“I speak for myself and many others too
from the Dreidel to the Grave I’m a rep what I do!” – Kosha Dillz

When an Indigenous person/people have been colonized for so long that you behave like “black” people of the USA – think that you are at the social bottom and erase those socially verbally punching up to you – then you are no longer Indigenous to anywhere! And this applies even to us Jews in this world. You are now the Colonizers, like the ones who oppress you!

الشعب الأصلي! 🇮🇱 – ليس “فلسطيني”.
الشعب الأصلي! 🇮🇱 – ليس مسيحيًا أو مسلمًا أو ماركسيًا.
الشعب الأصلي! 🇮🇱 – مثل أسلافنا الكنعانيين قبلنا!


ילידים 🇮🇱 – לא “פלסטיני”.
ילידים 🇮🇱 – לא נוצרי או מוסלמי או מרקסיסט.
ילידים 🇮🇱 – כמו אבותינו הכנענים לפנינו!


Indigenous 🇮🇱 – not “Palestinian”. Indigenous 🇮🇱 – not Christian or Muslim or Marxist.
Indigenous 🇮🇱 – like our Canaanite ancestors before us!

Calling the land of Israel “Palestine” is no different than calling the continent Michilimackinac “America”. Both “Palestine” and “America” are European-Arab Colonizer names for our Indigenous Peoples’ lands.
“Mexico” and the “United States” are Colonial nations upon Michilimackinac. Just like “Jordan” and “West Bank” are Colonial states upon Israel.

“A Jew outside of Israel is like a fish outside of water. There is only so much time one can spend before diaspora catches up.” – Rudy Rochman רודי רושמן

For our successfully colonized Jews in the European diaspora… The ethnicity of all Jews by Halacha is *Jew*. I’ll say it again, “*Jew*”. Only in European societies can some Jews be so privileged as to be able to identify with the nationality/ethnicity of the dominant majority people (assuming that you can physically “present” as such as a *Jew*)!

The Jewish people are not a religion. We are the Indigenous People of Judea and Samaria, with a Judean-orignating, defining, and dependant ethno-religion – Judaism, “Judea-people-ism”. … If you think that the genetic admixtures from our journeys through the worldwide Arab-European colonized diasporas is your ethnicity, then *what kind of Jew* are you? (Nevermind, we Jews who are indigenous to Judea-Samaria, the greater Levant, Southwest Asia, and Middle East already know this answer.)

The majority Indigenous population of the northern continent that Europeans call “America” call this land Turtle Island. Calling Michilimackinac “America” is no different than calling eretz Yisrael “Palestine”. If you cannot see the world through Indigenous eyes, then how can you possibly be helping them to successfully decolonize from Arab-European Colonialism?!

Has it ever occurred to you that the reason Indigenous Peoples survive still today is because we don’t want to be you, Colonizers? This is the whole reason MENA Jews restarted Jewish agriculture and waters sovereignty upon the land of Israel in the 1880’s, invited Jews in the European diaspora to return to Israel for this modern Zionism, and forcibly successfully decolonized a third of the land of Israel in 1948!

Your Indigenous identity is your Indigenous language from where you get your Indigenous worldview. If you speak the Colonizer’s language, worship the Colonizer’s gods, and support the Colonizer’s way of life and rule upon Indigenous land – then you are *not* Indigenous, but a Colonizer yourself!

Snapshots: Turtle Island World by David Loblaw, Eretz Yisrael by Alex Levin


Are Mexicanos, Hispanics, and Latinos Indigenous Peoples? The short answer is a straight up, “No!” They are no more indigenous than “Palestinians” are indigenous, which is zero percent Indigenous. They are Colonizers! Many of whom were successfully colonized formerly Indigenous people.

If you speak the Colonizer’s language, worship the Colonizer’s gods, and support the Colonizer’s way of life and rule upon Indigenous land – then you are *not* Indigenous, but a Colonizer yourself!

Your Indigenous identity is your Indigenous language from where you get your Indigenous worldview. Presently upon Michilimackinac (Turtle Island, aka “America”), the Indigenous population is as follows: In the “USA”, 3.7 million. In “Canada”, 1.05 million. In “Mexico”, 2.6 million.

Outside of “Palestine”, “Mexico” is the perfect example of Colonial replacement of Indigenous Peoples upon the land as the new ancient “indigenous”. How does “Mexico” achieve this? “Mexico” likes to count the Indigenous people population number according to household numbers where “one” individual in the home speaks an Indigenous language. Thus, including all Mexicanos (aka, successfully colonized Colonizers) into the Indigenous numbers – making it – yeah, right(!) – 15 to 18 million Indigenous in “Mexico”, rather 2.6 million.

In the Arab occupied parts of the land of Israel – British-Arab invented Colonial “Jordan”, the “West Bank”, and Gaza (aka, “Palestine” or the “Palestinians”) – there are 14.7 million who speak Colonial Arabic, worship Colonial Allah or Christ, and insist that the entire land of Israel is “Arab” (not the Indigenous Judean people’s land, who speak Canaanite Hebrew and are devoted to the god-King of the land, YHWH). The entire Jewish indigenous population who are occupied by Colonial Arabs in the land of Israel is 7.5 million total.

There are 2 Arab settler-occupiers for every 1 Jew upon the land of Israel, hence why Israelis must remain militarized to keep our agricultural and waters sovereignty upon the third of Israel that Jews could partially decolonize in 1948!

Militarized Arab terrorism directed at Jews and, generally, Israeli citizens is a daily occurrence upon the land of Israel. This terrorism is funded directly by the UN, the United Arab-European Colonial Nations for Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands around this planet. Worse, like “Mexicanos”, “Palestinians” claim to be the new ancient “indigenous” of the land of Israel (thus, the Indigenous Judean people are “European” “Colonizers” upon our ancestral land).

Colonial Arabic, Spanish, English, and French are not Indigenous languages of Turtle Island *nor* the land of Israel. Colonial Christianity and Islam are not Indigenous religions of Turtle Island *nor* the land of Israel. …

Again, if you speak the Colonizer’s language, worship the Colonizer’s gods, and support the Colonizer’s way of life and rule upon Indigenous land – then you are *not* Indigenous, but a Colonizer yourself! It doesn’t matter what your ancestry is!

Just because you appropriated our Indigenous Judean ancestral literatures and created Colonial Christianity in the Aegean north, this does not now give you the right to claim inheritance to our Jewish ancestors, land, and cultural identity! We Jews don’t want to be you. This is why we refuse to assimilate and worship your Colonial gods!


Arab-European Colonialism is this: When we still surviving Indigenous Peoples speak online, “crickets” on the “Share”s. We have to literally go looking for a fight online on someone else’s profile to get, at least, seen and, *maybe*, heard! … We know “truth” about yourself hurts. But, if there is ever to be a messianic age of *peace* in this world, then accountability for Arab-European Colonialism – for Arab-European Colonial crimes against Indigenous humanity – needs to be addressed. And it needs to be addressed *by Arabs-Europeans* and their successfully colonized! You all hold the power for real change in this world towards *social justice*!

Snapshot is case in point….

What? You didn’t know that I am an Indigenous person?! Was it my looks? Did my Colonial assigned surname throw you off?! … LOL!

Hello, wake up! I speak for myself and many others too. From the dreidel to the grave, I’m a rep what I do. … If you don’t ask, how can you know? Yes, you were taught to tell me, because you were born sold.


When Colonizers pretend to be the victim it’s funny! … Facebook is owned by a Jew, folks! (Whose very Community Rules has had me in Facebook jail numerous times already!) Always punching up!

LOL! Facebook is notorious for protecting Arab-European Colonizers for Colonial Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism and ruling supremacy upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands. So much so, that the Jew who created Facebook has established in the Community Rules that the Colonial Arab-European majority are a protected “minority” group that is (somehow!) threatened by Indigenous Peoples’ “hate” speech (of blunt honesty!). This is the sin of Colonial Arab-European false equivalency in online social media. The racist anti-Indigenous Colonial Arab-European majority is equal to or less than the daily victimized and terrorized actual minorities in this world (which don’t exist on Facebook, per Community Rules for Facebook profit!). … Have Colonizers no shame? Of, course, no shame.

Note: It’s actually not funny! Because, these days (outside of systemic structural established sources) this is how modern Colonial Arab-European terrorists are raising funds to victimize still surviving Indigenous Peoples around this planet Earth!


ניסית לנכס אותנו ולהחליף אותנו, ושרדנו. ניסיתם לשעבד אותנו ולהכריח אותנו מארץ אבותינו, ושרדנו. ניסית את כוחך ברצח עם עולמי של עמנו, ושרדנו. אפילו עכשיו אתה מנסה לכבוש את ארצנו ולהטיל עלינו אימה, ואנחנו נשרוד! כי אנחנו עם ישראל!


לעולם לא שוב! לעולם אל תשכח! לא יכולים לסמוך על כולכם, כי כולכם עולים על מספרנו. – יום השואה


מאז הקמתה, ארצות הברית תמיד הייתה אומה קולוניאלית מושחתת מבחינה מוסרית. יש רק שלטון מיעוט “לבן” בארה”ב! … ישראל לא רוצה להיות גרסה מיניאטורית של ארה”ב! זו הסיבה שאנחנו צריכים חוקה ישראלית לילידי יהודה. … *שחררו את ישראל מהדיכוי הקולוניאלי של ארצות הברית!*


עובדות אמיתיות יוצרות הזדהות, אבל *רק* כשאנחנו הקורבנות נועזים מספיק להתעמת עם המדכאים שלנו – *מבלי* להיכנע! עלינו *לשבור את המעגל*, על ידי התנגדות ו*תיקון* באומץ לנרטיבים הכוזבים על יהודים וכל שאר הקורבנות הקולוניאליים הערבים-אירופיים על הפלנטה הזו! שקרים מונצחים על ידי *חינוך קולוניאלי מערכתי*! אני אראה לך איך לעשות את זה כאן…


Real facts create empathy, but *only* when we victims are bold enough to confront our oppressors – *without* capitulation! We have to *break the cycle*, by boldly countering and *correcting* the lying narratives about Jews and all other Arab-European Colonial victims on this planet Earth! Lies that are perpetuated by *systemic Colonial education*! I’ll show you here how to do this…

The great Arab history Replacement Lie – Take Me On! –

The great Arab history Replacement Lie

אם רק ערבים ואירופים היו מקשיבים ליהודים, לכורדים ולכל שאר העמים הילידים ברחבי העולם! לא עוד פשעים נוצרים-מוסלמיים נגד האנושות הילידית ושועבדה בעבר!


If only Arabs and Europeans would listen to Jews, Kurds, and all other Indigenous Peoples worldwide! There would be no more Christian-Muslim crimes against Indigenous humanity and the formerly enslaved!

“I still don’t understand why the followers of Muhammed claim that the followers of Moses and Jesus are kuffar (infidels) while Quran clearly states anyone who believes in God and does good is a Muslim, i.e., the overwhelming majority of the world’s population are Muslims according to Quran including the Jews, Christians, Magians (Indo-Iranian religions), and Sabians which means the rest of the people. Quran refers to the followers of Muhammed as Mu’min “believers” meaning those who believe in Muhammed’s message. But that doesn’t mean others are kuffar.

Quran 2:62:

Indeed, the believers, Jews, Christians, and Sabians whoever believes in God and the Last Day and does good will have their reward with their Lord. And there will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve.”

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החכם יוסף Chacham Yosef

Chacham Yosef is Joseph T Farkasdi, an accidental sage from too much studying. I am just a simple Jew who got his Jewish education in the most Jewishly inclusive esnoga probably on the planet. This kahal project is an effort to recreate this community experience here in the USA!


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