Hello, my Jewish family! How should I refer to myself? Should I share with you my Hebrew name? Or should I share with you my Colonial name? I guess,… Both! I am יוסף בן דוד וקרן ابن يهودا (אבן יהודה), also known as Joseph Tsefanyahu Farkasdi! And I am your חכם for as long as you see me as such.

To have a good understanding of how I view Judaism, our indigenous Judah people religion, I would like to share here some of my social media profile posts. Why do I choose this for an introduction into me? Because, the reason antisemitism continues to exist in this world is because the Jewish people have still yet to learn how to change/redirect the worldwide social narratives about us – that have been decided for us by Colonial Christianity, Colonial Islam and, now, Colonial Marxism. So, if you want to understand me, then understand my Judaism!


עברית عربي English


שלוש שפות. אחד יליד, שני קולוניאלי. אותה הודעה תמיד! כל פוסט. מצא את השפה שלך!


ثلاث لغات. واحد من السكان الأصليين ، واثنان من المستعمرات. دائما نفس الرسالة! كل منشور. ابحث عن لغتك!


Three languages. One Indigenous, two Colonial. Same message always! Every post. Look for your language!


The best preventive response to Colonial Arab-European antisemitic racism is a social vaccine shared often online:

הלו קולוניזר ערבי-אירופי לדומיניוניזם אללה-ישו-הנוצרי-מרקס על כל אדמות העמים הילידים. עדיין מדבר קורא וכותב כי ערבית קולוניאלית ואנגלית קולוניאלית? בסדר. יהודים ילידי יהודה ושומרון רואים אותך! מדברים עברית כנענית בארץ כנען!


مرحبا صديق عربي وصديق أوروبي. متعصب للإله الاستعماري والمسيح الاستعماري وماركس الاستعماري على أراضي جميع الشعوب الأصلية. لا تزال تتحدث وتقرأ وتكتب تلك اللغة العربية الاستعمارية والإنجليزية الاستعمارية؟ يهود يهودا والسامرة الأصليون يرونك! نتكلم الكنعانية العبرية في ارض كنعان!


Hello Colonial Arab-European for Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands. Still speaking reading writing that Colonial Arabic and Colonial English? Okay. We Jews Indigenous to Judea-Samaria see you! In the land of Canaan, we speak Canaanite Hebrew!


The ancient Jewish vision for Zion, the land of Israel, was *not* to be colonized for Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism upon our Indigenous Judean-Samarian land. The prophetic vision was and still is a self-sovereign Jewish nation upon Zion, the land of Israel, fulfilling the ethical democratic socialist laws of the scroll of D’varim! Israel, now decolonized since 1948, is fulfilling this Indigenous Judean people objective, so that the words in Tehillim are fulfilled:

“תְּהִלִּים פו ט כָּל־גּוֹיִ֚ם | אֲשֶׁ֥ר עָשִׂ֗יתָ יָב֚וֹאוּ וְיִשְׁתַּֽחֲו֣וּ לְפָנֶ֣יךָ אֲדֹנָ֑י וִ֖יכַבְּד֣וּ לִשְׁמֶֽךָ:

All nations that You made will come and prostrate themselves before You, O Lord, and glorify Your name.” … *Not* replace you with their Colonial “God,” “Lord,” or “Savior”! *Not* erase you with their occupation and rule over your Covenanted people’s land! But, come to the land of Israel from their lands to bow and prostrate themselves at the Jewish Temple Mount. *Not* build a Colonial Church or a Colonial Mosque on top of our Indigenous Judean Temple Mount to lay claim for Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism upon the land of YHWH! But, to visit and glorify the Name, YHWH, within the land of Israel.

If you can’t respect this Indigenous Judean right of self-sovereignty upon our decolonized Indigenous Judean land, then *you* are the antisemitic problem in this world! Yes, you stand *opposed* to YHWH, the Eloah of the Jews! So, please, Europeans and Arabs… Don’t פָלַשׁ falash into our Canaanite Hebrew speaking land to be a פְלִשְׁתִּי Felishti, a “Palestinian” – someone who “rolled in” to “settler-occupy” Jewish ancestral land – in order to refuse Jewish Zionism upon the land of Israel, in order to be a non-citizen political land-squatter for Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism upon our 1948 decolonized Indigenous Judean land!

Arabs and Europeans, you do *not* need to appropriate our Jewish ancestors and ancestral literatures (you had your own *before* you did this), you do *not* need to “graft” yourself in as “Jews” (who are not by Indigenous Judean halacha), and you do *not* need to replace us, assimilate us, oppress us, attempt to exterminate us, or rule over us Jews! The lack of respect that we have for you and show to you, Arab-European Colonizers for Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands, is because *you* Colonials show no respect to us – the Indigenous Peoples of these lands! Get this understood!

שחררו את דעתכם מהדומיניוניזם של אללה, ושחררו את עמכם מהקולוניאליזם!


حرر عقلك من سيادة الله ، وحرر شعبك من الاستعمار!


Free your mind from Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism, and free your people from Colonialism!


עברית عربي English


מבחן ילידים: מי מדבר, קורא וכותב עברית כנענית כשפת אם? העם היהודי! מי מדבר, קורא וכותב ערבית קולוניאלית? ערבים, מוסלמים ועבדיהם! מי מדבר, קורא וכותב אנגלית קולוניאלית, ספרדית קולוניאלית או צרפתית קולוניאלית? אירופאים, נוצרים ועבדיהם! מי תומך בדומיניוניזם הקולוניאלי של אללה-ישו-הנוצרי-מרקס על כל ארצות העמים הילידים? ערבים, מוסלמים, אירופאים, נוצרים, מרקסיסטים ועבדיהם! מי מדבר, קורא וכותב שפות ילידים? ילידים! מי מדבר, קורא וכותב עברית כנענית כשפת אם? העם היהודי!


اختبار السكان الأصليين: من يتكلم ويقرأ ويكتب الكنعانية العبرية كلغة أصلية؟ الشعب اليهودي! من يتكلم ويقرأ ويكتب اللغة العربية الاستعمارية؟ العرب والمسلمون وعبيدهم! من يتكلم ويقرأ ويكتب اللغة الإنجليزية الاستعمارية أم المستعمرة الإسبانية أم الفرنسية المستعمرة؟ الأوروبيون والمسيحيون وعبيدهم! من يدعم الله الاستعماري ، يسوع المسيح المستعمر ، وسيادة ماركس الاستعمارية على جميع أراضي السكان الأصليين؟ العرب والمسلمون والأوروبيون والمسيحيون والماركسيون وعبيدهم! من يتكلم ويقرأ ويكتب لغات السكان الأصليين؟ الشعب الأصلي! من يتكلم ويقرأ ويكتب الكنعانية العبرية كلغة أصلية؟ الشعب اليهودي!


Indigenous People test: Who speaks, reads, and writes Canaanite Hebrew as an Indigenous language? The Jewish people! Who speaks, reads, and writes Colonial Arabic? Arabs, Muslims, and their slaves! Who speaks, reads, and writes colonial English, colonial Spanish, or colonial French? Europeans, Christians, and their slaves! Who supports Colonial Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands? Arabs, Muslims, Europeans, Christians, Marxists, and their slaves! Who speaks, reads, and writes Indigenous languages? Indigenous Peoples! Who speaks, reads, and writes Canaanite Hebrew as an Indigenous language? The Jewish people!


עברית عربي English


(אתה) לא יהודי בשום מובן לגיטימי של המילה. ביי, עכשיו, התגייר! (דלת נטרקת על המסתנן הגזעני.) זה אמיתי, אנשים. אין דבר כזה “חצי יהודי” בעולם הזה! רק לא-יהודים מאמינים בכך ומנסים לפלג אותנו, למחוק אותנו, לעשות דה-לגיטימציה לעמנו שנולד ביהודה.


أنت لست يهوديًا بأي معنى مشروع للكلمة. وداعا أيها المرتد الآن! (يصطدم الباب بالمتسلل العنصري.) إنه حقيقي للجميع. لا يوجد شيء مثل “نصف يهودي” في هذا العالم! فقط أولئك غير اليهود يؤمنون بهذا ، ويحاولون تقسيمنا ، ومحو ونزع الشرعية عن شعب يهودا الأصلي.


You’re not Jewish by any legitimate sense of the word. Bye, now, proselyte! (Door slams on the racist infiltrator.) This is real, folks. There is no such thing as a “half Jew” in this world! Only those not Jewish believe this, and try to divide us, erase us, delegitimize our Indigenous Judean people.

The Jewish people are not a religion, like Christianity and Islam – anywhere on this planet! We are the Indigenous people of Israel with an ethno-religion.


עברית عربي English


כולכם לא מבינים! ששת מיליון היהודים שמגנים על יהודה מפני כיבוש (יחד עם 1.5 מיליון ערביי ישראל, דרוזים ובדואים) אינם מהווים איום על 1.7 מיליארד הערבים שרוצים לשלוט ביהודה. אם הערבים יפסיקו להילחם בישראל, האנטישמיות והרציחות יסתיימו. אם ישראל תפסיק להילחם בערבים פלסטינים, הריבונות הישראלית תסתיים.


أنت لا تفهم! الستة ملايين يهودي الذين يدافعون عن يهودا من الاحتلال (مع 1.5 مليون من العرب الإسرائيليين والدروز والبدو) لا يشكلون أي خطر على 1.7 مليار عربي يريدون حكم يهودا. إذا توقف العرب عن محاربة إسرائيل ، فإن معاداة السامية والقتل ستنتهي. إذا توقفت إسرائيل عن محاربة الفلسطينيين ، تنتهي السيادة الإسرائيلية.


You all do not understand! The six million Jews who defend Judea from occupation (along with 1.5 million Israeli Arab, Druze, and Bedouin citizens) pose no threat to the 1.7 billion Arabs who want to rule Judea. If Arabs stops fighting Israel, antisemitism and murders end. If Israel stops fighting “Palestinian” Arabs, Israeli sovereignty ends.

אם כל מה שאתה שומע הוא שקר אז אתה מאמין שזה נכון. הכחשת ההיסטוריה אינה משנה את ההיסטוריה. מניעת הוראת ההיסטוריה אינה משנה את ההיסטוריה. העם היהודי מעולם לא עזב את ארצנו! משפחות יהודיות רבות נותרו לאורך הכיבוש הערבי והאירופי של יהודה ושומרון. להגיד שיהודים עזבו את אדמתנו זה שקר ערבי ואירופאי גזעני!


إذا كان كل ما تسمعه هو كذب ، فأنت تعتقد أنه صحيح. إنكار التاريخ لا يغير التاريخ. إن منع الناس من تدريس التاريخ لا يغير التاريخ. لم يترك الشعب اليهودي أرضنا قط! أقامت العديد من العائلات اليهودية خلال كل احتلال عربي وأوروبي ليهودا والسامرة. القول بأن اليهود تركوا أرضنا كذبة عربية وأوروبية عنصرية!


If all you hear is a lie then you believe it to be true. Denying history does not change history. Preventing people from teaching history does not change history. The Jewish people never left our land! Many Jewish families stayed through every Arab and European occupation of Judea and Samaria. Saying that Jews left our land is a racist Arab and European lie!


עברית عربي English


היהדות מלמדת שמונותאיזם תמיד תואם אנימיזם! היהדות – דת בני יהודה – היא ההכרה היומיומית במודעות זו! “אין חומר פיזי, אין דברים. רק אלוהים מדבר. … אנו מתרגמים את המילה העברית דבר כ”דבר”, אבל המשמעות היא בעצם “מילה”. זה כל מה שיש לסלע, לעץ, לרוח, ליקום. “אלוהים דיבר וזה קרה.” מתי הוא דיבר? עכשיו.” כן, לסלעים יש נשמה. כך גם הצמחים. ואפילו דגים, ציפורים וכל חיי בעלי החיים. יש להם אותה נשמה שיש לנו בני האדם, לפי המסורת היהודית.


تعلم اليهودية أن التوحيد متوافق دائمًا مع الروحانية! اليهودية – دين أهل يهوذا – هي الاعتراف اليومي بهذا الوعي! “لا توجد مادة مادية ولا توجد أشياء. لا يوجد سوى الله يتحدث. … نترجم الكلمة العبرية “דבר” على أنها “شيء” ، لكنها في الحقيقة تعني “كلمة”. هذا كل ما في الصخرة ، والشجرة ، والريح ، والكون. “تكلم الله وحدث ذلك.” متى تكلم الله؟ في الحال.” نعم ، الصخور لها روح. وكذلك النباتات. حتى الأسماك والطيور وجميع أنواع الحياة الحيوانية. لديهم نفس الروح التي لدينا نحن البشر ، وفقًا للتقاليد اليهودية.


Judaism teaches that monotheism is always compatible with animism! Judaism – Judah people ethno-religion – is the very daily recognition of this awareness! “*There’s no matter, no stuff, no things. All there is is G‑d speaking.* … We translate the Hebrew davar as “thing,” but its actual meaning is “word.” That is all there is to a rock, a tree, a wind, a universe: “G‑d spoke and it came to be.” When did He speak? Just now.”(1) Yes, rocks have a soul. So, too, do the plants. And even fish, birds, and all animal life. They have the same soul that we humans have, according to Jewish tradition.

(1) See Tzvi Freeman, A Jewish Environmental Cosmology – Is All Life Sacred? Is All Natural Beauty Divine?, Chabad web site


עברית عربي English


יש רק מספר הסיפורים והסיפור ביהדות. זו התורה היהודית שלנו! לדוגמה: למה יש 70 נכדים של נח ואישה? כי יש 70 בנים של האל אל ושל האלה אשרה. לכל בן, לכל עם, ממשפחתו של נח, מוקצה בן האל אל לשלוט. העברית הכנענית שלנו לא מסתירה את הקשר הזה! אל, יהוה, שולט בישראל. אל, אשרה, שולט אדום. ו-70 האלים-ילדים שלהם – הפירוש המילולי של “אלוהים” בעברית כנענית – שולטים על 70 העמים-הילדים שנולדו ממשפחתם של נח ואישה!


لا يوجد سوى الراوي والقصة في اليهودية. هذه هي التوراة اليهودية لدينا! فمثلا: لماذا يوجد 70 من أحفاد نوح وزوجته؟ لأن هناك 70 ابنا للإله إيل والإلهة عشتار. من أجل كل ابن ، لكل أمة ، من عائلة نوح ، تم تعيين ابن الله ليحكم. عبريتنا الكنعانية لا تخفي هذه العلاقة! الله “אל-יהוה” يحكم إسرائيل. الله “אל-אשרה” يحكم ادوم. والأبناء السبعون لإلهة الله – المعنى الحرفي لكلمة “אלוהים” في اللغة العبرية الكنعانية – يحكمون 70 دولة من عائلة نوح وزوجته!


In Judaism, there is only the Storyteller and the story. This IS our Jewish Torah! For example: Why are there 70 grandsons of Noah and wife? Because there are 70 sons of gods El and Asherah. A son/nation of Noah’s family for every child of El to rule over. Our Canaanite Hebrew does not hide this relationship! El/YHWH rules Israel, El/Asherah rules Edom, and their 70 child gods – the literal meaning of “Elohim” in Canaanite Hebrew – that rule the 70 child nations birthed from the family of Noah and wife!(2)

(2) Note, the BCE Felishti/”Palestinians” did *not* make the list of nations. Why? Because they weren’t considered a nation even in this BCE period! Just like the present day “Palestinians” are not a nation, but “settler-occupiers” that *also* “rolled in” to occupy parts of the land of Israel. Like European Palestinians, like Arab Palestinians! But, the occupiers of Indigenous Peoples’ lands must *always* be right, at the oppression of the Indigenous Peoples. Or so they say, at our militarized resistance (we Jews wrote our stories into existence *first*, over 3,264 years earlier, with evidence in the ground itself to support throughout)!


عربي עברית English


اترك علم اللاهوت الخاص بك للحظة! أولئك الذين يقرؤون التوراة كما هي مكتوبة بالعبرية الكنعانية يعرفون أن التوراة هي معركة بين إلهين من أجل عقول شعب أصلي في بلاد الشام. بنو كنعان بنو اسرائيل. هذه هي التوراة في أعلى درجات الفهم! تسعل التوراة قصصًا متكررة تتكرر داخل نفسها. وكل قصة متشابكة بخبرة. لكن التوراة لا تسعل أبداً ، تخطئ. كل كلمة في التوراة موجودة لسبب وليست “لاهوتية”. هذا مفهوم حديث يقسم الناس إلى طوائف دينية وليست طوائف دينية. هذه هي العنصرية الأولى التي اخترعتها الديانات الاستعمارية الحديثة ، وهي غريبة تمامًا عن النظرة اليهودية الشرقية للعالم.


מי שקורא את התורה כפי שהיא כתובה בעברית כנענית יודע שהתורה היא קרב בין שני אלים על תודעת העם שנולד בלבנט. עם כנען עם ישראל. זוהי תורה ברמת ההבנה הגבוהה ביותר שלה! התורה משתעלת סיפורים שחוזרים על עצמם שחוזרים בתוך עצמם. וכל סיפור נארג במומחיות. אבל התורה אף פעם לא משתעלת, שוגה. כל מילה בתורה קיימת מסיבה כלשהי ואינה “תיאולוגית”. זהו מושג מודרני המחלק אנשים לכתות דתיות ולא דתיות. זוהי הגזענות הראשונה שהומצאה על ידי הדתות הקולוניאליות המודרניות, והיא זרה לחלוטין לתפיסת העולם היהודית המזרחית.


For those who read Torah on its own terms, as redacted in Canaanite Hebrew – without post-Medieval period Western religious perspective and theology applied to it, forced upon it – Torah is at its most highest level of understanding a battle between two “God”s for the nefesh, the body-minds, of a people Indigenous to the Levant, to Canaan, the people of Israel. The Torah coughs repetitious stories repeatedly, and expertly interwoven is each story – but the Torah does not cough, ever. Every word in Torah is there for a reason, and it’s not “theological.” That is a modern concept that divorces humans into religious and not religious camps, categorizations – the first racism invented by modern Colonial religions, and that is utterly foreign to the Eastern Jewish worldview.

Mizrahi and Sephardi Jews do not have a “Bible,” we have Torah and Nevi’im and Ketuvim and Talmud. Mizrahi and Sephardi Jews have our teaching, our stories, our laws, and no required theology of “belief.” Unless, you’re a post-12th century CE Moses ben Maimon disciple of Rabbinic Judaism, aka Maimonides. Torah does not teach us to “believe” in anything, rather to “love” the established relationship provided in Torah in the forms of stories and laws – and to know, by inculcation, that these are our stories and laws to embrace and wrestle with as an Indigenous Judean people. And there is an endless war going on in our Torah between two “God”s. What are their names?

It takes being an expert scribe, all of them experts, to write Torah so carefully and knowledgeably in a maintained “on the spectrum” kind of mindset, all to ensure that both Torah worldviews are preserved, but only one story is being said – the idealized goal for every reading. Thus, two warring “God”s become one challenging and hard to understand “God” of the evolving stories of the people of Israel. We know we are hearing everything twice and, often, in contradiction, but we each – each listener – arrives at a monolatrous conclusion on what we’ve heard chanted. So have you figured it out, yet? Who are the two “God”s, who are at war with each other in our Jewish Torah? No, it’s not Ba’al and YHWH, Western taught Jews. No, it’s not Jesus and Satan, Christians. Take that proselytizing appropriation elsewhere. Who then are the two “God”s forever at war in Torah?

The two “God”s are El, with his seventy children gods and goddesses, and YHWH, one of El’s child gods, the Levant land’s god-King. And the war in every moment of Torah reading is about whose narrative, whose version of the story, is going to be heard. The god El is a dictator! Lacking the emotional capacity to relate with his child creation, El dictates every scene and every act that must be performed by humans. There is nothing that comes about, from the making of the Ark to the hardened heart of a Pharaoh to the building of the Temple, that is not set into reality by the explicitly detailed recipe of El’s words. In contrast,… The god YHWH is violent! Often surprised by his creation, YHWH is lacking both awareness and reason. And emotionally YHWH flips between the extremes of love and hate. YHWH is a demandingly jealous god, but a mostly hands off kind of god. Only when saving his child creation does YHWH really get involved and, instead of telling humans what to do, YHWH just simply does it for the humans – as when he sewed clothes in the garden, sent Cain into the land of neighboring gods with a protective mark, or built and delivered an Ark with animals already supplied in order to survive a flood.

Our Jewish Torah is not a “Bible,” a book of preordained theology to “believe” in. That is what Christians and Muslims have, respectively, with their books. Our Jewish Torah is a neverending story about the Jewish people, who are directly formed from the soil of the Levant. By the land’s assigned god-King, YHWH, so the story informs us. We go from creation to completion and back into creation again, every year bringing to life our reality through the spoken – literally, chanted – stories of our Judean people. The end of the stories within Torah is just the transition into the beginning again, just as the last day of the year is just the transition into a new year. And every year we discover as listeners that the stories are just a bit different from the way we remembered them in the years prior. There is always more to learn and more to understand!

Cognitive dissonance is a glorious Torah staple! If Torah does not confound you and challenge your understanding (knowledge, wisdom, believed in perceptions) in life, then you are *not* actually reading Torah. You are trying to interpret it to fit a modern religious theology that appropriates from our Jewish Torah! The Jewish people do not have a “Bible,” we have Torah and Nevi’im and Ketuvim and Talmud – all written in the character script of our people’s Canaanite Hebrew. It is the worldview of an Indigenous language that informs each and every Indigenous people upon this planet Earth.

To illustrate this point even more clearly: I suggest that you read Malka Simkovich’s theTorah article that analyzes the Testament of Abraham. This is a beautiful article! Why? Because it teaches about a Pseudepigrapha that was written by a Jew, in the Hellenized Jewish world, that recognizes and embraces a uniquely Jewish creation: the war between two “God”s in our Torah for the conscious attention of the Jewish people. Not only does the Testament of Abraham reverse the character nature of “God” and of Abraham, but also draws our attention upon the differing character nature of the two deities that are fighting to control the Torah story narratives and their outcomes in Torah. What do I mean?

In Torah, Abraham represents the human need to challenge authority, for authority is often wielded without understanding of the victims’ experience. Abraham is also presented as willing to follow this kind of authority without questioning. Abraham displays awareness, wisdom, and compassion when boldly challenging YHWH’s violent desire to wield authority and kill everyone connected to Sodom and Gomorrah. Yet Abraham displays this same authoritarian lack of empathy towards his own son Isaac.

We see this same struggle between the “God”s of Torah, as they wrestle over the narrative and its outcome. For example, it was Elohim (high god El or, if the polytheistic view is applied, “the children of El”) that tested Abraham’s loyalty, by demanding that Abraham commit a child sacrifice using his son, Isaac. But, it was a messenger from YHWH (the Levant land’s god-King) that stopped this sacrifice from happening at the point of no return.

“[I]t seems that the author of The Testament of Abraham saw the characteristics of Abraham in the book of Genesis that are in tension with one another – his piety, his argumentativeness, his willingness to challenge God, and his concern for other human beings. Instead of selecting only the best traits and applying them to his character, the author of this book used Abraham’s negative traits to craft a story that would have appealed to readers in its humanizing portrayal of Abraham.”

So, it is with the scribes that expertly blended together the often contradicting versions of our Jewish stories into a Torah novel, that also utilizes the negative traits of Elohim (dictatorial, lacking emotion) and of YHWH (violently and, even, deadly emotional, but is quick to save, at times) to “craft a story” that has appealed to the Jewish people of Judea and Samaria for thousands of years.

One Additional Thought: Another example of this dichotomy between Western perspective upon Torah versus Eastern perspective is found with the laws of forbidden forms of sexuality. Homosexuality is not in the Torah list, full stop. But, modern history Western perspective upon Torah is so self-convinced that it is there, a discussion on this subject simply must not be openly had. The inconvenience of having to apologize for the last 800 years, and especially last 150 years, of violent Western homophobia spread around the world upon every continent and island of this planet is too much I guess. What do I mean?

The Vayikra laws state the following homogenital prohibitions (and zero others on its own terms): You, man, will not have sex with “your father,” with “your uncle,” and with “a male on the conjugal bed of your wife” (mish’k’vei ishah, “bed-for-two” of wife). mish’k’vei is an irregular plural noun that only exists in two places of Torah, once in Bereishit and once (repeated twice) in Vayikra. A noun related directly to a physical object cannot be a verb, without interpretation – without someone saying that the noun is meant to be understood as a verb euphemism in one case, and as the noun it is in the other case. Torah itself does *not* say this!

So, answer this, please: Who and when decided that this irregular plural noun, mish’k’vei should be understood *euphemistically* in the scroll Vayikra, but should be understood literally as the noun it is in Bereishit? And, why are so many shomer halacha Jews so readily oppressing homosexual Jews with this later invented *interpretation* (“prohibits homosexuality between males”) of the Vayikra 18:22 and 20:13 repeated mitzvah (which says, “man no lie with male [on] conjugal-bed of wife”)?


עברית عربي English


הנה תוכנית ה”קולוניזציה” הציונית הנוראה – כפי שבאה לידי ביטוי באוכלוסייה האשכנזית, הספרדית והמזרחית של האימפריה העות’מאנית:


“הקריאה לקבל אזרחות עות’מאנית אין פירושה התבוללות… מה המשמעות של המושג עות’מאני?… זה מונח פוליטי, לא יותר מזה… יהודים, בואו נהיה עות’מאנים! היו נתינים של האימפריה העות’מאנית, כדי שתוכל להיות עברי בארץ אבותיך.” – אליעזר בן-יהודה, 1908 בירושלים, אשכנז.


“המולדת שלנו חזרה ללידה מחדש… העם היהודי, תושבי טורקיה, ישאף באמצעות החירויות שניתנו לנו להביא את כל הטוב והמועיל למולדתנו… קדימה, אחים. קצת כוח והכל בר ביצוע. להציל את כבודנו [היהודי] מעל הכל!” – אברהם אלמליח, 1908 בירושלים, ספרדים ומזרחים.


מה השתנה? הערבים פלשו! הכיבוש הערבי של המזרח התיכון נתמך על ידי הבריטים והצרפתים. הכיבוש הצבאי של ארץ ישראל על ידי הבריטים והערבים לאחר מלחמת העולם הראשונה! זה מה שהשתנה. עובדות היסטוריות שניתן לאימות בקלות באמת חשובות, אנשים!


בין אם מדובר על פולשים וכובשי אירופה של ארץ ישראל ובין אם מדובר על פולשים וכובשי ארץ ישראל ערבים: “למען חופש ישראל” הוא המוטו הציוני בכל דור ודור של יהודים בארץ ישראל!


إليكم المخطط الصهيوني المروع “للاستعمار” – كما يتجلى في السكان الأشكناز والسفارديم والمزراحي في الإمبراطورية العثمانية:


“الدعوة لقبول الجنسية العثمانية لا تعني الانصهار… ما معنى مصطلح العثماني؟… إنه ليس أكثر من مصطلح سياسي… يا يهود فلنكن عثمانيين! كن من رعايا الإمبراطورية العثمانية ، لتكون عبريًا في أرض أجدادك.” – اليعازر بن يهودا ، 1908 في القدس ، أشكنازي.


“لقد ولدت بلادنا من جديد… إن الشعب اليهودي ، سكان تركيا ، سوف يجاهدون من خلال الحريات التي أعطيناها لجلب كل ما هو جيد ومفيد إلى وطننا… فكروا في المستقبل أيها الإخوة. القليل من القوة ويمكن تحقيق كل شيء. لإنقاذ شرفنا [اليهودي] قبل كل شيء!” – ابراهام الماليش ، 1908 في القدس ، السفاردي والمزراحي.


ما الذي تغير؟ العرب غزوا! تم دعم الفتح العربي للشرق الأوسط من قبل البريطانيين والفرنسيين. الاحتلال العسكري لأرض إسرائيل من قبل البريطانيين والعرب بعد الحرب العالمية الأولى! هذا ما تغير. الحقائق التاريخية التي يمكن التحقق منها بسهولة مهمة حقًا!


سواء كنا نتحدث عن الفاتحين الأوروبيين لأرض إسرائيل أو عما إذا كنا نتحدث عن الفاتحين العرب لأرض إسرائيل: “من أجل حرية إسرائيل” هو الشعار الصهيوني في كل جيل من اليهود في أرض إسرائيل!


Here is the dreadful 19th century CE Zionist “colonization” plan – as expressed and manifested by the Ottoman empire’s Ashkenazi and Sephardi-Mizrahi Jewish population:

“The call to accept Ottoman citizenship does not mean assimilation… What is the meaning of the term Ottoman?… It is a political term, no more… Jews, be Ottoman! Be the subjects of the Ottoman Empire, so you can be Hebrew in the land of your forefathers.” – Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, 1908 in Jerusalem, journalist and influential Ashkenazi Zionist, born in Luzhki Russia, Editor of ha’Tsvi newspaper, Jerusalem.

“Our homeland has returned to rebirth… the Jewish people, residents of Turkey, will endeavor through the freedoms given to us to bring closer all that is good and useful for our homeland… Forward, brothers, a little bit of force and everything can be accomplished. In order to save our [Jewish] honor before everything!” – Avraham Elmaliach, 1908, journalist and influential Sephardi-Mizrahi Zionist, born in Jerusalem, founder of Herut (“Freedom”) newspaper, editor between 1914 and 1919, this newspaper became the official newspaper of the Irgun freedom fighters for the liberation of Israel from British-Egyptian occupation.

What changed? The Arabs invaded! They did so fearing that Jews would seek to reestablish national self-“sovereignty” upon “the land of Judah.” And their fresh Arab occupations of the entire Middle East were directly supported by both the British and the French. Most specifically, it was the militarized occupation of the land of Israel by the British and Arabs after World War 1 that turned MENA Jewish Zionism into nationalist Jewish Zionism! That’s what changed. Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter, folks!

Whether we are talking about *European* invaders and conquerors of the Land of Israel or whether we are talking about *Arab* invaders and conquerors of the Land of Israel: “For the freedom of Israel” is the Zionist motto in every generation of Jews in the Land of Israel! So,…

When antisemites comment online and in person to demonize “Zionism” and “Zionists,” *remind* them of this history that they refuse to share with the world! Zionism is Jewish decolonization and self-sovereignty upon our ancestral land, the land of Israel, Judea-Samaria! If you hate Zionism, then you hate the Jewish people, full stop!


עברית عربي English


העם היהודי מדבר בנאמנות את העברית הכנענית שלנו כבר 3,300 שנה. אנחנו השבט הכנעני היחיד שנותר שעדיין מדבר בשפה העברית הכנענית שלנו עד היום. אנו עדיין שומרים את שמות האלים הכנעניים שלנו בספרות הקודש של אבותינו. ואנו שומרים על נוכחותנו הנאמנה על אדמת כנען/ישראל כדי להבטיח את מילוי חובות הקרקע השנתיות. משפחות יהודיות שנולדו במזרח התיכון הן שהחזירו את ארץ ישראל לריבונות חקלאית ומים עבור העם היהודי בשנות ה-80 של המאה ה-19. זו הסיבה שבשנים 1920 עד 1940, בזמן הכיבוש הבריטי, הגיעו המוני ערבים ליהודה-שומרון כדי לתבוע את אדמת יהודה שלנו כאדמה “ערבית”. מתנחלים קולוניאליים דוברי ערבית בגדה המערבית ובעזה הם שהקימו את KGB-PLO ב-1964. הם כוח כיבוש ערבי ארוך טווח, הנקרא “עם פלסטיני”, על אדמת ישראל שלנו.


لقد تحدث الشعب اليهودي بأمانة بلغتنا الكنعانية العبرية لمدة 3300 عام. نحن القبيلة الكنعانية الوحيدة المتبقية التي لا تزال تتحدث لغتنا الكنعانية العبرية حتى يومنا هذا. ما زلنا نحتفظ بأسماء آلهتنا الكنعانية في الأدب المقدس لأسلافنا. نحافظ على حضورنا الأمين في أرض كنعان / إسرائيل لضمان الوفاء بالتزامات الأرض السنوية. كانت العائلات اليهودية التي ولدت في الشرق الأوسط هي التي أعادت أرض إسرائيل إلى السيادة الزراعية والمائية للشعب اليهودي في ثمانينيات القرن التاسع عشر. لهذا السبب ، في السنوات 1920-1940 ، أثناء الاحتلال البريطاني ، أتت جموع من العرب إلى يهودا والسامرة للمطالبة بأرضنا اليهودية على أنها “عربية”. كان المستوطنون الاستعماريون الناطقون بالعربية في الضفة الغربية وغزة هم من أسسوا KGB-PLO في عام 1964. إنهم قوة احتلال عربية طويلة الأمد ، يسمون أنفسهم “الشعب الفلسطيني” على أرضنا الإسرائيلية.


The Jewish people have been faithfully speaking our Canaanite Hebrew for 3,300 years. We are the only Canaan tribe remaining that still speaks our Canaanite Hebrew language to this day. We still keep our Canaanite god names in our sacred ancestral literatures, and we keep our presence faithfully upon the land of Canaan/Israel to ensure the yearly land obligations are fulfilled.

It was MENA Jewish families that restored the land of Israel to agricultural and waters sovereignty for the Jewish people in the 1880s. This is why Arabs flooded into Judea-Samaria in the 1920s-40s during British occupation to lay claim to our Judean land as “Arab” land. It was Arabic-speaking colonial settlers in the West Bank and Gaza who founded the PLO in 1964 with the help of USSR. They are a long term Arab occupation force, self-named the “Palestinian people”, on our 1948 decolonized Indigenous Judean land.(1)

agriculture and waters sovereignty

(1) – Anti-Zionist racism seeks to tokenize or *outright erase* MENA Jewish history, beliefs, and Zionist aspirations in the Colonial Arab-European social media realms! Our Ottoman period MENA Jewish land and waters sovereignty projects are erased, the British occupier’s recognition in 1918 that Zionism already exists in “Palestine” erased, our Sephardi-Mizrahi-Ashkenazi “Fighters for the Freedom of Israel” paramilitaries (British labelled “terrorist” groups) who fought the post-WWI British-Arab occupiers of Judea-Samaria (only foreigners, non-indigenous, call it “Palestine”) erased, the ethnic cleansing of the Jewish people from Arab occupied Middle East and North African nations erased, and our present MENA Jewish majority in Israel erased. Judaism, Judea-people-ism, is *not* just a mere racist colonizing religion like Islam and Christianity! The Jewish people are the Indigenous People of the land of Israel, always have been and always will be, with an ethno-religion that informs our Indigenous identity as a people.


עברית عربي English


רוב האוכלוסייה היהודית בישראל הן משפחות יהודיות ספרדיות ומזרחיות, ואנו קובעים את תוצאות הבחירות של ממשלתנו בארץ ישראל. יחד עם אזרחי ישראל הערבים, הדרוזים והבדווים המשתתפים בישראל. לנו היהודים הישראלים ולערביי ישראל, הדרוזים והבדווים אזרחי ישראל אין רצון לחזור להיות ה”דימי” של ממשלה קולוניאלית איסלמית-מרקסיסטית! … מדוע יש צורך שעם ישראל יהיה אנטי-קולוניאלי בנחישות ביחסנו כלפי העולם הקולוניאלי הערבי והאירופי הזה? מדוע עקשנות כזו ילידת יהודה? כל אחד?


غالبية السكان اليهود في إسرائيل من السفارديم والمزراحي ، ونحن نحدد نتائج انتخابات حكومتنا في أرض إسرائيل. بالإضافة إلى المواطنين العرب والدروز والبدو المشاركين في إسرائيل. نحن يهود إسرائيل وعرب إسرائيل والدروز والبدو مواطني إسرائيل لا نريد العودة إلى إرهاب الحكومة الاستعمارية الإسلامية الماركسية! … لماذا من الضروري أن يقف شعب إسرائيل بحزم ضد الاستعمار في موقفنا اليهودي الأصلي تجاه هذا العالم العربي والأوروبي المستعمر؟ أي واحد؟


The majority Jewish population of Israel is MENA Jewish (Sephardi and Mizrahi Jewish families), and *we* decide our government’s election outcomes in the land of Israel. Along with our participating Israeli Arab, Druze, and Bedouin citizens of Israel. We Israeli Jews and Israeli Arabs, Druze, and Bedouin citizens of Israel have *NO* desire to return to being the dhimmi of an Islamic-Marxist Colonial government! … Why is it necessary for the people of Israel to be resolutely anti-Colonial in our Indigenous Judean attitude about this Arab and European colonized world? Anyone?

Note: The United States votes repeatedly to sustain white Colonial supremacy upon a stolen land for Christ and kings. The decolonized nation of Israel votes for the survival of the Jewish people upon the land of our ancestors. Without paying attention to this specifically stark detail, you’d think that the two nations are Colonial alike in their governments – courtesy of decades-long propaganda campaigns by Marxist Russia, targeting Arabs and Europeans for indoctrination. Wrong! The people of Israel have *always* been resolutely anti-Colonial and, hence, why we are the most hated, demonized, and lied about Indigenous people upon this planet Earth – since our 1948 decolonization (as if we weren’t such before decolonization)!

Post Note: And, here begins the laments of “secular” Jews, even many colonized USA Jews, and the Jew’canos (Jews for an Allah-Christ-Marx Colonialist-styled government upon Indigenous Peoples’ lands).

First, the “West Bank” and Gaza are *Arab* occupied parts of our 1948 decolonized Indigenous Judean land. These “Palestinians” are there as a 1964 KGB-PLO created “Palestinian people” Arab long-term settler-occupation force upon these parts of Israel, having failed their bids to conquer all of Israel post-1948.

Second, the majority of Israel is MENA Jewish, whose ancestors were ethnically cleansed from surrounding Arab nations. The Arab long-term settler-occupation force upon Judea-Samaria is meant to remind us of our dhimmi place in the mindset of Islamic culture.

Third, the USA votes to maintain white supremacist culture on stolen lands, and the Israeli people vote to preserve Jewish indigenous culture on Jewish ancestral land. What is good for the USA is bad for Israel!

في غضون ذلك ، نحن يهود يهودا والسامرة نشق طريقنا مع العالم العربي المستعمر!




עברית عربي English


אנשי וומפנואג של פלימות’ עשו טעות חמורה כשהצילו את המתיישבים הקולוניאליים הנוצרים האירופים מרעב ואפשרו להם להישאר על אדמת וומפנואג. כמו כן, העם היהודי עשה את אותה טעות ב-1967, בכך שאיפשר למתנחלים-כובשים ערבים להישאר על אדמת יהודה! זה היה טיפשי מצד העם הישראלי לחשוב שמתנחלים ערבים של אדמות עמים ילידים ישקלו אי פעם ברצינות הסדר שלום. אפילו בהצעת חלקי יהודה ושומרון שהוחזרו לעם היהודי ב-1967, שנגנבו ב-1948 על ידי ירדן ומצרים, כהצעה הישראלית! עבור הצעה זו, אנו שורדים אינסוף אלימות אנטי-ציונית ערבית-אירופית וכיבוש-מתנחלים שנה אחר שנה. הכל למען התקווה לשלום שנעשה עם העולם הקולוניאלי הערבי הגדול יותר, במקום זאת.


ارتكب شعب وامبانواغ في بليموث الخطأ الفادح المتمثل في إنقاذ المستوطنين الأوروبيين المسيحيين الاستعماريين من الجوع والسماح لهم بالبقاء في أرض وامبانواغ. وبالمثل ، فإن الشعب اليهودي قد ارتكب نفس الخطأ عام 1967 عندما سمح للمستوطنين العرب المحتلين بالبقاء في أرض يهودا! لقد كان من الحماقة أن يعتقد الشعب الإسرائيلي أن المستعمرين العرب لأراضي السكان الأصليين سوف يفكرون بجدية في تسوية سلمية. حتى عرض أجزاء من يهودا والسامرة التي أعيدت للشعب اليهودي عام 1967 ، والتي سرقها الأردن ومصر عام 1948 ، كعرض إسرائيلي! بسبب عرض الأرض مقابل السلام هذا ، نعيش بلا نهاية للعنف العربي الأوروبي ضد الصهيونية واحتلال المستوطنين عاما بعد عام. كل هذا من أجل أمل السلام الذي تم التوصل إليه مع العالم العربي الاستعماري الأكبر بدلاً من ذلك.


Had the Jewish people of the Levant – what Jews call the “land of Israel,” and what foreigners call “Palestine” – *not done* the right thing – by fighting the British-Arab occupiers off of our land and forcibly decolonizing in 1948 – then there would have been no self-sovereign nation of Israel for the last 74 years. Likewise, had the Jewish people of Israel only *done* the right thing back in 1967 – by not only reclaiming decolonized Indigenous Judean land that was stolen by Jordan and Egypt post-1948 (“West Bank” and Gaza), but by forcibly removing their political settler-occupiers off of our reclaimed Indigenous Judean land – then these Jordanian citizens would not have been used by the KGB-PLO alliance (USSR-Jordan-Egyptian alliance) as a long-term Arab “Palestinian” settler-occupation force upon Judea-Samaria, all to cause a rise in worldwide antisemitism over the last 55 years.

The first Israeli choice upon the land of Israel was wise, and the second choice has been deadly and costly for the Jewish people since! So, yes, we can blame Israel for the “Palestinian” Arab occupation of the land of Israel, the part that Jordan named the “West Bank” during their post-1948 land-grab and the Gaza part that Egypt land-grabbed.

Had only the Jewish people not made the same mistake as the Wampanoag people did, when they saved the European Christian Colonial settlers of Plymouth from starvation! If only the Wampanoag had chased them European settler-occupiers off of Indigenous Wampanoag land, and if only the Israelis had chased them Arab settler-occupiers off of our restored Judean-Samarian land! Had the Wampanoag people done the right thing, they would not have their annual day of gathering together as a people, to lament their mistake in saving the European settler-occupiers. Likewise, it was foolish of the Israeli people to ever think that Arab Colonizers of Indigenous Peoples’ lands would ever seriously consider a peace arrangement, with part of decolonized Indigenous Judean land as the Israeli offer! Thus, instead, we survive endless Arab-European anti-Zionist violence and settler-occupation for the hope of peace, to be established eventually with the greater Arab Colonial world, instead. Zionism is and always will be Jewish sovereignty upon Jewish ancestral land!

Note: Archived records in the USA show clearly that after the settler-occupying European “Americans” lost their Civil War to continue violently oppressing minorities upon Indigenous Peoples’ lands, being the supremacist majority, they rewrote their history to glorify their benevolence and to erase the real reason that they lost control of their colonized world – the rebellious enslaved blacks and their few northern white allies.

Likewise, archived records in the Middle East show clearly that after the settler-occupying Arab “Palestinians” lost their “Civil War” to continue violently oppressing the minority of the Levant land, the indigenous Jewish families of the Levant and Southwest Asia, being formerly the supremacist majority, they rewrote their history to glorify their Arab benevolence and to erase the real reason that they lost control of their colonized world – the rebellious anti-Colonial Jewish dhimmi (sub-class “infidels”), who spent decades restoring our land and waters sovereignty upon Judea-Samaria, our ancestral land, in preparation for Zionism (restored self-sovereignty).

The lesson in both of these historical accounts is this: After losing control of their world, in fear of retribution for their sins against minority/indigenous humanity and in hatred for history’s decision that they must change, the leaders of both the European “American” and the Arab “Palestinian” peoples decided to outright lie to themselves as to what this regional history actually is. This is why *both* white “Americans” and Arab “Palestinians” are raised generation after generation, since their failed supremacy, to believe in a fictional history about themselves. And no amount of factual contrary evidence is enough for most of them, for they cannot be wrong!

To this day, both celebrate publicly their fictitious accounts of history and wave their supremacist flags proudly. But, thankfully, there is hope for the minority/Indigenous in these European-Arab colonized worlds! There are “American” land-squatters who do understand their tragic racist history upon the land, and try to teach it to other “Americans.” And, likewise, there are “Palestinian” land-squatters who do understand their tragic racist history upon the land, and try to teach it to other “Palestinians.” Sadly, because of cultural differences between these two Colonizers of Indigenous Peoples’ lands for Christ-Allah and kings-caliphates, the threat of violent danger to openly and publicly teaching the historical truth is far more deadlier for the “Palestinian,” than for the “American.”


עברית عربي English


מצווה קדושה היא לדבר בשפת אבותינו, העברית הכנענית שלנו. מצווה קדושה לעבוד את ארץ ישראל. מצווה קדושה היא לקיים על הארץ את אותם טקסים שאפשר לקיים רק על הארץ, מצוות ארץ ישראל. מצווה קדושה היא להגן על הארץ מפני פולשים שרוצים להגביל את ריבונותנו הילידים על ארץ ישראל. זוהי מצוות תורה מקודשת להבטיח שהריבונות תישמר באמצעות צדק חברתי לכל היהודים הילידים ולכל אזרחינו המיושבים. לכל אזרחי ישראל! זו הציונות הדתית של כל דור של יהודים. גם אותם יהודים החיים על אדמת ישראל וגם אותם יהודים שנאלצו להיכנס לפזורה של המושבות הערביות והאירופיות ברחבי העולם. השפה, התורה והריבונות על הארץ הם בלב מה זה אומר להיות יהודי!


إنه التزام مقدس أن نتحدث بلغة أسلافنا الكنعانية العبرية. فلاحة ارض اسرائيل واجب مقدس. إنه واجب مقدس لأداء تلك الطقوس التي لا يمكن أداؤها إلا في أرض إسرائيل. الدفاع عن الارض من المحتلين واجب مقدس. من أولئك الذين يرغبون في الحد من سيادتنا الأصلية على أرض إسرائيل. إنه التزام مقدس بالتوراة لضمان الحفاظ على السيادة من خلال العدالة الاجتماعية لجميع اليهود الأصليين وجميع مواطنينا المستقرين. لكل من هم مواطنون إسرائيليون! هذه صهيونية دينية لكل جيل من اليهود. هؤلاء اليهود الذين يعيشون في أرض إسرائيل وأولئك اليهود الذين أجبروا على الهجرة إلى الشتات في العالم. اللغة والتوراة والسيادة على الأرض هي في صميم معنى أن تكون يهوديًا!


It is a sacred obligation, a mitzvah, to speak the language of our ancestors, our Canaanite Hebrew. It is a sacred obligation, a mitzvah, to cultivate the land, eretz Yisrael. It is a sacred obligation, a mitzvah, to fulfill upon the land those rituals that can only be performed upon the land, the mitzvot eretz Yisrael. It is a sacred obligation, a mitzvah, to defend the land from occupiers who wish to limit our Indigenous sovereignty upon the land, upon eretz Yisrael. It is a sacred obligation, by Torah mitzvot, to ensure that sovereignty is maintained through social justice for all Indigenous Jews and all our settled citizens, all who are Israeli citizens.

This is the religious Zionism of every generation of Jews, both those Jews living upon the land of Israel and those Jews forced into the worldwide Arab and European colonized Diasporas. Language, Torah, and sovereignty upon the land is the heart of what it means to be Jewish! And, by fulfilling our religious Zionism, this is how the Jewish people become a “light unto” all the other colonized and occupied Indigenous “nations” upon this world! There is not one prophetic text in our Jewish ancestral literatures that says the Jewish people must be a light unto the Colonial occupiers of Indigenous Peoples’ lands (whether they are European or Arab or another Felishti), but Torah does teach that it is an obligation upon religious Jews to fulfill our religious Zionism.

For those who say that secular Zionism is not the same as religious Zionism, consider this question: How is it that secular, even atheist Jews, have been equally resolutely willing to fulfill the Jewish act of Zionism – Jewish decolonization and self-sovereignty upon the land of Israel – if not for the inherited Jewish spark within their hearts? Regardless their words, their act is a mitzvah, a fulfilled Indigenous religious obligation. Judaism, Judea-people-ism, does not teach that we must “believe” in something, that apostasy is for Colonial religions to teach! Judaism teaches – more, inculcates – that we must “*love*” the role of being the “chosen” people born of this Levant soil, a people who must fulfill the mitzvot, the obligations of the land. How do we show this “love”? We act to fulfill a mitzvah, whether utterly secular or devoutly religious about it!

“Zionism was not merely a political movement by secular Jews. It was actually a tool of God to promote His divine scheme, and to initiate the return of the Jews to their homeland – the land He promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. God wants the children of Israel to return to their home in order to establish a Jewish sovereign state in which Jews could live according to the laws of Torah and Halakha, and commit the Mitzvot of Eretz Israel (these are religious commandments which can be performed only in the Land of Israel). Moreover, to cultivate the Land of Israel was a Mitzvah by itself, and it should be carried out. Therefore, settling Israel is an obligation of the religious Jews, and helping Zionism is actually following God’s will.

Secular Zionists may think they do it for political, national, or socialist reasons, but in fact – the actual reason for them coming to resettle in Israel is a religious Jewish spark (“Nitzotz”) in their soul, planted by God. Without their knowledge, they are contributing to the divine scheme and actually committing a great Mitzvah. The role of religious Zionists is to help them to establish a Jewish state and turn the religious spark in them into a great light. They should show them that the real source of Zionism and the longed-for Zion is Judaism and teach them Torah with love and kindness. In the end, they will understand that the laws of Torah are the key to true harmony and a socialist state (not in the Marxist meaning) that will be a light for the nations and bring salvation to the world.” – Rabbi Abraham Yitzchak Kook, 1865 – 1935 CE

Zionism is a sacred Indigenous Judean land obligation, and it is a must for every native Jew! Whether secular or religious, this does *not* matter! As the vassaled people of YHWH, this land’s god-King, *or* as the Indigenous People of this Judean-Samarian land, we are *obligated* to be sovereign upon the land and to fulfill our sacred obligations to the land and the people of Israel. Not just for our sake, but for the survival of *every* Indigenous nation still surviving Colonialism – aka, colonization – in this Gregorian 21st century CE!


عربي English עברית


العرب المحتلون لأرض إسرائيل ، أنتم تتحدثون اللغة العربية المستعمرة على أرضنا وتسمون نفسك بالسكان الأصليين. يهود يهودا والسامرة يتكلمون ويقرأون ويكتبون لغتنا الأم ، الكنعانية العبرية. أرض إسرائيل محتلة من قبل المستعمرين العرب الذين يرفضون أن يكونوا مواطنين في إسرائيل!


Arab occupiers of the land of Israel, you speak the Colonial Arabic language upon our land and call yourself indigenous. The Jewish people of Judea and Samaria speak, read, and write the Canaanite Hebrew of our indigenous Judean nation. The land of Israel is occupied by Arabic speaking Colonizers who refuse to be citizens of Israel!

ערבים כובשים את ארץ ישראל, אתם מדברים את השפה הערבית הקולוניאלית על אדמתנו וקוראים לעצמכם ילידים. העם היהודי ביהודה ושומרון מדבר, קורא וכותב את העברית הכנענית של מולדתנו. ארץ ישראל נכבשת על ידי מתנחלים דוברי ערבית המסרבים להיות אזרחי ישראל!


What is in an Indigenous language? Just ask the Kurds, Druze, Jews, Assyrians, Persians, Armenians, Hindus, Amazigh, Tuareg, Woodaabè, Toubou, San, Sámi, Pueblo, Navajo, Coahuiltecans, Lakota, Cherokee, Wampanoag, Cree, Māori, Lāhui, etc!


عربي עברית English


هذا عنصري: إنهم يجبروننا على الخروج من أرض أجدادنا ، لأن ذلك يفيد الغازي. لقد اضطهدونا قانونًا على أرضنا. لماذا ا؟ لأنه يفيد الغازي. الغزاة يطالبون بأرضنا! إذا لم نعتنق دين وعرق الغزاة؟ نحن مستعبدون وسجنون ومنفصلون عن المجتمع الاستعماري. نتعرض للإذلال والكذب والقتل حتى نخضع. أطفالنا يرسلون إلى مدارس إعادة التأهيل! لقد تعلمنا البقاء على قيد الحياة من خلال الانحناء لظالمنا! حتى دين الغزاة! لقد تم القضاء علينا تاريخيا من هذا العالم. لكننا ما زلنا موجودين كشعب أصلي. يعرف الغازي من نحن لأننا موجودون. يخبرنا الغازي من نحن. ونتفق بصراحة ، إذا أردنا أن نعيش بسلام! أول ضحايا العنصرية هم الشعب اليهودي في يهودا والسامرة. بدأت العنصرية مع المسيحية والإسلام! الغزاة الأوروبيون والغزاة العرب قرروا ذلك لنا! لإنهاء العنصرية ، يجب أن ننهي معاداة السامية في هذا العالم. هل سمعتني؟!


זו גזענות: הם מכריחים לצאת מארץ אבותינו, כי זה מועיל לפולש. הם דיכאו אותנו באופן חוקי על אדמתנו. למה? כי זה מועיל לפולש. הפולשים תובעים את אדמתנו! אם לא נמיר את דתו ומוצאו של הפולש? משועבדים, נשלחים לכלא, ומופרדים מהחברה הקולוניאלית. מושפלים, משקרים לנו ונרצחים עד שנכנעים. הילדים שלנו נשלחים לבתי ספר לחינוך מחדש! מלמדים אותנו לשרוד על ידי קידה בפני המדכא שלנו! אפילו לדת הפולש! נמחקים היסטורית בעולם הזה. אבל עדיין קיימים כעם ילידים. והפולש מגדיר אותנו, כי קיימים. הפולש אומר לנו מי אנחנו. ומסכימים בפומבי, אם רוצים לשרוד בשלום! הנפגעים הראשונים של הגזענות הם העם היהודי ביהודה ושומרון. הגזענות החלה בנצרות ובאיסלאם! גם הפולשים האירופים וגם הפולשים הערבים החליטו את זה בשבילנו! כדי לשים קץ לגזענות, עלינו לשים קץ לאנטישמיות בעולם הזה. האם שמעת אותי?!


This is racism: We are forcibly removed from our ancestral land, because it benefits an invader. We are legally oppressed upon our land. Why? Because it benefits an invader. Our land is claimed by the invaders! If we do not “convert” to the invader’s “religion” and “ethnicity”? We are enslaved, sent to prison, and we are segregated from Colonial society. We are humiliated, lied about, and murdered until we submit. Our children are sent to reeducation schools! We are taught to survive by bowing to our oppressor! Even to our oppressor’s religion! We are historically erased in this world. But we still exist as an Indigenous people. And the invader defines us, because we exist. The invader tells us who we are. And we agree publicly, if we want to survive in peace! The first victims of racism are the Jewish people of Judea and Samaria. Racism began with Christianity and Islam! Both the European and Arab invaders have decided this! To end racism, we must end antisemitism in this world. Did you hear me?!


عربي עברית English


كيف تحب قريبك كنفسك؟ أنت لا تحتل أراضي السكان الأصليين وتعلن أن السكان الأصليين هم “كفار” و “متوحشون” يجب إنقاذهم. ماذا لو فعل أسلافك هذا؟ أنت لا تصنع التاريخ لتبرير احتلالك للمستوطنين وتمنع تدريس تاريخ السكان الأصليين. فمثلا: المستوطنون العرب الفلسطينيون على أرض يهودا الأصلية. والمستوطنين الأوروبيين على أراضي الأمريكيين الأصليين.


كيف تحب قريبك كنفسك؟ أنت تعامل كل مواطن في أمتك على قدم المساواة أمام القانون وفي الفرص الاجتماعية. كلا المولودين المحليين والأجانب. لا توجد تفضيلات على أساس العرق أو لون البشرة أو اللغة الأم أو الدين. أنت تسمح لغير المواطنين الذين يزورون الأماكن الآمنة بالتعبير السلمي عن طرقهم الأجنبية الموروثة. ما دامت هذه الأساليب لا تضر بأساليب السكان الأصليين! أنت لا تعظ أبدا!


كيف تحب قريبك كنفسك؟ أنت تصحح الأكاذيب التي قيلت بسرعة بأمانة لا هوادة فيها! أنت تسمح للأقليات بصوت في المجتمع. أنت تتحدث باسم تجارب الأقلية. أنت تتعلم وتتحدث نيابة عن أولئك الذين لا يستطيعون التعبير عن أنفسهم. أنت تشجع مشاركة الأقليات على جميع مستويات المجتمع! إذا حدث الاستعمار ، فأنت تعطي الأولوية لروايات السكان الأصليين في البيئات المستعمرة. أنت لا تحاول أبدا أن تعظ!


איך אוהב את רעך כמו עצמך? לא כובש את אדמות הילידים ומצהיר שהילידים הם “כופרים” ו”פראים” שיש להצילם. מה אם אבותיך עשו זאת? לא עושה היסטוריה כדי להצדיק את הכיבוש שלך במתיישבים ולמנוע מהילידים ללמוד את ההיסטוריה שלהם. לדוגמה: מתנחלים ערבים פלסטינים במולדת יהודה. ומתיישבים מאירופה על אדמת אינדיאנים אמריקאים.


איך אוהב את רעך כמו עצמך? מתייחס לכל אזרח במדינתך כשווה בחוק ובהזדמנויות חברתיות. גם ילידי הארץ וגם ילידי חוץ דומים. אין מועדפים על סמך גזע, צבע עור, שפת אם או דת. מאפשר ללא אזרחים המבקרים במקומות בטוחים לבטא בשלווה את דרכי המורשת הזרה שלהם. כל עוד דרכים אלו אינן פוגעות בדרכי הילידים! אף פעם לא כופה המרה!


איך אוהב את רעך כמו עצמך? מתקן במהירות שקרים שנאמרו ביושר בלתי מתפשר! נותן למיעוטים קול בחברה. מדבר בשם חוויות מיעוט. לומד ומדבר בשם אלה שאינם מסוגלים לבטא את עצמם. מעודד השתתפות מיעוטים בכל רמות החברה! אם מתרחשת קולוניזציה, אתה נותן עדיפות לנרטיב הילידים במסגרות מושבות.


How do you love your neighbor as yourself? You don’t occupy an Indigenous People’s land, and declare the natives “infidels” and “savages” to be saved. What if your ancestors did this? You don’t create history to justify your settled occupation and prevent Indigenous history from being taught. For example: “Palestinian” Arab settlers upon Indigenous Judean land. And European settlers upon Indigenous “American” land.

How do you love your neighbor as yourself? You treat every citizen of your nation as equal in law and in social opportunities. Both native born and foreign born alike. No favorites based on race, skin color, mother tongue, nor religion. You allow visiting non-citizens safe places to peacefully express their foreign inherited ways. So long as such ways do not harm Indigenous ways! You never proselytize!

How do you love your neighbor as yourself? You quickly correct lies being said with uncompromising honesty! You allow minorities a voice in society. You speak on behalf of minorities experiences. You learn from and speak on behalf of those unable to articulate themselves. You encourage minority participation in all levels of society! If colonized, you prioritize the Indigenous narrative in colonized settings.

מכוון את מוחי ופי להיות מודע ומודה על החיים האלה, ובלבי נוצר: וְאָהַבְתָּ לְרֵעֲךָ כָּמוֹךָ.

mechavèn et mochì v’pì lihyòt mudà v’modè àl ha’khayìm ha’èle, uv’libì notzèr: v’ahàvta l’re’achà kamòcha.

I direct my mind and mouth to be aware of and thankful for this life, and in my heart I keep: and love your neighbor as yourself.
(Leviticus 19:18)

הריני מקבל עלי מצות עשה של ואהבת לרעך כמוך (ויקרא יט יח)

harèini mekabèl alày mitzvàt asèh shèl v’ahàvta le’re’achà kamòcha

Hereby I take upon myself to fulfill the mitzvah: Love your fellow human as yourself. (Leviticus 19:18)


My Judaism is every generation of the Jewish people fighting to remain alive as the Canaanite Hebrew speaking, reading, and writing people of eretz Yisrael! From halachot observant to halachot rejecting, every Jew that is – still yet – Indigenous to the land of Israel, to Judea-Samaria (includes the northern half of Jordan) wants a peaceful, truly decolonized, self-sovereign future for our people – both throughout this world and upon our ancestral land. How do we achieve this?

It is a *must* that every Jew in this world publicly supports the right of Jews to have sovereignty upon every inch of Judea and Samaria (at the very least!), so that non-Jews understand how important this issue is for Indigenous Peoples’ rights! Further, to end antisemitism in this world, this requires every Jew to help change the Colonial Arab-European narratives about the Jewish people. And we can only achieve this by getting *our* expressed narratives correct! See above!

You cannot enlighten a racist/antisemitic person, so stop trying! Racism/antisemitism is a mental disease, folks, and it is not curable once inculcated! So,… Instead, simply correct their lies with historical facts and, for all who can do this, provide a *story* that humanizes the Jewish people in the Arab-European/Christian-Muslim (and, now, Marxists, too!) minds influenced by this colonized world! The best *prevention* to antisemitism, possibly cure, is to *prevent* others from becoming racist/antisemitic in the first place. If they find the Jewish people *relatable* to them, it is hard for racist Colonial-minded antisemites to indoctrinate these non-Jews.

As a chacham, it is my hope that everything I do brings about that promise in the Psalm shared above! Whether it is teaching Jews and non-Jews our Indigenous Judean traditions and laws (whether followed or not!) or actively fighting for real Indigenous Jewish representation in this Colonial Allah-Christ-Marx dominated world (so very socially needed!), it is my hope to reach across *every* boundary, *especially* our language boundaries! What good is being an ethno-religious people with a divine mission, if we are not really influencing anyone?! It is time for human history to *stop* repeating itself!

How do we do this? I don’t fully know. But, what I do know is this: There is *no equivalency* between the Jewish people, with our land specific law-based ethno-religion, and the historic Colonial religions of Christians and Muslims – for Allah-Christ-(now)-Marx dominionism upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands. And this is my daily d’var to this world! Stop speaking *for* us, and *listen* to us for a change. Though I know it to be apostasy for you all, how about even asking us a *question*, from the position of being *ignorant* about the Jewish people?


All posts following are thoughts shared since the release of the movie “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever.”


عربي עברית English


تخيل مشهد معي. يتم تمثيل أراضي السكان الأصليين بمادة تعرف باسم “vibranium”. هذه الأرض مقسمة بين الهواء والبحر. الأرض التي يغطيها الجو في صراع لا نهاية له مع الأرض التي يغطيها البحر. تتكلم أرض الهواء اللغة الأم للأرض. الأرض التي يغطيها البحر تتحدث لغة المستعمر. الأرض التي يغطيها البحر هي أيضًا في حالة حرب مع المستعمر الذي استعمرها. يبدو لي الصراع الإسرائيلي الفلسطيني!


اليهود ، السكان الأصليون ليهودا والسامرة ، يتكلمون الكنعانية العبرية. يتحدث الفلسطينيون اللغة العربية الاستعمارية. اليهود في صراع لا نهاية له على الأرض مع الفلسطينيين. كما أن الفلسطينيين في حالة حرب مع العرب الذين استعمروهم. والفلسطينيون في حالة حرب مع السكان الأصليين في الأرض. الشعب اليهودي! (“Wakanda” هم الأشخاص الأصليون في هذا الفيلم. “Talokan” هم مكسيكيون يتحدثون الإسبانية. ليس المستعمرون الإسبان أنفسهم!)


كيف انتهى هذا الفيلم ؟! اليهود والفلسطينيون يصنعون السلام. يقاتل اليهود والفلسطينيون العرب المستعمرين والأوروبيين المستعمرين. هكذا يقول الفيلم! لما لا؟!


דמיינו סצנה איתי. ארץ הילידים מיוצגת על ידי חומר המכונה “Vibranium”. האדמה הזו מחולקת בין אוויר לים. האדמה המכוסה על ידי האוויר נמצאת במאבק אינסופי עם האדמה המכוסה על ידי הים. ארץ האוויר מדברת את שפת האם של הארץ. האדמה המכוסה בים מדברת בשפה של מתנחל. גם האדמה המכוסה בים נמצאת במלחמה עם המתנחלים שיישבו אותה. זה נראה לי הסכסוך הישראלי-פלסטיני!


יהודים ילידי יהודה ושומרון מדברים עברית כנענית. הפלסטינים מדברים בשפה הערבית הקולוניאלית. היהודים נמצאים בסכסוך אינסופי על הארץ עם פלסטינים. הפלסטינים נמצאים גם במלחמה עם הערבים שהתיישבו שם. והפלסטינים במלחמה עם ילידי הארץ. העם היהודי! (“Wakanda” הם האנשים הילידים בסרט הזה. “Talokan” הם המקסיקנים דוברי ספרדית. לא המתיישבים הספרדים עצמם!)


איך הסרט הזה נגמר?! יהודים ופלסטינים עושים שלום. יהודים ופלסטינים נלחמים בערבים קולוניאליים ובאירופים קולוניאליים. זה מה שהסרט אומר! למה לא?!


Hmmm, I wonder: If a land – an Indigenous land – is represented by a substance known as “vibranium,” and if this land were divided between air and sea, and if the land with air were in endless conflict with the land covered in sea, and the land of air speaks the native language of the land and the land covered in sea speaks the language of a Colonizer – whom the land covered in sea is also at eternal war with for being colonized by, …. Sounds like an Israeli-Palestinian conflict to me! Jews Indigenous to Judea-Samaria, speakers of Canaanite Hebrew, in an endless conflict upon the land with a Colonizer’s language speaking people, Arabs or Arabized who speak Colonial “Arabic” – who are also at war with the Arab Colonizers that colonized them, along with being at war with the Indigenous of the land. (Those who missed it – Wakanda is the First Nations in this screenplay, and Talokan is the Spanish-speaking Mexicanos, *not* the Spanish Colonizers themselves!) Ouch! … How did this end?!

Post Note: I’ve expressed upon this before, using Sci-Fi as an example! Here it is again, years later: This is why I like the television show Stargate SG-1 so much (and Atlantis, but another subject, another time)! Let’s discuss:

The Tau’ri (Jews, … okay, “humans”) are the Indigenous who are fighting colonization, in the hope of freeing all Indigenous Peoples from the Goa’uld (Colonial Arabs, … okay, “System Lords). The Jaffa (Jew’canos, … okay, indoctrinated Diaspora “humans”) are slaves to the corrupt and ever infighting System Lords, demanding and enforcing upon the defiantly resistant Indigenous the Colonial way of life (at repetitious great cost to the Indigenous!). The Tok’ra (Israeli Arabs and Europeans, … okay, the anti-Colonial former System Lords) are fighting with the Indigenous to decolonize *all* Indigenous Peoples.

But, wait, there’s three more!

The Ori (Evangelical European Crusaders, … okay, the Colonial humans that are convinced that they have directly met and are empowered by their unseen saviour god of energy, and must proselytize *all* the Indigenous at *all* costs). *Everyone is fighting the Ori!* The System Lords included! The only ones *not* fighting the Ori are the Ancients (Elohim, … okay, the now directly unseen gods of the Indigenous, who obviously prefer to not directly interfere in Colonial versus Indigenous events) and the Nox (the still yet not colonized Indigenous Peoples, who truly know how to hide from the Arab-European colonized world!).

And you thought that I was into Stargate SG-1 for the special effects, the wild adventures, and blatant disregard for scientific criticism for the sake of mythic story telling! … You don’t know me. 🙂

P.S.S. Maybe I didn’t make myself clear. The Asgard (the British occupier of Judea-Samaria from the end of WWI to post WW2, pre-1948, making negotiation deals between Colonial Arabs and Indigenous Judeans, and refusing to take a side (because who dares challenge the Asgard?!)… okay, the one who equally believes to be a superior race as other Europeans, … okay, the seemingly benevolent and gracious Colonial Europeans dividing up Arab-European re-colonized Indigenous lands, … okay, … And the Replicators are the “Palestinian people,” 1964 KGB-PLO created for long-term settler-occupation, who are determined to be the Indigenous (aka, Jewish Ancients) of a land they failed to fully re-colonize during the “nakba,” … okay, ….


The Jewish people are categorized by (Western imposed) labels, just like the Kurdish people are categorize-able by introduced religions.

عربي עברית English


المسيحية والإسلام ديانتان لا أكثر! أنت مخطئ جدًا إذا كنت تعتقد أن الشعب اليهودي دين! قل هذا معي: اليهودية ليست دينا. لكن اليهود متدينون!


הנצרות והאסלאם הן דתות ותו לא! טועה מאוד אם חשבת שהעם היהודי הוא דת! תגיד את זה איתי: יהדות היא לא דת. אבל יהודים הם דתיים!


The Jewish way of life is a battle over how to perform mitzvot/halachot correctly, our Indigenous Judean laws governing civil and ritual life. The more *religious* Jews are about this, the more we argue over the minute details of Jewish law – just to perform a civil or ritual correctly! This shared example below – a marriage ceremony jeopardized in its completion over whether it is “legal” to perform a set of brachot (blessings) during this marriage ceremony or not – is a perfect example of how Jews *worship* our deity. We don’t go and ask “God” for “spiritual” guidance, we consult our books of legal rulings and argue ourselves to a consensus! It is the place of humans – in our case, the obligation upon the Jewish people – to determine how to correctly fulfill our deity’s demands over us, by determining the correct legal path of action for this. The hallels, recited praises to our Jewish “G-d,” is secondary to this fundamental way of Jewish life.

This is why – listen now, no matter how non-observant to fanatically observant the Jewish people are about our mitzvot/halachot – you will never see the Jewish people ever behaving like European Christians and their worship service way of *religious* life. We will never need to baby talk before our deity (speak in “tongues”), nor gather for the purpose of singing praises together to “receive” the spirit of “God” within us. That is religion, and the Jewish people are not a religion! Any so-called “Jewish” group doing this – for example “Messianic Jews” or “Jews for (Christian) Jesus” – are *not* Jews, but Christians engaging in identity theft of an Indigenous Judean people’s look, rituals, and names (which was invented as another means to proselytize us into assimilation).

We also, as the Jewish people, will never accept Arab Muslim and European Christian Colonialism upon our land of Israel. We will never accept the Jordanian-UN Muslim Apartheid, that is still imposed upon us to this day – the forced denial of Jews our right to be physically present upon our Judean Temple Mount, all because a Colonial Mosque is there, that was placed upon it during a Caliphate occupation of our land. We are devoutly as an Indigenous Judean people *anti-Colonial*, and we will one day fully liberate our land from Arab-European Colonial Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism upon the land of Israel. Our “prophets” did not fortell an Israel that is occupied and ruled by Christians, Muslims, and Marxists! Our prophets foretold a self-sovereign nation of Israel that no longer struggles with non-Jewish occupations of and aggressions upon the land of YHWH.

The words of our Jewish prophets speak of a day where all peoples of this world will lay down their hatred for Jews and their weapons, and come visit the Temple of YHWH that is, once again, standing upon our Temple Mount within the self-determining land of Israel. Don’t worry haters, it will be a *new* kind of Temple of mitzvot/halachot Jewish consensus! So, in preparation for this “messianic* age to come, the Jewish people – whether in Diaspora or upon the land of Israel – battle to consensus daily, in every act and event, on how to perform our Jewish mitzvot/halachot correctly! Every case is unique, for Torah demands always tzedek (“justice”) upon the land of Israel!

The Jewish people are categorized by (Western imposed) labels – charedi, dati, chiloni. Some commonly known examples of these labels are: Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, Reconstructing, Humanistic, Cultural, etc. Just like the Kurdish people are categorize-able by religions. Kurds are practitioners of: Islam, Christianity, native Yazidism (sun worshipping), even Zoroastrianism and Judaism through intermarriage, etc. Yet, with the Jewish people, every label describes the *same* ethno-religion, Judaism (Judea-people-ism). Anything else is an assimilation into Colonial culture, a way for Christians and Muslims (and Marxists) to divide our Indigenous Judean people, and this is *utterly unacceptable*.

If you thought the Jewish people are a religion, like Christianity or Islam, then you are very wrong! Say it with me: Judaism is not a religion. But Jews are religious! Hence why, chiloni to dati, Mizrahi and Sephardi Jews have only one label: “Jews.” We are the Jewish people, all who are born Jewish or ruled Jewish by the laws of our Indigenous Judean people. Labels – like Ashkenazi, Sephardi, Mizrahi, Beta Israel, etc. – be a Colonials’ divisive damnation!


عربي עברית English


كم من لغتك الأم هي الكنعانية العبرية؟ اللغة الأم للشعب اليهودي! هل لغتك هي مجرد لغة المستعمرين؟ هل تحاول استبدال اللغات الأصلية لهذا الكوكب؟ هل هذا صحيح لدينك أيضا ؟! كن صادقا! هذا كل ما نطلبه نحن شعوب هذا العالم منكم أيها المستعمرون العرب والأوروبيون. إذا لم تجب على هذا السؤال ، فقد هربت من هذا السؤال أيها المستعمر! هل أنت معاد للسامية ؟!


כמה משפת האם שלך היא עברית כנענית? שפת האם של העם היהודי! האם השפה שלך היא רק השפה של מי שהתיישבו? האם אתה מנסה להחליף את שפות הילידים של הפלנטה הזו? והאם זה נכון גם לדת שלך?! תהיה כנה! זה כל מה שאנחנו, עמי העולם הזה, מבקשים מכם, הקולוניאליסטים הערבים והאירופיים. אם לא תענה על השאלה הזו, ברחת מהשאלה הזו, קולונייזר! אנטישמי?!


How much of your mother tongue is Indigenous Judean people’s Canaanite Hebrew? Or is it just a Colonial language, trying to replace the Indigenous Peoples of this planet with Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands? Be honest! That is all we Indigenous Peoples of this world ask of you, Arab-European Colonizers. If you don’t answer this question, then you have ran away from it in antisemitism, Colonizer!

Let me rephrase: How much of your mother tongue is Canaanite Hebrew? The Jewish people’s mother tongue! Is your language just a Colonial language? That is trying to replace the language of the Indigenous Peoples of this planet? And is this true for your religion, too?! Be honest! That is all we Indigenous Peoples of this world ask of you, Arab-European Colonizers. If you don’t answer this question, you have ran away from this question in antisemitism, Colonizer! Are you antisemitic?!

Nothing spells “indigenous” like turning your Arab back on the land of Israel five times a day to bow and pray to a usurper’s rock in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, while chanting in Colonial Arabic! Likewise, nothing spells “Canaanite” like turning your face towards Jerusalem three times a day, no matter where you are upon this planet, and chanting your obligations to the land and the people of Israel in our ancient Canaanite Hebrew language!

If the settler-occupation theft of the land and our people’s indigenous identity by Arab-European Colonialism is what makes you indigenous to a land that your ancestors repeatedly occupied, then all actual Indigenous Peoples remaining upon this planet are mere gypsies for having been violently and genocidally Arab-European colonized! We Indigenous Peoples of this world DO NOT accept this! And we will not prostitute ourselves to your Arab-European Colonial idols, religions, cultures, and unending dhimmi status for us!

Am Yisrael Chai! The people of Israel live, and will remain decolonized from now on upon our Jewish ancestral land. Get use to this Arab-European land and indigenous identity thieves. Your Colonialism is coming to an end in this world! Israel is only the *first* IP to decolonize from your Arab-European supremacist rule. No amount of 1960s-80s KGB-PLO created Marxist lies will ever change our Indigenous self-evident reality! We Jews are free from your dhimmi/ghetto status for us, and we don’t care how much you hate us for forcibly decolonizing against your wishes.


עברית عربي English


ספר אני על מדף ספרים. תוהה כל יום,… “האם באמת רוצה שאנשים אחרים יקראו אותי?”


أنا كتاب على رف كتب. أتساءل يوميا,… “هل أريد حقًا أن يقرأني البشر الآخرون؟”


I am a book on a bookshelf. And I wonder daily,… “Do I really want to be read by other human beings?”

Facebook is like a bookstore. You often don’t get seen, read, or heard *unless* the random following happens: Someone is browsing and sees your post and it happens to resonate. Or someone is browsing an isle of interest and sees your post, and it resonates. Or someone has heard of your posts and is browsing for your words. But, the reality? It is that you’re *not* really been heard! Why? Well, because,….

Those who get heard most cater to socially established “tropes,” whether for or against (whatever!). Facebook, like bookstores, know this and is ever looking for a “profit” to their offering of social connection – whether it benefits or diminishes society (who really cares!)! Society is not ruled by ideas, but by *commerce* – the real sacred religion of human beings – and, for even suggesting this, I am doomed as a contributor(!). Humans don’t want to be educated, just entertained and emotionally/intellectually satisfied. Breaking this system for a better world is an outlier’s “game.”

I am one of those fools! Yes. One who has too much faith in humanity’s ability to change. So, I keep writing and expressing, *and* continue to be unheard by the masses. For, I don’t fit the emotionally/intellectually satisfying tropes of the day. I am the book that is on the shelf surrounded by hundreds of thousands of other competing books. Because of my genre, I can’t afford to pay for “get your attention” display shelf recognition. At least, I am aware of this and, despite my lived displeasure, this is my likely fate in social expression in this life. I *refuse* to be self- deluded about this!

It has occurred to me, more than once, that I was not born for this time and place. I was born only so that my expression could be made. The results of my expression … has *no* bearing on the human commerce structure of the day. Humans have yet to reach a point where we are ready and willing to evolve into something more and, hopefully, better! … What I see does not exist yet, because such humans do not yet exist. What I see does not exist, because humans are too reliant on the familiar established patterns of what it means to be human.

I love our species resilience, yet I hate our species lack of creativity. Yes! Because, *if we really were creative*, rather than just ever manipulative, we would have the willingness to truly *recreate*! We have the power, but established human concepts of commerce rules all! We prove ourselves, the human species, to be just like *any* other creature on this planet that we call “Earth.” Just another opportunistic species battling it out with all the other species, and silly-ing-ly using two extra lobes of brain matter to keep this stupidity up, until extinction. Personally, I’m not yet impressed by humanity, and this is why I am one book on a shelf of a few hundred books, in a store filled with multiple thousands of books. At least, I know my place in this life!

I’m also no one significantly important, just another human in life navigating this life for a brief moment. And literally! What is wrong with humans is the need for the commerce aspect to human life. All three – Capitalism, Communism, and Socialism – have got this wrong! What is the non-commerce way? Anybody?! …(I know! Someone has told you this before, and you, probably, *paid* for this thought. Yes? … What a fool.)


Unfortunately, I am a witness for those who are unseen! Shared here, because Arabs and Europeans don’t want you to know and understand this… The Jewish decolonization secret! And I wish my Kurdish brothers and sisters had learned this sooner!

عربي עברית English


من بين جميع الشعوب الأصلية التي ما زالت على قيد الحياة على كوكب الأرض هذا ، كيف يكون الشعب اليهودي أول من ينجح في إنهاء الاستعمار؟ ضد مطالب المستعمرين العرب والأوروبيين لهذا العالم! على الرغم من كل شيء ضد بقائنا! ما هو درس الشعب اليهودي لجميع الشعوب الأصلية الأخرى؟ جميع الشعوب الأصلية تريد إنهاء الاستعمار! ما من شعب أصلي يريد أن يكون مستنسخًا عربيًا أو أوروبيًا!


מבין כל העמים הילידים שעדיין חיים על הפלנטה הזו, איך העם היהודי הראשון שמצליח בדה-קולוניזציה? בניגוד לדרישות המתיישבים הערבים והאירופיים בעולם הזה! למרות הכל נגד ההישרדות שלנו! מה הלקח של העם היהודי עבור כל שאר העמים הילידים? כל העמים הילידים רוצים לעשות דה-קולוניזציה! אף יליד לא רוצה להיות שיבוט ערבי או אירופאי!


Out of all the Indigenous Peoples still surviving upon this planet Earth, how is it that the Jewish people are the first to successfully decolonize? Against the demands of the Arab and European Colonizers of this world! Despite all odds! What is the Jewish people’s lesson for all other Indigenous Peoples? All Indigenous Peoples want to decolonize! No Indigenous Peoples want to be Arab or European clones!

Here is the Jewish people’s secret: We reject all other peoples’ religion as a religion for us. We have a law system that ensures this! No matter how universal we make our beliefs, we never forget that we are Jews. We are the Jewish people of the land of Israel. All Jews speak Canaanite Hebrew! All Jews are legally defined by our Indigenous Judean mitzvot/halachot! If you are not Jewish this way, then you are not Jewish. And this prevents our assimilation into Colonial Arab-European – aka, Muslim-Christian – culture. We will not be divided as a people!

All Jews know that Christianity and Islam are European north and Arab south, respectively. They are not the “Covenanted” people of Israel, who are designated so in order to fulfill YHWH’s obligations upon the land of Israel, formerly known as the land of Canaan. “Graft” yourselves after the fact all you want – aka, identity thieve our ancestors and ancestral literatures – and you’re still not. These Colonizers do not even know what it *means* to be “Covenanted” – aka, “chosen” (an often used antisemitic trope to demonize Jews) – because they do not speak, read, and write Canaanite Hebrew as a mother tongue. My mother taught me my first Hebrew words to speak in this world. Did yours?

The Canaanite Hebrew worldview is *not* the Colonial Arabic nor Colonial English nor Colonial Spanish, … nor, formerly, the Colonial Latin nor Colonial Koine, … etc (etc, etc!) worldview. Hebrew is unique to the land of Judea and Samaria. Which is in today’s Colonial divisions of Indigenous Peoples’ lands: the lands of present day Israel, forced upon them by the Jewish people again in 1948; “Palestine,” forced upon us by both Arabs and Europeans after 1948-1967; and the northern half of Jordan, which was given to the royal Hashemite Arab family by the British as a gift after WWI.

The lesson that we, the Jewish people, offer this world is this: If we Indigenous Peoples who are still surviving in this colonized world do NOT unite *worldwide*, we will *always* be the Colonials’ victim. Even when we are sort of heard by Colonials, … still yet, we become just a false equivalency, somehow, that justifies their unending Colonialism. The only answer for all other occupied Indigenous Nations is to do what the Jewish people have done. This is literally what our TaNaKh means when it speaks of us as a “light unto the nations”! To be so, we must continue to fight for the liberation of our ancestral land of Israel from the present day Colonial occupiers, Arabs and Europeans – whether they are religious occupiers or not.


Esau is Edom. Jacob is Judah/Israel. All antisemitic racists will lose, because of this! Why?

عربي עברית English


يعرف أي يهودي مقيم في يهودا والسامرة أن عيسو يمثل حرفيا أمة أدوم الكنعانية الجنوبية. قبل أن نصبح أعضاء في أمتنا اليهودية الشمالية لإسرائيل. يعقوب هو شقيق عيسو في أساطير يهودا الأصلية. يعقوب هو يهوذا. يهوذا هي إسرائيل. عيسو ، مملكة أدوم. ادوم جنوب بلاد الشام. قصصنا اليهودية مكتوبة باللغة العبرية الكنعانية. أسلافنا اليهود هم من كنعان. كل العنصريين المعادين للسامية سيخسرون بسبب هذا!


כל יהודי שחי ביהודה ושומרון יודע שעשיו באמת מייצג את העם הכנעני בדרום הארץ. ממלכת אדום. לפני שהפכו לבני ישראל בצפון יהודה שלנו. יעקב הוא אחיו של עשיו במיתולוגיה הילידית של יהודה. יעקב הוא יהודה. יהודה זה ישראל. עשיו היא ממלכת אדום. אדום היא דרום הלבנט. סיפורי העם היהודי כתובים בעברית כנענית. אבותינו הם מכנען. כל הגזענים האנטישמים יפסידו בגלל זה!


Any Jew who is indigenous to Judea-Samaria, or who is raised so, knows and understands that Esau literally represents our polytheistic southern brother tribe, Edom, before they became members of our henotheistic Judah nation of Israel, in order to avoid assimilation by the surrounding conquering Colonial empires. Jacob, the brother of Esau in Indigenous Judean mythology, is Judah/Israel. The Jewish people do not have “Biblical” characters, for that is Christian appropriation of our Jewish ancestral literatures. To be fully decolonized, we Jews need to *stop* using their Colonial words for our ancestral stories and ancestral literatures!

I, personally, am multiple decades old and Torah has been telling me every year for multiple decades, now, this tall tale of brothers Esau and Yaakov. This is *not* a tale about Jews and Arabs, for both Judah and Edom spoke the Canaanite language of the land of (formerly known as) Canaan. This tale has nothing geographically to do with the Aramaic speaking land of “Syria.” This story of two brothers is an Indigenous Levantine story, full stop. It was, indeed, the younger brother who won the blessing of survival and prominence upon the land (over 3,300 years and *still* counting – ha’Shem willing!). And, further, we did keep the Torah command to “not forget your brother Edom” that is found within our Torah.

Anyone who says that Jews are from anywhere other than the Levant has never actually read our Indigenous Judean people’s Torah! And, especially, not in the Canaanite Hebrew language, on its own terms. “Theology” interpretations, substitutes for literal translations, is also a Christian (and Islam) “thang”! We Jews need to fully decolonize from entertaining their misrepresentations of our Indigenous Judean ancestral literatures! Truth born from a deliberate appropriating lie is always a lie, folks. No universal peace will ever come from fundamental lies! The Jewish people do not have “Biblical” characters, but we do have stories about our mythic ancestors that represent historic tribal histories.

“The kingdom of Edom does not share a border with the northern kingdom of Israel, but, as noted above, shares a border with the latter kingdom, the Judahite Mount Halaq. Initially, this seems to suggest that the story cannot be northern, and that Judah, not Israel, is allegorizing its relationship with Edom by picturing two brothers struggling in the ancient past. How then can this story be read as deriving from northern Israel, which had Jacob as its ancestor figure?” Exactly! Can you answer the question, by reading Torah? Throughout the existence of the northern kingdom of Israel, Judah was always “joined at the hip with Israel.” … Hello? When northern Israel was forcibly mass converted into Assyrian language, religion, citizenship, and culture – resulting in Torah’s lament of the “lost tribes” of Israel – it was southern Judah (the Jewish people!) that revived the kingdom of Israel to her former glory!

Folks, the Torah, as we Jews know it, is our stories about the lived history of our Canaan Levant land. Stories don’t have to agree perfectly with historical events. Especially Indigenous Peoples’ stories! Our stories are meant to teach us, the Indigenous People of the land, about ourselves. This is why Israel is a self-determining 1948 CE decolonized and self-sovereign nation, yet again (the fourth time in our Jewish history)! Our stories in our native language remind us who we are, so that we do *not* suffer the assimilation fate of the northern kingdom of Israel. All haters will lose, because of this! So long as we Jews keep our Canaanite Hebrew language, our Indigenous Judean stories, and our mitzvot/halachot alive l’dor v’dor. The Colonial Arabs-Europeans will never be able to replace us.

Israel’s History as a Family Narrative – https://www.thetorah.com/article/israels-history-as-a-family-narrative – theTorah


Just Colonial English this time! No Colonial Arabic. No native Canaanite Hebrew. Just a message to uppity European raised Jews!

Maybe this is what I need to share: Most European Jews have never lived outside of a European social environment. So, to experience the worldview of Jews who know, firsthand, the entire world of Jewish experience is an utterly perplexing and unbelievable phenomenon. We keep, repeatedly, being called “racists” and “stupid” for trying to bring European-raised Jewry into an awareness of the the rest of this world. You know, the rest of this planet Earth! That is assuming that we can *manage* to get a response from Jews who are raised European! And, sadly, this achievement is too rare. Jews tied to Europe are basically “white people” at this point, like Hispanics and Latinos. Unable to see beyond their colonized myopic worldview! It is both maddening and saddening for the rest of us Jews, who are just trying to save our Jewish Indigenous people from *both* Arab and European assimilation. You know, the historic CE Colonizers of all Indigenous Peoples’ lands for Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism upon planet Earth!

You all are, literally, our Jewish “Achilles Heel,” by definition – a weakness in spite of our overall strength, which can lead to our Jewish downfall. You are too privileged to see *all* of us Jews born under halacha around this world! So, when we minority Jews speak, there is silence or we are “racists,” according to socially privileged Jews (aka, European descended Jews). You literally give *definition* to the racist antisemitic tropes about the Jewish people of planet Earth – which is constantly pushed by the antisemitic Arab, European, and Marxist historic Colonizers of planet Earth! Hello?! Can you not hear us at all? Or, are we just a Rudy Rochman case of European Jewish benevolence? In case you haven’t realized this, we don’t *need* your recognition to be Jews by traditional Jewish halacha! Thank ha’Shem for the modern nation of Israel, for Israel *sees* us in this world (being on ground zero of antisemitic targeting)!

If European and “American” Jews do not want to be rejected by the rest of Judaism, Judea-people-ism (only 15 and a half million of us out of 8 *billion* human beings), then open your eyes, hearts, and minds to our experience of this planet Earth. We other half of the Jewish people upon this planet Earth are tired of being ignored or called “racists” for questioning and/or disagreeing with you all uppity socially privileged Jews of the European West. We do have legitimate lived questions *and* experiences to offer! Assuming you ever actually have the time for us less-than European halachic Jews in this world. Just saying! You all have the greatest access to the Colonials’ social media platforms, *their* worldwide megaphones, and you could mention us a few times at least, and our views of this human world. But, we experience silence or are called racists, all for standing *against* both Arab and European Colonialism in this world! We wonder daily, whose side are you really on?!


عربي עברית English


ما الذي يشترك فيه اليهود المعاصرون مع إسرائيل القديمة؟ الكنعانية العبرية وقصص أسلافنا الكنعانيين والأسماء الكنعانية لآلهة الآلهة وقوانين اليهودية التي تحدد كيف نكون أبناء الشعب اليهودي الكنعاني وكيف حالك لا. الصدق هو السبيل الوحيد للسلام!


מה משותף ליהודים המודרניים עם בני ישראל הקדמונים? השפה העברית הכנענית וסיפורי אבותינו הכנעניים והשמות הכנעניים לפנתיאון האלים והמצוות/הלכות הקובעות איך אנחנו בני העם היהודי הכנעני ואיך אתה לא. כנות היא הדרך היחידה לשלום!


What do modern Jews have in common with the ancient Israelites? The Canaanite Hebrew language and the stories of our Canaanite ancestors and the Canaanite names for the pantheon of gods and the mitzvot/halachot (indigenous Judean laws) that determine how we are legally children of the Canaanite Jewish people and how, as non-Jews, you are not. Honesty is the only path to peace!

“I think that Judaism [Judea-people-ism] is grounded in stories. Like that is the legacy of our people, that’s the foundation of Halacha [our Levant originating Jewish law system]. That’s the foundation of what it means to be Jewish, is passing on stories, we’re the culmination of thousands of years of stories. And in regards to JIMENA’s oral history project, we collected stories of communities of [Jewish] people who hadn’t been given a platform to share. They hadn’t been given a microphone. They hadn’t been given an opportunity to talk about what happened to them when they lived and fled countries throughout the Middle East and North Africa [many were ethnically cleansed], and their stories are an incredibly critical part of contemporary Jewish history and where we are today. With the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948. Post Shoah and post Arab nationalism and uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa, there was a major disruption of over 2000 years of continuous Jewish life in the Middle East and North Africa, kind of came to an end. And that is a huge part of the Jewish story. And we have this very unique opportunity to collect the stories from the people who lived through this historical moment in time. And it was an honor to collect these stories and hopefully add them to the record of Jewish life.” – Sarah Levin, Executive Director of JIMENA [Jews Indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa], June 8, 2021


Jewish Women’s Archive
Episode 63: JIMENA: Mizrahi and Sephardi Voices – Can We Talk?

Israel – the Jewish people and the Arabs, Druze, and Bedouins who stayed to become citizens – forcibly and successfully decolonized as much of our British-Arab occupied ancestral land in 1948 that we could decolonize. For this anti-Colonial act of Indigenous Judean resolve, the surrounding Arab conquested nations with five Arab armies waged a 10 month siege upon all of Judea and Samaria to claim every inch of the land of Israel for Arab rule. They call it a “nakba,” because they failed. All they managed to steal and occupy for 18+ years was what Jordan named the “West Bank” and Gaza. When we Israelis liberated these Jordan and Egyptian stolen parts of our decolonized Indigenous Judean land in 1967, we should have sent these land-squatters packing then. Our benevolence and hope for Arab peaceful unity, became a proven mistake in judgement. Hence, why they have been and still are the Arab-European world’s antisemitic fodder, still yet today, all to try to make the Indigenous nation of Israel to implode and for Jews to return back to colonized victimized dhimmi sub-class status under Arab-European rule. The majority of Israel are MENA Jews, who were ethnically-cleansed from nine Arab occupied and ruled nations. We will never allow our self-sovereignty to end upon our ancestral land of Israel, for we are decolonized now.


عربي עברית English


إن تدريس التاريخ الزائف من أجل شيطنة السكان الأصليين للأرض هو عنصرية! معاداة السامية عنصرية! اخترع الاتحاد السوفيتي دعاية “الفصل العنصري الإسرائيلي” في السبعينيات. من ينشر دعاية “الفصل العنصري الإسرائيلي” يمارس العنصرية تجاه اليهود! معاداة السامية مرض عقلي لا علاج له. … هل أنت عنصري؟ … الرجاء مساعدة الشعبين الكردي واليهودي على حد سواء لإنهاء الاستعمار والاحتلال والعنصرية العربية والأوروبية والفارسية على أراضي شعوبنا الأصلية. شكرًا لك!


ללמד היסטוריה כוזבת כדי לעשות דמוניזציה של ילידי כדור הארץ זו גזענות! אנטישמיות היא גזענית! ברית המועצות המציאה את תעמולת “האפרטהייד הישראלי” בשנות ה-70. אלה שמפיצים תעמולה של “אפרטהייד ישראלי” נוהגים בגזענות נגד היהודים! אנטישמיות היא מחלת נפש ללא תרופה. … האם אתה גזען? … אנא עזרו לעם הכורדי והיהודי כאחד לשים קץ לקולוניאליזם הערבי, האירופי והפרסי, לכיבוש ולגזענות באדמות העמים הילידים שלנו. תודה רבה!


Teaching false history in order to demonize the Indigenous population of a land is racism! Antisemitism is racist! The Soviet Union invented “Israel apartheid” propaganda in the 1970s. Those who spread propaganda of “Israeli apartheid” practice racism against the Jews! Antisemitism is a mental illness with no cure. But, Colonial Arabs and Europeans commit this sin of racism obsessively! … Are you a racist? … Please help both the Kurdish and Jewish people to end Arab, European, and Persian Colonialism, occupation, and racism on the lands of our Indigenous Peoples. Thank you!

This is what the Arab Muslim/Marxist and the European Christian/Marxist worlds are racially and, for some, violently obsessed over – the Arab occupied part of our 1948 decolonized Indigenous Judean nation. The “West Bank” or “Palestine,” whatever these antisemites want to call this Arab occupied parts of the land of Israel is half the size of the U.S. State of Connecticut. Jordan, which created this Arab occupation of the land of Israel – after their failed 10 month military siege, with Egypt and Syria, to lay claim to all of Judea and Samaria for Arab rule – as punishment for our 1948 decolonization and reestablished self-sovereignty, is 7 times larger than the U.S State of Connecticut, which makes Jordan 14 times larger than the “West Bank”/”Palestine” area of the land of Israel that their former citizens are daily occupying as an eternal bid for the land-grabbing of the real estate of Israel.

Liars *lie* to achieve their racist antisemitic goals any way that they can, they inculcate their children into these larger than life *lies*, and they believe their ahistorical *lies*! This is anti-Jewish/Israeli racism, folks, and it has no cure once infected. Just ask any white Southern of the Confederacy whose “history” is to be believed, their white revisionist history that makes them the victims of black aggression and northern white aggression upon their way of life, or the minority black people just looking for this Southern and Northern white racism to actually end in the United States! So, the latter is for the Jewish people, Indigenous to Judea-Samaria, in this world. The 6 million Israeli Jews and 1.5 million Israeli Arabs, Druze, and Bedouin citizens of Israel who defend our land from the 2.75 million non-citizen “Palestinian” Arab political land-squatters say together: “Palestinians,” you are free to return home to the nations that you came from, at anytime! And they speak Colonial Arabic there! We speak native Canaanite Hebrew here in the land of Israel.

Jews have been living every day in Judea for 3,300 years. Only liars, those who hate Jews, say otherwise! Arabs are from Arabia. Europeans are from Europe. Africans are from Africa. The Jews are from Judea. All Jews according to the laws of Judea are born in Judea and are from Judea. All the Jews who return from the Arab, African and European diaspora are Jews from Judea. The Israeli people will never accept Arab Muslim and European Christian Colonialism upon our land of Israel. We will never accept the Jordanian-UN Muslim Apartheid, that is still imposed upon us to this day – the forced denial of Jews our right to be physically present upon our Judean Temple Mount, all because a Colonial Mosque is there, that was placed upon it during a Caliphate occupation of our land. We are devoutly as an Indigenous Judean people *anti-Colonial*, and we will one day fully liberate our land from Arab-European Colonial Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism upon the land of Israel.

*Antisemitic racism is anti-Indigenous racism! Antisemitic racism, like skin-color racism, is a disease, folks, and it has no known cure, once infected! The only way to end racism upon this planet, Earth, is to first end this antisemitism (anti-Jewish racism, anti-Zionism)!*

This game of geography based racism, which metastasized into modern skin-color based racism is over 16 centuries old, folks, and still counting. The Jewish people were the first racial target in this world, and still are to this day! The division of human beings by racial categories was created by Origen of Alexandria in the 3rd century CE (whether intentional or not), and this geography based racism was fully adopted by the 4th century CE founding fathers of European Christianity that was created in the Aegean north. This geography based categorization of human beings into “good” nations (European/Christian) and “bad” nations (Middle Eastern/African), all based on whether the children of these nations “sinned against” the Christian demiGod “before their birth” (the reason for their birth into these nations), is the foundation for all modern forms of Arab and European racisms in this world! By the 4th century CE the early Church Fathers had solidly began the first form of racism in this world, vile antisemitism towards specifically the Jewish people. Until we end antisemitism, we cannot end racism upon planet Earth, folks!

Look at what this world of Arab-European racism is obsessed with! An Indigenous Judean nation’s land that is five times smaller than the U.S. State of New York – whose ancestors, literature, and culture these Arabs-Europeans appropriated from to form their Colonial religions for Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands. … Do you speak native Canaanite Hebrew? If so, we will discuss further. We native peoples are tired of talking to Arab-European Colonizers about their revisionist histories in their Colonial English, Colonial Arabic, Colonial whatever languages….


عربي עברית English


كل مواطن إسرائيلي يهودي وعربي ودرزي وبدوي في إسرائيل ضد احتلال المستوطنين العرب “الفلسطينيين” في أرض إسرائيل الذين انتهى استعمارهم عام 1948!


כל אזרח ישראלי יהודי, ערבי, דרוזי ובדואי בישראל מתנגד לכיבוש המתיישבים הערבים ה”פלסטינים” בארץ ישראל שהקולוניזציה שלהם הסתיימה ב-1948!


If you are really for “anti-occupation,” then you must be a Zionist! Zionism literally is *anti-Colonialism* and Indigenous *self-sovereignty* upon our Indigenous Judean people’s land! Last I checked, the 2.75 million “Palestinian” land-squatters upon our 1948 decolonized land of Israel are not citizens, refuse to give up their Colonial Arabic, refuse to speak native Canaanite Hebrew, and want the Indigenous nation of Israel to leave all of Judea-Samaria – so that Arabs can rule it. Not going to happen! And we will survive your “Palestinian” Arab settler-occupation upon the “West Bank” and Gaza parts of our 1948 decolonized Indigenous Judean land of Israel. Get used to it!

Every Israeli Jew, Arab, Druze, and Bedouin citizen of Israel is anti- the “Palestinian” Arab settler-occupation of our 1948 decolonized land of Israel!

الصهيونية ضد الاستعمار والصهيونية هي سيادة الشعوب الأصلية على أرض شعوبنا الأصلية!


הציונות היא נגד הקולוניאליזם והציונות היא ריבונותם של עמים ילידים על אדמת העמים הילידים שלנו!


Zionism is *anti-Colonialism* and Zionism is Indigenous *self-sovereignty* upon our Indigenous People’s land!


عربي עברית English


يهودي ضد يهودي. رقم! هذا ليس ما أحاول قوله! فقط في الولايات المتحدة!


יהודי נגד יהודי. לא! זה לא מה שאני מנסה להגיד! רק בארצות הברית!


Has it ever occurred to you that, when I rant about Israelis and “Palestinians,” it’s not really about Jews and the Arab settler-occupiers of our Judean-Samarian land? Has it ever occurred to you – as an “ally” or as a foe – that you may not actually know any Jews, but only those who are “Jewish”? That, maybe, I am the first “Jew” that you’ve ever actually met in your life? (What is the difference? Upbringing! And we’ll save this for another time, for “it’s complicated”!) Has it ever occurred to you that, when I rant about Israelis and “Palestinians,” I am also ranting about my very own family? Most importantly, those who are immediate family?

Has it ever occurred to you that, as born Jew as I am, that I broke familial continuity and married outside the tribe? So, for such, I might have insight into Jew and non-Jew relations on an interpersonal level? Note, that I did not say “Jewish” here. And a direct experiencing in this pain of each other just trying to communicate each other’s worldviews to each other? (In my case, born Jew me and a descendant of those formerly enslaved and, thus, fully colonized. Seeing how I’ve never personally had an interest in a Colonizer’s grown-up child.) Has it ever occurred to you that a “Jew” always sees the world from the non-Colonial culture perspective? That I will never understand your holidays, nor your slavery maintaining “democracy,” nor your … … … .

Most allies only know those who are “Jewish.” Those who are “Jewish” can better relate with those who are not Jews. For they have the privilege in life to socially equate themselves with their historic oppressors, whether the Colonizer directly or their colonized subjects, and use the Colonizers’ labels to define themselves. I am a Jew, and I cannot grasp even *why* to do this (for history shows, repeatedly!…)…. If you want to understand me, a Jew, then stop expecting me to understand you, a Colonizer or one of their successful inheritors of Colonial ideology and culture! Understand me/us *first* and, then, maybe we can be able to understand you, as well.

“Being in America was so exciting for the first, maybe three months. And then it became so lonely because the American Jews were really not the kind of Jews I knew. My Jews were all refugees. My Jews were displaced people and these [USA] Jews were kind of trying to outgrow the Jew part and they were “Jew-ish” and I was “a Jew.” And I was even told that saying “Jew” was rude. That if I said anything at all, it should be “Jewish.” ” – Rachel Wahba

Even the successfully Colonized demand that Jews relate with all people as *if* there is some kind of equivalency *between* us! As if! You cannot hear our minds and words, because of this inherent Colonial versus Indigenous language barrier between us. That, personally, I still do not know yet how to resolve – but I will *daily* keep trying!


عربي עברית English


يُعطى كل يهودي اسمين في الحياة. أحد الأسماء هو موطنه الأصلي الكنعاني الاسم العبري. وهو الاسم الشرعي الذي اشتهر به بين شعبه الكنعاني في يهودا. الاسم الآخر أطلقه عليه المستعمر العربي أو المستعمر الأوروبي الذي اضطهد شعبه اليهودي. هذا أيضًا اسم قانوني معروف في المجتمع الاستعماري. الشعب الكردي له اسمان قانونيان أيضًا! اسم أصلي واسم أطلقه المستعمر. (“هو” يشمل النساء والرجال في هذا التعليم.)


לכל יהודי נותנים שני שמות בחיים. שם אחד הוא שמו העברי הכנעני המקומי. זהו השם החוקי שבו הוא מוכר בקרב עמו הכנעני ביהודה. השם השני ניתן לו על ידי המתנחל הערבי או המתנחל האירופי שדיכא את עמו היהודי. זהו גם שם חוקי המוכר בחברה הקולוניאלית. גם לעם הכורדי יש שני שמות חוקיים! שם יליד ושם שניתנו על ידי המתנחל. (“הוא” בהוראה זו כולל נקבה וזכר כאחד.)


Every Jew is given two names in life. One name is his native Canaanite Hebrew name. It is the legal name that he is known amongst his Canaanite Judean people. The other name is given to him by the Arab Colonizer or European Colonizer that oppressed his Jewish people. This, too, is a legal name that he is known within in Colonial society. The Kurdish people have two legal names, too! An Indigenous name and a name assigned by his Colonial oppressor. (“He” includes both woman and man in this teaching.)

The Jewish people are the last Canaan people, who still speak our Canaanite Hebrew to this very day. We keep the Canaan/Israel history alive through our Torah stories. We keep our attachment to our ancestor’s land, and the mitzvot/halachot that go with this. We remain devoted to the land’s god-King, whose name we cannot pronounce. Only halacha determines who is Jewish/Israelite from the land of Israel/Canaan, and who is not a member of our people. The rest is commentary! Skin-color has no halachic equation in this, full stop.

الصهيونية ضد الاستعمار والصهيونية هي سيادة الشعوب الأصلية على أرض شعوبنا الأصلية!


הציונות היא נגד הקולוניאליזם והציונות היא ריבונותם של עמים ילידים על אדמת העמים הילידים שלנו!


Zionism is *anti-Colonialism* and Zionism is Indigenous *self-sovereignty* upon our Indigenous People’s land!


عربي עברית English


قل هذا معي: معاداة السامية عنصرية. العنصرية غير مرحب بها في إسرائيل! اليهود لا يكرهون العرب أو المسلمين. نحن نكره الاستعمار العربي والاسلامي. اليهود لا يكرهون الأوروبيين والمسيحية. نحن نكره الاستعمار الأوروبي والمسيحي. لا داعي لسرقة أرضنا وهوية شعبنا. أهلاً بكم أن نكون مواطنين مسالمين على أرض أمتنا الكنعانية العبرية!


תגיד את זה איתי: אנטישמיות היא גזענות. גזענות לא רצויה בישראל! יהודים לא שונאים ערבים או מוסלמים. שונאים קולוניאליזם ערבי ומוסלמי. יהודים לא שונאים את האירופים ואת הנצרות. שונאים את הקולוניאליזם האירופי והנוצרי. לא צריך אתה לגנוב את אדמתנו ואת זהות עמנו. מוזמנים להיות אזרחים שלווים על אדמת אומתנו העברית הכנענית!


Antisemitism is the first form of racism that was invented by Christianity. Christianity and Islam are Colonial religions for the conquest and assimilation of this entire planet Earth, based on the need to “save” the “heathens,” the “infidels,” the “savages” – and acquire their lands, resources, and bodies in the process. Jews are *never* equals amongst Colonials in this world, no matter how many social privileges that we are occasionally given in very specific Colonial nations! Only when Jews *everywhere* experience the same social privileges in Arab and European colonized nations, can we embrace the idea of Jewish equality with Arabs and Europeans – and that, maybe, we should reciprocate upon our own ancestral land.

Anything else is delusional – historically and presently delusional on our Jewish part – until there is *accountability* for Arab and European settler-occupation upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands! We Jews “speak up” and “fight up” daily for a place in this colonized world for Allah and Christ and Marx dominionism upon our planet Earth! And this is why Israel *must* exist as a fully decolonized and self-sovereigned indigenous Judean nation! Until we address *this*, here in this post, all forms of Christian and Muslim racism in this world will *not* fully end. The Jewish people must survive decolonized upon *all* (okay, most) of the land of Israel! For we are a “light” for all still surviving colonized Indigenous nations. (Just ask the Kurdish people!)

Say this with me: Antisemitism is racism. Racism is not welcome in Israel! Jews do not hate Arabs or Muslims. We hate Arab and Muslim Colonialism. Jews do not hate Europeans and Christianity. We hate European and Christian Colonialism. You do not need to steal our land and our people’s identity. You are welcome to be peaceful citizens upon the land of our Canaanite Hebrew nation!


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Indigenous Judaism for the 21st Century – An Open Letter to My Kahal