I support LGBTQ rights to marriage and freedom from political and religious discrimination, because I am an American Conservative of the Republicanism kind. I support a woman’s right of choice regarding her own body, because I am an American Conservative of the Republicanism kind. I reject discrimination and suppression of any kind – especially religious and political – because I am an American Conservative of the Republicanism kind.
The modern Republican party is virally infected by the contagion of European Conservatism in the hearts and minds of racist, predominantly white, religious Americans. American “European Conservatism” is: the protection of white religion above all religions, white supremacy above all peoples, opposition to modernism, and seeking of legislative return to “the way things were” before Franklin D Roosevelt’s Administration introduced socialism to the regulating practices of the United States national government.
The Founders of this nation, the United States of America, who established a Republicanism governance upon this land that was stolen from the indigenous population would not recognize the Republican Party of today! But, they would think the Democratic Party is a follower in the steps of their founding political Republicanism. Separation of “church and state” is a vital must! Protection of individual “inalienable” natural rights is paramount! And an utter hate for economic corruption and religious tyranny upon the people is the Founders’ driving ideology!
An uncompromising commitment to liberty and justice for all (not for just the ruling minority). A total rejection of political and religious aristocracy, where “the People” – the citizens *as a whole* – determine the rule of law for this nation going forward. Change was expected by the Founders, and constitutional protections were established to defend this core constitutional right of “the People” to self-governance as a whole (not just the governance of white people, not just the governance by Christians and those who believe in the myths of “Judeo-Christian” values and “American Exceptionalism”).
Likewise, I am for effective weapons regulations in the United States, to protect our citizens from deadly violence by the homegrown extremist ideologies that terrorize our nation’s citizens, because I am an American Conservative of the Republicanism kind. Likewise I advocate loudly for critical thinking, public education, and focus on supporting scientific understanding and science-based national governance, because I am an American Conservative of the Republicanism kind. Likewise, I denounce the “political party” approach to politics, reject the authority of the Electoral College, and every single attempt to disenfranchise any citizen (regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, orientation) of the right to freely cast their vote in every election, because I am an American Conservative of the Republicanism kind!
#Conservative #Republicanism #Constitutional #GOP #GrandOldParty
מה משיגים אנשים מכל העבודות שהם עושים תחת השמש? לא הרבה יותר מהנמלים! אז אני לא ממש יודע.
אבל נאמר: “דור עובר, ודור בא, אבל האדמה נשארת גם כאשר המין האנושי נעלם.” – קהלת
Translation: What do people achieve from all the work that they do under the sun? Not much more than the ants! So, I don’t know.
But, it has been said: “A generation goes by, and a generation comes, but the earth remains even when the human species is gone.” – Kohelet
Things will change, but ultimately remain the same. Until, there is another American Revolution on this continent for freedom, opportunity, and justice – just more colorful, this time. England’s systemic monarchy and Church rule would still be the law of the land today, had not Colonial Americans rebelled and formed a new nation on this continent. The same will have to happen again to end the systemic white corporate-evangelical supremacy upon all the non-white citizens of this nation.
White American society is the monarch and priest of England old, and they have no intention of sharing this power – ever. Hence, why they are so morally corrupt in their politics, business practices, and religious beliefs. History teaches us what must eventually happen, if justice and equal opportunity is ever going to be an actual reality for people of color on this northern continent of America.
I am a political conservative because I believe that the U.S. Constitution applies equally to all citizens, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender (includes gender identity), religion (or lack thereof), sexual orientation, languages spoken, and place of birth. The U.S. Constitution is the only supreme law of this nation, it is the national Bible! Liberals will say that the U.S. Constitution is based on the Christian Bible, therefore the Christian Bible supercedes the U.S. Constitution.
I am a religious conservative – even though non-theistic – because I believe that Torah and TaNaKh (by extension) speaks for itself, regardless of our interpretations, explanations, and other theological commentary placed upon it. The Torah, as it plainly says for itself, is the final word on what the Torah is trying to say to us! Liberals will say that “the scriptures” mean something else (as revealed), other than what the plain meaning of the text clearly says without regret.
A “conservative,” based on its use in Western society, is not an adherent to the fundamental texts but, rather, an adherent to religious dogma about those texts – even though that dogma ignores or reimagines what the fundamental texts actually say. A “liberal” in Western society, by contrast, is someone who adheres closely to what the fundamental texts present when read without attached dogma. … In the United States, this above is true for both constitutional politics and theistic religion! The terms are used backwards of their inherent meanings. The best example of this I know of comes from a devotedly religious Torah scholar:
“Some would suggest that the “liberal position” is that Moses did not write the Pentateuch and that the “conservative position” is to contend that he did. I think the case could be made that this language is reversed. As the Pentateuch never claims Mosaic authorship and strongly implies that it was written hundreds of years after him, the “conservative” position—i.e. the position that is bound to the testimony of the Pentateuch itself—should really be that Moses did not write it, and that the Pentateuch does not date to the 13th century.
Alternatively, ignoring the Pentateuch’s self-presentation, and claiming that Moses wrote it in the 13th century is really a liberal position (though not the only one of course), since it is “free”—the Latin word “liber” means “free”—from the constraints put upon it by the Pentateuch’s self-presentation.
Of course, many scholars who identify as conservative may not appreciate my usage of the term “liberal” when describing traditional views supported by religious dogma, and admittedly, I am being playful with the terms. But I suspect that the reader sees the point that I am making.
At the end of the day, I think that the terms “liberal” and “conservative” have little utility, and that when people use these terms, it reveals more about themselves than it does about the person they are describing. Thus, I have friends in the field who consider me liberal and I have friends in the field who consider me conservative; this is not because my own positions have changed, but it reflects where these colleagues feel they are standing relative to me.”
– Professor Christopher A. Rollston, Associate Professor of Northwest Semitic languages and literatures in the Department of Classical and Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations at George Washington University. He holds an M.A. and Ph.D. from the Department of Near Eastern Studies, Johns Hopkins University.
Joseph T Farkasdi · September 9, 2019 at 12:10 am
“Humanity’s sense of right and wrong does not come from powerful rulers, prophets, holy books, or deities. It is an integral part of our natural evolution – the cornerstone of our altruism, and an essential aspect of the properties that make us human beings.” – Beyond the Rituals
Exactly! Right and wrong is a human invention.
Now, if we could all just decide what is “right” and what is “wrong” – together! For, there are different kinds of “right” and “wrong” – like there are different “God”s, and religions for those gods.
There is fictitious “right” and “wrong”. Some examples are religious morals, natural rights, and legal statutes. Then, there is inherent *evolved* “right” and “wrong” – that is based in what is best for the survival of our species.
Because we human primates cannot see easily beyond our human fictions, we have difficulty doing what is best for our species. And, for the other life of the planet, even when it is uncomfortable for us humans!
It’s human entitlement, folks! And, if we don’t learn to recognize it soon, the earth is going to kick us off like a bad case of flees! To the dustpile of extinction we shall go, and no human imagined god is going to save us!
Oh, human, beware, the writing is in the sand already!
Joseph T Farkasdi · September 13, 2019 at 1:17 am
Who is a minority? And who gets the right to decide who is a minority, and who is not? A loaded question, yes. I grew up in a world where I was the minority in every way. This is why I speak so fervently for the minority. I am always on the side of the minority, because I know from life experience what it means to be a minority!
I grew up as an ethnic minority. As well, I grew up as a religious minority. And, if these two were not enough, I grew up as a sexual minority. I grew up not knowing what it is like to be one of the majority. Even within my own home, I was the “black sheep,” the non-conformist, the rebel, the vocal obstinate, … the sinner!
So, when I came to America, I had no idea just how much of an AmeriKKKa it really is. There is white supremacy *everywhere*, and whites take offense when you bluntly point this out to them. There is Christian supremacy *everywhere*, and Christians are just as offended as white people when you bluntly point this out to them. As well, for reasons I can’t fathom, the difference between demonstrable fact and demonstrable fiction is also an issue for many in America.
As a species, we are too given to cherishing fiction over fact, because it is more emotionally satisfying and less uncomfortable. But, being in that place of uncomfort is where we *need* to regularly be, if growth is going to happen. To my mind, it’s a real missed opportunity if you grow through life and still cling to the beliefs of your childhood. This is true, whether individually or as a society. This is where the minority’s voice is most precious and so important!
Because of my physical features, being in the United States gives me an automatic privilege of being in the majority. I get to pass as white, so long as I can keep my mouth shut! Everyone sees me as one of the majority, and so many find me delusional for not seeing *myself* this way – for saying that I am a minority. Because I am so up-front vocal about it online, I am perceived as being offensive (or so it appears to me that this is the reaction to me).
I understand, and I am not going to be offended by this. Maybe I’m tired of being surrounded by white people. Maybe I’m tired of being surrounded by Christians. (Both are the supremacist majority here in this nation, without question!) Maybe, for Jews, LGBTQ, and atheists, I am tired of seeing them surrounded by Muslims in the Middle East (the supremacist majority there!). Maybe I’m just tired at the moment, and so I’m sharper with my words, because of this.
That is no reason for a minority to shut up, though, for fear of offending the majority. The majority needs the minority’s voice – as a truth reflection. So, might I encourage, that if what I am saying is emotionally uncomfortable for you – is seemingly rude to you, and insensitive – that you ask yourself *why* you are so taken aback and offended by my words? I may get to live each day as a member of the privileged white class in this European America, but this doesn’t make me any different on the inside. I call all supremacists to account, regardless of color or religion. I speak for the minority – whose voice is *not* being heard!
Maybe my approach, at times, is all wrong. Maybe, in moments of stress, I may be deliberately obnoxious. Maybe I don’t know how to fit in with the majority around me, and am slow to learn. But, what I do know is that I’m tired of seeing the majority not give a real fuck about the minority, and working towards a fair and just compromise. A compromise that requires the majority to have to give up some its precious self-righteousness!
Now Carson may disagree with me on this, but we need those who are willing to be offensive and start a brouhaha for change! For near nothing of change gets done while we remain gilded to the status quo. Somebody has to hurt somebody’s feelings somewhere, or inner reflections won’t take place. The history of the United States, alone, has taught me that this is true! Maybe, as someone who has always felt as the outsider, this is what my words are all about. Maybe, for sometimes I’m not sure.
Okay, I’m done with my rant now. Thank you for reading and, hopefully, for listening.
Joseph Tsefanyahu Farkasdi
Otherwise known as (pen/profile name) Tsefan Josef
Despite what Hollywood shows would lead you to believe, most of Hawaii is *not* white. Only specific places are – the economic hubs of the islands. The places I was most familiar with was Kalihi, Waipahu, Waianae, and Hilo. I’ve never been to Kona side, Maui, or Kauai. I have visited Honolulu and North Shore side on occasions. Even lived for a couple of years in Aiea, and thought I was living the rich life there – mistakingly. Then, there is the street life period, probably the roughest period of my life. Sure landed me in jail enough. Only Hollywood Hawaii is so white and so English, the parts where all the white man’s money is at.
The rest of Hawaii is brown-skinned and non-English, and I was a lone bleach-blonde red head in a world of Filipinos, Samoans, Hawaiians, Koreans, Chinese, Japanese, and Portuguese. This is the world I knew in Hawaii. The kind of world where, if you got a ten year old Toyota, you called it brand new with pride. The kind of world where three generations of family all live together in a single family home. Maybe you’re getting the picture, now, from where my perspectives on the world originate. Hope it has been useful.