This is both funny and sad but, bare with me, you might learn something:

When an indigenous Jew chants/listens to our ancestral Torah – the stories and laws of our people – at the beginning we learn of a creator god and his children, that shapes the pre-existing primordial elements into “our” likeness, an earth and all on it. This is literally what Elohim means, “El (and Asherah, his wife) and his children.” This is why humans of the land (the continent) were created all at the same time, both women and men, together. Elohim, then, takes a much deserved and well earned mandatory-declared Shabbat, “day of resting,” from all his (“our”) work, as a final creative act for this creation week.

Now, after Shabbat, we Jews learn of a YHWH god who, in a micro-creation version, molds from the top soil a human with no specified gender from his portion of the land (the continent) that is known to us as the Levant. YHWH, then, plants a garden (gan eyden) on his portion of the land (YHWH’s land) and puts the human into it to work the garden and name everything created in and for the garden. But, the human gets lonely! So, YHWH god splits the human into male and female, and the male human declares the gender of the female human that came from his rib-side. The second story of creation is our Jewish ancestral story on how the people of the Levant came to be in this world.

This should now explain to the non-Jew how, when Cain killed his brother, Cain could be banished from YHWH’s land and find a home among other peoples living on the other portions of the continent, ruled by other gods. Fast-forward through the stories and we come up to a great deluge of water upon the continent, a massive flood. What is this all about?!

Noah, the first of several demigods in Jewish ancestral lore, is the professional star of this next myth. You see, when Adam and Chavah lost their innocence in the garden by eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge – aka, they grew up, had sex, discovered shame, and lost childhood innocence – they hid from their dad-God, because he said not to eat that forbidden fruit (which every child does!). Welp, their goes the Naturist lifestyle in this garden! F-ck!

So, because they are no longer children, daddy-God has meanly kicked them out of the garden to live life as adults and, definitely, no returning(!). Of course, the land is cursed now (and YHWH did it!). For, to survive in life, Adam and Chavah (Chavah means literally, “lifegiver”) must till it’s soil to give them (“us”) sustenance. Then comes Noah! Noah is here, by his very NAME, to help this unluckly couple from the worst of this curse! This is how it happens….

You see, humans are as devious and unpredictable and as unruly as Elohim (go back up for reference!). So, Elohim/YHWH must start over! Elohim acted on impulse, and thought, at first, that freedom of creation’s direction was the way to go on this Earth project. Wrong! Hence why, as a chanter and a listener of Jewish Torah we begin to notice that Elohim dictates and directs everything (no free will, ever!) and YHWH hasn’t got a clue and is (still!) often very surprised by human actions and choices.

If you’re a Christian or a Muslim, I feel sorry for the amount of apologetics that you all have to go through to resolve what looks like to you “God”-schizophrenia! But, back to the indigenous Jewish people’s stories…. You see, Noah was born to end the curse of drought upon the land, says YHWH’s interpretation. But, Noah was also born to save humankind from the continental flood, so says Elohim (because he and his family are good humans!). So, what happened?!

Noah and family have saved the land, both ways. YHWH’s curse of land drought is ended by Elohim’s flood upon the land (the continent). A two for one special! The rainbow is thrown into the sky to promise no more emotional selfish vindictiveness by Elohim/YHWH (right, keep reading!). Thus, YHWH and Elohim are the same, and Jewish henotheism is invented! It is from Noah’s family, according to our Jewish Torah, that the nations (sons of Noah) derive from throughout the land (this continent!).

Now, we (ancient) Levantines knew about sea travel and white people (Europeans), thanks to the Egyptian’s and Sardinian’s boats and the Palestinians (Philistines, who invaded and occupied Gaza from the European north). But, what the Levantine peoples did not know is that Elohim apparently created *two* continents *and* many islands with other humans on it! Oy!

That’s okay, our Jewish sacred writings are still just as relevant and sacred as the day we started writing them down on scrolls and writing endless commentary about our stories. You see, the Jewish people are the Indigenous People of Judea-Samaria – we are the only remaining descendants of the Canāanite people – and we don’t need to prove the historicity of our ethno-religious stories, because it does not matter!

Our Jewishness, it’s in the Torah! And, as well, (so shows the science of Archaeology) it’s in the very land of our people, Judea-Samaria! Torah has kept our continuity alive as an Indigenous People and surviving healthily, despite all the occupations and genocides of culture-appropriating land-grabbing Colonizers upon this planet.

The two most recent and worst, European Christianity and Arab Islam! Please, give us our space upon our Jewish ancestral land. You bring targeted hatred and suffering upon us Jews with your racist supremacist colonizing (of *other* peoples lands, in “the name of…”!) way of life.

For my non-Jewish readers who need clarification at this point, here you go:

In order to properly read Torah and understand its complex nuances, one must understand the names utilized in our Jewish stories!

Elohim means “El and his children.” Who are these?

El is the creator god, the high god, who has no definable shape in Canāanite/Jewish history. El is represented by a Bull, signifying respectible status and strength. Later Jews downplayed the Bull-El connection, by turning the bull into a limping new born calf, thus emphasizing YHWH above creator god El.

El, the creative grey-haired god of wisdom, is married to Athirat/Asherah, who gives birth to the newer more localized gods/god-kings of the land, the continent that Canāan/Judea-Samaria exists upon. There is also Mot who rules the land of the dead, sheol, and Yam-Nahar who rules the waters. The main gods that rule the world are El and his wife Asherah and Baal/YHWH. Who is Baal/YHWH?

Baal/YHWH is a warrior god and a storm god, at the same time. Baal/YHWH brings fertility to the land and all nefesh (breathing creatures) upon it, to include human nefesh. Baal/YHWH is renown for striking out at enemies with the powers of nature. YHWH is the national god-King of Judea-Samaria/the land of Israel!

By merging El and YHWH gods as one god for a henotheistic Jewish theocracy, the Jewish people combined the creative powers with the divine kingship, thus producing El-YHWH as the sole deity for the Jewish people – a creative warrior-god that jealously protects his vassaled people, the Jewish people, the indigenous people of Judea-Samaria!


“To be a Palestinian is to be [taught from birth that you are] a refugee, and to believe in this [mythical] “right of return” [on a land that you never fled], and to devote your entire resources to this idea.” – Einat Wilf, 2022

Of the 5.7 million Arabs registered with UNRWA as alleged “Palestinian war refugees” from 1948, over 40 percent (around 2 million) were born and raised in the West Bank and Gaza, and are not actually “refugees” who need to be resettled. Only they have a legitimate claim to residency in the West Bank and Gaza!

Another 2.2 million so-called “Palestinians”/”Palestinian refugees” are citizens of Jordan, for they were born in Jordan and they were not displaced by war – they either moved into the West Bank and Gaza to claim “refugee” status or simply registered to be a “Palestinian refugee” at home.

And, yet, another million “Palestinians”/”refugees” are registered in Lebanon and Syria, and were born in these nations. Then, there is Hamas that owns and rules Gaza, an Egyptian terrorist organization, founded in Egypt by Egyptian citizens. By their dictatorship, everyone in Gaza is Egyptian!

Only about 200,000 so-called “Palestinians” are *actual* refugees from the *Arab created* “nakba,” and need to be resettled in *Arab nations* – since they don’t want to be Israeli citizens, like the half of Arabs that *stayed* during the 1948-1949 siege of Judea-Samaria by five Arab nation militaries to conquest Israel for Arabs.

To be a Palestinian really is to be a “refugee” in mindset, even though near all(!) are not actually a *war refugee*. But the UNRWA school books for children K-through-12 indoctrinate every year *every child* of “Palestine” to *think* that they are victimized refugees, and that Jews are to blame for this. All so that Israel is forced to absolve *Jewish sovereignty* upon what portion of our ancestral land that we have self-sovereignty upon.

“The path to peace requires nothing less than a transformation in what it means to be a ‘Palestinian.’.. First, ‘Palestinians,’ you’re *not* refugees! The 1948 war is long over. In that war, given that your goal was to prevent the establishment of the State of Israel for the Jewish people [after the Jewish people fought the British occupier off of our ancestral land], you were defeated! You have to move on with your life, and build your lives wherever you are. *You do not possess a “right of return” into the State of Israel.* We were never asking you [Palestinians] to give up that right, because you never possessed it to begin with!” – Einat Wilf, 2022

The two Colonizers of this world, Arab Muslims and European Christians, hate it deeply when the Indigenous Peoples usurp the Colonizers’ obsessive will to dominate a land that is *not* theirs. Don’t take my word for it, ask any Indigenous People trying to decolonize as the Jewish people have done!

For Peace to Happen, Palestinian Identity Needs to be Rewired.


Hello, my Arab colonizer and colonized racist ‘friends’! As you’ve learned by now, I see you. 🙂 Let’s talk….

يعدُّ يهود منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا جزءاً لا ينفصلُ بأيّ حالٍ من الأحوال من كيان المُجتمع الكُليّ للمنطقة، كما أنّهم مُكوّنٌ رئيسي للمجتمع قبل تهجيرهم، وقد شغلوا أدواراً مهمّةً، وفاعلةً ونَشيطةً لا يمكن إغفالها،على كافة الأصعدة الفكرية والعلمية والإقتصادية والسياسية والإجتماعية والثقافية والفنية. بل تشهد سيرتهم عبر العصور أنهم تعدّوا تلكم الأدوار، وكانوا الأهمّ بين كل المكوّنات المجتمعية ،في مجالات الصناعة والتجارة، وتفوقوا في تسيير حركة الحياة السياسيّة والأقتصادية في بلدانهم.

وبعد دخول الإسلام اليمن سمح لليهود بممارسة شعائرهم الدينية طالما دفعوا الجزية وعوملوا معاملة أهل الذمة.وقد عومل اليهود كمواطنين من الدرجة الثانية، ونُظِر إليهم كمنبوذين. وفي عام ١٦٧٩ طُرد قسم كبير من أبناء الجالية اليهودية من المنطقة، ولكن بعد عام واحد طُلب منهم العودة عندما كان الاقتصاد في اليمن يعاني من صعوبات، حيث كان اليهود يتمتعون بمهارات حرفية وصناعية مهنية كانت البلاد بحاجة إليها. وبحلول القرن الثامن عشر حدث تجدد في الحياة اليهودية في اليمن.

شهد عام 1882 أول موجة من الهجرة اليهودية إلى فلسطين عندما بدأت ظروف اليهود تزداد سوءاً. ويتطلب قانون فُرض عام 1922تحويل جميع الأيتام اليهود تحت سن 12 عاما قسراً إلى الإسلام،حيث أقر أئمة الزيدية قانوناً يكفل تبني أيتام اليهود وتربيتهم على تعاليم الإسلام. ويعتقد المؤرخون اليهود أن هذه السياسة كانت سببا رئيسيا في تحول الكثير من اليهود إلى مسلمين دون يعرفوا شيئا عن أصولهم اليهودية. وكان العديد من اليهود اليمنيين يخفون الأيتام عن أعين السلطات خوفا من إجبار الأيتام على اعتناق الإسلام.

And, if sharing this wasn’t *enough*, let’s talk more….

سوريا 1840 – اتُهم ثمانية من أعضاء الجالية اليهودية زوراً بقتل شعائري لراهب مسيحي الذي سمي حينها «قضية دمشق». وتعرض الرجال للتعذيب والقتل وأجبروا على اعتناق الإسلام [جميعهم تعرضوا للتعذيب، والبعض منهم إما قُتلوا أو أُرغموا على اعتناقهم]. تم تدمير الكنيس اليهودي في جوبر [تم نهبه الداخلي وتخريبه بواسطة حشد غاضب]». والجدير بالذكر أن هذه القضية لم تؤثر على اليهود في دمشق فقط (والإمبراطورية العثمانية التي سيطرت عليها بين عامي 1516 و 1918)، ولكنها كانت أيضًا محورية لليهود في العالم – التي تعمل على الصعيد العالمي لحماية إخوتها من اليهود بطريقة لم تكن معروفة للمجتمعات البعيدة حتى ذلك الحين.

عاش يهود مصر تسامحا حقيقيا لعدة قرون، وكانوا من أغنى الطوائف اليهودية في العالم وأكثرها استقرارا والتحاما بمجتمعهم، ولم تكن لديهم أزمة اضطهاد مثل يهود أوروبا، ولهذا أضافوا الكثير إلى ثقافة وفنون واقتصاد البلد، فكان قطاوي باشا منغمسا في النشاط السياسي، وتقلد منصب وزير المالية ثم النقل والمواصلات بعد ثورة 1919. وكانت هناك ثلاثة انفجارات مدوية هزت أوضاع اليهود في مصر، الأول كان مع بدء تقدم القوات الألمانية في صحراء مصر الغربية أثناء الحرب العالمية الثانية، حيث خشي اليهود المصريون من انتصار الألمان في الحرب ففروا إلى جنوب أفريقيا خوفا من بطش الألمان بهم، خاصة أن تلك الفترة شهدت تعرض اليهود على يد هتلر للمحرقة النازية أو «الهولوكست» ومعاداة السامية، أما الانفجار الثاني فكان في أعقاب حرب 48 . أما الثالث فكان في أعقاب حرب 56 وقرارات التأميم.

وبحلول عام 220 ميلادية أصبح العراق مركزًا للعلم والمعرفة والتطور اليهودي، وظل على هذا النحو لفترة دامت 500 عام. وعقب دخول الإسلام والعرب على المنطقة في عام 638، بات الدين الإسلامي هو الدين الرسمي واللغة العربية اللغة الرسمية للبلاد. وفي عام 720 ميلادية واجه اليهود الاضطهاد حيث مُنعوا من بناء المعابد، مما سبب لبعضهم أن يلوذوا بالفرار. وفي عام 1918 بدأ الانتداب البريطاني على العراق الذي لعب فيه اليهود دورًا مركزيًا من خلال مساعدتهم في تطوير النظام القضائي والخدمة البريدية. وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، شغل اليهود مناصب في البرلمان مما أدى إلى استياء بعض المواطنين العراقيين من غير اليهود. وفي منتصف عام 1941 تعرض اليهود في العراق إلى عملية قتل ونهب للممتلكات، وعرفت هذه العمليات باسم (الفرهود) حيث قتل فيها الكثير من اليهود ونهبت ممتلكاتهم.

To my Arab and European colonizers and your colonized anti-Zionist ‘friends’:

أنا يهودي أصلي وأنت عنصري. سلام!

The Romans were anti-Zionists! The European Christian Knights of the First Crusade were dedicated anti-Zionists! The Arabs who’ve been squatting on Jewish ancestral land (since the 1950’s) that call for a mythical “Right of Return” (equal number of Arabs and Jews on Jewish ancestral land, thus forcing the end of a Jewish sovereign nation-State) are anti-Zionists, as well!

And, the United States (especially!) and Europe have been *the Number One reason* for there being *no peace* in Judea-Samaria between Jews and Arabs! We the Jewish people had to use a dumb-f(!) like Trump to *force* the United States to be, for once, in the middle of the *future* side of Middle East history. And, *no*, please don’t put him in a position of authority again!

This anti-Zionism (aka, anti-Jewish racism!), it has *never* been about the size of Israel, nor about borders and “occupations,” but about keeping an extreme minority like the Jewish people from having and from ever having self-sovereignty anywhere upon this planet – in peace and security, full stop!

Arabs, you have to be *Jewish* to be an *indigenous person* of Judea-Samaria, and a *living* descendant of the Canāanite people. So, you’re not the indigenous – for it is we, *the Jewish people*, who are the ones who have kept the continuity and ethno-religious traditions and identity of the Canāanite people. You all prostrated yourself to a newly invented Colonizer religion, that says our Jewish ancestors are your ancestors (like Christianity taught Europeans), and then you *palestined* – “invaded” – our Jewish Levant in the name of your god and caliphates (just like Europeans, and Turks).

If you Arabs were still an Indigenous People yourself, rather than a modern religious Colonizer of *other* peoples’ lands, like European Christians, then you’d actually *know* what makes an Indigenous People *indigenous*! Go home Colonizers, for your time of occupation is up. And, no(!), … you are not “refugees” on another people’s land, just because the natives of the land won their independence upon their ancestral land, and *you* don’t want to be citizens … of Israel!

يتعلم أكثر ….

Front page

ويطلق أسم «جيمينا » – أختصاراً – على الیهود الأصلیین بالمنطقة بما فيها الدول العربية و تركيا وإيران.


Christianity caused so much Jewish blood shed, how did God allow that? Why didn’t God intervene, stopping it in its tracks, not letting the religion ever come about? … Today’s daf (Chagiga 4) provides a unique and audacious answer: IT IS ALL THE FAULT OF A SLOPPY CELESTIAL SERVANT!

He was sent on a mission to take the life of Mary, the mother of Jesus before she gave birth to the progenitor of the Christian faith. That, in fact, would have spared us from years of torture. annihilation and persecution.


… he was a sloppy agent and unfortunately ended up killing the wrong Mary. Instead of killing Mary, the mother of Jesus (who was a hairdresser), he by mistake killed a different woman but with the same name. He took the life of Mary the kindergarten teacher.

Learn more! ….


Okay, Yehudicanos of the USA, listen to me!: Only whites in the USA have the numbers to make actual changes to the United States. Out of near 340 million USA citizens, only 42 million are black and only 5.8 million are Jewish. But, yes(!), we need to reach out to African American communities and to the First Nation communities *a lot better* for ally support.

But, remember that we Jews are essentially “white” in the USA, which leads most African Americans to disregard us as an indigenous minority people. Further, too many Jews in the USA that are “white-passing,” “white-presenting,” or self-declared “whites” have internalized both anti-Jewish and anti-black racisms!

Thus, too many USA Jewish communities have rejected the BLM movement over inherited antisemiticism among African Americans – all because they don’t know the full history of the Jewish people, and react on sight (per Christian created tropes!) towards us as “white people.” So, Jews need to be aware of and ensure that we are not behaving as white Christian racists, and being true allies of the African American communities, full stop!

I know, it is unfair that we, the Jewish people, have to keep proving our worth to non-Jews of the world – most of whom are bred into anti-Jewish racism. But this has been our lot in life as a people ever since Christianity was created in the Aegean north. By now, we should be used to this! And looking for asymmetrical solutions to our extreme minority problem. We need to present a united Jewish presence with African Americans, whether they love us or hate us for this!

“In January 1975, Bayard Rustin – a colleague of Dr. King and one of the architects of the 1963 March on Washington, wrote an article entitled, The PLO: Freedom Fighters or Terrorists. This was Rustin’s opening statement: “One of the most distressing reflections of the unhappy state of world politics is the ease with which words can be perverted, stripped of significance, and made to mean their opposite.” Rustin was referring specifically to Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) chairman Yasser Arafat’s recent speech at the United Nations, during which he reframed his murderous intensions for Israel and the Jewish people as Palestinian “liberation” and efforts towards “peace” and a fight against “racism.” ”

Giving Amnesty to Antisemitism

Further, let’s address one more thing. Yehudicanos – yes, you Jews that are constantly defending and glorifying Donald J Trump – you are worshipping an idol, and don’t see it. Historical ignorance is running deep within you, Colonized mind!

You might want to look in the mirror and ask yourself, “If I am only for myself and my people, then what am I?”

For the answer is: A Jew with a Christian/Arab colonizer soul.

It was Jews that made Jerusalem whole back in 1967. Donald Trump’s U.S. Embassy move changed nothing and means nothing. It was Jews that negotiated the Abraham Accords with Arabs. And it was USA Jews that *used* Trump and Evangelical Christians to put the USA into the center of this achievement.

But, if we now continue to glorify a renowned USA racist named Donald J Trump, who courts a political base of anti-black, anti-Asian, and anti-Jewish white supremacists, neo-nazis, and Evangelical Christians, then we have sold our indigenous Jewish people of Judea-Samaria to the racist Colonizers of this world, along with all other Indigenous and oppressed peopes! As Jews, we must be morally better than this!

The Jewish people as pawns in a three way Holy War between Christianity, Islam, and Marxism must end! So that we Jews can help to decolonize the other indigenous peoples of this planet – Assyrians, Kurds, Wampanoag, Pueblo, Māori, Lāhui, Sámi, etc – as we have done for ourselves back in 1948, to the forced chagrin of the United Nations.

“If I am only for myself and my people, then what am I?” Honoring a Colonizer’s political Golden Calf as a representation of YHWH’s achievement is forbidden to Jews, so says Torah Judaism!


Wen talk da HCE kine from hanabatah days an wen talk da yehudi kine, no tell me I no ste da island kine. Try spock dis! Dis guy, me, jalike haole wen look, but akamai da mo’olelo an ‘āina lev. Got for talk da yehudi talk fo undastand lev, da heart, brah! Da heart! If you no aloha fo da kānaka, da laū kānaka kine, aroun dis world, you no mo aloha! Pilau you, should feel shame, ke?!

Hawaiicanos, aka colonized minds! If you were Jewish, we would call you a מומר‎ “one who is changed” or a משומד‎ “destroyed one,” for you have lost your נפש “indigenous soul” and no walk the דרך “the people’s path.” Yet, really you seem to be a כופר‎ “denier,” for your mind is poisoned by Christianity.

It is Christianity and Islam that teach and preach that ideology of “we all arrived from somewhere else.” This is a Colonizers lie, of course, to falsely equate the indigenous victims with the historic world abusers. European and Arab supremacy in this world demands that the Indigenous Peoples of this world be just like them, to justify their continued oppression of us in this world.

Being an Indigenous People in this world has to do with preserving a way of life – language, rituals, community laws, and attachment to a specific geographical land area – from which one’s collective and individual identity is derived, is rooted in antiquity, and is distictively different from the surrounding cultures. For example, the Jewish people of Judea-Samaria, the Pueblo people of New Mexico, the Māori of New Zealand, the Lāhui of Hawaii.

Though the Indigenous People might migrate to different parts of a continent or to other parts of the world *after* forming as a unique ethnic group whose identity is tied to a specific land, the continuity of ritual-civil identity among them – *the passing of knowledge and identity to the children every generation* – is preserved *without* the need for conquest and/or colonization of other cultures.

There is no comparison of likeness that can be honestly made between Indigenous Peoples and the European Christian and Arab Muslim Colonizers. Europeans/Christians and Arabs/Muslims are Colonizers of lands *not theirs* to rule over!

החכם יוסף Chacham Yosef

Chacham Yosef is Joseph T Farkasdi, an accidental sage from too much studying. I am just a simple Jew who got his Jewish education in the most Jewishly inclusive esnoga probably on the planet. This kahal project is an effort to recreate this community experience here in the USA!


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