Some thoughts for “American” rabbis and Jews:

I feel sorry for and am deeply saddened by USA Jews who feel the need to make nice-nice with historically naive Christians for the sake of our people’s survival. For they are *not* helping to bring truth and peace into this world, by doing so! They are only feeding into a colonizing theology-based gentile religion’s *interpretation* of history – which fully white-washes away the existence of Colonialism’s victims, and glorifies the mythical moral supremacy of Christianity in this world.

As gentiles, Christians are free to make Christianity into whatever they imagine it to be and that they find personally satifying for it be. The “Jewish people” do not have this fantasizing luxury – not morally, nor civilly – if we are to *remain existent in this world* as a people under vassal treaty with the Landowner, YHWH god.

Christian morals are near always opposite of Jewish morals. Jews are forbidden to worship demigods, Christianity worships a demigod as “God.” Jews are forbidden to kidnap, Christianity created this nation through the bounty of kidnapping in order to Chattel human beings as mere animal laborers – to be bought and bred and used, as white desired. These days, they’ve been kidnapping non-white kids at the Southern border. Jews are required to live a democratic socialist lifestyle, that does not reward the rich at the expense of the poor. Read D’varim! White Christian USA uses the poor to support its capitalistic white prosperity ways.

Jews – and, especially, prominent USA Jewish rabbis (really?!) – whose views are “inextricably linked with Judeo-Christian values” are so colonized that they don’t know what being Jewish fully means. It is time for USA Jews to decolonize their views. For, until we do, USA Jews are just as complicit in the immoralities of this nation upon those without white privileges! All Jews are labeled, not just the white-passing ones!

For example, the American Revolution that gave rise to the United States – a nation based in its immoral and racist “Chattel slavery” economy on stolen First Nation lands – was an *insurrection* against European Colonial governance, engaged in over *taxes*. It had nothing to do with what was going on socially in Europe, other than merchant-lawyer Colonialist opportunism!

The founders of the United States were Deist-minded merchant and lawyer elites, who created this nation for the sole benefit of *white Christian males*, at the expense of non-white lives. For certain MO rabbis to call this behavior a result of Jewish values is utterly shameful and defamatory!

The very few Jews that participated in the founding of this United States nation did so for monetary reasons, primarily. Why else would merchant and rabbi Jews be *directly involved* in the selling of kidnapped Africans, as if they were nothing more than mere cattle, to white Christian plantation owners and ruling elites?

As Jews, an ethno-religious indigenous people from Judea-Samaria *who know the racist abuses of white Christian racism firsthand*, we need to be knowledgeable of all our history in this nation, and we need to denounce Jews who were complicit in this immorality engaged in on indigenous peoples lands.

There is no such thing as Judeo-Christian values/principles! This is a modern invention by white Christians to further justify their myth of “American” exceptionalism and self-righteous moral superiority, over those who remain *to this day* the victims of this Christian way of life – all because they cannot pass as “white” in this USA society.

Rabbis in the United States, please, reconsider your views. You do the Jewish people no favors by placing us as equals among the founders of this USA nation. Remember, it was Christianity that created the narrative that Judaism is, somehow, a colonizer “world religion,” too. Even though, we’ve never had the numbers to be so, and have always been spoken for by the majorities surrounding us.


Some thoughts for African Americans:

This is a subject that I’ve been meaning to write upon for a long time, so perhaps this is the day to do so.

I see regularly in the news African Americans forgiving white folk for their egregious crimes – crimes that very often cost the lives of African American family members. They are doing an act of submitted forgiving, thinking that this is what Jesus meant for them to do when he said:

“But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the left cheek also. And if anyone would sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well.” – Matt 5:39-40

But, what Jesus is teaching here is *not* an act of “passive non-violent resistance” as some in the African American USA community teach it. The very reason this passage was indoctrinated into slaves, without any (much less, correct!) context, was to ensure that you – as a “black” person in the USA, slave or descendant of slaves – would faithfully submit to the supremacist “white” authority that is in privilege and power over you. And, to this day, African Americans are doing exactly this!

So, if Jesus’s statement does *not* mean submission, then what does it *actually* mean? Hint, an act of defiant moral superiority in the presence of a greater power! I’ll explain. Jesus was a fully Torah law observant Jew living in a Roman Empire occupied Judea-Samaria. As he was preaching “turn the other cheek” to his followers, he was also demonstrating what he meant in physical actions.

Some questions: Did Jesus not beat the crap out of merchants who were willfully disrespecting Temple grounds? Did he not curse a fruit tree for not growing fruit out of season, meaning for not satisfying his immediate consumption desire/need? So what was Jesus actually referring to when he said to “turn the other cheek”?

In Judaism, there are crimes against our national god. We can call these “state crimes,” violations of YHWH god’s commanded laws (Torah laws, our Jewish vassal treaty with the divine Levant landowner). As well, there are crimes in four degrees of severity that can be made against our brothers and sisters. This latter set of crimes, especially, yet *all* of these crimes are generically spun by modern religions as “sins” of equal weight and value (even though they are not!).

Now, where the Jewish people got this act of “turning the other cheek” is from Babylon, from which our Torah’s vassal treaty with YHWH god is modeled from. In Babylonian New Years tradition, there was the purifying of the Temple, then the high priest would strip the “King of kings” – the Babylonian king of the Empire – of his crown and staff and force him to bow before the Babylonian god.

The King would then list his moral faithfulness to his god in detail. Then, the high priest would strike the King of kings, like he would strike a slave, so hard as to produce tears. Tears produced in this ritual were the sign of national redemption. This rite also reminded the people that the King of kings was a mere mortal, like them – despite having been utterly righteous before the Babylonian god, whom he served.

Does this all sound familiar to you? Never once did Jesus, who was talking to Jews and gentiles in 1st century Israel, say to be passive and take a beating, nor to forgive without price those who commit egregious sins. Jesus was NOT telling African Americans in the 17th-21st centuries USA to always submit and forgive “white” people for their crimes and sins against African peoples. So, please, stop bowing to the Massas! Jews don’t!


Some thoughts to decolonize USA Jewish minds:

Archaeology digs of Egypt have clearly revealed that the Canāanites did indeed migrate down to the Nile from the Near East, and settled themselves for 430 years as a people within Egypt, introducing their Canāanite pantheon of gods and uniquely “Jewish”-like temples to North Africa. The evidence of this reaches a pinnacle with the 19-20th Egyptian dynasties, that worshipped the Seth god, Egyptizing a Canāanite temple and renaming the Temple’s god, Ba’al, to Seth without changing any of his Canāanite features.

As Egyptian geography and Egyptian politics changed, some of these Egyptian Canāanites migrated back up to the Near East with their stories, which is how the indigenous of Judea-Samaria, Moab, and Edom got the myths (plural, deliberate!) of “exodus” from Egypt included into existing Near East Canāanite legends.

Jews and Hebrews (Israelites) formed as a multi-tribal people in Moab (present day Jordan) – which is where nations like Egypt discovered “Israel” the *people*, and where Torah itself says we are from. From here, Israel reached two-kingdom nationality as an indigenous “People” of the land across the river, in Judea-Samaria. Moab existed to the East, and Edom, the brother tribe of Jews, existed to the South.

All three of these were Canāanite peoples in origin, all devoted to the Canāanite pantheon, that later became distinct among each. Edom’s national god was Qos, Judea’s national god was YHWH, and Moab’s national god was Chemosh. But, all three shared the Canāanite dieties between them until Moab went extinct, Judea became devotedly henotheistic, and Edom eventually assimilated within the Jewish people.

In other words, contrary to “biblical” myths, there was no mass exodus of one people from Egypt, Canāanites were never wiped out as a people, and the *only* still remaining to this day indigenous “People” that are *direct descendants of Canāanite ethno-religious culture* is the “Jewish people.”

By the way, that section of red in the map – the Philistines (“invaders”) – is where the word “Palestine” comes from. So, by Arab colonizers claiming themselves to be “Palestinians,” they are *literally* calling themselves “invaders,” not the indigenous of the land. Palestine Will Be Free as soon as European Christianity and Arab Islam protect the sovereign Indigenous Rights of the Jewish people to our ancestral land, Judea-Samaria.

Video: On the Historicity of the Exodus

On the Historicity of the Exodus
Manfred Bietak discusses what Egyptology can contribute today in assessing the sojourn in Egypt


Some thoughts for religious Jews invested in the Isaac (Jews) and Ishmael (Arabs) CE myth:

The children of Isaac, Israel, all 15.2 million of us worldwide. The children of Ishmael, Islam, all 1.9 billion converts to the Book. If their intention really is to let us know peace in this world as an ethno-religious people, they need to be massively educating their own. Then, be visiting religious universities!

Radical honesty is the only real path to ending Jew-hate. 2.4 billion converts to Christianity and 1.9 billion converts to Islam do not make an indigenous people. 15.2 million Jewish people – whose identity, ethno-religion, halachot, ancestral language, and inherited ANE literatures are tied to the land of Judea-Samaria, from which we sprung from as a people – makes obviously an indigenous people. Jews have always been present in Judea-Samaria, it is foreigners to the land that call Judea-Samaria “Palestine” (which means “invader”).

It was Syria, Egypt, and Transjordan (now just Jordan) that created the nakba by waging a ten month military siege upon Israel, for chasing the British occupiers out of the land and declaring Independence. It was Jordan that occupied the area they named the “West Bank” from 1948 – 1967, preventing their Arab war refugees from becoming Jordanians and from becoming an independent nation next to Israel. It was Egypt that did the same to Gaza.

Arab Muslim Colonizers already rule 12 of the 15 Middle East nations, a Persian Islamic caliphate oppresses Iran, Turkey is Turkey – and Jewish Israel is expected to not be a Jewish nation, rather a “democracy” evenly between we indigenous Jews and the Arab colonizers of Jewish land.

There are only 7 million Jews in the Middle East (out of 15.2 million worldwide!), but 1+ billion Arabs insist that Jews be as sovereign-less as the 36 million Kurds they presently oppress. “Palestine will be free” only when European Christian and Arab Muslim colonizers of the Levant decide to respect the Jewish people, and our Indigenous Rights to our land.

Until Jews decolonize and challenge the Christian and Muslim colonizers’ narratives directly, Jew-hate will continue on. Why? For too long Jews having been trying to argue within the Colonizers’ narratives, which allows Jews no real voice deserving to be heard.

החכם יוסף Chacham Yosef

Chacham Yosef is Joseph T Farkasdi, an accidental sage from too much studying. I am just a simple Jew who got his Jewish education in the most Jewishly inclusive esnoga probably on the planet. This kahal project is an effort to recreate this community experience here in the USA!


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