When the Arab Colonizer for Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism upon Indigenous Peoples’ lands – aka, “Palestinians” – places their historic sins upon the Jewish people and calls Jews Indigenous to Judea-Samaria the “Colonizer” – all for demanding Jewish full decolonization from Arab-European Colonialism upon the land of Israel. Arab Palestinians and white southerners of the former Confederate States will never ever admit to their historic Colonial sins!

“The Jewish people have an exclusive and inalienable right to all parts of the Land of Israel. The government will promote and develop the settlement of all parts of the Land of Israel — in the Galilee, the Negev, the Golan and Judea and Samaria.” As it should be! If non-citizen “Palestinian” Colonial land-squatters don’t like this, they can always end their 55 year occupation of the “West Bank” and return back to Jordan, Egypt, Syria, and Lebanon. The Jewish people are decolonized now, since 1948, upon our ancestral land of Israel!

Snapshot of PA letter: An example of Colonial Arabs blaming the Indigenous Jewish people for their Muslim-Marxist Arab sins of “annexationist, violent, racist, … incitement to ethnic cleansing” and Muslim “Apartheid” throughout the Middle East and North Africa – to include their occupied parts of the land of Israel! Of course, blessed by the United Arab-European Colonial Nations (UN) for Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands. Racism will not end until antisemitism ends!


Who speaks Canaanite Hebrew upon the land of Israel? (Jews) And who speaks Colonial Arabic from conquests? (Arabs and their assimilated) Who seeks to keep alive the indigenous Canaanite stories, ethno-religion, and attachment to our land? (Jews) And who seeks to establish a Colonial language and religion upon the land of Israel? (Arabs and Europeans) … Want to learn more? Or is antisemitic racism more important?

Arabs demand that, once a land is invaded and conquered for Allah and caliphates, the land is forever Arab land. Europeans demand that, once a land is invaded and conquered for Christ and kings, the land is forever European land. Both claim to be the new ancient indigenous (the replacement indigenous), and systemically socially erase the history and legitimacy of the actual Indigenous Peoples of these lands. Both seek the total assimilation of all peoples (all must accept the Colonial language, religion, and forms of social governance). … In contrast,…

The Jewish people are the Indigenous People of Judea and Samaria. Jews demand Zionism, self-sovereignty and decolonization upon the land of Israel – an Arab-European conquered land that these Colonizers renamed “Palestine.” By forcibly decolonizing in 1948, the Jewish people – the last surviving Indigenous nation of the Canaan peoples – became the first conquered Indigenous People to successfully resist Arab and European systemic colonization of captured and stolen lands (for Allah-Christ-Marx and caliphates-kings-communism).

All Indigenous Peoples refuse to give up our Indigenous mother tongue, ethno-religion, and land. In the land of Israel, we still speak to this very day Hebrew, the last surviving language of the peoples of Canaan (dialects of Canaan: Moabite, Hebrew, Phonecian, and Punic). We fulfill the seasonal rituals of Judaism, Judea-people-ism (an agriculture religion), so that the land of Israel remains fertile. We recite and share the stories of the gods of Canaan that our ancestors interacted with, preserved within our Torah, and we are the forever vassaled people of the Levant’s god-King, YHWH.

There is no equivalency between Arabs-Europeans and Jews, full stop. Arabs-Europeans, there are billions of you Colonizers by assimilated force/choice (not millions, over 5 billion!). And Jews are still less than pre-Shoah [WWII] numbers 83 years later (less than 16 million born and legally ruled Jews worldwide by indigenous Judean laws)! Arabs-Europeans are the colonizing historical supremacists, both upon their own and upon Indigenous Peoples’ lands, and Jews are the historical and primary victims of Colonial Allah, Christ, and Marx – no matter where we find ourselves on this planet.

The Jewish people tell you these living historical facts in the languages of Colonial Arabic, Colonial English, Colonial Spanish, and Colonial French (etc.) to educate you. But we refuse to be you, always! Jews will no longer be the victimized dhimmi/ghettoed sub-class of Arab and European occupations and racial supremacy – never again. Jews are decolonized now, since 1948, upon the land of Israel (our 4th attempt is a real success)! … Will discuss this further, only if you talk to us in our Indigenous language of Canaan, in our native Hebrew.


“No international body can decide that the Jewish people are ‘occupiers’ in their own homeland. Any decision from a judicial body which receives its mandate from the morally bankrupt and politicized UN is completely illegitimate…. The Palestinians – [non-citizen Arab settler-occupiers of Indigenous Jewish land] – have rejected every peace initiative while supporting and inciting terror. Instead of pushing the Palestinians to change, the UN is doing the opposite: helping them to harm the only vibrant democracy in the Middle East…. The [United Arab-European Colonial Nations] decision to hold a vote that deals with Israel – [the world’s only successfully decolonized Indigenous Nation] – on Shabbat is another example of the moral decay of the UN, which prevents Israel’s position from being heard in a vote whose results are predetermined.” – Gilad Erdan, Israeli ambassador to the UN, 30 Dec 2022

“The Jewish people have an exclusive and inalienable right to all parts of the Land of Israel. The government will promote and develop the settlement of all parts of the Land of Israel — in the Galilee, the Negev, the Golan and Judea and Samaria.” Palestinian Arab occupiers of our 1948 forcibly decolonized Indigenous Judean land are welcome to apply for citizenship or return back home to Jordan, Egypt, Syria, and Lebanon. The Jewish people will never again be the victimized dhimmi/ghettoed sub-class of Arab-European Colonial occupations of the land of Israel for Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism upon Judea-Samaria!


To end antisemitism, we Jews must restore our Indigenous Judean voices! Any rituals, liturgy, and lived practices tainted and/or informed by Colonial Christianity and Colonial Islam must be rejected for more authentic Jewish forms. Seriously!

(For example: Rabbinic Judaism is a direct result of Aegean-created Roman Christianity invented upon the continent directly north of the Middle East. So is the Heredi black hat and black suit known European look of Judaism – the Indigenous look influenced by Christian colonization of near all the world. Not all Jews dress and behave this way!)

“Antisemitism” is the first Christian-Muslim racism. From which Christian then Muslim skin-color racism metastisized from! Until we Jews embrace fully our decolonization from Arab-European occupations and influences upon our indigenous Judean people, then Arab-European racism in the forms of Christianity, Islam, and Marxism will continue with impunity on this Earth – upon *all* still surviving not assimilated Indigenous Peoples’ lands.

How do we Jews, as a decolonized people, achieve this?

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החכם יוסף Chacham Yosef

Chacham Yosef is Joseph T Farkasdi, an accidental sage from too much studying. I am just a simple Jew who got his Jewish education in the most Jewishly inclusive esnoga probably on the planet. This kahal project is an effort to recreate this community experience here in the USA!


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