For every Jew speaking to this world, there are 534 human beings who daily feel free to speak for the Jews about the Jews, and they often do not tell the truth because they don’t know any Jews(!). 8 billion speaking for 15 million.

For every Jew speaking to this world, there are 160 Christians who daily feel free to speak for the Jews about the Jews, and they often do not tell the truth because they don’t know any Jews(!). 2.4 billion billion speaking for 15 million.

For every Jew speaking to this world, there are 126 Muslims who daily feel free to speak for the Jews about the Jews, and they often do not tell the truth because they don’t know any Jews(!). 1.9 billion speaking for 15 million.

For every Jew speaking to this world, there are over 100 Marxists who daily feel free to speak for the Jews about the Jews, and they often do not tell the truth because they don’t know any Jews(!). 1.5 billion speaking for 15 million.

We actual Jews – all 15.2 million of us worldwide – simply don’t have the physical body numbers, generation after generation, to combat the numerous daily lies and racist incitements to violence that targets the Colonial Arab’s-European’s favorite demographic group to obsess over – “the Jews” – because we won’t assimilate and worship their Colonial Allah-Christ-Marx gods, thus invalidating their appropriation claims for our land and their assumed right to colonize this world in our names!

To even get heard in this world – honestly heard, not you all hearing the caricature versions about us – is near impossible, because most people on planet Earth already think that they know everything they need to know about “the Jews”. Because how could they have possibly been taught a whole lot of racist antisemitic lies as “good people” from “good people”?! It’s called Arab-European Colonialism for Colonial Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism and ruling supremacy upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands around this planet Earth!

Muslim Fakes Being Jewish – Israel Advocacy Movement – IAM


Let not an opportunity to educate go past you. No matter where, and no matter when!

Christianity was created in the gentile north – the Aegean region. Christianity was literally designed to replace *the Jewish people* upon planet Earth! According to the Church Fathers: The Jewish ethno-religion is “a disease,” Saint John Chrysostom wrote this. So we Jews “grew fit for slaughter,” because “Jews worship the devil,” he taught. Saint Augustine encouraged the Roman enslavement of “the ungodly race of carnal Jews.” Saint Jerome connected all Jews with the immoral use of money, with Judas Iscariot, “Judas is cursed, that in Judas the Jews may be accursed… their prayers turn into sins.”

If we forget history, we are doomed to repeat history. To this day Colonial established structural Christianity and Islam around this planet, Earth, is still breeding anti-Indigenous (and, especially, Jew-hating) racists who believe these lies about Jews! How many Holocausts do the Jewish people, indigenous to Judea and Samaria, need to go through, before we learn this lesson?! How many more Holocausts can we survive as a people? More importantly: *Why do we need to endure any more genocides?!!!* Because the Christian and Muslim Colonizers want us to believe that we Jews need to appease them for peace?!

Snapshot: Colonial Christianity was invented here. This is not the Levant, nor Southwest Asia! Christianity was invented with 7 letters from wandering Paul and a pre-book of Luke. From this came the appropriation of Jewish Levant literatures and Colonial culture took place. … If we forget history, then we are doomed to repeat history. Why do we Jews need to endure any more genocides? Because the Christian and Muslim Colonizers want us to believe that we Jews need to appease them for peace?! … Accountability is needed for history upon this planet, Earth!

إذا نسينا التاريخ ، محكوم علينا بتكرار التاريخ. لماذا يحتاج اليهود لتحمل المزيد من الإبادة الجماعية؟ لأن المستعمرين المسيحيين والمسلمين يريدون منا أن نصدق أننا نحن اليهود بحاجة إلى استرضائهم من أجل السلام ؟! … المساءلة مطلوبة للتاريخ على هذا الكوكب ، الأرض!


אם נשכח את ההיסטוריה, נגזר עלינו לחזור על ההיסטוריה. למה יהודים צריכים לסבול עוד רצח עם? כי המתיישבים הנוצרים והמוסלמים רוצים שנאמין שאנחנו היהודים צריכים לפייס אותם למען השלום?! … נדרשת אחריות להיסטוריה על הפלנטה הזו, כדור הארץ!



Let not an opportunity to educate go past you. No matter where, and no matter when! …

Like Marcion of Sinope in the Aegean north, like Muhammad in the Arabian south. Both are inventors of a new religion, Marcion’s Christianity and Muhammad’s Islam, respectively. Both created their “Bibles”, Marcion’s Gospels (seven letters of Paul and a pre-book of Luke) and Muhammad’s Qurʾān. Both Marcion and Muhammad were, personally, admirers of the tribe of Judah, and were inspired by our Jewish cultural traditions and ancestral writings. Neither Marcion nor Muhammad realized what their new religions (*pure religions*, separated from tribal ethno-religious traditions) would become, what Colonial crimes against Indigenous humanity would be wrecked upon this entire planet, Earth. In the process of conquering, giving Jews a BAD name everywhere! Our outnumbered Indigenous Judean people used and victimized in the names of Colonial Allah and Colonial Christ and, then, we Jews blamed for their Colonial sins of indifferent use and abuse.

Muhammad (in full, Abū al-Qāsim Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib ibn Hāshim) was born in Mecca, kingdom of Hejaz in 570 CE, and never traveled farther than Medina to the north when he died in 632 CE – forced there with his religion and his followers in 622 CE by his own Arab tribe, who are indigenous to this region of Arabia, who did not want to lose their ethno-religious identity. … Like Marcion, like Muhammad! It is the followers they taught that created the Colonial religions that have terrorized planet Earth’s Indigenous populations for 1,400 years and counting. Christianity’s Crusaders/Evangelists and Islam’s Caliphates!

If we forget history, we are doomed to repeat history. To this day Colonial established structural Christianity and Islam around this planet, Earth, is still breeding anti-Indigenous (and, especially, Jew-hating) racists who believe their Colonial lies about “the Jews”! How many Holocausts do the Jewish people, indigenous to Judea and Samaria, need to go through, before we learn this lesson?! How many more Holocausts can we survive as a people? More importantly: *Why do we need to endure any more genocides?!!!* Because the Christian and Muslim Colonizers want us to believe that we Jews need to appease them for peace?!

إذا نسينا التاريخ ، محكوم علينا بتكرار التاريخ. لماذا يحتاج اليهود لتحمل المزيد من الإبادة الجماعية؟ لأن المستعمرين المسيحيين والمسلمين يريدون منا أن نصدق أننا نحن اليهود بحاجة إلى استرضائهم من أجل السلام ؟! … المساءلة مطلوبة للتاريخ على هذا الكوكب ، الأرض!


אם נשכח את ההיסטוריה, נגזר עלינו לחזור על ההיסטוריה. למה יהודים צריכים לסבול עוד רצח עם? כי המתיישבים הנוצרים והמוסלמים רוצים שנאמין שאנחנו היהודים צריכים לפייס אותם למען השלום?! … נדרשת אחריות להיסטוריה על הפלנטה הזו, כדור הארץ!


Snapshot: Colonial Islam was invented here, Mecca in the Hejaz, 7th century CE! This is not the Levant, nor Southwest Asia! … Colonial Christianity was invented here, the Aegean region, 3rd-4th c CE! This is not the Levant, nor Southwest Asia! … All roads lead to Israel, the Indigenous Jewish nation, here, renamed Palaestinia (“Palestine”) by the Roman Empire in response to Jewish rebellion to occupation, 1st c BCE to 4th c CE! …

Jews never left Judea and Samaria, despite every European and Arab attempt to ethnically cleanse us from the land of Israel – by way of mass murders, enslavement, forced expulsions into European-Arab diasporas, etc. We still, to this very day, speak our indigenous Canaanite Hebrew language upon the land of Israel, fulfill our yearly agrarian ethno-religious laws and rituals (our “land obligations”) upon the land of Israel, and fight for Indigenous nation independence and sovereignty upon the land of Israel! … If we forget history, then we are doomed to repeat history. Why do we Jews need to endure any more genocides? Because the Christian and Muslim Colonizers want us to believe that we Jews need to appease them for peace?! … Accountability is needed for history upon this planet, Earth!


Let not an opportunity to educate go past you. No matter where, and no matter when! …

*NEVER* include the Jewish god, YHWH, with Colonial Jesus Christ and with Colonial Allah! YHWH, the god of the Jews, has *never* colonized any Indigenous land. And YHWH’s people, the Jews, has *never* colonized any Indigenous land. The Jews were the first to be colonized by Colonial Jesus Christ and by Colonial Allah. The Jews are now the first Indigenous People to decolonize our ancestor’s land! We Israelis are still occupied by Colonial Arabs – who call themselves “Palestinians” (literally, “invaders”!). And Colonial Europeans support their Arab occupation of the land of Israel!

Polytheistic Judaism, 1st Temple period: The three main Jewish gods were high god El and his wife Asherah and the child god YHWH, the Jewish ethno-religion was inherently “Judean Law”-based, anti-Colonial (aka, Zionism), and animistic – all nefesh (animal life, including humans) upon the Levant land was formed by YHWH and brought to life with YHWH’s breath, and only YHWH’s breath survives the death of these living creatures. YHWH had bodily form and lived with El and Asherah in the divine abode in the skies, and ruled his assigned portion of the land amongst the rest of elohim (elohim, literal Canaanite meaning, “children of El and Asherah”).

Henotheistic Judaism, 2nd Temple (monolatry) period to the start of Maimonides period: YHWH was exclusively worshipped and had, for Jews, assumed the thrones of El and Asherah as the Canaanite high god. The Jewish ethno-religion remained inherently “Judean Law”-based, anti-Colonial (aka, Zionism), and animistic. YHWH no longer had human definable form, and now ruled over the entire created land, to include all the lands of the elohim (“children gods of El”), Elohim becomes an honorific title designating YHWH as the most powerful god of all the Canaanite gods (and any other foreign gods) still believed to exist.

Monotheistic Judaism, 12th century CE Siddur-created “prayer Judaism” period to present: Aegean created Colonial Christianity’s religious terminology is forced upon most Jews, polygamy is forcibly replaced with Christian monogamy enforced upon all colonized Indigenous minorities. YHWH is now seen exclusively as beyond nature as the only god, the creator god of the universe, all religions’ names reference this one god, and YHWH is equally infused with all of nature having absolutely no physical form. The Jewish ethno-religion remains inherently “Judean Law”-based, anti-Colonial (aka, Zionism), and animistic. Jewish worldview shifts to be a “light” for all nations, rather than a “light” for just Levant, Southwest Asia, and North Africa nations. Appropriating Colonial religions, Arabian Islam and European Christianity, pejoratively labels Jews as “the chosen people” (uppity, racist, vile, supremacist) for refusing to worship Arab-European Colonial gods and assimilating into Arab-European Colonial cultures – thus, existing solely to invalidate the appropriation claims of Christians and Muslims to the Jewish land of Israel, our ancestors, ancestral writings, and indigenous Canaanite culture!

Cultural Judaism, 19th century CE Jewish Enlightenment period to present: YHWH is now seen exclusively as the god that our Jewish ancestors believed in and that many present day “religious” Jews believe in, and the Jewish ethno-religion remains inherently “Judean Law”-based (focused primarily on celebrating seasonal agrarian rituals and observing the weekly Shabbat “day of rest”), anti-Colonial (aka, Zionism), and focused on maintaining a decolonized land of Israel – having now successfully achieved partial decolonization of the land of Israel in 1948 (our 4th attempt is a charm!) – and a full revival of the exclusive use of our Canaanite Hebrew language upon the land of Israel and elsewhere in the Arab-European Colonial diasporas.

Note: Some inappropriately call Cultural Judaism “atheistic Judaism,” not understanding that Jewish atheism has always been – in every generation of Jews – the preferred shomer halacha option for the rejection of Jewish theism by a Jew. At least you’re not “whoring” (Torah’s words!) to any Colonial gods and risking your children’s legal Jewish status! We guard this carefully because, out of the four Canaanite peoples (Moabites, from whom the people of Israel came; Israelites, which is only Judah, for Israel was Assyrian assimilated; Edomites, who became part of the Jewish people, to avoid empire assimilation; and Phoenicians, who are the “Canaanites” of our ancestral Torah writings), only the Jewish people still survive intact and still unassimilated to this very day. Defiantly “Zionist”, anti-Colonial and Indigenous sovereignty focused!

لا تشمل أبدًا إله اليهود مع المسيح المستعمر ومع الله المستعمر! لم يستعمر الإله اليهودي أي أرض أصلية. لم يستعمر الشعب اليهودي أي أرض أصلية. كان اليهود أول من استعمرهم المسيح المستعمر والله المستعمر. اليهود هم الآن أول شعب أصلي ينهي استعمار أرض أجدادنا! نحن الإسرائيليون ما زلنا محتلين من قبل العرب المستعمرين – الذين يسمون أنفسهم “فلسطينيين” (حرفيًا ، “الغزاة”!). والمستعمر الأوروبي يؤيد احتلاله العربي لأرض إسرائيل!


לעולם אל תכלול את האל היהודי עם ישו הקולוניאלי ואללה הקולוניאלי! האל היהודי מעולם לא התיישב באף ארץ ילידים. העם היהודי מעולם לא התיישב באף ארץ יליד. היהודים היו הראשונים שיושבו על ידי ישו הקולוניאלי ועל ידי אללה הקולוניאלי. היהודים הם כעת העם הילידים הראשון שעשה דה-קולוניזציה של ארץ אבותינו! אנחנו הישראלים עדיין כבושים על ידי ערבים קולוניאליים – שמכנים עצמם “פלסטינים” (מילולית, “פולשים”!). והאירופים הקולוניאליים תומכים בכיבוש הערבי שלהם בארץ ישראל!


Snapshot: “Blessed be Uriyahu by YHWH of Samaria and by his Asherah.” The Canaanite pantheon consisted of El and Asherah as the chief deities, with 70 child gods who were said to rule over each of the nations of the earth. These child gods were each worshiped within a specific region.


The United States looks more and more like Iran, the USA-clone nation of the Middle East, every single day! Israelis do not want to be a State of the USA! We do not want to be occupied by Colonial Arab-European settlers! Your UN enforced Jordanian occupation and Apartheid upon our ancestral land is anti-Indigenous racist, Arabs-Europeans. Jews don’t want to be you, and we reject your Colonial gods and appropriation of our Indigenous people’s culture! Your Arab-European Colonialism gives every Jew a *BAD* name in this world, Colonial Christ and Allah followers! … Look, I’ll say this again in our indigenous Canaanite Hebrew language:

ישראלים לא רוצים להיות מדינת ארה”ב! לא רוצים להיכבש על ידי מתנחלים ערבים-אירופיים קולוניאליים! הכיבוש שלך שנכפה על ידי האו”ם והאפרטהייד הירדני על אדמת אבותינו הוא גזענים אנטי-ילידים, ערבים-אירופיים. יהודים לא רוצים להיות אתם, ודוחים את האלים הקולוניאליים שלכם וניכוס התרבות של הילידים שלנו! הקולוניאליזם הערבי-אירופי שלך נותן לכל יהודי שם *רע* בעולם הזה, החסידים הקולוניאליים של ישו ואללה!


Since its founding, the United States has always been a morally corrupt colonial nation. There is only “white” minority rule in the USA! … Israel does not want to be a miniature version of the USA! This is why we need an Israeli constitution for the natives of Judah. … *Free Israel from the colonial oppression of the United States!*

Categories: Uncategorized

החכם יוסף Chacham Yosef

Chacham Yosef is Joseph T Farkasdi, an accidental sage from too much studying. I am just a simple Jew who got his Jewish education in the most Jewishly inclusive esnoga probably on the planet. This kahal project is an effort to recreate this community experience here in the USA!


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