And it is due to Christianity and Islam and, now, Marxism, that we Jews overinflate our importance as a people in this world!

عربي עברית English


الفقاعة تعتقد أنها موجودة لأنها فقاعة. الفقاعة عبارة عن ماء يتمدد بالهواء مؤقتًا. تتعايش العديد من الفقاعات. انفجرت جميع الفقاعات في النهاية. هكذا الحال مع كل الكائنات الحية. فقط النفس يستمر إلى ما بعد الموت لأن النفس هو الريح. تعطي الريح الحياة للجسد للحظة. الحياة اليهودية هي نسمة اللغة وقصص الأجداد والصهيونية فوق يهودا والسامرة!


הבועה חושבת שהיא קיימת כי היא בועה. הבועה היא מים שמתרחבים באופן זמני עם האוויר. בועות רבות מתרועעות. כל הבועות בסופו של דבר התפוצצו. כך זה עם כל היצורים החיים. רק הנשימה ממשיכה מעבר למוות כי הנשימה היא הרוח. הרוח נותנת חיים לגוף לרגע. החיים היהודיים הם נשימת השפה וסיפורי האבות והציונות על יהודה ושומרון!


The bubble always desperately tries to explain itself as a bubble, not fully comprehending that it never was a bubble – just the water that forms all bubbles. As a bubble does not take anything materially and immaterially with it when it pops, so it is with brief nefesh consciousness. Only the neshamah survives, and the neshamah – a trillion times over briefly experienced as individuality – is the ru’ach that forms all neshamah. So while neshamah is within, what beliefs keeps your bubble together, so be it! For yehudim, it is the continuity of indigenous Judean tradition, language, and tziyon-ism upon ha’eretz (the land of Israel).

As the people of historic Israel, we are failing to be a “light for the nations,” because we are, as a majority of the Jewish people, too busy trying to be a light for the Colonial nations and their colonized (includes Jews) for Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands. I so wish that we Jews were *that* influential and powerful socially in our identity persuasion! Maybe, then, the majority of Christians, Muslims, and Marxists would seek our Jewish guidance on how to achieve social justice in this world and end the systemic horrors that pervade. But lived reality, while looking at the forest of humanity presently and historically, says otherwise.

We Jews overinflate our importance in this world for two reasons: We are always in the news, and we tell ourselves that we are making a difference in this world – disregarding our lack of physical body numbers to do so, and the Colonial disinterest in our voice making an actual difference that threatens their supremacies throughout this world. It’s not native-ism that leads to our indigenous social blindness, but a need to fulfill the messianic mandate for our people and *all* others.

All humanity together can assure unoppressed people’s individuality and worldwide peace, but *only* if the systemic structural antisemitism and geography-based skin-color racism is addressed – *by* – the United Arab-European Colonial Nations for Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism upon planet Earth. This will take both successful Indigenous Peoples decolonization around this planet and Indigenous Peoples’ pressure upon Arab-European dominated cultures to change the paradigm. No more us-versus-them as social wars to keep everyone suffering – especially, the vulnerable – but Ubuntu, as a certain African tribe would say it!

The bubble thinks it exists, because it is a bubble. The bubble is just water, momentarily expanded by air. Many bubbles socialize. All bubbles eventually pop. So it is with all living creatures. Only the breath survives death, because the breath is the wind. The wind gives life to flesh for a moment. Jewish life is the breath of language, ancestral stories, and Zionism upon Judea and Samaria!

Snapshot: From the TABS article “In Search of the Soul: Between Torah and Science – A pediatric neurologist searches for the soul through the lens of current neuroscience,” Dr.Joel Yehudah Rutman, thetorah


“You can’t have culture without language and, if the language is the people, and you say the language is dead, then you are saying the people themselves are dead. That’s….” … Read further!

عربي English


إن إنهاء الاستعمار الكامل لأرض إسرائيل هو السبيل الوحيد للسلام! لا مزيد من الاحتلال العربي والأوروبي لأرض إسرائيل. لا مزيد من الفصل العنصري العربي حول المسجد الأقصى. كونوا مواطني إسرائيل المخلصين والمتقين! سيكون الشعب الكردي التالي لإنهاء استعمار أرضه من الاحتلال العربي والأوروبي.


الستة ملايين يهودي الذين يدافعون عن يهودا من الاحتلال (مع 1.5 مليون من العرب الإسرائيليين والدروز والبدو) لا يشكلون أي خطر على 1.7 مليار عربي يريدون حكم يهودا. إذا توقف العرب عن محاربة إسرائيل ، فإن معاداة السامية والقتل ستنتهي. إذا توقفت إسرائيل عن محاربة الفلسطينيين ، تنتهي السيادة الإسرائيلية. العنصرية اللا سامية مرض!


Complete decolonization of the land of Israel is the only path to peace! No more Arab and European occupation of the land of Israel. No more Arab apartheid around Al-Aqsa Mosque. Be faithful and God-fearing citizens of Israel! The Kurdish people will be the next to end the colonization of their land from the Arab and European occupation.

The six million Jews who defend Judea from occupation (along with the 1.5 million Israeli Arabs, Druze and Bedouins) pose no danger to the 1.7 billion Arabs who want to rule Judea. If the Arabs stop fighting Israel, anti-Semitism and murder will end. If Israel stops fighting the Palestinians, Israeli sovereignty ends. Antisemitic racism is a disease!

“You can’t have culture without language and, if the language is the people, and you say the language is dead [because it was once reduced to liturgy or the spoken language by a few through Colonialism, only later to be revived], then you are saying the people themselves are dead. That’s disrespectful, and it’s not true! Only the people can decide what state they’re in. There are all kinds of lessons in the [native] language that is not in [Colonial Arabic or Colonial] English, because [another language] doesn’t have the same worldview.” – Jessie Little Doe Baird, linguist from the Mashpee Tribe of the Wampanoag Nation

We, the Jewish people, have kept the language of Canaan, the land of Israel, alive for 3,500 years. Our Canaanite Hebrew. It is our language that has preserved us as a people, despite all the non-Jewish occupations of our lands for Allah-Christ and caliphates-kings and for the gods/rulers of other empires! And despite all the forced upon dhimmi and ghetto Jewish communities throughout the worldwide Diasporas. Despite being forced off of our land by Arab-European Colonizers for Allah-Christ dominionism upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands! Even despite all the special “Jew taxes” of Arabs-Europeans in the Diasporas and upon our land, and the repetitious genocides of Jewish communities throughout the last 1,600 years.

We, the Jewish people, have kept the language of Canaan, the land of Israel, alive for 3,500 years! Our Canaanite Hebrew. It is our language that has preserved us as a people, *despite* all the non-Jewish occupations of our lands for Allah-Christ and caliphates-kings and for the gods/rulers of other empires! For it is true that without the language, which defines Indigenous cultures, we cease to *be* as an Indigenous People. For without the language, our people’s stories and history end. Our indigeneity is maintained upon the land of our ancestors, while speaking the language of our ancestors! For without the language, the names of our people are without meaning. For without the Canaanite Hebrew language, our Jewish worldview would be extinct in this world!

Without speaking our Canaanite Hebrew, our very Jewish presence upon Judea-Samaria would cease to be anymore significant than the Colonial Arabs and Europeans who settler-occupied our land! Who to this very day belittle us, try to socially and historically erase us, and who seeks to make us *anything* other than the Indigenous Jewish people of Canaan Israel! (“Just a religion,” “Jews are from Europe,” all Colonial Arab-European lies to justify Christian-Muslim and, now, Marxism colonization of the land of Israel and of planet Earth!) It is our Indigenous language and *all* that we inherit from this that makes us Jews unique and born from the soil of our Levant land – both Jews and resident non-Jews alike, living under Jewish halachot.

And it is this that is the very reason for worldwide never ending antisemitism – because the stories of our Jewish people literally cannot be written and shared, without first understanding the names that inform and define our Judean people. The stories of our indigenous Judean Torah! Then, further, because of Christianity and Islam giving Canaanite Hebrew originating names to endless places that they’ve colonized for Colonial Allah-Christ-(now)-Marx, because of Christians and Muslims forcing upon their subjugated Indigenous Peoples the names that come from Canaan Israel, all this colonizing of other peoples’ lands – *on behalf of the Jewish people*, not because of(!) – by Colonials, Arabs and Europeans, is what is continuing the systemic Arab-European antisemitism that pervades worldwide in this world.

We Jews should and need to be *always* denouncing the Europeans and Arabs that occupy Indigenous Peoples’ lands around this world, in all their appropriated names from our Canaanite Torah!

This is something that Jewish “allies” who were raised in the appropriating Colonial religions, Christianity and Islam, cannot teach properly – for they do not understand the Jewish language properly! The same is true for Jew’canos, colonized Jewish minds that think like the Colonials and further the Colonial interests upon our Jewish people’s land. The Kurdish people, who live next to the Jewish people on the first colonized continent, have their Kurdi’canos, too (courtesy of Islamic Arabization of isolated Kurdish communities, having them believing the kinds of fictions that “Palestinian” Arabs are raised to believe in). On the second colonized continent, Indigenous Peoples’ wrestle with their Mexicanos (Spanish colonized minds) and Latino’canos (French-Spanish colonized minds).

There are only 15.2 million Jews worldwide upon planet Earth today, and half are in Israel defending the third of our ancestral land that the Jewish people could successfully forcibly decolonize from British-Arab occupation in 1948. Just in the Colonial Christian USA alone, there are presently 325 million citizens, of which 18% are Indigenous Peoples of any sort from around this world and the rest are Arab-European Colonizers and their successfully colonized(!). Presently, 5.8 billion human beings are successfully colonized into Colonial Christianity-Islam-Marxism around this planet Earth! 5.8 billion Colonizers for universalist (globalist) Colonial way-of-life out of 8 billion human beings, whose intentions are to deny all still surviving Indigenous Peoples around this planet their anti-Colonial Indigenous nationalism and sovereignty!

All humanity together can assure unoppressed people’s individuality and worldwide peace, but *only* if the systemic structural antisemitism and geography-based skin-color racism is addressed – *by* – the United Arab-European Colonial Nations for Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism upon planet Earth. This will take both successful Indigenous Peoples’ decolonization around this planet and Indigenous Peoples’ pressure upon Arab-European dominated cultures to change the paradigm. No more us-versus-them as social wars to keep everyone suffering – especially, the vulnerable!

Snapshot: Dear Tourists, this land is called “Palestine” by Colonial Arabs-Europeans for Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands. The Indigenous Judeans of the land and neighboring Arab occupied Indigenous Peoples call this land eretz yisrael – the land of Israel. Please, be respectful to Jews Indigenous to Judea-Samaria, Southwest Asia, Middle East, and North Africa by calling the land of Israel by our Canaanite Hebrew name. Thank you. Note, if you know Colonial Arabic or Colonial English, please share this message with others!!!


Jewish “conversion” of “proselytes” to Judaism, our ethno-religion (Judea-people-ism), is an act of *legally adopting* those not born within the tribe into the people of Israel. (The words “convert”-“proselyte” are Arab-European Colonial labels used by colonized Jews, because only Arabs-Europeans define the Jewish people of Israel as a “religion.”)

عربي עברית English


ما هو الفرق بين اليهود الأصليين والأصل المتحولين إلى العرب؟ ( فقط عدد قليل من الفلسطينيين “العرب” يأتون من السكان اليهود الأصليين! ) الكنعانية العبرية وقصص أسلافنا الكنعانيين والأسماء الكنعانية لآلهة الآلهة وقوانين اليهودية التي تحدد كيف نكون أبناء الشعب اليهودي الكنعاني وكيف حالك لا. الصدق هو السبيل الوحيد للسلام!


מה ההבדל בין היהודים המקוריים למומרים היהודים לדת הערבית? ( רק פלשתים ערבים מעטים מגיעים מהאוכלוסייה היהודית המקורית! ) השפה העברית הכנענית וסיפורי אבותינו הכנעניים והשמות הכנעניים לפנתיאון האלים והמצוות/הלכות הקובעות איך אנחנו בני העם היהודי הכנעני ואיך אתה לא. כנות היא הדרך היחידה לשלום!


What is the difference between the original Jews and the original converts to the Arabs? (Only a few Arab Philistines come from the original Jewish population!) Canaanite Hebrew, the stories of our Canaanite ancestors, the Canaanite names for the gods of the gods, and the laws of Judaism that define how we are children of the Canaanite Jewish people and how you are not. Honesty is the only way to peace!

“The peshat of Ruth does not focus on Judaism as a theological system, and belies the notion that she underwent a formal conversion ceremony. Ruth clearly states that she identifies first with the people of Naomi, and only after that with Naomi’s God (1:16).[14] In other words, Ruth was adopted into the Jewish people first and foremost because of her identification with that people, and only secondarily because of her attachment to the God of Israel;[15] she assimilates primarily to am yisrael, and only secondarily to “Judaism” [the ethno-religion of the Jewish people who are indigenous to Judea and Samaria, the land of Israel].”

[14] Before Maimonides enunciated his Thirteen Principles there was not (nor could there be) a Jewish orthodoxy as such. Ruth was “traditional” in the sense that she sought to be adopted into the Jewish people (which involved accepting their God as hers), as opposed to passing a test on theological orthodoxy. For details, see Menachem Kellner, Must a Jew Believe Anything? 2nd edition.

[15] This is certainly the way Maimonides (“Laws of Forbidden Intercourse,” chs. 13-14) understands the Talmudic passage about Jewish peoplehood (b. Yevamot 47a-b). For details, see Menachem Kellner, Maimonides on Judaism and the Jewish People, pp. 49-58.

This has always been the litmus test halachically of who really is a member of the Jewish people of Israel, and who is not! Even today, in all legitimate Jewish communities, this is the definition of who is Jewish: You are either born into a presently recognized Jewish community or you are ruled as a “Jew”ish member of the people of Israel through a community/national beit din (Jewish court of law). The only significant exception to this Jewish halacha (indigenous Judean-orignating law) is in the matter of anusim and tinok she’nishba (those forced into Arab-European Colonial religions and ethnicities). Those who return on their own to the Jewish people of Israel are to be fully accepted and re-adopted, without any question as to their legal Jewish status. Those who do not are no longer indigenous to the land of Israel, having been fully assimilated into the Arab-European Colonial cultures, religions, languages, and occupational supremacies upon the Indigenous Judean people and our ancestral land.

لا يريد الشعب اليهودي أن يكون عربًا ولا يريد أن يكون أوروبيًا. اليهود لا يريدون أن يكونوا مسيحيين أو مسلمين. لا يريد الشعب اليهودي أن تحكمه أمة عربية. لا يريد الشعب اليهودي أن يحكمه بلد أوروبي. لا يريد الشعب اليهودي أن يرهبنا العرب والأوروبيون بعد الآن! يريد الشعب اليهودي أن يعيش بحرية وسيادة على أرض إسرائيل! يريد الشعب اليهودي التحدث وقراءة وكتابة لغتنا الكنعانية العبرية بسلام. اليهود هم السكان الأصليون ليهودا والسامرة والنصف الشمالي من الأردن!


העם היהודי לא רוצה להיות ערבים, וגם לא רוצים להיות אירופאים. העם היהודי לא רוצה להיות נוצרים או מוסלמים. העם היהודי לא רוצה להישלט על ידי אומה ערבית. העם היהודי לא רוצה להיות נשלט על ידי אומה אירופית. העם היהודי לא רוצה שהערבים והאירופים להשליט טרור אותנו יותר! העם היהודי רוצה לחיות בחופש ובריבונות בארץ ישראל! העם היהודי רוצה לדבר לקרוא ולכתוב את השפה העברית הכנענית שלנו בשלום. העם היהודי נולד ביהודה שומרון וחצי מצפון ירדן!


The Jewish people do not want to be Arabs, nor do they want to be Europeans. Jews do not want to be Christians or Muslims. The Jewish people do not want to be ruled by an Arab nation. The Jewish people do not want to be ruled by a European country. The Jewish people do not want the Arabs and Europeans to terrorize us any more! The Jewish people want to live in freedom and sovereignty in the Land of Israel! The Jewish people want to speak, read and write our Canaanite Hebrew in peace. Jews are the original inhabitants of Judea and Samaria and the northern half of Jordan!

Source for quote above:
Ralbag’s Surprising Take on Ruth’s
Prof.Menachem Kellner

Categories: Uncategorized

החכם יוסף Chacham Yosef

Chacham Yosef is Joseph T Farkasdi, an accidental sage from too much studying. I am just a simple Jew who got his Jewish education in the most Jewishly inclusive esnoga probably on the planet. This kahal project is an effort to recreate this community experience here in the USA!


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