anti-Colonial and pro-Indigenous! The protests in Israel that never make the Colonial Arab-European news feeds! …. (Unless Jews are called “Jewish radicals”, “right-wing Jewish activists”, “radical activists”, etc, etc, in Colonial news feeds – instead of Jewish natives who are Indigenous to Judea and Samaria, the land of Israel, who are protesting Colonial encroachment!)

Joining the protest was Jerusalem Deputy Mayor Aryeh King and several prominent local rabbis.

“This is a just protest against those who allowed Christian missionaries to hold a Christian worship and ceremony designed to prepare a missionary effort directed at Israeli residents, and against the missionaries,” said King in a statement. “As far as I’m concerned, let every missionary know they are not welcome in the Land of Israel.”

Signs and shouts to these Colonial “Evangelicals”, these Colonial “missionaries”, these northern Aegean “Christians” pretending to be Jews and “praying” for Israel’s assimilation into Colonial Christianity – using texts that their Colonial ancestors appropriated from Jews to justify colonizing the entire planet with – while ethnically cleansing and murdering Jews everywhere along their paths:

“We haven’t forgotten our temple that was destroyed by Rome nor the equitation [sic, Inquisition] in Spain and all the pogroms.”

“We have not forgotten all the bloodshed nor the six million who were murdered in the Holocaust.”

“Now we have returned to our country and pray in the remnant of the temple that will be built soon.”

“Please respect the feelings of the Jewish people and do your Christian ceremonies in your churches and not here.”

AMEIN! May these protests get louder and more often, until there is world accountability for the Colonial European-Arab (Christian-Muslim) sins and crimes against Indigenous humanity and the formerly/presently enslaved! Enough with the Colonial occupations, oppressions, and terrorisms upon the land of Israel!

Only when the social majority listens to and respects the social minorities will there be peace on planet Earth. All Indigenous Peoples will keep resisting the Colonial Christ-Allah-Marx gods and governments created (starting 1,600 years ago in Europe!) to replace our peoples’ identities and ways of life. We non-Christians and non-Muslims and non-Marxists *don’t want to be you*, ever!

“Christians, Go Home!” Shout Orthodox Jews at Temple Mount


A post I made a few years back:

WAR EXPOSÉ 1918: This is a quote from the New York Times, on June 9th, 1918, sharing a surprise discovery by British troops about Jews in “Palestine” (Judea-Samaria) actively cultivating and sustaining our ancestral land:

“When the Anglo-Egyptian Army which is invading the Holy Land under General Allenby reached the territory lying between Jerusalem and the Mediterranean,… The soldiers of Allenby found thousands of acres cultivated by immigrant Jews dwelling in a dozen or so communities…. [the communities] were found to be in thriving and prosperous condition and far superior, as to scientific cultivation and housing, to the Arab farmers or those of the Turkish crown lands in the Plain of Sharon….

Why the Turks left this Garden of Eden comparatively unmolested is a mystery,… the Jewish artisans of Jerusalem whose work lost its market on account of the [world] war… Most of these [Jewish artisans], succeeding the British occupation, have joined those of their race at Ben Shamen or gone back to ply their old arts in the Holy City. Ben Shamen, among the foothills of Mount Ephraim,… When Allenby found it, there were about 120 Jews there, with an acreage that had been increased from 200 to 600 in two years, under olives, apples, and corn. Most of the people were from the Betsalel, the arts and crafts school in Jerusalem. They dwelt in stone houses looking down on the great plain…. Here, before the war, the [Jewish] men worked in brass and silver, and their wives wove carpets or made lace. With a wonderful power of adaptability, when they lost their market they quickly turned to the fields…. Among their farms are those of Arabs who have been cured of their nomadic habits of centuries and have settled down to till the soil.

Four miles south of Rishon Le Zion lies Rehoboth…. It has a population of more than 900 souls, including 270 Yemeni Jewish workmen, whose introduction has proved a great success. So far the British have found eighteen independent rural [Jewish] communities within their zone of occupation,… who, when the war began, were gradually attracting to them well-educated Jews and Jewesses from the towns – from Jerusalem, Damascus, and even from Beirut. After three and a half years of war they have a population of 10,000, who patiently cultivate more than 6,000 acres.

As to administration, social and political, they [these Jewish communities] are all of the same type; they are goverened by their vaads, or village council…. They are elected annually by all the adult landowners and resident taxpayers of three years standing, independently of sex…. Here, therefore, is a quasi-federal State of immigrant Jews [from the Middle East and Europe returning to ancestral land] made up of many independent colonies, proving two things: that Zionism is an established fact, and the Jews of the city, if they get the opportunity, will profitably till the soil.” – Zionism Already Begun in Palestine, NYT article from June 9th, 1918

Notes (it’s worth it!):

Even in the early 20th century, Europeans (same continent as our Levant just northern, like Arabs same continent just southern), yes, Europeans still considered Jews to be a *different* race, non-whites, hence why the “ghetto” was first created in Europe (in early CE) to segregate the Jewish population and to restrict Jewish access to European Christian societies (then, being so successful an idea, the ghetto was imported into the United States to address the freed black slaves problem!).

Also, because history *is* important, the British courted the Arab Hashemite family in Arabia (south of the Levant) to form an alliance against the Turkish Ottoman empire (north of the Levant) who were occupying Judea-Samaria (aka, what non-indigenous call “Palestine”). The British also created the Arab Revolt Flag, designed by the British diplomat Sir Mark Sykes, to develop a feeling of “Arab-ness” among their southern Middle East allies. The British, as well, promised that, if successful, they – now being the new occupiers of Judea-Samaria – would reward the Arab Hashemite family with ownership of Transjordan (aka Jordan of today, the northern half of which is *Jewish ancestral land*).

“According to Stanford University historian Joshua Teitelbaum, this claim is made both by Sykes’ 1923 biographer and by Hussein ibn Ali al-Hashimi, who in 1918 told Woodrow Wilson [ – a devout racist! – ] that it [the Arab Revolt flag] symbolized Hashemite rule over the Arab world.” – Arab Revolt Flag, Wikipedia

The Arab *colonized* world, of course. Like the British flag (formerly) and the British reinvented “United States” flag (today) symbolizes the *colonization* of the European colonized world. With the Jewish people (the Indigenous People of Judea-Samaria) being severely outnumbered and still sovereign-less like the Kurdish people, what could we do in that time period of war between Colonizers – who are at war with each other for possession of *other peoples’ lands*? The answer:

*Keep cultivating our ancestral land!* Of course! When World War II comes around and the occupying Europeans break their promises to the Indigenous Jews of “Palestine” (Judea-Samaria), we’ll chase them off with our very determined Freedom Fighters for the Independence of Israel – 5,000 Jewish men and women against 100,000 British male troops and their armed Arab immigrant sympathizers – because of their British *antisemiticism*, in general, and, specifically, during World War II (they prevented Jews fleeing Hitler’s minions from returning to Judea-Samaria – knowing full well that Arabs of “Palestine” and *throughout the Middle East* had sided publicly and physically with Hitler and his Christian Socialist Nazi regime!).

The overwhelming majority of Jews surviving Holocaust Europe went to the USA and Canada, disrupting the Sephardi-Ashkenazi Jewish majority balance in the USA in favor of Ashkenazi Jewish refugees. If the British had actually had their way, Jews of “Palestine” would be lucky to have actually gotten 4% of our ancestral land for a sovereign Jewish independent anti-Colonial nation, and this would *NOT* have included Zion (Jerusalem, which the British intended to keep for their Colonial selves!). MENA Jews are not still called terrorists to this very day by Brits without reason!

Note (my present addition): Itamar ben-Gvir is labeled in the USA as a “racist” and a supporter of Jewish “terrorists” (Kahane). What the Western media fails to share is that Itamar ben-Gvir is the son of a father who fled Colonial Arab nation post-WWI established “Iraq” and a Kurdish refugee Jewish mother who fought as an Irgun paramilitary soldier in British Mandate “Palestine”. Yes, ben-Gvir is MENA Jew through and through. But, because he rejects present Arab “Palestinian” antisemitic occupation of the land of Israel. … Step back, history has teaching on this:

“Our homeland has returned to rebirth… the Jewish people, residents of Turkey, will endeavor through the freedoms given to us to bring closer all that is good and useful for our homeland… Forward, brothers, a little bit of force and everything can be accomplished. In order to save our [Jewish] honor before everything!” – Avraham Elmaliach, 1908, journalist and influential Sephardi-Mizrahi Zionist, born in Jerusalem, founder of Herut (“Freedom”) newspaper, editor between 1914 and 1919, this newspaper became the official newspaper of the Irgun freedom fighters for the liberation of Israel from British-Egyptian occupation.

What changed? The Arabs invaded! Their Arab occupations of the Middle East were supported by both the British and the French. Most specifically, the militarized occupation of the land of Israel by the British and Arabs after World War 1! That’s what changed. Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter, folks!

Mizrahim and Sephardim became the first modern day Zionists, courtesy of the Arabs, French, and British re-conquest of the entire Middle East, bringing with them their anti-Jewish racism and deadly violence for the glory of Colonial Allah-Christ. Mizrahi and Sephardi Jews could only take so much looting, murdering, and raping before we [Jews] had no choice but to rebuild Israel for Zionism (decolonization and self-sovereign Independence)!


anti-Semitism is as equally virulent in the Colonial political “Left” as it is in the Colonial political “Right”. They just give this antisemitism different labels, and it ranges from implicit antisemitism towards Jews (from only knowing systemic caricatures and only liking Jews who present according to their political ideology in the Colonial system) to explicit antisemitism (active acts of overt hate and violence across the political spectrum, from both the far-right and the far-left). For, example, Joy Reid is an antisemite, because the only Jews she speaks positively about are successfully colonized USA Jews that share her USA political views and her antisemitic views about Israel. ​This is an example of the most common form of antisemitism, regardless of political direction, implicit antisemitism – the only good Jews are those who don’t defy nor challenge the established Colonial Arab-European worldview and are aligned with my political views.

Israel is the first successfully forcibly decolonized Indigenous nation upon this planet Earth. Jews living in the Middle East were just as much affected by the Holocaust that stretched from Europe into North Africa. MENA Jews were already, prior to this, displaced violently by Arabs, British, and French re-colonization of the Middle East, Levant, and Southwest Asia regions. This is why MENA Jews restored our Jewish land and waters sovereignty upon Judea and Samaria in the early 1800’s and fought guerilla warfare style the British-Arab occupiers of the land of Israel for two decades after WWI and through WWII, until we Jews could force our Indigenous Judean people’s sovereign Independence (which the European-Arab Colonial nations were never going to actually allow for us). Most Arabs in the land of Israel in 1948 arrived to Judea-Samaria during the two decades of the British Mandate period, courtesy of the British-Egyptian military occupiers of the land of Israel.

The Jewish people are the only people in this entire world that is antisemitic-ally targeted with the same caricatures and racist hateful tropes, no matter where in this world. No matter what part of the Arab and European Colonial influenced world that Jews reside in, no matter what we physically look like in appearance, and no matter whether we are religious or not or insular or not. Not even the ancestral land of Israel, the third of it that Jews successfully decolonized in 1948, is a place that is safe for Jews from Arab and European antisemitic racism. Very few people have personally met a Jew, among both the Allah-Christ-Marx Colonizers of planet Earth and their successfully colonized peoples, but the Jews are the most talked about and targeted Indigenous People in this world. By our very existence as Jews on planet Earth (it’s not about our ethno-religion!), we are an existential threat in both Colonial Christian fundamental ideology and in Colonial Islam fundamental ideology.

Most Jews outside of Israel, in the Arab-European worldwide diasporas, are taught to think and publicly express as individuals or as a local community group, and not as a Jewish people as a whole. So, too many Jews in the half that is diaspora residing don’t actually help in challenging and correcting the worldwide narratives, definitions, assumptions, and beliefs about Jews. If antisemitism is ever to end in this world, then Jews have got to collectively starting talking as I do, so that non-Jews start speaking the truth about Jews socially – rather than only the stereotypes that fit the Colonial Arab-European worldview narratives about Jews.

One other thought, because the stereotypes about Jews are that systemically ingrained in Colonial societies: Of the Jews that the Romans did not kill off (near half the Jewish population of Israel), both the Romans and Byzantine Christians enslaved Jews. This is how certain sub-groups of Jews ended up in Europe, Middle East, and North Africa (if they hadn’t been expelled to these places by ethnic-cleansing). Still yet, with all the expulsions and repetitive conquests of the land of Israel by European Christians and Arab Muslims for 1,600 years, communities of Jews have managed to always live upon our ancestral land l’dor v’dor (from generation to generation). Further, despite the failures of Colonial societies to teach accurate and honest history, most of the Jews whose presence is found throughout the Arab and European Colonial diasporas did not arrive there by choice, but by ethnic-cleansing force.


“I condemn the behavior of Deputy Mayor Aria King, who organized a protest against peaceful Christians who come to our city to show support and pray for our peace. Aryeh and his gang do not seem to understand that we owe the move of the US Embassy to Jerusalem to a large extent to our Christian-Zionist friends in the US.” – Fleur Hassan-Nahoum, (another) Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem (responding to Jewish Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem, Aryeh King, leading an anti-Colonial pro-Indigenous demonstration against Christian blatant disrespect for Jews upon the land of Israel!)

“הציונים הנוצרים” הם *לא* בני ברית של ישראל – עד שהנוצרים בארה”ב ובאירופה יכירו ויתייחסו לפשעיהם הגזעניים נגד האנושות הילידית ברחבי העולם (כדי לכלול את הפשעים הקולוניאליים שלהם נגד יהודים)! ההפגנות הללו הן יותר מסתם על יהודים ילידי יהודה ושומרון.


“Christian Zionists” are *not* allies of Israel – until Christians in the USA and Europe acknowledge and address their racist crimes against Indigenous humanity worldwide (to include their Colonial crimes against Jews)! These protests are more than just about Jews indigenous to Judea and Samaria.

“פלר יקרה, קבלי עצה טובה לחיים: כשלא מבינים משהו, עדיף פשוט לשתוק. את לא מכירה את הנושא, אין לך הבנה לניואנסים, ולכן “סייג לחכמה שתיקה”. אריה קינג נוהג בכפיות טובה כלפי ידידינו הנוצרים האוונגליסטים.”


“Dear Fleur, get some good advice for life: when you don’t understand something, it’s better to just keep quiet. You don’t know the subject, you don’t have an understanding of the nuances, therefore “a caveat to the wisdom of silence”. Arie King is being kind to our evangelical Christian friends.”

When did Christians hold themselves accountable for their crimes against Indigenous humanity – to include the Jewish people?


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החכם יוסף Chacham Yosef

Chacham Yosef is Joseph T Farkasdi, an accidental sage from too much studying. I am just a simple Jew who got his Jewish education in the most Jewishly inclusive esnoga probably on the planet. This kahal project is an effort to recreate this community experience here in the USA!


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