The title to this post applies to *both* non-Jews and Jew’canos. Enough is enough! And *Never Again*! … My latest thoughts.


“Oh, al-Aqsa Mosque, if my heart should forget you, the standing Colonial Arab symbol of settler-occupation for Allah-Christ and caliphates-kings, the symbol of Colonial Arab supremacy over Zion, may my right hand be….” – the sole reason for the “Palestinian”

Jews who have been exposed to European culture make the mistake of thinking that all antisemites think in a European way. But what if, who you are “discussing” Israel with is an Arabized person going to school in a European nation? What if he/she is a Muslim without correct understanding of the Quran? What if he/she is a “Palestinian” Arab who was raised all his/her life on a fiction of “Palestinian indigeneity” to the land?

As a Jew born into being a representative of our now decolonized Indigenous Judean nation, thus inherently a representative of the people of the land of Israel, I have found that the polite confrontation to antisemiticism – questions and questions for the answers given (for the burden of proof is on the antisemite, not the Jew) – is itself a limiting approach to, even, a self-defeating approach to correcting Colonial Arab-European self-promoting narratives that deny “the Jew.” Why? The answer is in this next question:

How many antisemites in this world have a real and honest understanding of who and what the Jewish people are? If we don’t start *here*, our extreme Indigenous Jewish minority in this world will never ever have enough non-Jewish *allies* to effectively change the established Arab-European *Colonial* narratives about who and what the Jewish people are.

Too many Colonial Arabs for Allah and caliphates think that the Jewish people of Israel are somehow majority from Europe, which is a lie (Israel is majority Mizrahi-Sephardi in Jewish population numbers). Too many Colonial Europeans for Christ and kings think that the Jewish people are a “world religion” (which is *their* invented characterization for the Jewish people, even though our lack of bodily numbers to be so in this world puts a face to this lie!). The “Palestinian” Arabs believe the USSR’s 1960’s Marxist indoctrination about their fictional existence as a “people”, which teaches them that the Jewish people are just a religion – and most are from Europe (again, that antisemitic European lie repeated!).

Polite conversations are *not* going to persuade these indoctrinated minds – who are the most common antisemites that Israelis face on the first Arab-European colonized continent – for this is not the Middle Eastern way, and why Jews Indigenous to Judea-Samaria, Southwest Asia, Middle East, and North Africa are very often not afraid to hurt feelings (stiff-necked and thick-skinned). Until feelings are hurt, the mind cannot introspect! And, among antisemites, there are as few enlightened (reasoning) Arab-European Colonials in this world as there are Indigenous Peoples within Colonial nations. What I am getting at is this:

We have to, as the Jewish people, to end the “tit for tat” discussions expected of us in Jew’cano raised European Diaspora culture (which anti-Jewish Arabs are targeting daily!), and get a *louder* multi-voiced megaphone in both Arab and European colonized social spaces! Wise and bluntly honest confrontation is the *only* path to change – which means that we, the Jewish people and our non-Jewish *allies*, need to effectively change the Colonial Arab-European social narratives about the Jewish people, full stop!

Do *not* argue with Arabs-Europeans (not on their terms, and not in reflex to it), instead *tell them* who we are – every time that they try to argue, in order to erase our decolonized Jewish reality in this world! Do not fail to make clear in every discussion that Jews and other Indigenous Peoples do *not* have an equal seat at the Colonizers’ social table. And that we are tired of being *spoken for* in this world, rather than actually *listened to*!

How precisely do we do this? Are you asking? … The answer is by re-embracing our Indigenous Jewish narrative when speaking to others. If Jews and non-Jews do not understand loudly and publicly – *every” day on *every* social media platform – that the Jewish people of the land of Israel is decolonized now, since 1948, and that we will never be the dhimmi of Arab-European Colonial settler-occupations *ever* again – and, more so, that our anti-Colonial survival is the only future for other colonized Indigenous Peoples – then a correct understanding of the Israel-“Palestinian” regional conflict will *never* happen for the Jewish people!

Remember the following: The “Palestinian people” are a KGB-PLO 1964 created long-term settler-occupation force upon our 1948 decolonized Indigenous Judean nation’s land, Judea-Samaria, courtesy of the Jordanian and Egyptian nakba to naksa 18+ year partial occupation of decolonized Israel. Both Egyptian terrorist Yasser Arafat and Bethlehem born Mahmoud Abbass were recruited by the KGB through Marxist indoctrinated Arabs, trained in Moscow by the KGB, groomed for the leadership role of the PLO (soon to be the current PA) by the KGB, and guided in their narratives and felonious accusations to the United (Arab-European Colonial) Nations by the KGB.

It was this alliance to politically terrorize Israel – the only successfully decolonized Indigenous refugee nation upon this entire planet – that created the opportunity for the USSR-Arab nations’ supported 1973 declaration that Zionism – Jewish self-determination and self-sovereignty upon our Jewish ancestral land – is “racism” against Colonial “*Arab*” settler-occupations upon our land, by the United (Arab-European Colonial) Nations for Allah-Christ and caliphates-kings! Who, by the way, still require the Jewish people to prove to all the Colonial nations to *this very day* our Indigenous right to our ancestral Jewish land. … Additionally, there are “Palestinian” Arabs (aka, “West Bank” and Gaza settler-occupiers) who question the fictional history of their “people,” but *cannot* express their learned understanding for fear of their families lives, courtesy of systemic Arab antisemitic attitudes.

This is the daily reality of decolonized but still occupied Israel! So again, whose narrative is being expressed *the most* determines the future of the world’s only forcibly decolonized and successfully independent Indigenous refugee nation around this entire Arab-European colonized world. I would hope that it is, from now on, the Indigenous voice being heard for a change in the Colonial Arab-European world!


His Colonial Arab question: “Why do I see you in everything?”

Our Indigenous Jewish answer: Because, Colonial Arab-European for Allah Christ and caliphates kings, we the Jewish people were your first Colonial conquest for Allah Christ and caliphates kings – both of you! You appropriated our Jewish ancestors and ancestral myths, you repetitiously colonized our ancestral land, Judea-Samaria and the northern part of “Jordan,” you built a “Mount Rushmore,” al-Aqsa Mosque, on top of our Jewish (European-Arab) destroyed Temple Mount, and you have repeatedly taxed and shamed and murdered (as desired) your Jewish dhimmi. So, of course, Arab-European Colonizers, you hate deeply that the Jewish people successfully forcibly decolonized from your Colonial occupational rule in 1948. Go, home antisemitic Colonizers for Allah Christ and caliphates kings, please, just go home already!

You just want freedom for Colonial Arabs and Europeans for Allah Christ and caliphates kings. As to the actual Indigenous of the lands that you repeatedly colonized, they are “infidels” and not deserving, remember? We do! … Funny, your meme, she looks so darn Jewish – ha’eretz Yisrael, the land of Israel – down to the skin and hair color! LOL! (Hint, some call that “a tell,” see next picture.)

Second Snapshot, though!: Arabs call her an Arab woman, hence the WWI Arab Colonial Revolt flag behind her. Europeans call her a European woman, because of European invented skin color racism, which is *now* borrowed by Arabs. Colonial Arabs-Europeans, make up your damm minds, so we Indigenous know who is the real enemy of anti-Colonial Indigenous peoples in this world!


It’s sad how the Colonial Arabs-Europeans take the contributions of Indigenous Peoples and, then, use them against these very same IPs every single time. For example, what we know of today as the Hollywood Motion Picture industry of California was literally started by immigrant members of the Jewish people of Judea-Samaria who had been surviving in the Ghettos of the European Disapora for over a millennia and, then, found passage to settle across the ocean in California. These Jews invented a new business industry – the exhibition of short films in storefront theaters called “nickelodeons,” which was (“pardon the pun”) coined after the admission price of a nickel to see the film. From out of this, grew the first United States movie industry companies – the movie production studio, created by the following Jews: Warner Brothers (Harry, Albert, Samuel, and Jack), Samuel Goldwyn, William Fox, Louis B. Mayer, Carl Laemmle, and Adolph Zukor. (For those unfamiliar, these are their Anglo presenting names, not their Indigenous Jewish names!) And, wouldn’t you know it, here comes the “white man.”

Back up a century. In the 19th century, the first film companies to create movies in the United States – all of them extremely racist(!) – were located in the Eastern and Southern States of the United States. The most known of their films, as infamous as their Ghettos for Blacks and Jews, was the 1915 epic “The Birth of a Nation.” Yes, these people! And they saw the goldmine of white opportunity to capitalize on Jewish ingenuity in California. By the 1970’s, despite the distinctly Jewish names, these families found themselves severely outnumbered by competitive Colonial white European Christians seeking to use this new industry for European “American” propaganda and cultural indoctrination. And these European appropriaters have been very good at it, at the cost of (yet again!) another BAD name for the Jewish people! It was already enough that both Colonial Arabs and Europeans had already conquered and occupied for generations our Jewish ancestral land – for Allah Christ and caliphates kings, of course – and had appropriated our Jewish ancestors and ANE ancestral myths as theirs. All to create their land-theiving proselytizing Colonial religions out of, by which to classify Arab-European supremacy as righteous and superior (“exceptional”) versus the villainous “savages/infidels” to use and rule over!

Thus, in 1973, I believe that Marlon Brando did the right thing, by giving the stage to Marie Louise Cruz, otherwise known as “Sacheen Littlefeather.”

P.S. – 1973, that was also the year that the United (Arab-European Colonial) Nations for Allah Christ and caliphates kings decided to declare that it was “racism” for the Jewish people to forcibly decolonize against the will of Britain and Arabia in 1948, thus attempting to generate so much world hate for the only Indigenous nation not still under Arab-European Colonial settler-occupation and rule. The Colonials were hating upon all Indigenous Peoples around the world this particular year.


Sadly, Gandhi was an idealistic but foolish Indigenous person, like the Jewish people have been too many times. The Colonial Arabs-Europeans for Allah Christ and caliphates kings do *not* think like Indigenous Peoples in this world! They think like supremacists, by inherited Colonial upbringing. Since, the rise of Colonial Christianity and Colonial Islam over 1,400 years ago, there are *never* enough righteous minded Colonial Arabs-Europeans to stand as *allies* for Indigenous Peoples in this world, willing to fight the anti-Colonial fight for Indigenous decolonization and survival with the Indigenous.

This is why Israel had to militarily fight to decolonize in 1948, Jewish women and men freedom fighting for Independence for near two decades, and why the Jewish people must continue to militarily fight for our very decolonized survival to this very day. Idealistic Gandhis among all Indigenous Peoples fail to understand that Colonial bodily numbers and Arab-European world-intended agendas outweigh *any* interest in respecting Indigenous Peoples’ land rights and obligations to the land.

In other words, for every righteous gentile, they *too* are as outnumbered as-and-with the Jewish, the Kurdish, the Pueblo, the Lakota (etc, etc, etc) people by the Colonial-minded socially privileged – in a bodily manner that represents Indigenous Peoples in this world! Gandhi gave his life thinking that one person could erase the anti-Indigenous evil in this world through self-sacrifice. But the only thing that has kept the Jewish people alive and actually protected since the European-Arab worldwide inflicted Shoah is our successfully and militarily enforced decolonized Israeli nation. The Kurdish people are just as militarized, only they are not yet as organized, sadly – because of greater numbers of Kurds being Arab’cano-ed through Islam.

Gandhi’s path is for an enlightened human species, and this can only have a chance at happening to the human species when all still surviving Indigenous Peoples are decolonized from Colonial Arab-European occupation and rule over other peoples’ lands all around this planet.


What does it mean to love with “all your being” your אלוה the land’s god-King, your משפחה family members, and your עם people/nation (for Jews, Israel). Especially, while centering and reflecting during this Jewish חג האהבה holiday festival of love.

The scroll of D’varim in 6.5 has insight into the answers: The threefold demand to love YHWH with all of one’s *heart* לְבָבְךָ, *body-mind* נַפְשְׁךָ, and *actions* מְאֹדֶךָ “is spelled out with specific instructions in the verses that follow (see, The Shema: Instructions for a Romance with YHWH, TheTorah).”

Lev, the heart, is more than physical, it is the place of both mind and soul – hence, our “no drink the blood” mitzvah. Nefesh, animal life (includes humans), is the physical form of all breathing creatures, both alive and dead – hence, “became a living being” only *after* the first gift of breath. Moed is applied force, the muchness of a nefesh – hence, behaviors that are governed by both mitzvot and inner applied desire.

How does a festival of love become a daily act in our Indigenous lives? In our human lives? Each relationship is different and must be mutually defined and responded to, if we really are to embrace love. Your thoughts?


The Colonial Arabs-Europeans believe in this concept of one “race,” a Colonizer specific social construct for the human *species*, and this stands against the Covenant within Torah. It stands against all Indigenous Peoples’ ways!

If Colonial Europeans have it their way, the entire human population will be European-ish in culture and Christian in religion, but not all will be equal in Civil Rights because of Christianity created skin-color racism. If Colonial Arabs have it their way, the entire human population will be Arabian in culture and Muslim in religion, but not all will be equal in Civil Rights because of our Indigenous rejections to Arab supremacy over lands conquered in the names of Allah/Christ and caliphates/kings.

We Indigenous Peoples of this world will not prostitute ourselves to your Colonial gods and supremacist ways of life. We believe in anti-Colonialism, in defending our ancestral lands from encroachment to preserve our unique ethno-religious ways. We believe that Colonialism is a chillul ha’Shem, a descrating direct sin against the name of our peoples’ Creator!

And, though trolls are not worth our breath for their supremacist assumptions, we Jews Indigenous to Judea-Samaria, Southwest Asia, Middle East, and North Africa know firsthand the easily verifiable historical fact that the “Palestinian people” were a 1964 KGB-PLO created Arab settler-occupation force, designed deliberately to turn Jews into a villainized nation within the United (Arab-European Colonial) Nations for Allah/Christ and caliphates/kings. Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter, folks!



To be “Palestinian” is to be anti-Indigenous Colonial settler-occupiers upon the land of Israel (Jordan, “West Bank,” and Gaza) and the land of Kurdistan (Syria, Iraq, parts of Turkey and Iran). To be supporters of “Palestine” is to be supporters of Allah/Christ and caliphates/kings supremacist usurping Arab-European cultures!

To be “Zionist” is to be *anti-Colonial* settler-occupations upon Indigenous Peoples’ lands (Jewish, Kurdish, San, Sámi, Cree, Pueblo, Lakota, Māori, Lāhui, etc, etc…). … Laugh emojis, racism, and propaganda lies does nothing to change this fundamental self-evident historical reality!

I can teach you about the Jewish people who are Indigenous to Judea-Samaria. Who has genuine questions, and does actually want to learn?

Snapshot Israel: Most Jews look like Samaritans, Druze, Kurdish, and Iranian (majority), some Jews look like Europeans (minority), and some Jews look like North and South Africans (minority).

Snapshot United States: In the USA all the skin colors and looks of the Jewish people are represented. Most Jews look like Levant and Southwest Asia originating Jews (Sephardi and Ashekenazi majority, and Mizrahi minority), and many Jews look Latin American, African, Asian, “Native American,” and Polynesian (in descending order of majority to minority.

All Jews by halacha (indigenous Judean law) are Jews Indigenous to Judea-Samaria, regardless what they look like! Though racist Arabs-Europeans playing the European Christian invented skin-color racism game to divide the Jewish people or to erase our indigeneity to Judea-Samaria – a land that we Jews have lived upon throughout every single Colonial Arab-European settler-occupation of the land of Israel – are liars and appropriaters of Indigenous Judean culture and identity, full stop. They wear our Canaanite Jewish dresswear (since the 19th century CE Arab immigration wave, when Indigenous Jews restored our land and water sovereignties) and call it “Palestinian.” They wear our Canaanite Jewish sudra (forbidding by law Jewish wear of it during Islamic occupations, where Jews were victimized dhimmi status) and call it a “Palestinian keffiyeh.”

The Arab “Mount Rushmore” of Colonial Arab supremacy over the Jewish people upon the land of Israel, the al-Aqsa Mosque (sitting upon of our European-Arab destroyed Judean Temple Mount), is the sole reason for the 1964 KGB-PLO created long-term “Palestinian” Arab settler-occupation force upon the land of Israel (“West Bank” and Gaza). In Islamic doctrine, once a land is colonized in the names of Allah/(Christ) and caliphates/(kings), it is henceforth Arab land only – the Indigenous are “heathens,” “terrorists,” “settler-occupiers,” and engaged in anti-Colonial “racism” against Arabs for resisting and decolonizing (or attempting to do so)!

There are only 15 million Jews worldwide, but there are 1.9 billion Arab/Muslim converts to Colonial Islam and 2.4 billion converts to Colonial Christianity who are appropriating our Indigenous Judean culture and identity in the names of Allah/Christ and caliphates/kings – and they are still proselytizing for more numbers!

… The racist laugh emojis are on the way!



Ah, but, you’re young and easily fooled, still yet, we got it. We will be patient! I am all for prayer, but I am *not* for Indigenous appropriation!

The proof of our Jewish words appropriated by Arab-European Colonizers of Indigenous Peoples’ lands! We wrote this quote to paper two hundred years before Christianity was invented in the Aegean north, and four hundred years before Islam was invented in the Arabian south. The Colonial Arabs and Europeans leave out a bit of detail to our Jews Indigenous to Judea-Samaria quote!:

“The court tells the witnesses: Therefore, Adam the first man was created alone, to teach you that with regard to anyone who destroys one soul from the Jewish people, i.e., kills one Jew, the verse ascribes him blame as if he destroyed an entire world, as Adam was one person, from whom the population of an entire world came forth. And conversely, anyone who sustains one soul from the Jewish people, the verse ascribes him credit as if he sustained an entire world.” – Sanhedrin 37a, Talmud (written in Judea-Samaria by the Jewish people)

We know, if it isn’t Colonial Arabic or English, the young do not understand – and worship the Colonial Arab-European appropriaters! “And whoever saves the life of a Jew (indigenous to Judea-Samaria), it is as if you saved the lives of the entire world!” Get it right, especially on this time of Jewish mourning!!!

P.S. – Okay, now that I understand about #Albuquerque . I am deeply saddened! But, here’s my thoughts:

“Hate has no place in America, However, the United States has more than 222 years at war of its 250 years as a country. America has hate instilled in her blood.” – Luna Mobarak

I, too, would have sympathy, were it not because Colonial Arabs and Colonial Europeans care more about each other, than all the victimized Indigenous and formerly enslaved minorities in their midst. Colonialism is their world, their attention, and their mindset!


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החכם יוסף Chacham Yosef

Chacham Yosef is Joseph T Farkasdi, an accidental sage from too much studying. I am just a simple Jew who got his Jewish education in the most Jewishly inclusive esnoga probably on the planet. This kahal project is an effort to recreate this community experience here in the USA!


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