Thank you for participating in the Jewish people’s Sukkot – our yearly “Festival of Ingathering,” our every year’s *most important* “Harvest Festival”! And, if you did so, *THANK YOU* for waving the luval v’etrog – the “four species” – in the Six Directions for the future rains to come, by ha’Shem’s blessings, for the new seasonal year! And, *ESPECIALLY SO*, if you ventured to speak in our native Canaanite Hebrew while participating in this Indigenous Judean (Levantine) ritual!!! May *you* be blessed in return, wherever *you* are upon this planet Earth!!!

I assure you that there is not one place upon the land of Israel that the luval has not been vigorously shaken – *EXCEPT* for the places of *MUSLIM APARTHEID* upon the land of Israel, which is primarily Jerusalem, Gaza, and the “West Bank” areas(!). The places that Jews are still forbidden from by the Colonial Arab-European world for Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands! (Maybe next year this Colonial Arab-European oppression will end?!)

Sukkot ends this year on the 16th of October, Sunday, the Gregorian calendar, at sunset. For those who celebrate Simchat Torah, please *dance with all your hearts* in the streets with our sacred ancestral literatures (scrolls)!!! For the rest of us, let us assemble and chant loudly for *ALL* to hear our native Canaanite Hebrew language!!! (Maybe, if further inspiration hits, I might find and share an Eastern “dancing of the scrolls” video to add to theses Indigenous festivities! It is the online age, after all.)

Snapshot: This photo so looks like so many Jewish *and* Arab girls enjoying a healthy “harvest” for all the land’s inhabitants survival. Appropriating Indigenous Judean culture is *NOT* necessary to share in the bounty of blessings upon the land!!! Give credit, Colonial Arabs-Europeans, where credit is due – to the Indigenous Peoples of the lands!!!


Sukkot is a festival of Indigenous Peoples’ resistance to Arab-European assimilation! The simple fact that Sukkot is expressed today in the very places that the Byzantine Christians and Arab Moors once forcibly conquered – repeatedly – for Christ/Allah and kings/caliphates dominionism upon Indigenous Peoples’ lands fully reveals this! The Byzantine Romans enslaved Jews and sent us to Europe and to North Africa. The Arab Moors enslaved Africans and sent them to Europe. Who were these Moors, precisely?

The Moors were Arabs – more specifically, the former Indigenous Berbers of North Africa that had been successfully invaded and colonized (by Arab Muslims) into Colonial Arab identity and Islamic religion. These African-Arab Moors participated in the Trans-Saharan Slave Trade between Arab Muslims and European Christians (a slave trade that began mid-7th century CE and only ended “on paper” in the 20th century). Yet, these Moors are most known for being the Arab conquerors of the Iberian Peninsula for Allah-caliphates dominionism upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands!

Tariq ibn-Ziyad, a Berber general among the North African Muslims led a contingent of Arabs up north to the Iberian Peninsula (modern Spain and Portugal) and captured it in 711 CE. And it was the European Christians for Christ-kings dominionism upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands that labeled these Arabs specifically with the word “Moors” as a derogatory word, while they battled for possession of the Iberian Peninsula (to forcibly convert and/or expell “the Jews” living in the land!).

To be fair, Europeans long considered any Arab Muslim in the Middle East to be a Moor, before tying this word derogatorily to the Berber Arabs of Mauretania, formerly a pre-Islam Roman province in what we now call “North Africa.” The Moors are an example of *successful Arab-European colonization*, not an example of Indigenous Resistance. They are like the Mexicanos on the second world continent colonized for Allah-Christ and caliphates-kings occupation and dominionism! How do we Jews know this?

At first, the Sephardi, the local Jewish populations, welcomed the Moors, for they began a golden age of prosperity upon the Iberian Peninsula. But, in the mid‑1100’s, Abd al‑Mu’min al‑Mohade – a devoutly Islamic North African Berber – violently ended this prosperity for all non-Arabs/Muslims of this land, rivalling the extreme persecutions and forced conversions that European Christianity became known for upon the Iberian Peninsula and is known for in this world! Yet – even to this day – the Indigenous Judean ritual of Sukkot, the week long Chag ha’Asif (“Harvest Festival”), is experienced not just in our ancestral land of Judea-Samaria, but still yet in Spain and Portugal, as well!


Just a “flat fact” reminder,… Anyone can be an Arab/Muslim or European-ish/Christian occupier of Indigenous Peoples’ lands. All you have to do is profess your “faith” in this supremacist racist ideology that colonizes for Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism upon all places we humans reside! There are over 4.3 billion of you religious converts to Colonizer mentality. Yet, very few get to be a member of a surviving Indigenous People, like the Jewish people. Out of 8 billion human beings on this planet Earth, there are *only* 15.2 million of us Jews worldwide, and *half of us* are in Israel defending our Indigenous land Rights for the sake of our Indigenous people’s survival upon planet Earth!

The nation of Israel is 1.6 times smaller than that little *island of Taiwan* that China wants, and the island of Taiwan is 3.4 times smaller than the USA State of New York. The nation of Israel is 6 times *smaller* than the USA State of New York! The northern half of the nation of Jordan is part of the historic land of Israel, and Jordan itself – our next door Arab neighbor nation to Israel (Judea and Samaria) – is 4.1 times *larger* than the nation of Israel. Israel’s heavily militarized IDF (Israel Defense Forces) exists only within the boundaries of Judea and Samaria, the parts of the land of Israel that we, the Jewish people, successfully decolonized in 1948! Presently, *also* still within our Indigenous Judean land, Jordan’s “Palestinian Authority” paramilitary government occupies the “West Bank” portion of our decolonized Judea-Samaria, and Egypt’s “Hamas” and “Islamic Jihad” terrorist governments occupy the Gaza part of our decolonized Judea-Samaria – *without* the Jewish people’s agreeance!

Israel is *surrounded* by big national bullies with the Colonial Arab-European attitude of “what’s mine is mine *and* what’s yours is also mine!” Arab occupier nations the size of Saudi Arabia (3 times larger than the USA State of Texas, 98 times larger than Israel), Egypt (1.5 times larger than the USA State of Texas, 46 times larger than Israel), Iraq (1.5 times larger than the USA State of Arizona, 20 times larger than Israel), Syria (9 times larger than Israel), and Turkey (36 times larger than Israel). Even Iran (75 times larger than Israel) and Afghanistan (30 times larger than Israel) are just as massively *overwhelming* in size in comparison to our *island-size* nation of Israel!

Yet we Israelis (Jews, Arabs, Druze, and Bedouins) are eternally wrong somehow, according to the UN (the United Arab-European Colonial Nations for Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands), for fighting the 2.75 million *non-citizen* 1964 KGB-PLO created “Palestinian people” Arab long-term *settler-occupation force* upon our 1948 decolonized Indigenous Judean land! These “Palestinians” are *not* refugees of any kind – except “on paper” by UN declaration – they are the Islamic-Marxist surrounding *Arab* nations’ settler-occupiers upon (what Jordan named) the “West Bank” and upon Gaza, an Arab population created during the Jordan and Egyptian 18+ year occupation of these parts of decolonized Israel (1948 to 1967, the Arab created “nakba” to “naksa” period). Now, since 1964, these Arab settler-occupiers have been weaponized for Allah-Christ-Marx claims of dominionism over all of the land of Israel!

Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter, folks. Except to antisemitic racists! There is NO SHORTAGE OF LAND in the massive lands of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, and Syria! And these 1964 KGB-PLO created “Palestinian people” settler-occupiers belong to these nations, are even from these nations. Yet these “Palestinian” Arab land-squatters have every intention to stay upon our 1948 decolonized Indigenous Judean land to force their *Arab* land-theft of Indigenous Judean land, and are determined to render all of the land of Israel back under Arab occupational rule – if they can only find a way to do this! They just want the Indigenous refugee nation of Israel upon the land of Israel to go away, so that they can claim *Arab* ownership from “river to sea”!

Our “Taiwan island”-size Jewish nation upon the land of Israel *already has* 2.5 million loyal Israeli Arab, Druze, and Bedouin citizens who fight and bleed with us for survival from the terrorist 1964 KGB-PLO created “​Palestinian people” long-term settler-occupation force of 2.75 million Colonial Arab land-squatters upon Judea-Samaria. The Jewish people never fully left our land, not even one day absent in 3,300 years, we successfully forced the British and Arabs off of enough of our Jewish land to reestablish Indigenous nation sovereignty in 1948, and we are decolonized! We Jews Indigenous to Judea-Samaria – along with our 2.5 million legal Israeli Arab, Druze, and Bedouin citizens of Israel, who defend our national sovereignty with us from this 1964 KGB-PLO created Arab settler-occupation force – will no longer be the violently abused dhimmi of Arab and European Colonizers and occupiers of Indigenous Peoples’ lands ever again!

Snapshots: Somehow this little bit of Indigenous Resistance upon Indigenous Judean land is an existential threat to the entire Arab-European Colonial world — thus, the Jewish people must be demonized as doing any and all kinds of Colonial Arab-European atrocities, for simply refusing to be assimilated upon our own decolonized ancestral land! Muslim Apartheid actually exists in this world, and the Jewish people are the victims of this Colonial Arab Apartheid! We are forbidden by the UN (the United Arab-European Colonial Nations for Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands) to be upon the parts of our most sacred ancestral mount that has the Arab “Mount Rushmore” sitting upon it, the al-Aqsa Mosque. It is bad enough that we are occupied by politically motivated Arab land-squatters for Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism upon Judea-Samaria! But, though it is Arab Muslims committing religion-motivated Apartheid daily against Jews, the antisemitic Arab-European world lies in it’s social media platforms – the Colonial Arab-European world’s megaphones – by saying that the Jewish people are doing this to Arabs!

Yet, despite their racist hatred for Indigenous ways, we Jews of Judea-Samaria continue to dance yearly throughout the land of Israel, and waving our “four species” in the “six directions”!


What?! Kvetching didn’t make the Tablets? Isn’t that what we’re known for?! Oh, my!

The real history of Israel, the Jewish people! (Everything that I’ve been saying for years now, in one self-evident video!)

There is no comparing here an Indigenous People – the Jewish people born from the soil of the land of Canaan/Israel, who are the last surviving tribe of the peoples of Canaan, and who are again under Jewish self-rule – to the historic Arab-European Colonizers of Indigenous Peoples’ lands, for doing whatever it takes as the Jewish people to survive Colonial Christianity-Islam oppressions and genocides upon our people! To even suggest a false equivalency that our calculated historical actions to survive in any way compare to historic Arab-European Colonial conquest atrocities upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands around this planet?! Go home, Colonial Arabs-Europeans for Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism upon the Jewish people and the land of Israel! Enough already with your anti-Indigenous Colonial racism, as effectuated in the resolutions made by your United Arab-European Colonial Nations (the UN)!

The Jewish people are decolonized, now, since 1948! May we be just the first Indigenous People to decolonize from Arab-European Colonial tyranny upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lives!

Like *all* Indigenous Peoples, we must fight with the Colonizer with our words and do this upon our lands – only we Jews have to do this *even* in our Indigenous language! This is how much the Colonial Arab-European antisemites hate our forced upon the Colonials *decolonization* of the land of Israel! … This video is for *adult* Indigenous Peoples to watch!

“This is not your country! Go home, Arab-European Colonizers for Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands!!! … Please, take your time – watch and rewatch this video from our land of Israel!


Everybody in the West knows about African-American Blues. But how many have *ever* heard the Yemen Jew equivalent?! Yes, Yemen Blues is a *thang*, folks! Experience it here in the “Old City” of Jerusalem. (You can thank me later!)

All these Colonial Arab-European lies about the Jewish people of Judea-Samaria being from anywhere *other than* the land that we’ve always had a non-stop presence upon, eretz Yisrael, the land of Israel, – our ancestral land, the land of Canaanite Hebrew speakers! All these Colonial Arab-European antisemitic lies, and yet you cannot erase our Mizrahi-Sephardi Jewish presence from the lands of the Levant, Southwest Asia, Middle East, and North Africa – no matter how many of your Arab Muslim *ethnic-cleansings* to rid the Middle East of pesky unassimilating Jewish Indigenous. All these Colonial Arab-European antisemitic lies, and yet you cannot erase our MENA Jewish agricultural and waters sovereignty projects in the 1880’s that revived our land of Israel to returned Jewish sovereignty under your Arab-European Colonial noses. All these Colonial Arab-European antisemitic lies, and yet you cannot erase our successful MENA Jewish decolonization in 1948 upon the Judea-Samaria part of the land of Israel – and our continued survival as the sovereign Jewish people upon eretz Yisrael, the land of Israel – our ancestral land, the land of Canaanite Hebrew speakers!

Go home Colonial Arabic, English, Russian speaking Colonizers for Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands. We Jews will continue to survive you, for we are no longer your victimized dhimmi/ghetto folk upon this planet Earth! As to the “native” Arabs in our ancestral land,… We Indigenous Judeans see you (peaceful ones)! We all want peace and freedom. Jews must learn Colonial Arabic! Arabs must learn native Canaanite Hebrew (Ivrit)! We must unite together in Zionism, which is Indigenous Peoples’ sovereignty!

كلنا نريد السلام والحرية. على اليهود أن يتعلموا العربية! يجب أن يتعلم العرب العبرية! ריאליסט מאמין בניסים! שלום בין ערבים ליהודים אפשרי! זה בא עם דיבור בשפה של זה ולמידה אחד מהשני לאורך הדרך.

אינדי סיטי – Yemen Blues – Jat Mahibathi
Yemen Blues founder Ravid Kahalani, an Israeli Jew, to perform his Arabic and African-infused music!

جائت محبتي
جاءت محبتي هذا تمام مع الغنى
والكلام هالحليا مش لي
اذ قيميني في الرقصة شليني خارج الباب
جبال الذهب في ظلام من بحر الملح
لا منطقوني في ظنات العالم
My Love Is Coming [our Torah]
My love is coming perfectly with the melody [our Torah chants]
But the sweet words are not for me [but for our children]
Take me with your dance, pull me beyond the doors [oh Simchat Torah]
To the mountain of gold and sadness in the Dead Sea [to Zion]
For you to be center of my world [the land of YHWH]
[ ] – mine (told you I’d find a Mizrahi video equivalent 🙂 )

An encore, anyone? Here is just a bunch of native Canaanite Hebrew speaking Zionists kicking it back in a local pub, feeling our Indigenous roots in this Arab-European repeatedly colonized land!

Neta Elkayam نيطع القايم – Muhal Nensah محال ننساه – Indie City

Categories: Uncategorized

החכם יוסף Chacham Yosef

Chacham Yosef is Joseph T Farkasdi, an accidental sage from too much studying. I am just a simple Jew who got his Jewish education in the most Jewishly inclusive esnoga probably on the planet. This kahal project is an effort to recreate this community experience here in the USA!


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