this has survivable meaning to us.

One more thought on the comments made on Yohanatan’s writing… Ghettos were invented in Europe to segregate “the Jews” from European society, then imported into the United States to address the freed African slave problem. Eugenics was invented in the United States to prove the racial inferiority difference of blacks, then imported into Europe to prove the racial inferiority of the “Jewish race” problem. The Arab-European worldwide Holocaust targeting the “Jewish race” was not the first genocide inflicted upon our Canaan originating Judean people, but it was the most expansive to date. Nothing happens outside of historical context. To include internalized racism that manifests among a few in the targeting of others equally vulnerable.


It’s the 1960’s, the Civil Rights uprising by the formerly enslaved African peoples of the United States. In the United States and in surrounding nations, we are watching firsthand the beatings, lynchings, imprisonment, murders, entire African neighborhoods under deadly siege. Yet, in the news media across the sea – from liberal progressive news outlets to extreme conservative news outlets – we are seeing an erasure, a whitewashing of details, because these broadcasts are reporting the Civil Rights uprising events in the United States in the following way:

“The poor younger white generation are truly brave, as they demand a change to their government, as they demand Civil liberties, and the price these younger white folk are paying for this change deserves our sympathy and admiration.”

Like the Untied States, like Iran! The white people were not rising up at the cost of genocide and death for Civil Rights change in the United States! The formerly enslaved and daily victimized by racism Africans were paying the price! Just as the Persian people are not rising up en masse at the cost of genocide and death for freedom from Islamic dominionism! It is the Kurdish and Baloch Indigenous Peoples, who are occupied and oppressed by Persian Iran, that are daily facing in their neighborhoods firing squads, military occupation, imprisonment with death sentences, home burnings and street murders – all for standing up in revolution for one of their Kurdish own being publicly murder – Mahsa Amini! But, on all news services in the United States it is reported:

“The poor younger Iranian generation [Persians] are truly brave, as they demand a change to their government, as they demand Civil liberties, and the price these younger Iranian folk are paying for this change deserves our sympathy and admiration here in the United States.”

This is why the Kurdish, the Jewish [Israeli], the African American, the (etc) …. are always demonized as the reason for the unrest in the Arab and European colonized worlds! All for refusing to be occupied by Arab-European-Persian Colonial supremacists *anymore*!


What do modern Jews have in common with the ancient Israelites? The Canaanite Hebrew language and the stories of our Canaanite ancestors and the Canaanite names for the pantheon of gods and the mitzvot/halachot (indigenous Judean laws) that determine how we are legally children of the Canaanite Jewish people and how, as non-Jews, you are not. Honesty is the only path to peace!

“I think that Judaism [Judea-people-ism] is grounded in stories. Like that is the legacy of our people, that’s the foundation of Halacha [our Levant originating Jewish law system]. That’s the foundation of what it means to be Jewish, is passing on stories, we’re the culmination of thousands of years of stories. And in regards to JIMENA’s oral history project, we collected stories of communities of [Jewish] people who hadn’t been given a platform to share. They hadn’t been given a microphone. They hadn’t been given an opportunity to talk about what happened to them when they lived and fled countries throughout the Middle East and North Africa [many were ethnically cleansed], and their stories are an incredibly critical part of contemporary Jewish history and where we are today. With the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948. Post Shoah and post Arab nationalism and uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa, there was a major disruption of over 2000 years of continuous Jewish life in the Middle East and North Africa, kind of came to an end. And that is a huge part of the Jewish story. And we have this very unique opportunity to collect the stories from the people who lived through this historical moment in time. And it was an honor to collect these stories and hopefully add them to the record of Jewish life.” – Sarah Levin, Executive Director of JIMENA [Jews Indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa], June 8, 2021

Jewish Women’s Archive
Episode 63: JIMENA: Mizrahi and Sephardi Voices – Can We Talk?


This is what the Arab Muslims/Marxist and the European Christian/Marxist worlds are racially and, for some, violently obsessed over – the Arab occupied part of our 1948 decolonized Indigenous Judean nation. The “West Bank” or “Palestine,” whatever these antisemites want to call this Arab occupied parts of the land of Israel is half the size of the U.S. State of Connecticut. Jordan, which created this Arab occupation of the land of Israel – after their failed 10 month military siege, with Egypt and Syria, to lay claim to all of Judea and Samaria for Arab rule – as punishment for our 1948 decolonization and reestablished self-sovereignty, is 7 times larger than the U.S State of Connecticut, which makes Jordan 14 times larger than the “West Bank”/”Palestine” area of the land of Israel that their former citizens are daily occupying as an eternal bid for the land-grabbing of the real estate of Israel.

Liars *lie* to achieve their racist antisemitic goals any way that they can, they inculcate their children into these larger than life *lies*, and they believe their ahistorical *lies*! This is anti-Jewish/Israeli racism, folks, and it has no cure once infected. Just ask any white Southern of the Confederacy whose “history” is to be believed, their white revisionist history that makes them the victims of black aggression and northern white aggression upon their way of life, or the minority black people just looking for this Southern and Northern white racism to actually end in the United States! So, the latter is for the Jewish people, Indigenous to Judea-Samaria, in this world. The 6 million Israeli Jews and 1.5 million Israeli Arabs, Druze, and Bedouin citizens of Israel who defend our land from the 2.75 million non-citizen “Palestinian” Arab political land-squatters say together: “Palestinians,” you are free to return home to the nations that you came from, at anytime! And they speak Colonial Arabic there! We speak native Canaanite Hebrew here in the land of Israel.

Jews have been living every day in Judea for 3,300 years. Only liars, those who hate Jews, say otherwise! Arabs are from Arabia. Europeans are from Europe. Africans are from Africa. The Jews are from Judea. All Jews according to the laws of Judea are born in Judea and are from Judea. All the Jews who return from the Arab, African and European diaspora are Jews from Judea. The Israeli people will never accept Arab Muslim and European Christian Colonialism upon our land of Israel. We will never accept the Jordanian-UN Muslim Apartheid, that is still imposed upon us to this day – the forced denial of Jews our right to be physically present upon our Judean Temple Mount, all because a Colonial Mosque is there, that was placed upon it during a Caliphate occupation of our land. We are devoutly as an Indigenous Judean people *anti-Colonial*, and we will one day fully liberate our land from Arab-European Colonial Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism upon the land of Israel.

*Antisemitic racism is anti-Indigenous racism! Antisemitic racism, like skin-color racism, is a disease, folks, and it has no known cure, once infected! The only way to end racism upon this planet, Earth, is to first end this antisemitism (anti-Jewish racism, anti-Zionism)!*

This game of geography based racism, which metastasized into modern skin-color based racism is over 16 centuries old, folks, and still counting. The Jewish people were the first racial target in this world, and still are to this day! The division of human beings by racial categories was created by Origen of Alexandria in the 3rd century CE (whether intentional or not), and this geography based racism was fully adopted by the 4th century CE founding fathers of European Christianity that was created in the Aegean north. This geography based categorization of human beings into “good” nations (European/Christian) and “bad” nations (Middle Eastern/African), all based on whether the children of these nations “sinned against” the Christian demiGod “before their birth” (the reason for their birth into these nations), is the foundation for all modern forms of Arab and European racisms in this world! By the 4th century CE the early Church Fathers had solidly began the first form of racism in this world, vile antisemitism towards specifically the Jewish people. Until we end antisemitism, we cannot end racism upon planet Earth, folks!

Look at what this world of Arab-European racism is obsessed with! An Indigenous Judean nation’s land that is five times smaller than the U.S. State of New York – whose ancestors, literature, and culture these Arabs-Europeans appropriated from to form their Colonial religions for Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands. … Do you speak native Canaanite Hebrew? If so, we will discuss further. We native peoples are tired of talking to Arab-European Colonizers about their revisionist histories in their Colonial English, Colonial Arabic, Colonial whatever languages….


IBSI erases – silences – minority Eastern voices that bring a question to their myopic “American” view of this world. How do I know this? One of Dumisani’s IBSI page Admins did this to me. Because, I dared to express easily verifiable statistics about Iran and the United States. For sharing the following, I deserved silencing – erasure – online, in real time, according to the Institute for Black Solidarity with Israel (an “ally” of the Jewish people who erases *MENA Jewish* voices is *no* real ally!):

“What do I mean about Iran and the United States being alike? Persians are 61 percent of Iran’s population, just like Whites are 61.6 percent of the USA’s population. Azerbaijani are the next largest at 16 percent in Iran, just like Hispanic/Latino are next largest at 18.7 percent in the USA. The Kurdish people, the majority population in Iran’s prisons, are only 10 percent of Iran’s population, just like Blacks (African Americans and “Native Americans”/Indigenous), the majority population in USA prisons, are only 13.5 percent of the USA’s population. In both Iran and the USA, the Jewish people are way less than 2 percent of the population.

When Persians, the majority citizens of Iran actually stand up en masse against this Muslim regime, then I’ll take you seriously! Just like, when white privileged folks in the United States actually stand up en masse against the atrocities allowed by their government towards formerly enslaved and Indigenous Peoples, then I might take the USA seriously! So far, the majority of Iran’s prisoners are Kurdish for being born Kurdish. Just like the majority of USA’s prisoners are African American for being born African American. Yes, we see you!

It is the *Kurdish people*, who are occupied by Iran, who are protesting! It was a Kurdish woman who was murdered! The majority population of Iran’s prisons are Kurdish women, men, and children. Kurds are in Iran’s prisons just for being born Kurdish and *dared* to be proud of this. Human Rights Watch and others do *not* pay attention to details! HRW and others always erases the Indigenous Peoples occupied and oppressed by Arabs and/or Muslims, just like white revisionism in the United States. Arabs/Islam equals Colonialism upon Indigenous Peoples’ lands! The Indigenous Peoples of the Levant and Southwest Asia include: Kurds, Jews, Druze, Assyrians, etc (etc)!”

For sharing this – because IBSI wants to focus on suffering Iranian (aka, Persian) Christians (followers of a Colonizer’s religion, no different than Colonial Islam!) – before my very eyes, in real time, I was erased, erased again, and immediately blocked. If you delete and silence a MENA Jew’s voice, just because you don’t like the mirror this Jew lifted, then you are *NOT* an ally of the Jewish people – no matter what your About page says about your organization! … What did I say above that is so offensive to United States citizens’ ears?!! If you are not a Kurdish ally in their struggle with Iran, Turkey, Iraq, and Syria, then you are *no* ally of the Jewish people, Institute for Black Solidarity with Israel!

P.S. (1 wk later): Wow. Some friends sent me this snapshot. Apparently, not only does the Institute for Black Solidarity with Israel delete posts without explanation (could have contacted first via Messenger) and, subsequently, blocks the people who make posts they, apparently, don’t like (that comply fully with FB Community Standards), but … … Apparently, according to this shared email exchange here, IBSI is defensively rude in their responses to email inquiries. Who is running that organization? Whoever this *nameless* antagonist is, he or she is going to give IBSI a very bad name among the Jewish people. Just saying!

#IBSI #InstituteforBlackSolidaritywithIsrael #DumisaniWashington

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החכם יוסף Chacham Yosef

Chacham Yosef is Joseph T Farkasdi, an accidental sage from too much studying. I am just a simple Jew who got his Jewish education in the most Jewishly inclusive esnoga probably on the planet. This kahal project is an effort to recreate this community experience here in the USA!


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