Lyla June is a Navajo and Cheyenne performing artist. Which means that she has social influence. Like too many 2nd colonized continent Indigenous, she has been taught Colonial propaganda and lies about the “Palestinian” Arabs and the Jewish people. She just completed her college dissertation on Indigenous land and water sovereignty, which is how I discovered her. I reached out to congratulate her on her efforts to spark Indigenous decolonization on behalf of the still surviving Indigenous Peoples of the 1st colonized continent. It was with great sadness that she responded with antisemitic ahistorical generalizations of Arabs and Jews being equally indigenous to the land of Israel.

Allow me, please, a Jew who is ben achar ben (literally, “son after son”) born of the Levant soil by halacha (the indigenous Judean law of our people) and literally by patrilineal “genetic” descent (aka, the new “white man’s” science), to engage in a thought experiment with you (and, please do, never mind how I physically present in this world): Let us talk about Mexicanos and Pueblos on a relational “what if” context between these two 2nd continent groups, and the “Palestinian” Arabs and Jews on the 1st continent. My desire here is not to convince you of anything, only to get you to *question* what you were socially taught and to go study for yourself. First, for this thought journey, definitions absolutely matter! So, what/who are the Mexicanos and the “Palestinian” Arabs?

Mexicanos are ancestrally a mixture of Indigenous Peoples with the Spanish Colonizers who violently conquered the 2nd continent for Christ-Allah and kings-caliphates. Though Mexicanos may remember some or even a lot of their ancestral past, they think and live as Spanish people. They speak the Colonizers’ language, and their Indigenous ethno-religion has been usurped and replaced by Christianity (original Christianity, Catholicism). Likewise, the “Palestinian” Arabs are ancestrally a mixture of Levant and Southwest Asia Indigenous Peoples with the Arabian Colonizers and European Colonizers who *both* violently conquered the 1st continent for Christ-Allah and kings-caliphates. Only some “Palestinians” have ancient Canaanite ancestral ties, while the rest are local tribes of Southwest Asia, and all of them have lost their Indigenous cultures and languages completely through Islamic and Christian colonizing. (They are not to be confused with the specific minority groups who are still trying to hang on to the Indigenous way of life in this greater Levantine/Asian region – specifically, Kurdish, Druze, Bedouin, ethnic Assyrians and Persians, along with Jewish). These Lebanese, Jordanian, Syrian, and Iraqi *Arabs* think and live as Arab peoples. They speak the Colonizers’ language, and their Indigenous ethno-religion has been usurped and replaced by Colonial Islam.

Now, what/who are the Pueblo people and, then, what/who are the Jewish people? This requires two distinct paragraphs, but I promise to keep them brief (I am determined to try)!

The Pueblo people were born in their Indigenous identity as the southwest “American Indian” culture (in quotes, the European Colonizer’s name for First Nations) located in the Mesa Verde region (Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Arizona) in the 1600’s, as a result of tribes uniting in order to survive the Spanish settler-occupation of “America.” They speak the Tano, Keres, and Zuni Indigenous languages, and are the descendants of Mogollon, Hohokam, and Ancient Puebloans (Anasazi) peoples. Their tribal law courts and law codes are a direct result of needing to define who is legitimately Pueblo in this world and who is not. They successfully forced the Spanish Colonizer and their colonized off of Pueblo land, briefly, before being settler-occupied by the British Colonizer to this very day.

The Jewish people were born in our Indigenous identity in Moab (the southern part of Jordan today) and we became an Indigenous nation north of Moab and throughout Judea and Samaria (all three parts are the land of Israel). We speak, write, and think in our ancestor’s Canaanite Hebrew. We retain an obsessive attachment and need to be and remain on our ancestral land, in order to fulfill our Indigenous “Covenant”ed obligations to the future of the land and her Jewish people. We live by an ancient Indigenous Judean law system that we call “mitzvot” and “halachot,” where most of the laws can only be fulfilled while present upon our ancestral land. And, over the course of 2,300 years, we have successfully forced off the European and Arab Colonizers’ determination to permanently settler-occupy our land *four* separate times. The first three decolonizations being a short-lived “on one hand” period of Israeli self-sovereignty, and the last decolonization forced upon the Arab-European world, in 1948, has remained solid (to seven decades, and still counting!).

Now, with this real world proper historical understanding in mind, let’s begin this thought experiment. …

What if the Mexicanos, with the implicit support of Europeans, decided to victimize all Pueblos in the Texas and Arizona Diasporas, to the point that these Pueblos returned to Pueblo reservation land and began to turn the Pueblo reservation land into an Oasis, all for Indigenous Pueblo land and waters sovereignty, so as not to be victimized anymore by Colonials? And what if the Mexicanos, seeing the great success of the Pueblos at re-cultivating the land, started settler-occupying in large numbers to take advantage of this Pueblo created Oasis on Pueblo ancestral land, with the permission of the ruling British occupiers to go ahead and do so? I mean, they claim that they are “indigenous,” and know a few things “indigenous,” and dress somewhat in “indigenous” dress wear. So, to a Colonial mind, whatever keeps the Colonial supremacy over Indigenous Peoples’ lands! … So, what if the Mexicanos and the ruling occupying and overseeing British realize that the Pueblos are so *serious* about decolonizing and being self-sovereign and self-determining that the Pueblos are willing to fight the Mexicanos and British to achieve this desired goal, how do they react to this underground, smuggled in weapons, Indigenous army guerrilla warfare for Indigenous Peoples freedom?! … Hmmm. Let’s take this further.

What if the Pueblos actually fight so hard – Pueblo women and men together, 5,000 Pueblos against *over* 100,000 British and Mexicano armed occupiers of Pueblo land – that Pueblos actually forcibly and successfully *decolonize* from British-Mexicano occupation and rule?! How do you suppose the British and Mexicanos will react next to this anti-Colonial racism?! … I’ll give you a moment to digest this, because this thought experiment has actually historically happened on the 1st colonized continent for Allah-Christ and caliphates-kings! The 2nd continent Indigenous that have been colonized, as well, by said Colonizers are so young yet, they do *not* see the future before them. Once a land is colonized for Allah-Christ and caliphates-kings, it no longer belongs to the Indigenous *period*, according to the supremacist social doctrines of Christianity and Islam – for they can *never* be wrong, for this would invalidate them, full stop. Why do you think that antisemiticism is systemic with Arab Muslims and European Christians?

The Jewish people will not bow down, we will not assimilate, we will not give up our Indigenous ways, we will not die off and stop being an existential threat to Arab-European Colonialism for the hearts and minds of all human beings! We Jews are anti-Colonialists by Indigenous inheritance and Indigenous nature. We religiously demand *Zionism*, Jewish self-sovereignty and self-determination upon our land of Israel! King David demanded this, the Maccabees demanded this, the Simon bar Kokhba rebels demanded this, the ben Hushiel Jewish rebels of Tiberias, Nazareth, and Galilee demanded this, and the Irgun, Lehi, and Palmach Jewish underground armies of the 1930s-40s demanded this! Judaism, Judea-people-ism, is Zionism, full stop. If you hate Zionism, then you hate the Jewish people of the land of Israel! … Now, that we have had a break, let’s go back to our thought experiment.

What if the Pueblos actually fight so hard – Pueblo women and men together, 5,000 Pueblos against *over* 100,000 British and Mexicano armed occupiers of Pueblo land – that Pueblos actually forcibly and successfully *decolonize* from British-Mexicano occupation and rule?! How do you suppose the British and Mexicanos will react next to this obstinate, stiff-necked, chutzpah?! … You already know!!! … They would militarily invade the *next* fucking day, and you *know* this!!! The Mexicano armies will invade, five armies by alliance (four U.S. national guards along with the Mexicano army) to end the second successfully forcibly decolonized Indigenous refugee nation upon this entire Arab-European-Marxist colonized planet for Allah-Christ-Marx and caliphates-kings-communism! It will be a second *”nakba,”* should the Pueblo people actually succeed in the coming 10 months of outright warfare to keep their decolonized Indigenous self-sovereignty – to the point where only two portions of decolonized Pueblo land is colonized by Mexicano long-term settler-occupiers – who are now claiming to the Arab-European-Marxist colonized world to be the actual “indigenous” of Pueblo land, which they insist on calling “Mexico,” and saying that Pueblos are actually Europeans from America.

Of course, the European Colonizers of Indigenous Peoples lands will be fully in support of this, because *any* Indigenous self-sovereignty takes manipulatable *real estate* away from Colonial settler-occupiers for Allah-Christ and caliphates-kings. Tell me honestly, First Nations of the European colonized 2nd continent, how much freedom do you actually have under the USA federal system? … No need to respond, we all in this world know this answer! … You are one step below the Negro population of the United States, full stop. If you do not listen to the 1st colonized continent Indigenous, then you will stay this way – enjoying your pipe dreams of decolonization. The world of Allah-Christ-Marx and caliphates-kings-communism is antisemitic for a *reason*, folks! We Jews of Judea-Samaria *refuse* to assimilate, full stop!

This is why we, the Jewish people of Israel, do not *dare* think of forcibly kicking out non-citizen “Palestinian” Arab political land-squatters upon decolonized Judea-Samaria (which is all of the land of Israel that we Jews could recover), and why we do not tear down that al-Aqsa “Mount Rushmore” Mosque of Arab Colonial supremacy over the land of Israel (that Arabs *worship* so much, ever since our forced decolonization). Because, to do so, is to incite the violent wrath of every Arab-European-Communist nation in this world upon *the Jewish people*, and lead us into the extinction that we have fought so hard *generation to generation* to never allow to happen to us – even though we have always been *target number one* on the racist anti-Indigenous hit list – for Allah-Christ-Marx and caliphates-kings-communism, of course!

This thought experiment is over! If you do not understand now, then you are *not* Indigenous to anywhere and you are *fully* a Colonizer for Allah-Christ-Marx and caliphates-kings-communism! … One final set of thoughts, though (for ha’tikva, “the hope”!): Do the descendants of non-citizen Arab political land-squatters upon decolonized Judea-Samaria – no matter how much they’ve been indoctrinated from birth to believe that they are the Canaanites, and that the Jewish people are not – do they have a right of indigeneity upon the land of Israel for being USSR-Arab deceived about who they really are? (The present tough question that has Jews arguing with Jews today in Israel!) Israel has already given up Gaza to the Egyptian terrorists Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and the PLO in an effort to stop the incessant rocket attacks directed at Jewish families and our Arab, Druze, Bedouin, and European citizens (with many falling down into Gaza during every single rocket attack by these antisemitic *Arabs*!). When is the world going to hold the *ARAB* nations who created this antisemitic mess responsible for the *crimes against humanity* inflicted upon both the Gazan and “West Bank” occupying Arabs – all for this Colonial Arab-European hatred for Jews decolonized upon our ancestral land? When is the world going to show some *compassion* for all the Levant victims of Arab-European-Marxist anti-Indigenous racism? *When…?!!!* Apparently, Allah-Christ-Marx and caliphates-kings-communism is more important than human life suffering in the Levant and Southwest Asia parts of the Middle East!


Archived records in the USA show clearly that after the settler-occupying European “Americans” lost their Civil War to continue violently oppressing minorities upon Indigenous Peoples’ lands, being the supremacist majority, they rewrote their history to glorify their benevolence and to erase the real reason that they lost control of their colonized world – the rebellious enslaved blacks and their few northern white allies.

Likewise, archived records in the Middle East show clearly that after the settler-occupying Arab “Palestinians” lost their “Civil War” to continue violently oppressing the minority of the Levant land, the indigenous Jewish families of the Levant and Southwest Asia, being formerly the supremacist majority, they rewrote their history to glorify their Arab benevolence and to erase the real reason that they lost control of their colonized world – the rebellious anti-Colonial Jewish dhimmi (sub-class “infidels”), who spent decades restoring our land and waters sovereignty upon Judea-Samaria, our ancestral land, in preparation for Zionism (restored self-sovereignty).

The lesson in both of these historical accounts is this: After losing control of their world, in fear of retribution for their sins against minority/indigenous humanity and in hatred for history’s decision that they must change, the leaders of both the European “American” and the Arab “Palestinian” peoples decided to outright lie to themselves as to what this regional history actually is. This is why *both* white “Americans” and Arab “Palestinians” are raised generation after generation, since their failed supremacy, to believe in a fictional history about themselves. And no amount of factual contrary evidence is enough for most of them, for they cannot be wrong!

To this day, both celebrate publicly their fictitious accounts of history and wave their supremacist flags proudly. But, thankfully, there is hope for the minority/Indigenous in these European-Arab colonized worlds! There are “American” land-squatters who do understand their tragic racist history upon the land, and try to teach it to other “Americans.” And, likewise, there are “Palestinian” land-squatters who do understand their tragic racist history upon the land, and try to teach it to other “Palestinians.” Sadly, because of cultural differences between these two Colonizers of Indigenous Peoples’ lands for Christ-Allah and kings-caliphates, the threat of violent danger to openly and publicly teaching the historical truth is far more deadlier for the “Palestinian,” than for the “American.”


This is דודו טסה, a Mizrahi Jew whose family is from the Iraq and Kuwait Diasporas. He is a popular Israeli musician for his blending of Middle Eastern and across the ocean Western sounds (the latter a desire for him, though none of his family has ancestry outside the Middle East). Seeing this video brings me back to a recent question that was raised during a discussion about the (across the seas) ridiculous Hollywood “woke”ness nonsense on actors putting on “Jewface” to fulfill a role that brings attention to the Jewish people in this world.

The fundamental question being raised in these types of discussions is: When is a person appropriating the culture and/or identity of another and, more specifically, when is such “Jewfacing” behavior a genuine act of *being an ally* of the Jewish people?

I bring this question up as a post, because Jews are regularly told that we are trying to manipulate our surrounding cultures with “Jew”ness while, at the same time, are told that everything “Jewish” is an appropriation of surrounding cultures. To be Jewish is to be equally negatively blamed as European/Arab”facing” on both opposing sides of the gentile camps. So, we might have some insight here on addressing cultural appropriation. Let’s talk about דודו טסה here! My questions are:

Is he appropriating Arab culture with his musical style? Or has Arab culture appropriated from Jewish and other Indigenous cultures of the Levant and Southwest Asia to form their present day Arab culture (while refusing to give credit to the people where credit is actually due)?

Being Jewish is to be an extreme minority among Colonial cultures – Arab Islam, European Christianity, and Marxist Communism – that daily speak for the Jewish people in worldwide social spaces, feeling their supremacist need and know-it-all right to do so (and “good Jews” don’t interfere with this Colonial repression of authentic Jewish voices, our Indigenous voices).

When is a non-Jewish (non-Indigenous, non-Black/African, non-LGBTQ, etc.) person appropriating the culture and/or identity of another? More specifically, when is such “Jewfacing” behavior by non-Jews a genuine act of *being an ally* of the Jewish people? And, when is such “Jewfacing” behavior by non-Jews a genuine act of *appropriating* Jewish culture for Colonial Arab/Muslim and European/Christian profits and objectives?

To answer these questions properly in the context of this post, we must begin with asking how do we know דודו טסה is indeed Jewish, and not an Arab cultural appropriator of Jewish identity (Europeans who do this, too, I’ll get to you)? Yes, Arabs who are obsessed with Jews do try to infiltrate our communities, usually through marriages under false identities, in order to commit espionage or to sabotage the world image of Jews by scandalous actions and, sometimes, to try to change our Indigenous Judean culture from within to be more like Colonial Arab-European cultures (for Europeans, this latter is near always the objective, hence the new “Messianic Jews” and “Jews for Jesus” Christian religious movements that take on Jewish names, read their translated into Hebrew *Greek Christian Bible*, wear our Jewish ritual garments and, without a character of Jewish halachic law to stand on, say that they are “Jews” on “faith,” through the blood of a failed human messiah).

How do we know that דודו טסה is indeed Jewish, and not an Arab-European cultural appropriator of Jewish identity? Well, first, he speaks, writes, and thinks in Canaanite Hebrew as a native Indigenous Judean living language. Second, he does not try to throw the Jewish people under the Colonial bus of assimilation into Arab-European worldviews and cultures. Third, he creates his art proudly in Israel! And, most importantly, fourth, by Israeli/Jewish halachot, Judea-Samaria originating Jewish Law, he is Jewish. There is no such thing as Jewish by Colonial appropriating “faith” in being a Jew, full stop! So, back to the questions:

When is a non-Jewish (non-Indigenous, non-Black/African, non-LGBTQ, etc.) person appropriating the culture and/or identity of another? And, when is the non-Jew actually and authentically being an *ally* of the Jewish people?

The answer lies in, when there is intended or unintentional malice behind this “Jewfacing.” Many Christians claim to be Jews by the blood sacrifice of their Aegean-created version of Jesus, but never behave in a way to appear as actually Jewish. Whereas, the aforementioned “Messianic Jew”ish movements engage in wilful Jewish identity theft, all for the purpose of getting the Jewish people to accept their idol, their Christian messiah, as the Jewish messiah and, even worse, to get the leaders of their Christian appropriating communities, Rabbinically certified under false pretenses and historical identities. These latter are Colonial appropriators of Jewish Indigenous culture!

In the United States, there is a perverse “woke”ness happening among non-Jewish actors about not “Jewfacing” when taking on roles. In other words, giving into the socially “woke” idea that only Jews should perform Jewish roles in movies and TV shows, and that non-Jews who have already done so should publicly display and feel ashamed for having done so. This is just pure stupidity! Why? The whole purpose and reason for acting is to *get out of yourself*, out of your inherited history, and into the life experiences of *others*, in order to *share this experience* with others! Non-Jewish actors that have been willing to do this have historically been the greatest *allies* of the Jewish people. They readily admit when interviewed that they are not Jewish, but they helped to get a particular Jewish community’s voice of representation out into the Colonial world’s public discussion. This is being an ally, in the faces of constant Arab-European Colonial appropriating!

דודו טסה – גורל

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החכם יוסף Chacham Yosef

Chacham Yosef is Joseph T Farkasdi, an accidental sage from too much studying. I am just a simple Jew who got his Jewish education in the most Jewishly inclusive esnoga probably on the planet. This kahal project is an effort to recreate this community experience here in the USA!


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