The blood remembers and speaks to those sensitive enough to listen. This I know firsthand, for I have always known for an internal fact that I am a direct descendant of the indigenous Levantine people from the Levant – the “Fertile Crescent.” So, for me, it is no surprise that modern science has confirmed what I’ve known from birth.

I’m also Jewish, as well. But, all those with the paternal Y-chromosone haplogroup G have direct paternal link through time to the original indigenous Levantine people. I’m not saying this to boast, but to make a point that you cannot tell the origins of human individuals on looks alone. You have to hear their family/community stories.

Hence, this post that I made on social media that shares a native Israeli’s correct view on the Israel-Palestine regional conflict between Semitic peoples. The reason for this conflict between Jews and Arabs is because of proselytizing conquest religions, Christianity and Islam, who directly brought about the modern Jewish State of Israel through the genocidal Holocaust inflicted upon Jews by devout Christians and Muslims around this world.

The post that I made went as follows:

“Did you know that it is my paternal side, haplogroup G, that originated directly in the Levant, during the Neolithic period? We are the first Levantine people, today’s descendants of these indigenous fertile crescent folk.

“I’m a ninth-generation Israeli that stands out in family photos for being white in a Moroccan family.

When does a claim to being from a land end? When does colonialism stop and a conquering people becomes indigenous to the land?

I could argue that the Palestinians identify as Arabs, and therefore are part of a colonial power. Coming in the seventh century from Arabia to conquer the Middle East, parts of Africa and Europe and to spread Islam mostly by the sword.”

Many Syria Palaestina Jews that were direct descendants of Judea were forcibly converted to Islam by Muslim conquests of Jerusalem. This is why Arab families, still yet today, discover that they are Jewish by ancestry but Muslim by conquest religion. The rest of the Arabs that made up pre-WWII Palestine were immigrants themselves from other areas of the Middle East and North Africa from the 16th century forward.

“This was, and basically still is, an ethnic conflict between two very much indigenous peoples (one with stronger roots [to the land] than the other I might add [Jews]) and it should be viewed as such. Western and, specifically, American concepts of white colonialism don’t apply here.

Historically,… The archaeological evidence is abundant and though not supporting many Biblical claims still attest to the link between Jews and this land from around 1200BCE. (Read about the Merneptah Stele for the earliest reference to a people named Israel.)

Israel’s ethnic makeup is quite diverse,… The largest ethnic group is Mizrahi and Sephardi Jews (Jews descended from North Africa and Asia). With 44.9% of the Jewish population and 48% to include Ethiopian Jews, “Brown and Black” Jews are the biggest group in Israel-Jewish society. Ashkenazi Jews come second with 31.8%.

People [in the USA] that like to conflate movements like BLM and the Palestinian cause [are not understanding that] this is not a racial issue (we are both Semitic people) and the awful history of slavery and systemic racism [of the U.S. and British South Africa] doesn’t have anything to do with the Jewish state and its struggle to exist in a sea of nations out for it’s destruction.”

#BLM in the racist slave nation – self-named – the United States of America! Jewish and non-Muslim Arab lives also matter, too, especially so in the Middle East. The fundamentalists, religious devouts, of both Christianity and Islam would have us believing otherwise – beware the racist lies and conspiracy theories of these conquest religions! ”

We need to realize and daily remember, Arab does not equate Muslim any more than European equates Christian! Jews are not white, but a Levantine people like Levantine Arabs. The real enemies that intend to do us harm are the fundamentalists devout Christians and Muslims who continue to carry the tourches of hate for Jews anywhere in this world!

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החכם יוסף Chacham Yosef

Chacham Yosef is Joseph T Farkasdi, an accidental sage from too much studying. I am just a simple Jew who got his Jewish education in the most Jewishly inclusive esnoga probably on the planet. This kahal project is an effort to recreate this community experience here in the USA!


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